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文字的颜色渐变 文字的颜色渐变 文字的颜色渐变 -text of the letter color gradient color gradient tex t text color gradient color gradient te xt te xt color gradient color gradient text color graded
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : 阿达

TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Action.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\BindKey.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Console.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Dimension.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\DrawFont.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\font TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\FuncParamsDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\InputDialog.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\KeyEvent.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\MidletTerminal.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\SelectFunctionDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Telnet$1.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Telnet$2.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\Telnet.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\TelnetProtocolHandler.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\VDUBuffer.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet\\vt320.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\\telnet -TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ T Action.class elnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ BindKey.class Telne tFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Console.class TelnetFlo yd - 1.1 \\ telnet \\ Dimension.class TelnetFloyd -1.1 \\ telnet \\ DrawFont.class TelnetFloyd-1. 1 \\ telnet \\ font TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Func ParamsDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ In putDialog.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Ke yEvent.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ subspecies tTerminal.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Se lectFunctionDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ tel net \\ Telnet $ 1.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Telnet $ 2.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ Te lnet.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ TelnetP rotocolHandler.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ teln et \\ VDUBuffer.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet \\ vt320.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \\ telnet
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.11kb Publisher : 方波

DL : 0
API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I spent much time finding and understanding the technique of interception. I would like to describe the results of my research.-API calls interception is the task that all boasting you to get access to some parts of others prog rams. Lots of programmers spend time developin g and describing various methods that allow tha t access. Such methods are used in many anti-vir us and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I s pent much time finding and understanding the te TECHNIQUE of interception. I would like to descri be the results of my research.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.37kb Publisher : 李登煇

This project is to show the tree I dreamed when I first met the ternary tree concept. When I came upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It s amazing that an idea so simplistic could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws... the first one is the memory consumption. The hash table implementation consumes far less memory than the ternary tree! The second flaw is the ternary tree can be fragmented and be extremely unbalanced (as the algorithm doesn t do any balancing step) so the tree also needs a way for balancing the nodes. I tried to reduce the memory consumption by grouping three nodes into one new \"int\" node. -This project is to show the tree I dreamed wh en I first met the ternary tree concept. When I ca me upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It's amazing that an idea so simplisti c could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws ... the first one is the memory consumption. The has h table implementation consumes far less memor y than the ternary tree! The second flaw is the te rnary tree can be fragmented and be extremely un balanced (as the algorithm does not do any balanc ing step) so the tree also needs a way for balanci Vi the nodes. I tried to reduce the memory consum ption by grouping three nodes into one new "int" node.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.53kb Publisher : gaowen

book:simulation and softeware radiao for mibole code:psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm transmission technology cdma transmission technology multiple access protocals cellular telecommunication systems-book : simulation and softeware radiao for mibole cod e : psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm t ransmission technology cdma transmission Commando hnology multiple access cellular te protocals lecommunication systems
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 18.31mb Publisher : 叶新荣

MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in matlab by Mark Steyvers 1999 %needs optimization toolbox %Modified by Bruce Land %--Data via globals to anaylsis programs %--3D plotting with color coded groups %--Mapping of MDS space to spike train temporal profiles as described in %Aronov, \"Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of the Macaque\" in %press J. Neurophysiology-MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in Matlab by Mar 1999% k Steyvers needs optimization toolbox% M odified by Bruce Land% -- Data via globals to ana ylsis programs% -- 3D plotting with color coded groups% -- Mapping of MDS space to spike train te mporal profiles as described in% Aronov, "Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of t he Macaque "in press J. Neurophysiology%
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.23kb Publisher : 左贤君

This package contains the MATLAB code for the algorithm proposed in the following papers. The file \"mimo_main.m\" is the implementation of the algorithm in the papers. The goal of this Matlab script is to identify a MIMO system with white inputs based on the second and higher-order statistics of the outputs only. This code will plot the blind estimation results using figures.-This package contains the MATLAB code for t he algorithm proposed in the following papers. The file "mimo_main.m" is the implementation o f the algorithm in the papers. The goal of this Ma tlab script is to identify a MIMO system with whi te inputs based on the second and higher-order's tatistics of the outputs only. This code will pl ot the blind estimation results using figures.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 23.12kb Publisher : 刘美

最小生成树 一.问题描述 构造一无向连通网,用Prim算法或Kruskal算法实现最小生成树的算法 二.实验目的 1.掌握网的基本概念和连通网的存储结构 2.掌握最小生成树的算法实现 三.实验要求 1.确定边的相邻顶点和权植,建立无向连通网,实现最小生成树。 2.Prim算法思想: 设G=(V,E)是一个无向连通图,令T=(U,TE)是G的最小生成树。T的初始状态为U={v0},TE={},然后重复执行下述操作:在所有u,v的边中找一条代价最小的边(u,v)并入集合TE,同时v并入U,直至U=V为止。此时TE中必有n-1条边,T就是最小生成树。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.74kb Publisher : jjf

matlab PCA应用于TE数据进行检测 包括SPE统计量计算,以及SPE和T方控制限的计算。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.77kb Publisher : 小珍

文字的颜色渐变 文字的颜色渐变 文字的颜色渐变 -text of the letter color gradient color gradient tex t text color gradient color gradient te xt te xt color gradient color gradient text color graded
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : 阿达

TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Action.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\BindKey.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Console.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Dimension.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\DrawFont.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\font TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\FuncParamsDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\InputDialog.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\KeyEvent.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\MidletTerminal.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\SelectFunctionDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Telnet$1.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Telnet$2.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\Telnet.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\TelnetProtocolHandler.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\VDUBuffer.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet\vt320.class TelnetFloyd-1.1\telnet -TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ T Action.class elnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ BindKey.class Telne tFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Console.class TelnetFlo yd- 1.1 \ telnet \ Dimension.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ DrawFont.class TelnetFloyd-1. 1 \ telnet \ font TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Func ParamsDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ In putDialog.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Ke yEvent.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ subspecies tTerminal.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Se lectFunctionDlg.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ tel net \ Telnet $ 1.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Telnet $ 2.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ Te lnet.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ TelnetP rotocolHandler.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ teln et \ VDUBuffer.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet \ vt320.class TelnetFloyd-1.1 \ telnet
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 方波

memory test check for embeded linux-memory test check for embeded Linux
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 319kb Publisher : bee

DL : 0
API calls interception is the task that allows you to get access to some parts of others programs. Lots of programmers spend time developing and describing various methods that allow that access. Such methods are used in many anti-virus and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I spent much time finding and understanding the technique of interception. I would like to describe the results of my research.-API calls interception is the task that all boasting you to get access to some parts of others prog rams. Lots of programmers spend time developin g and describing various methods that allow tha t access. Such methods are used in many anti-vir us and anti-spyware applications. Besides, sometimes, intercepting can help you to find errors in your application. However, it is not a secret that some viruses use it too. I s pent much time finding and understanding the te TECHNIQUE of interception. I would like to descri be the results of my research.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 74kb Publisher : 李登煇

This project is to show the tree I dreamed when I first met the ternary tree concept. When I came upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It s amazing that an idea so simplistic could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws... the first one is the memory consumption. The hash table implementation consumes far less memory than the ternary tree! The second flaw is the ternary tree can be fragmented and be extremely unbalanced (as the algorithm doesn t do any balancing step) so the tree also needs a way for balancing the nodes. I tried to reduce the memory consumption by grouping three nodes into one new "int" node. -This project is to show the tree I dreamed wh en I first met the ternary tree concept. When I ca me upon the ternary tree, I get awed! It's amazing that an idea so simplisti c could be so strong and fast. But it had flaws ... the first one is the memory consumption. The has h table implementation consumes far less memor y than the ternary tree! The second flaw is the te rnary tree can be fragmented and be extremely un balanced (as the algorithm does not do any balanc ing step) so the tree also needs a way for balanci Vi the nodes. I tried to reduce the memory consum ption by grouping three nodes into one new "int" node.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 31kb Publisher : gaowen

book:simulation and softeware radiao for mibole code:psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm transmission technology cdma transmission technology multiple access protocals cellular telecommunication systems-book : simulation and softeware radiao for mibole cod e : psk-based digital transmission schemes ofdm t ransmission technology cdma transmission Commando hnology multiple access cellular te protocals lecommunication systems
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18.31mb Publisher : Yaya

memory_test Memory Read/Write Access Test Memory read base Address : 0xc010000 Memory write base Address : 0xc02-memory_test Memory Read/Write Access Tes t read base Memory Address : Memory write 0xc010000 base Address : 0xc02
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : zhang

DL : 0
计算扰动后的T检验Matlab程序,对原始数据进行扰动以分析扰动后的变量是否具有显著性-Perturbation calculation of Matlab after the T-test procedure, the original data to analyze the disturbance after disturbance variables are significant
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 49kb Publisher : wangli

DL : 0
LL分析器 2、 在VC下打开LL1.dsp,阅读工程LL1,LL1为一个加、乘法(适当扩充可为四则)运算表达式的LL1预测语法分析器,规定其文法如下: E->TE’ (1) E’->+TE’ (2) E’->ε (3) T->FT’ (4) T’->*FT’ (5) T’->ε (6) F->(E) (7) F->i (8) 程序设计思路见课本P76,词法分析器调用接口为lex(),LL1分析表构造过程参考LL1程序实现方法,练习:修改文法和程序使支持减、除运算 -LL parser 2, the VC open the LL1.dsp, read the works LL1, LL1 is a plus, multiplication (appropriate expansion for 4) expression is forecast LL1 parser, provides the grammar as follows: E-> TE ' (1) E' -> + TE ' (2) E' -> ε (3) T-> FT' (4) T' -> * FT ' (5) T' -> ε (6) F-> (E) (7) F-> i (8) programming ideas, see textbooks P76, call the lexical analyzer interface lex (), LL1 of table construction process of reference LL1 program implementation method, practice: grammar and procedural changes to support the reduction of , in addition to computing
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : chivas

能够对表达式进行自上而下语法分析,判断表达式中是否有非法字符,这类表达式的文法为: E->TE’ E’->+TE’| ε T->FT’ T’->*FT’| ε F->(E)|i-this program can analysize the express in a top-down analysis.It can tell us whether there are illegal chars in the express.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 185kb Publisher : xujiaoxian

谷歌收购Android 之后,于07 年11 月5 日发布了开源的Android 平台——一款包括操 作系统(基于Linux 内核)、中间件和关键应用的手机平台,并组建了开放手机联盟(Open Handset Alliance),包括Google、中国移动、T-Mobile、宏达电、高通、摩托罗拉等领军企 业。-After Google acquired Android, on November 5, 2007 released the open-source Android platform- including a parade Operating system (based on Linux kernel), middleware and key applications for mobile platforms, and the formation of the Open Handset Alliance (Open Handset Alliance), including Google, China Mobile, T-Mobile, HTC, Qualcomm, Motorola and other leading enterprises Industries.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 24.42mb Publisher : mahande
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