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[Driver DevelopIrCOMM2kQuellen

Description: IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context help) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1.2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3. disable the image transfer under wireless link-IrCOMM2k - Infrared Virtual COM Port for Wi Windows 2000/XP. 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE : - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - irc omm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (d evice driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context he lp) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1. 2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3 . disable the wireless image transfer under lin k
Platform: | Size: 171323 | Author: mesu | Hits:

[Driver DevelopXFILTER2_FOR_9X_2K_XP

Description: 费尔个人防火墙 2.1 源程序 版权所有 (C) 费尔安全实验室 http://www.xfilt.com xstudio@xfilt.com 2002 年 12 月 22 日 =============================================================== 在使用费尔个人防火墙源程序之前,请首先阅读用户许可协议(本目录 的 License.txt 文件)。 费尔个人防火墙 2.1 源程序包括 XFILTER.EXE, XFILTER.DLL, XPACKET.VXD ( 限于95/98/ME版 ) , XAPCKET.SYS ( 限于 2000/XP 版 ) 的源程序。 此代码包中没有包含编译后的程序,要获得这些程序可以通过下载安装 包得到。安装包是免费的,使用 ZIP 兼容的压缩方式,用 ZIP 工具解 压。 重要文件/目录说明 Xfilter.dsw - VC 工作区文件,包括以下工程 - TcpIpDog\\TcpIpDog.dsp - xfilter\\xfilter.dsp - xpacket2k.dsp ( 限于 2000/XP 版 ) - xpacket9x.dsp ( 限于 95/98/ME 版 ) Common - 存放公用代码文件 RELEASE - 存放编译后的程序 TcpIpDog - XFILTER.DLL 的代码 XFILTER - XFILTER.EXE 的代码 xpacket2k - XPACKET.SYS 的代码 (2000/XP 版才会有此目录) xpacket9x - XPACKET.VXD 的代码 (95/98/ME 版才会有此目录)
Platform: | Size: 936808 | Author: 咖喱 | Hits:

[Other resourceGIVEIO

Description: GIVEIO ... \\Giveio ......\\......\\GIVEIO ......\\......\\......\\GIVEIO.C ......\\......\\......\\I386 ......\\......\\......\\....\\FREE ......\\......\\......\\MAKEFILE ......\\......\\......\\OBJ ......\\......\\......\\...\\I386 ......\\......\\POKEIO.C ......\\......\\POKEPROC.C ......\\......\\README.TXT ......\\......\\TOTALIO ......\\......\\.......\\I386 ......\\......\\.......\\....\\FREE ......\\......\\.......\\....\\....\\TOTALIO.SYS ......\\......\\.......\\MAKEFILE ......\\......\\.......\\OBJ ......\\......\\.......\\...\\I386 ......\\......\\.......\\...\\....\\TOTALIO.OBJ ......\\......\\.......\\...\\_OBJECTS.MAC ......\\......\\.......\\TOTALIO.C ......\\......\\TSTIO ......\\......\\.....\\TSTIO.C ......\\......\\.....\\TSTIO.EXE ......\\......\\.....\\TSTIO.OBJ ......\\giveio.inf ......\\GIVEIO.SYS
Platform: | Size: 47332 | Author: 张楚荀 | Hits:

[Game Server Simulator石器时代Linux服务端

Description: 7.5的石器时代服务端,以下是架设说明 1.这个包中有两个小包,一个是saserver.tar.gz,这个是已经配置好的直接下下来就可运行的完整服务器端,一个是tool.rar,里面是登陆器和附带的一个内码转换的小工具,因为数据库是繁体的,所以要用这个工具转换。具体方法下面会说。 2.本服务器端要求架设的人有一定Linux基础,如果有看不懂的地方建议先补习一下Linux基本操作。 3.先将saserver.tar.gz拷到linux系统下,然后解压。(一定要在Linux下解压,在windows下解压的话用不了不怪我) 4.在Linux系统下面,进入刚才解压出来的saserver目录,然后在进入saac目录,输入./saac命令(主意下面所有指令都需要root权限!)。等运行稳定,即出现: start loop xxxxxxDeadline 2005xxxxx 表示程序已经启动完全。 5.重新开个console,还是在saserver目录的saac目录下面,输入./acwk -a localhost -c 123,等到出现connect ac..就表示启动完了 6.再开一个console,在saserver目录的gmsv目录下面,输入./gmsv,等待出现: Player=0 PM:0 B:0 Sys:.............的时候,表示服务器已经完全启动完毕。 7.程序的启动顺序千万不能变! 8.运行中可能遇到的错误,在运行./saac的时候,如果出现:cannot init tcpstruct错误,一般来说是由于服务器瞬间负载过高造成的,只要反复尝试,直到运行成功即可。也有可能是机器的内存或者swap太小。 在运行./gmsv中也可能出现:Received signal:xx,或者killed或者“被*”错误,都跟saac一个原因,处理方法和处理saac的一样 9.到目前位置服务器已经就位了,可以连接了,请将tool.rar包里面的sa_7505.exe和servlist.txt拷贝到石器客户端,然后修改servlist.txt里面0=测试服务器1,1192.168.1.100,9065中的1192.168.1.100为“1你的IP地址”(第一个1不能去),然后保存,这样你的客户端就能连接上服务器了。
Platform: | Size: 16584032 | Author: mmmwkmw | Hits:

[Driver DevelopIrCOMM2kQuellen

Description: IrCOMM2k - Virtual Infrared COM Port for Windows 2000/XP。 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE: - Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program) - ircomm2k.exe (service program) - ircomm2k.sys (device driver) - ircomm2k.dll (device property page) - ircomm2k.hlp (property page context help) - ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows) - Readme.txt (this file) - License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1.2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3. disable the image transfer under wireless link-IrCOMM2k- Infrared Virtual COM Port for Wi Windows 2000/XP. 2. FILES IN THIS ARCHIVE :- Setup.exe (setup and uninstall program)- irc omm2k.exe (service program)- ircomm2k.sys (d evice driver)- ircomm2k.dll (device property page)- ircomm2k.hlp (property page context he lp)- ircomm2k.inf (setup script for windows)- Readme.txt (this file)- License.txt (terms of license) 3. INSTALLATION 1. unzip IrCOMM2k-1. 2.0.zip in a new folder 2. run the setup program 3 . disable the wireless image transfer under lin k
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: mesu | Hits:

[Driver DevelopXFILTER2_FOR_9X_2K_XP

Description: 费尔个人防火墙 2.1 源程序 版权所有 (C) 费尔安全实验室 http://www.xfilt.com xstudio@xfilt.com 2002 年 12 月 22 日 =============================================================== 在使用费尔个人防火墙源程序之前,请首先阅读用户许可协议(本目录 的 License.txt 文件)。 费尔个人防火墙 2.1 源程序包括 XFILTER.EXE, XFILTER.DLL, XPACKET.VXD ( 限于95/98/ME版 ) , XAPCKET.SYS ( 限于 2000/XP 版 ) 的源程序。 此代码包中没有包含编译后的程序,要获得这些程序可以通过下载安装 包得到。安装包是免费的,使用 ZIP 兼容的压缩方式,用 ZIP 工具解 压。 重要文件/目录说明 Xfilter.dsw - VC 工作区文件,包括以下工程 - TcpIpDog\TcpIpDog.dsp - xfilter\xfilter.dsp - xpacket2k.dsp ( 限于 2000/XP 版 ) - xpacket9x.dsp ( 限于 95/98/ME 版 ) Common - 存放公用代码文件 RELEASE - 存放编译后的程序 TcpIpDog - XFILTER.DLL 的代码 XFILTER - XFILTER.EXE 的代码 xpacket2k - XPACKET.SYS 的代码 (2000/XP 版才会有此目录) xpacket9x - XPACKET.VXD 的代码 (95/98/ME 版才会有此目录)-err
Platform: | Size: 936960 | Author: 咖喱 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopOverVoltageDisp

Description: 电力系统过电压数据的网络处理平台开发.利用flot-0[1].5的Javascript脚本图形显示包显示过电压数据,同时支持TXT到SQL Server的数据导入-OverVoltage Display Sys Using flot-0[1].5 which is the javascript graphy lib and supporting the tech transfering TXT to SQL Server
Platform: | Size: 1722368 | Author: willnow | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjida32

Description: JIDA32 DEMO for Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP/Vista/CE, Linux, VxWorks -1. Purpose: ----------- JIDA is an API that provides control over many Kontron Embedded Modules specific board features. 2. Files/Directories: --------------------- \Jida32.pdf \ReadMe.txt \inc\Jida.h \inc \src \src\JidaTst \src\JidaTst\WinCE \src\JWDogTst \src\JWDogTst\WinCE \src\JidaDemo \Win9xNT \Win9xNT\bin \Win9xNT\lib \WinCE \WinCE\bin \WinCE\lib 3. Demo Installation: --------------------- For full information please refer to JIDA32.PDF Windows 9x, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Vista: ----------------------------------- Run the sample JidaTst.EXE in the \Win9xNT\bin directory which will dynamically install the drivers. Under Win NT/2000/XP/Vista you need Admin rights to install the drivers for the first time. For Win 98/ME copy the jidan.sys to the windows\system32\drivers directory. The driver***MUST*** be in that directory. If had an older version installed then DO NOT load the jidav.vxd anymore. T
Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: Hunt | Hits:

[GPS developSYS.TXT

Description: Configuration file for Samsung 2440 based portable GPS
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: orso76 | Hits:


Description: STM32_USB-FS-Device_Lib_V3.3.0-New Features************+ Adding Support of STM32 Connectivity Line devices for DFU factory programmed bootloader:- Adding Option bytes dialog for STM32 Connectivity Line devices,- Adding Remove read out protection specific command for Connectivity Line devices+ New STTub30.sys driver version (3.0.0) compatible with all 32 and 64-bit Windows distributions:- See version.txt file under " Driver" sub-directory. Enhancements
Platform: | Size: 4757504 | Author: lingxfeng | Hits:

[USB developcode

Description: MTK USB Driver_v1.0821 ......................\2K_XP_COM ......................\.........\usb2ser_2kxp.cat ......................\.........\usb2ser_2kXP.inf ......................\.........\usb2ser_XP64.inf ......................\98ME_COM ......................\........\GPRS_USB_Modem.inf ......................\........\USBCDC.INF ......................\98_Mass ......................\.......\MTKUMSS.INF ......................\.......\UMSS.sys ......................\.......\UMSSPDR.pdr ......................\InstallDriver.exe ......................\installdrv64.exe ......................\Installer.dll ......................\ReadMe.txt ......................\Vista ......................\.....\usb2ser_Vista.inf ......................\.....\usb2ser_Vista64.inf-MTK USB Driver_v1.0821 ......................\2K_XP_COM ......................\.........\usb2ser_2kxp.cat ......................\.........\usb2ser_2kXP.inf ......................\.........\usb2ser_XP64.inf ......................\98ME_COM ......................\........\GPRS_USB_Modem.inf ......................\........\USBCDC.INF ......................\98_Mass ......................\.......\MTKUMSS.INF ......................\.......\UMSS.sys ......................\.......\UMSSPDR.pdr ......................\InstallDriver.exe ......................\installdrv64.exe ......................\Installer.dll ......................\ReadMe.txt ......................\Vista ......................\.....\usb2ser_Vista.inf ......................\.....\usb2ser_Vista64.inf
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: xml | Hits:


Description: 洗衣店管理的程序源码 app.pbl AppIco.ico backup backup.pbl basecode.pbl box.ico config.ini controls.pbl DB dbeng8.exe DBError.log demo.pbl demo.pbt df.dat DynamicReport.pbl emp.ico Error.log EXAMPLE.INI iccard.pbl img INFO.BMP list.txt main.pbl MYDATA.DB printpreview.pbl PSR readme.txt regedit.reg RESOURCE SQLError.Log sys.bak sys.PBL temp.pbl wash.exe wash.HLP wash.pbl wash.pbw ZJGL.LOG 备份与恢复.exe 关于 ZFC 框架的自述文件.doc -Dry cleaning app.pbl AppIco.ico backup backup.pbl basecode.pbl box.ico config.ini controls.pbl DB dbeng8.exe DBError.log demo.pbl demo.pbt df.dat DynamicReport.pbl emp.ico Error.log EXAMPLE.INI iccard.pbl img INFO.BMP list.txt main.pbl MYDATA.DB printpreview.pbl PSR readme.txt regedit.reg RESOURCE SQLError.Log sys.bak sys.PBL temp.pbl wash.exe wash.HLP wash.pbl wash.pbw ZJGL.LOG 备份与恢复.exe 关于 ZFC 框架的自述文件.doc
Platform: | Size: 3829760 | Author: 小丑鱼 | Hits:

[USB develop装盘

Description: 百事快运,装盘文件,需要的朋友都来下载吧。(Win32\x86\checked\qcnet.inf Win32\x86\checked\qcser.inf Win32\x86\checked\qcusbnet.cat Win32\x86\checked\qcusbnet.pdb Win32\x86\checked\qcusbnet.sys Win32\x86\checked\qcusbser.cat Win32\x86\checked\qcusbser.pdb Win32\x86\checked\qcusbser.sys Win32\x86\checked\qdcfg.exe Win32\x86\checked\README-NET.txt Win32\x86\free\logReader.exe Win32\x86\free\qcmdm.inf Win32\x86\free\qcnet.inf Win32\x86\free\qcser.inf Win32\x86\free\qcusbnet.cat Win32\x86\free\qcusbnet.pdb Win32\x86\free\qcusbnet.sys Win32\x86\free\qcusbser.cat Win32\x86\free\qcusbser.pdb Win32\x86\free\qcusbser.sys Win32\x86\free\qdcfg.exe Win32\x86\free\README-NET.txt)
Platform: | Size: 5652480 | Author: 大远 | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net