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一个symbian c++ GUI程序 闹钟 可以详细了解到symbian GUI-a symbian c GUI detailed procedures alarm clock can understand symbian GUI
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.18kb Publisher : 石鹏

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symbian gui程序,gui的代码比较少,如果你要学习的话,用这个起步比较好。-symbian gui procedures gui code is relatively small, if you want to learn, start with the relatively good.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 7.13kb Publisher : andy

This C/C++ code example demonstrates porting standard C software to the S60 platform. In this example, an open source FTP library (ftplib and qftp) written in C has been ported to Open C. In addition, a simple UI has been written in Symbian C++ to provide a GUI application.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 250.89kb Publisher : Jack

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : alex

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一个symbian c++ GUI程序 闹钟 可以详细了解到symbian GUI-a symbian c GUI detailed procedures alarm clock can understand symbian GUI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 石鹏

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symbian gui程序,gui的代码比较少,如果你要学习的话,用这个起步比较好。-symbian gui procedures gui code is relatively small, if you want to learn, start with the relatively good.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : andy

This C/C++ code example demonstrates porting standard C software to the S60 platform. In this example, an open source FTP library (ftplib and qftp) written in C has been ported to Open C. In addition, a simple UI has been written in Symbian C++ to provide a GUI application.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 251kb Publisher : Jack

该源代码实现了在symbian手机上,一个具有图形界面的时钟.-Realize that the source code in the symbian phones, a graphical interface clock.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 万春

S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian. 1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 1 1.1 Wireless Technologies 1 1.2 Cellular Systems 2 1.3 Elements of a Mobile-Phone System 4 1.4 Keeping Users’ Calls Separate 5 1.5 Multipath Propagation 7 1.6 2G Mobile-Phone Systems 9 1.7 GPRS Systems 10 1.8 3G Mobile-Phone Systems 13 1.9 IP Multimedia Subsystem 16 1.10 Mobile-Phone Hardware 17 2 Introduction to Symbian OS 19 Introduction 19 2.1 The Development of Symbian OS 20 2.2 Symbian OS User Interfaces 21 2.3 Coding Idioms 23 2.4 Tool Chains 28 3 The Console Application 33 Introduction 33 3.1 Creating a Console Application 33 3.2 CBase Classes 38 3.3 Protecting Memory 38 3.4 Putting It Into Practice: An Engine for a Simple Card Game 46 Summary 56-S60-programming-a-tutorial-guide-symbian.1 Introduction to Mobile-Phone Systems 11.1 Wireless Technologies 11.2 Cellular Systems 21.3 Elements of a Mobile-Phone System 41.4 Keeping Users Calls Separate 51.5 Multipath Propagation 71.6 2G Mobile-Phone Systems 91.7 GPRS Systems 101.8 3G Mobile-Phone Systems 131.9 IP Multimedia Subsystem 161.10 Mobile-Phone Hardware 172 Introduction to Symbian OS 19Introduction 192.1 The Development of Symbian OS 202.2 Symbian OS User Interfaces 212.3 Coding Idioms 232.4 Tool Chains 283 The Console Application 33Introduction 333.1 Creating a Console Application 333.2 CBase Classes 383.3 Protecting Memory 383.4 Putting It Into Practice: An Engine for a SimpleCard Game 46Summary 56
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : wanqiu

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.52mb Publisher : Allen

symbian 手机开发测试例子 一个简单的钟表-symbian mobile phone development and testing a simple example of watches
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : zhangdong

Symbian游戏开发的好书,里面详述了Symbian平台的各种事件处理,图形操作等游戏核心操作,适合在Symbian上开发高效GUI图形程序-Symbian game development book, which details the Symbian platform deal with a variety of events, graphics, games and a core operation of the operation, suitable for use in Symbian to develop high-performance graphics program GUI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.34mb Publisher : alex

Addison.Wesley.Developing.Series.60.Applications.A.Guide.for.Symbian.OS.C.Developers.电子书,可以作为学习symbian工具书-Addison.Wesley.Developing.Series.60.Applications.A.Guide.for.Symbian.OS.C.Developers. E-books, can serve as a learning tool symbian
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.52mb Publisher : 正当

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SYmbian GUI 多视图实例,可安装在手机上使用!-SYmbian GUI view of many examples that can be installed on cell phone use at!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 49kb Publisher : steven_song

《Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers》本压缩包中包含了电子书和源码。 Series 60是在Symbian OS下进行智能手机应用程序开发的主要平台,它拥有广大的用户群。本书是诺基亚与EMCC软件公司共同推出的一本Series 60开发的权威参考书,为Symbian OS下的C++编程提供全面指导。全书共13章,循序渐进地讲解Symbian OS基础、Series 60 GUI应用程序设计基础、应用程序各种UI控件、移动通信和多媒体开发知识,以及应用程序的调试与测试等。全书包含了60个实例应用程序,每个都有完整的 C++代码和安装脚本,涵盖了Series 60开发的方方面面。本书适用于所有Symbian OS手机应用开发人员:初学者通过本书可以打下牢固基础,掌握必须的技能;有经验的开发人员则可以通过本书获得丰富的、有价值的参考资料。-《Developing Series 60 Applications: A Guide for Symbian OS C++ Developers》This compressed package contains e-books and source code. Series 60 is a Symbian OS smartphone under the main application development platform, which has a large user base. This book is EMCC Software Nokia to launch a Series 60 of the authority of the development of reference books, under the Symbian OS for C++ programming to provide comprehensive guidance. Book of 13 chapters, a gradual and orderly manner based on Symbian OS to explain, Series 60 GUI applications design, applications, a variety of UI controls, mobile communications and multimedia development expertise, as well as applications such as debugging and testing. Book contains 60 examples of applications, each with a complete C++ code and installation scripts, covering every aspect of the development of Series 60. This book applies to all Symbian OS mobile application developers: beginners through this book can lay a solid foundation to master
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.18mb Publisher : 冷秋魂

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This GUI application show how to get your GPS position in Symbian S60 3rd edition FP2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 47kb Publisher : jhamer02

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GUI Example in symbian s60
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : taruna

HTML dialog in Symbian S60 GUI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : taruna

This Qt C++ application demonstrates how to share memory between processes. The client GUI application and the server executable share memory through QSharedMemory. The example has two shared memory areas: one for the client to command the server, and another for the server to respond to the client. The example application has been tested to work on Maemo and Symbian with the Qt 4.6.2 release.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 88kb Publisher : 何庆茹

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Symbian Carbide C++环境下手机连连看游戏(包含图片加载、算法以及GUI界面)-Symbian Carbide C++ environment, mobile Lianliankan games (including image loading, algorithm and GUI interface)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 650kb Publisher : 张乐
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