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本程序运行后将会屏 Alt+Ctrl+Del,Alt+F4,Alt+Tab等键, (Windows 2000 不能屏蔽) 必须在两个Enter键之间输入密码才能退出!!!!!!!! 密码是\"kkcocoon\". 本程序在Visual C++ 6.0 下编译.大家可在vc下打开scrnsave.dsw文件就可以很好的查看源文件.也可以File->New->Project->Win32 Application->起个名字,create new workspace->empty win32 application.然后把一个个文件Add进来,F5->确定,就可以了. 这是一个用纯Windows SDK编写的程序,没有用MFC类库,要看懂此程序 必须要懂得在Windows下编程.本程序只是为了给刚学Windows SDK的同仁 提供适合的示例程序,并给出祥尽注释.-Windows Screen Saver source code, block keyboard input of Alt_Ctrl_Del, Alt+F4, Alt+Tab(can not block in win2000), password is kkcocoon.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19kb Publisher : 阿的

绝佳的Tab View控件的方式之一,VC++6.0经过运行调试的,可直接使用-excellent Tab Controls View one of the ways that VC 6.0 After running the debugger can be used directly
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 38.77kb Publisher : 张圣望

绝佳的Tab View控件的方式之二,VC++6.0经过运行调试的,可直接使用-excellent Tab View Control Mode 2, VC 6.0 After running the debugger can be used directly
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 41.2kb Publisher : 张圣望

绝佳的Tab View控件的方式之三,VC++6.0经过运行调试的,可直接使用-excellent Tab View Control Mode 3, VC 6.0 After running the debugger can be used directly
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 41.69kb Publisher : 张圣望

使用VC++6.0开发的标签页形式的对话框类-use VC + +6.0 development of the tab form of dialog category
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.49kb Publisher : 陈贻斌

绝佳的Tab View控件的方式之一,VC++6.0经过运行调试的,可直接使用-excellent Tab Controls View one of the ways that VC 6.0 After running the debugger can be used directly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 39kb Publisher : 张圣望

使用VC++6.0开发的标签页形式的对话框类-use VC++6.0 development of the tab form of dialog category
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 27kb Publisher : 陈贻斌

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : 王东旭

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《跟着实例学Visual C++6.0访问数据库绘图制表》电子书- Follow the example of learning Visual C++ 6.0 Graphics tab to access the database e-book
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.7mb Publisher : wuyingyuan

tabcontrol的应用 标签 选项卡的例子 VC++6.0下编译通过-Tags tabcontrol application examples tab under VC++6.0 compiler through
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 51kb Publisher : lin

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Tab Control的使用方法,VC++ MFC 编程,word文档-The use of Tab Control,VC++,MFC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 22kb Publisher : 李金岳

VC输入到Excel通信类代码,附详细的使用说明文档-There are times when we wish to send our output to an Excel file or some text delimited files like comma separated value file or tab delimited file. This class encapsulates the functions for reading and writing to these types of files. It was constructed with a goal of being simple to use. The main features of this class are: a. Constructing a new Excel or text delimited file and writing rows or a single cell to it. b. Reading rows, columns or a single cell from an Excel or text delimited file. c. Replacing, inserting or appending rows to an Excel or text delimited file. d. Convert an existing or newly created Excel to text delimited file and vice versa
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 24kb Publisher : kira

类似windows资源管理器风格的程序,左侧是树控件,右侧是Tab控件标签页,采用的TabView,VC 6.0编写。-Like windows explorer style program on the left is a tree control, Tab control tab on the right is using the TabView, VC 6.0 preparation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : TheLostMind

一个VC++的窗体TabView标签切换,使用TAb也是大家比较常见的窗体优化方法,希望这个实用简洁的窗体选项卡能为你的程序界面增光添彩,运行于VC++6.0版本。-VC++ in the form of a TabView label switching, use TAb is all the more common form optimization, in the hope that practical compact form tab can add luster to your program interface, running on VC++6.0 version.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 28kb Publisher : 王明

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VC++6.0是著名的集成开发工具,本程序是在该环境下做的TabCtrl控件使用程序,已经调试成功,可直接使用-VC++6.0 is a popular integrated development tools, this procedure is done under the environment TabCtrl control using procedures that have been debugged, can be used directly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : yaoleibo

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目录内容及使用方法: \Program 书中的主要程序文件。在打开例题的.dsw文件后,请读者在 tools菜单下的 Options 的 Directories 标签中选择 Executable files,并添加光盘中的 MakeDrvr.bat 所在 的路径。 注:经过与微软美国公司法律部商议,在本书光盘中可以 使用 DDK 中的类库文件作为我们产品的一部分,但 DDK 中的其他工具和文档则不能使用,因此请读者在 处下载完整的 DDK 压缩包。 程序都需要在 Windows2000 环境下运行,在运行光盘中的 例题前,还需要安装 DDK 和 VC++6.0 或 VC++7.0。 \Webs 网页形式的我社之出版物介绍。打开 index.htm 文件浏览。 player 文件夹中是浏览器 Flash 动画播放插件安装程序, 如果您的浏览器没有此插件,请先安装。 \Demo 多媒体形式的我社图书演示。启动 hope.exe 文件观看。 演示为直线播放,可随时按 ESC 键终止。 -List of content and use: \ Program book, the main program file. Examples in the open. Dsw file, please readers Options under the tools menu, select the Directories tab Executable files, and add the CD-ROM is located in the MakeDrvr.bat Path. Note: After the U.S. company s legal department and Microsoft discuss, in the book CD-ROM can be Using the DDK in the library file as part of our products, but the DDK The other tools and documentation you can not use, so readers DDK download the complete archive. Programs need to run in Windows2000 environment, running CD-ROM Example ago, also need to install DDK and VC++6.0 or VC++7.0. \ Webs web forms I introduce community of publication. Open the index.htm file browser. player folder is the Flash Animation Player browser plug-ins installer If your browser does not have this plug-in, please install. \ Demo multimedia presentation form of my agency books. Start hope.exe file view. Shows a straig
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.74mb Publisher : 陈觅

基于VC++6.0的,利用CTabView在对话框上实现Tab控件,可以直接运行-Based on VC++6.0, the use of CTabView Tab controls in the dialog box to achieve, can be run directly
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 32kb Publisher : yangzhao

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内容索引:VC/C++源码,界面编程,SkinLoad.dll   VC++使用SkinLoad.dll美化窗体的实例,不是太好,只能通过这个程序了解一些SkinLoad.dll的用法,本控件可以美化打开对话框、窗体的按钮、颜色对话框、保存、浏览文件等常用对话框,使用方法简单方便 -Content index: the VC/C++ source programming interface, the menu is a superb VC++ form menu generation program source code, the resulting menu, a wide variety, each with a very delicate and beautiful above the source enthusiasts screenshot its ability to customize the appearance of the menu, the stereoscopic effect, the background of the menu options, menu background and menu border color indication arrow color to multi-level menu separator bar colors, tab colors, icons shadow color, and a variety of menu animation effects and themes to choose from, including animated menu delay time can make their own adjustments, but this source can be compiled directly in VC++6.0. The code has a lot of useful functions and classes can be reused, compressed within detailed parameters and instructions for use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 185kb Publisher : alic

DL : 0
我用的是VC++6.0,我们先建立测试环境,单击”工具”(Tools)->”选项..”(Options),打开环境配置对话框,我们在”目录”(Directories)选项卡中,可以看到整个开发环境所引用的库文件,头文件的来源,实现控制-I use VC++6.0, we first create a test environment, click " Tools" (Tools)-> " Options .." (Options), open environment configuration dialog, we in the " directory" (Directories) tab , you can see the entire development environment referenced libraries, header files sources, to achieve control
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : nb

VC界面设计:窗体Tab选项卡设计实例,主要实现VISUALC ++6.0窗体、控件、对话框等实现(VC interface design: an example of the form Tab tab design)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : nasa123
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