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Description: Java版syslog实现,可以实现syslog信息的发送和接收-Java version of syslog achieve, can achieve syslog messages sending and receiving
Platform: | Size: 9005 | Author: lihui | Hits:


Description: 发送syslog的小工具- Transmits syslog the small tool
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 范小燕 | Hits:


Description: Java版syslog实现,可以实现syslog信息的发送和接收-Java version of syslog achieve, can achieve syslog messages sending and receiving
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: lihui | Hits:


Description: syslog接收ids告警使用sax解析转换为idmef存入数据库-ids alarms syslog receiver is converted to the use of sax analytic idmef database
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王迪 | Hits:


Description: syslog.java 记录系统日志 仅供学习-syslog.java
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: iie | Hits:


Description: java版本的syslog server,用于浏览syslog日志的小程序-a Java based syslog inplementation that allows you to monitor syslog messages
Platform: | Size: 305152 | Author: njgm | Hits:

[OS programmarcelog-Ding-1.6.1

Description: marcelog Ding是一个PHP框架,实现了依赖注入、AOP面向方面编程、轻量级、简单和快速的MVC模式,syslog、TCP客户端和服务器端非阻塞的套接字、定时器、自定义错误、信号以及异常处理、PAGI 集成、PAMI集成等等,类似Java的Spring框架。 Ding Framewrok 1.6.1,它的释放移动信号定义容器的构造,以避免Web服务器模块的SAPI(pcntl根据Web服务器的模块禁用)下运行时的有关未定义的常量的通知。-marcelog Ding is a PHP framework for dependency injection, AOP, aspect-oriented programming, a lightweight, simple and fast MVC pattern, syslog, TCP client and server-side non-blocking socket, timer, custom error , signal and exception handling, the PAGI integration, the PAMI integration, similar to the Java Spring Framework. The ding Framewrok 1.6.1, release of mobile signal defines the structure of the container in order to avoid the Web server module SAPI (pcntl according to the Web server module is disabled), the run-time undefined constant notify.
Platform: | Size: 456704 | Author: robine | Hits:

[Driver Developzlog-latest-stable.tar

Description: zlog是一个高可靠性、性能、线程安全、灵活、概念清晰的纯C日志函数库。 事实上,在C的世界里面没有特别好的日志函数库(就像JAVA里面的的log4j,或者C++的 log4cxx)。C程序员都喜欢用自己的轮子。printf就是个挺好的轮子,但没办法通过配置改变 日志的格式或者输出文件。syslog是个系统级别的轮子,不过速度慢,而且功能比较单调。 所以我写了zlog。 zlog在效率、功能、安全性上大大超过了log4c,并且是用c写成的,具有比较好的通用性。 zlog有这些特性: . syslog分类模型,比log4j模型更加直接了当 . 日志格式定制,类似于log4j的pattern layout . 多种输出,包括动态文件、静态文件、stdout、stderr、syslog、用户自定义输出函数 . 运行时手动、自动刷新配置文件(同时保证安全) . 高性能,在我的笔记本上达到72 000条日志每秒, 大概是syslog(3)配合rsyslogd的200倍 速度 . 用户自定义等级 . 多线程和多进程环境下保证安全转档 . 精确到微秒 . 简单调用包装dzlog(一个程序默认只用一个分类) . MDC,线程键-值对的表,可以扩展用户自定义的字段 . 自诊断,可以在运行时输出zlog自己的日志和配置状态 . 不依赖其他库,只要是个POSIX系统就成(当然还要一个C99兼容的vsnprintf)zlog is a reliable, high ecent, thread safe, exsible, clear model, pure c logging library Actually, in the c world there is NO good logging library for application like logback in java or log4cxx in c++. printf can work, but can not be easily redirected or reformat, syslog is slow and is designed for system use. So I write zlog. It is faster, safer and more powerful than log4c. So it can be widely used. zlog has feartures below:  syslog model, better than log4j model  log format customization  multiple output, include static le path, dynamic le path, stdout, stderr, syslog, user-de ned ouput  runtime mannully or automaticlly refreash con gure(safely)  high ecieny, about 200 times faster than syslog(3) with rsyslogd  user-de ned log level  safely rotate log le on multiple-process or multiple-threads condition  accurate to microseconds  dzlog, a default category log API for easy use  MDC, a log4j style key-value map-zlog is a reliable, high ecent, thread safe, exsible, clear model, pure c logging library Actually, in the c world there is NO good logging library for application like logback in java or log4cxx in c++. printf can work, but can not be easily redirected or reformat, syslog is slow and is designed for system use. So I write zlog. It is faster, safer and more powerful than log4c. So it can be widely used. zlog has feartures below:  syslog model, better than log4j model  log format customization  multiple output, include static le path, dynamic le path, stdout, stderr, syslog, user-de ned ouput  runtime mannully or automaticlly refreash con gure(safely)  high ecieny, about 200 times faster than syslog(3) with rsyslogd  user-de ned log level  safely rotate log le on multiple-process or multiple-threads condition  accurate to microseconds  dzlog, a default category log API for easy use  MDC, a log4j style key-value map
Platform: | Size: 833536 | Author: yangh | Hits:

[WEB CodeDing-v1.6.1.tar

Description: Ding 是一个 PHP 框架实现了依赖注入、AOP面向方面编程、轻量级、简单和快速的 MVC 模式,syslog、TCP客户端和服务器端非阻塞的套接字、定时器、自定义错误、信号以及异常处理、PAGI 集成、PAMI集成等等,类似 Java 的 Spring 框架。 Ding Framewrok v1.6.0增加了MVC pre- 和post-dispatch拦截器,增加了当创建bean时候要对周期依赖的检查,修复了缓存中的bean被容器中的类知道的bug。-Ding is a PHP framework and implementation the dependency injection, AOP oriented programming, lightweight, simple and fast MVC pattern, syslog, TCP client and server non blocking socket, timer, custom error, signal and exception handling, pagi integration, PAMI set and so on, similar to Java s spring framework. Ding Framewrok v1.6.0 increase the MVC pre- and Post-Dispatch interceptor, increasing the inspection when creating bean to the cycle dependent, the bug fixes the bean cache container class to be aware of.
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: shenling0409 | Hits:

[Web ServerDing-1.6.3

Description: Ding Framework是一个PHP框架,实现了依赖注入、AOP面向方面编程、轻量级、简单和快速的MVC模式,syslog、TCP客户端和服务器端非阻塞的套接字、定时器、自定义错误、信号以及异常处理、PAGI 集成、PAMI集成等等,类似Java的Spring框架。-Ding Framework is a PHP framework to achieve a dependency injection, AOP aspect-oriented programming, lightweight, simple and fast MVC pattern, syslog, TCP client and server-side non-blocking sockets, timers, custom errors, signal and exception handling, PAGI integration, PAMI integration and so on, similar to the Java Spring framework.
Platform: | Size: 444416 | Author: 李东林 | Hits:


Description: Log4j是Apache的一个开放源代码项目,通过使用Log4j,我们可以控制日志信息输送的目的地是控制台、文件、GUI组件,甚至是套接口服务器、NT的事件记录器、UNIX Syslog守护进程等;我们也可以控制每一条日志的输出格式;通过定义每一条日志信息的级别,我们能够更加细致地控制日志的生成过程。最令人感兴趣的就是,这些可以通过一个配置文件来灵活地进行配置,而不需要修改应用的代码。(Log4j is an open source project Apache, by using Log4j, we can control the log information delivery destination file, console, GUI components, and even set interface server, NT, UNIX Syslog event logger daemon; we can also control the output format of each log by defining each; a log information level, we can generate a more detailed process control log. Most interesting is that these can be configured flexibly through a configuration file without the need to modify the code for the application.)
Platform: | Size: 374784 | Author: duchaochen | Hits:

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