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这曾经是一个为DSP而提炼简化的mpeg-4 SVP程序,但并不是最终在DSP上运行的程序,该程序不带码率控制,很适合初学者学习理解视频编码。-this is the one for the DSP and refining simplified MPEG-4 SVP procedures, but not in the final run on the DSP program, which is a non-Rate Control, which is perfect for beginners to learn to understand video coding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 794.72kb Publisher : 邹旭杰

本系统采用MEPG_4的SVP(Simple Visual Profile)视频解码。视频序列全部为矩形。所以不存在任意形状编码。视频序列按照视频对象层VOL(Video Object Layer)、视频对象平台VOP(Video Object Plane)、宏块MB(Macro Block)视顺序变成一串码流-MEPG_4 the SVP (Simple Visual Profile) Video decoder. All of the video sequence of rectangular. There is no arbitrary shape coding. Video sequences with video object layer VOL (Video Object Layer), Video Object platform VOP (Video Object Plane) Macroblock MB (Macro Block) as the sequence into a series of bitstream
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 131.74kb Publisher : 蒋松云

mpeg-4 SVP程序,运行在c64x核上。该程序不带码率控制,很适合初学者学习理解视频编码。 该工程可以直接运行于seed-vpm642上。 打开工程,只要修改一下默认路径和文件夹就行了,欢迎大家和我交流。-mpeg-4 SVP procedures, the operation of nuclear c64x on. The procedure does not bring Rate Control, which is perfect for beginners learning to understand video coding. The project can be directly operating in the seed-vpm642 on. Open, as long as the changes to the default path and folder on the trip, I welcome you and the exchange.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 41.4kb Publisher : lizhaojun

svpwm空间电压矢量控制的核心算法,用于电机控制-svpwm space vector control algorithm for motor control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 61kb Publisher : 张裕峰

这曾经是一个为DSP而提炼简化的mpeg-4 SVP程序,但并不是最终在DSP上运行的程序,该程序不带码率控制,很适合初学者学习理解视频编码。-this is the one for the DSP and refining simplified MPEG-4 SVP procedures, but not in the final run on the DSP program, which is a non-Rate Control, which is perfect for beginners to learn to understand video coding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 794kb Publisher : 邹旭杰

本系统采用MEPG_4的SVP(Simple Visual Profile)视频解码。视频序列全部为矩形。所以不存在任意形状编码。视频序列按照视频对象层VOL(Video Object Layer)、视频对象平台VOP(Video Object Plane)、宏块MB(Macro Block)视顺序变成一串码流-MEPG_4 the SVP (Simple Visual Profile) Video decoder. All of the video sequence of rectangular. There is no arbitrary shape coding. Video sequences with video object layer VOL (Video Object Layer), Video Object platform VOP (Video Object Plane) Macroblock MB (Macro Block) as the sequence into a series of bitstream
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 131kb Publisher : 蒋松云

mpeg-4 SVP程序,运行在c64x核上。该程序不带码率控制,很适合初学者学习理解视频编码。 该工程可以直接运行于seed-vpm642上。 打开工程,只要修改一下默认路径和文件夹就行了,欢迎大家和我交流。-mpeg-4 SVP procedures, the operation of nuclear c64x on. The procedure does not bring Rate Control, which is perfect for beginners learning to understand video coding. The project can be directly operating in the seed-vpm642 on. Open, as long as the changes to the default path and folder on the trip, I welcome you and the exchange.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : lizhaojun

DL : 0
TI TMS320F2810DSP 生成SVPWM程序-TI TMS320F2810DSP generation procedures SVPWM
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 127kb Publisher : 刘军

xc164的空间矢量调制的恒压频比控制,来源于英飞凌的培训资料-XC164 the space vector modulation frequency than the constant pressure control, the training materials from Infineon
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 502kb Publisher : 李凯

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ti2407.2812可适用的svpwm开发程序-SVPWM ti2407.2812 applicable development process
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 郭巍

这个压缩文件夹里有PSCAD 典型实例,新用户可以通过这些例子在短时间内掌握PSCAD的使用。-这个??缩文件夹里有PSCAD ?湫褪?例??新用 户 可以通 ?
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 544kb Publisher : like

PMSM控制系统中SVPWM与SPWM的比较研究-PMSM control system SVPWM and SPWM Comparative Study
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 333kb Publisher :

变频驱动主要使用的驱动波形主要有SPWM和SVPWM两种。SPWM原理简单、实现容易,是现在使用最广的一种变频驱动波形。但其有一个致命的弱点是其电源利用率不高(只有86%)、谐波成分大。因此,在新近开发的产品中其应用逐渐被性能优异的SVPWM所取代。SVPWM是一种电压利用率、低谐波成分的变频驱动波形,还有开关次数少、功率管功耗小等特点。同时,SVPWM还能很好的结合矢量控制算法、以最大限度的发挥设备的性能。因此被越来越多的变频设备所采用。-The main use of variable frequency drive drive waveform SPWM and SVPWM are mainly two. SPWM principle of simple, easy, is now the most widely used as a variable frequency drive waveform. But there is a fatal weakness is its power utilization is not high (only 86), large harmonic components. Therefore, in the newly developed products in its application performance is gradually replaced by SVPWM. SVPWM is a voltage utilization, low-harmonic component waveform of variable frequency drive, there are fewer switches, power control features such as power consumption small. At the same time, SVPWM also a very good combination of vector control algorithm to maximize the performance of the play equipment. Therefore increasingly being used by the inverter equipment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 170kb Publisher : wangwang

DL : 0
SVPWM的原理simulink模型,仿真速度稍微有些慢但是效果很好-SVPWM principle simulink model, simulation speed somewhat slow but very good
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张毅

随着网络和通信系统的高速发展,交互式计算机和电视技术的普遍应用,以及现代远程教育技术的迫切需要,人们对多媒体数据的编码、解码技术提出了更高的要求。近几年来,视频压缩技术发展迅速,新的视频标准不断推出。MPEG-4是国际运动图像专家组[MPEG]在继MPEG-1和MPEG-2之后,制订的又一个ISO/IEC标准,即ISO/IEC 14496。它能够获得更高的音/视频压缩率,且具有基于内容的交互能力。目前MPEG-4也正在不断的修订,以提出更好的压缩及解压算法,在质量有损最小的前提下,获得更好的压缩效果。本文结合目前视频标准的发展情况,对基于对象的视频编码标准MPEG-4进行了深入的研究,对MPEG-4的编解码结构及视频层次化的数据结构进行了分析,并对编解码的关键技术,如:形状编解码、运动估计和运动补偿以及纹理编解码进行了研究,对其中的核心技术DCT/IDCT变换、逆量化、变长编解码、半像素精度搜索、DC和AC系数的预测等进行了详细的分析。针对MPEG-4 SVP模型,本文介绍了它的解码的详细过程,并结合实际要求,对解码算法进行了优化,给出了解码的软件实现,最后给出了系统的实现情况和测试结果。-无
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.5mb Publisher : jppp

DL : 0
dsp F2812的SVPWM实现,应用正弦数据得到电压值,经过坐标变换得到ualfa ubeta-SVPWM realization in DSP F2812
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : sss

This software for TMS320F2812 DSP platform for generating Space Vector Modulated PWM singnals. Part of code is generated by autocoding tool in Matlab/Simulink and included in main code written in C in CodeComposerStudio enviroment. -This is software for TMS320F2812 DSP platform for generating Space Vector Modulated PWM singnals. Part of code is generated by autocoding tool in Matlab/Simulink and included in main code written in C in CodeComposerStudio enviroment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 481kb Publisher : Evgenije

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使用TMS320F2812生成SVPWM的演示程序,该程序为硬件法SVPWM控制,减小开关损耗。程序在上海交大TI实验室自制评估版测试通过。运行需要TI官方外设库。-SVPWM generation using TMS320F2812 demonstration program SVPWM control method for the hardware, reducing the switching losses. National Chiao Tung University in Shanghai, TI procedures made evaluation of the laboratory version of the test. TI official peripherals needed for the operation of the Treasury.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 180kb Publisher : 唐聪

stm32单片机做电机控制的库函数详解,电机控制方案必备。-stm32 do motor control MCU library functions Xiang Jie, an essential motor control program.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : marie

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: 在分析了 S V P WM原理的基础上 , 详细介绍 了广义的不连续空间矢量 D P WM算法及其在 S i m u l i n k环 境下实现的方法, 并且对 S V P WM、 四种 D P WM算法的相电压调制波和逆变器输出线电压的谐波特征进行了比较分 析, 最后将 D P WM应用于异步电动机调速系统, 仿真结果验证了方法的可行性。-: An analysis based on the principles of SVP WM, detailing the broad discrete space vector DP WM algorithm in S imulink method realized in the environment, and on the SVP WM, the four DP WM algorithm for phase voltage modulation wave and inverter output line voltage harmonic characteristics of a comparative analysis, and finally DP WM induction motor drive system used in the simulation results demonstrate the feasibility of the method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 368kb Publisher : Wangjg
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