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[GUI Develop一个简单的Tab控件试用实例

Description: 一个简单的Tab控件试用实例 可供初学者练习
Platform: | Size: 1889756 | Author: qs107107107@163.com | Hits:


Description: 一个小型的数据库软件,用VC编写,数据库用ACCESS,数据源用ODBC,程序可直接创建数据源,使用时,只需把数据库文件jxc.mdb拷入C:\Program Files\database\即可,数据处理功能齐全,而且在视图列表中,双击某一条记录即可进行修改,非常方便。而且界面按钮都是经过处理的特别漂亮。-A small database software used to prepare VC, databases with ACCESS, the data source using ODBC, the procedure can directly create a data source, use, simply jxc.mdb copyed into the database file C: Program Filesdatabase can, data-processing functions , but also in the list view, double-click a record can be modified very convenient. And the interface buttons are treated pretty special.
Platform: | Size: 118784 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCXTabCtrl - an easier tab control for dialogs and

Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows DevelopWndTabsSDK300

Description: VC的插件WndTabs(使VC编辑器具有TabControl) 的开发包源代码-WndTabs plug-VC (VC editor so with TabControl) Development Kit source code
Platform: | Size: 90112 | Author: 小庄 | Hits:


Description: VC界面的示例代码,演示了TAB控件的使用-VC interface code examples to demonstrate the use of the TAB Control
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: 赵三 | Hits:

[GUI Develop运动tab

Description: vc中运动tab的编程实现-vc Motion tab Programming
Platform: | Size: 1927168 | Author: 杨风 | Hits:

[Button controlTAB VIEW

Platform: | Size: 80896 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI DevelopTabbingFramework_demo

Description: 类似VC的界面框架程序-similar VC interface framework procedures
Platform: | Size: 741376 | Author: 杨金星 | Hits:


Description: VC范例 控件TREE 的使用,往TREE控件中加入记录并显示,对初学者会有一些帮助.-VC example TREE control the use of controls to add TREE record and suggest that beginners will have some help.
Platform: | Size: 96256 | Author: 化雪 | Hits:

[GUI Developsizing_tabctrl_bar

Description: 一个用VC写的可变大小的TabCtrl 非常好用-VC write a variable size TabCtrl very handy
Platform: | Size: 44032 | Author: 庄凝 | Hits:

[Windows Developvcuitree009[1]

Description: 程序运行结果如下图:左边、底下有两个可浮动、可变大小的控制窗口 ,在左边一个Tab页中,可以显示系统目录。-The software result is show the figure below: there are two floating and size adjustable windows in the left bottom, the system directory can be displayed in one of the left tab page.
Platform: | Size: 83968 | Author: lyd | Hits:

[GUI DevelopCTabCtrlSSL_demo

Description: 用VC实现界面控件的基本功能。可以参考一下相关代码。-with VC interface controls the basic functions. For reference code.
Platform: | Size: 34816 | Author: 秦伟 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopTabControl

Description: vc Tab Control使用示例- vc Tab Control s use example
Platform: | Size: 121856 | Author: 何浪 | Hits:

[EditBoxVC++中Tab View的多种实现方法

Description: 在VC++中TAB VIEW的多种实现方法,介绍了三种。-in VC++ TAB VIEW the multiple methods, introduced the three.
Platform: | Size: 132096 | Author: | Hits:

[GUI Develop如何使用VC++提供的TAB控件

Description: 在VC++中如何使用TABCONTROL控件 VC++中的TABCONTROL控件和VB,DELPHI中的不一样,它的使用方法比VB,DELPHI中要麻烦得多。 我写了个事例 也许对大家有点帮助,只适合菜鸟看哦,因为我就是菜鸟 -in VC TABCONTROL how to use the controls VC TABCONTROL controls and VB, Delphi not the same as it used than VB, Delphi to much trouble. I wrote a pair of examples may help you a bit, only for a birdie FACT, because of my exposure
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 王泽民 | Hits:

[GUI Developcustomtabctrlsource

Description: 一个Tab控件源码,类似VC的输出框的tab。使用方法与VC自带的Tab很相似。-a source, similar to the VC output of the frame tab. With the use of the Tab VC own very similar.
Platform: | Size: 87040 | Author: 李永恒 | Hits:


Description: Tab Control的使用方法,VC++ MFC 编程,word文档-The use of Tab Control,VC++,MFC
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 李金岳 | Hits:

[Tab Controltab

Description: VC++6.0是著名的集成开发工具,本程序是在该环境下做的TabCtrl控件使用程序,已经调试成功,可直接使用-VC++6.0 is a popular integrated development tools, this procedure is done under the environment TabCtrl control using procedures that have been debugged, can be used directly
Platform: | Size: 1902592 | Author: yaoleibo | Hits:

[GUI Developmenu-tab-control

Description: vc++做的一个拉帘式菜单,类似与outlook,适合学习-a menu and tab control like outlook toolbar window style
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: xml | Hits:

[Tab Controltab

Description: vc 写的tab控件程序,初学者可以参考-vc tab control written procedures, beginners can refer to
Platform: | Size: 1892352 | Author: aaaaaa | Hits:
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