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SymbianOS J2ME一书的源码,原书没有配源代码光盘,我在网上找了半天找到了,不敢独享,请鉴定。-SymbianOS J2ME source of a book, not on the original distribution source discs I find the Internet a long time to find one, not exclusive, please identification.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.12mb Publisher : 章利

symbian平台下进行C++软件开发时的错误代码,最新的!非常有用!-symbian platform under the C++ software development at the time of the error code, the latest! Very useful!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 143kb Publisher : 薛中行

symbian上显示图象同时具有放大和旋转功能-symbian display images at the same time to enlarge and rotate functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 146kb Publisher : 刘成

symbian平台蓝牙程序,功能实现:搜索设备,指定时间间隔搜索,对指定的设备发送信息,也可指定时间间隔发送,日志操作,可通过mms,红外,蓝牙发送日志等-symbian platform Bluetooth procedures, functions: the search appliance, the designated time interval search on the specified device to send messages, but also a specified time interval to send, log operations, can mms, infrared, Bluetooth, etc. Send log
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 109kb Publisher : zhonglei

用于Symbian S60平台开发的蓝牙模拟器源码,可使S60模拟器上直接支持蓝牙功能的调试。有了这个模拟器,开发蓝牙程序时就不必每次都要传到真机进行测试了:)-For the Symbian S60 platform development-source Bluetooth simulator will enable the S60 simulator at the direct support of Bluetooth-enabled debugging. With this simulator, the development of Bluetooth procedures every time would not have reached the true test of machine:)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 174kb Publisher : mylen

如题 就是 这东西 为什么非要我 说到 20个 字 呢 看看这回 够 不 -If the title is the thing why I said 20 words to see if it is not enough this time
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 256kb Publisher : 陈国贤

symbian 中 滚动条的使用 可以用在亮度,语音大小,时间等的调度上的源代码。-symbian in the use of scroll bars can be used in light, voice, size, time scheduling at the source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : qunima

这个源代码是symbian下实现图片旋转及缩放的例子代码。对图片处理时有帮助。-This source code is under symbian picture rotation and scaling examples of code. On the picture to help deal with from time to time.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 141kb Publisher : bsj

RGA: Biowaste Game Example This C++ application demonstrates how to create a 2D mobile game for S60 devices using Real-Time Graphics and Audio (RGA) APIs. PREREQUISITES Symbian C++ basics Game Programming RGA plugin OpenC plugin-RGA: Biowaste Game ExampleThis C++ Application demonstrates how to create a 2D mobile game for S60 devices using Real-Time Graphics and Audio (RGA) APIs.PREREQUISITESSymbian C++ BasicsGame ProgrammingRGA pluginOpenC plugin
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.87mb Publisher : Jack

symbian时区设置程序,可以定位其他时区的时间-symbian time zone setting procedures, can be located in other time zone
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : py

DL : 0
Symbian S60 自动键盘锁 用户一段时间内没有任何按键事件产生,将会自动锁住键盘。-Automatic keyguard Symbian S60 user for some time without any key events, it will automatically lock the keyboard.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 韦正海

symbian的学习笔记,在学习过程中搜集到的一些资料,适合初学者学习,免去上网搜索时间-symbian the study notes, course of study at some of the information collected, suitable for beginners study, replacing the Internet search time
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher :

《Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Mobile Development》Symbian OS开发快速入门的一本书。-《Quick Recipes on Symbian OS Mastering C++ Mobile Development》 Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the number of Symbian OS phones sold now well beyond the 100 million mark. As more and more developers realize the huge opportunities available designing with Symbian OS, one of the first major obstacles they face is the sheer length of time it takes to start producing functional C++ applications for Symbian OS phones. "Quick Recipes on Symbian OS" provides easy-to-use recipes for mastering common development tasks. The book s structured, time-focused approach to becoming familiar with the basics allows readers to get up and running quickly.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : 冷秋魂

详细介绍了SYMBIAN S60 手机平下如何在运行时刻查找设备的ID,以便针对不同的手机,执行相应的代码,如何运行时候查找手机的版本,以便动态加载对应的动态连接库,如何修改,安装包的名称,以及加载的时候修改对应名称的提示,等信息-Detail describ SYMBIAN S60 platform ,how to find device ID run time so that different phone exec corespoding code,and how hto find phone vesion so that load dynamic lib, and how to modify the sisx pakge name ,ect
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 159kb Publisher :

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symbian智能手机上基于蓝牙的实时视频传输。可将1台手机摄像头上的获取的内容实时传输到另一台手机,在其屏幕上显示-symbian smartphone Bluetooth-based real-time video transmission. 1 can access the phone camera head real-time transmission of content to another phone, the screen in its
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 67kb Publisher : xutianxi

Symbian OS实时内核操作系统技术内幕-Addison Wesley- Symbian OS Internals Real time Kernel Programming
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.04mb Publisher : paul zhang

Symbian C++ 关于当地时间的样板案例,里面包括了如何增加,删除,找到当地时间,适合于S60 3rd Edition-This C++ code example demonstrates how to convert UTC time to local time using the time zone server (RTz) and how to add, remove, or find a city in the database using the TZLocalizer API, introduced in Symbian OS v.9.1 (S60 3rd Edition). The updated example has been tested to support S60 5th Edition and touch UI.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 69kb Publisher : flora

DL : 0
Symbian S60读写文件及图片保存时的读写-Symbian S60 to read and write files and pictures to save time to read and write
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : jiangjun

DL : 0
symbian 手机上的闹铃,画出了圆,到设置时间会响铃-symbian alarm on the phone, draw a circle, to set the time will be ringing
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 203kb Publisher : 宋学超

Symbian入门资料。Symbian是一个实时性、多任务的纯32位操作系统,具有功耗低、内存占用少等特点,非常适合手机等移动设备使用,经过不断完善,可以支持GPRS、蓝芽、SyncML、以及3G技术。Symbian主要用于高端的智能手机,其开发语言为C++。Symbian 是真正的微核操作系统,所谓“微核”,就是说操作系统只有很小的一部分是运行在最高优先级的,其他的功能都是以Client-Server的方式提供。-Symbian introductory information. Symbian is a real-time, multi-tasking of pure 32-bit operating systems, with low power consumption, small memory footprint and other characteristics, very suitable for mobile phones and other mobile devices, through continuous improvement and can support GPRS, Bluetooth, SyncML, as well as the 3G technology . Symbian is mainly used for high-end smart phones, its development language is C++. Symbian is a true microkernel operating system, the so-called " micro-nuclear" , that is, only a small part of the operating system is running on the highest priority, and other features are based on Client-Server ways.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 8kb Publisher : sam
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