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I yeild to the experts, the following code demonstrates how to obtain all swap information from a given HPUX 11.x PA-Risc server. It leverages the pstat routines to accomplish the task. However, I have on REALLY NAGGING question that I hope someone can answer. How do I obtain the lvol name for device swap. For Instance, my output is as follows:
Update : 2012-05-03 Size : 4.41kb Publisher :

S60下的任务管理器!可以实现应用程序切换,结束进程,压缩内存,重启手机,手机系统信息,进程信息,视图切换等功能.-S60 under the Task Manager! Applications can be achieved switch, the end of the process, reducing memory and rebooting the phone, the phone system information, process information, view switching capabilities.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 18kb Publisher : 姜洋

查看系统信息使用WMI。 界面跟WINDOWS的任务管理器很相似。功能比较完美。-Show system information using WMI. WINDOWS interface with the Task Manager is very similar. Functions perfectly.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher :

嵌入式任务管理器的简单实现,能够查看系统进程和线程信息,CPU占用率等信息,杀死选择的进程,能够重启或者关闭机器-Embedded Task Manager simple to achieve, be able to view system processes and threads of information, CPU information such as occupancy rate, killing the process of choice, able to restart or shut down the machine
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.19mb Publisher : youfile

DL : 0
VB5.0与Windows API之间的呼叫技巧 取得Disk Volume Information 取得Disk Free Space与Total Space 取得Disk Driver List与各个Driver的型态 取得File 8.3之文件名称格式 如何用程序来Delete Copy Move Rename File/Directory 如何用VB建立快捷方式(ShortCut) 如何直接开启一个文件 设定Mouse 在某个固定范围 隐藏Mouse 显示、隐藏win95任务栏 建立Floating Window(Top Most的window) 建立与读取.ini文件 检查开机方式及Mouse Buttons个数 如何将整个画面暗下来,如同关机前一般 如何截取屏幕画面 如何改变桌面的图片? 如何读取 Windows 任务栏的大小及位置? 如何为 ListBox 设定水平滚动栏? 如何让 Windows(95 及 NT) 重新开机? -VB5.0 with the Windows API calls between the skills obtained Disk Volume Information obtained Disk Free Space and Total Space made Disk Driver List all Driver and File 8.3 to obtain the type of file name format of how to use procedures to Delete Copy Move Rename File/Directory how to use VB to establish a shortcut (ShortCut) how to directly open a document setting Mouse hidden in a fixed range of Mouse show, hide the taskbar win95 establish Floating Window (Top Most of the window) to establish with the reader. ini file to check the boot method and Mouse Buttons number of how dark the whole screen down, like how to shut down before the general interception screen how to change the desktop picture? How to read the Windows task bar size and location? ListBox how to set the horizontal scroll bar? How to make Windows (95 and NT) to re-boot?
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 162kb Publisher : 江福利

这是基于jsp的任务管理系统,就有任务发布,权限管理、人事管理、任务查询、任务管理等功能。-This is a jsp-based task management system, there is the task releases, rights management, personnel management, task information, task management functions.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.82mb Publisher : 李浩泉

模拟打印过程(显示打印信息) 随机生成打印任务,加入到打印队列中 可以把文件随时加入或删除出打印队列 可以查询显示当前队列中的打印任务信息-Analog printing process (display print information) print randomly generated missions, added to the print queue can be the document at any time to add or delete a print queue can query displays the current print queue task information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 903kb Publisher : zijinghw

DL : 0
快聚合网赚系统 1、自动采集五大类内容:包括资讯、博文、问答、图片、视频;采集的内容来自不同的网站,不用担心搜索引擎的降权。 2、自动伪原创内容:自动对标题随机植入拼音、自动判断是否适合采集内容、自动对内容进行相关内容杂化以形成原创内容。作为一款聚合系统,我们不希望给您带来繁琐的操作,一切都在默认中智能化进行,您的任务就是建站、推广、赚钱。 3、智能化发布内容:我们采用模拟人工发布的方式来进行整合后内容的发布,基本上搜索引擎看到你的站是一个正常的网站编辑在正常的工作时间按照正常的工作方式和工作进度在建设网站。 -Fast polymerization Wangzhuan system 1, automatically collecting five categories: including information Bowen, quizzes, pictures, video collection of content from different sites, do not worry about search engines right down. 2, automatic pseudo-original content: title randomly implanted automatic spelling, automatically determine the suitability of the content acquisition, content-related content automatically to form a hybrid original content. As a polymerization system, we do not want to give you a complex operation, everything is in default in the intelligent conduct, your task is a station, promotion, make money. 3, intelligent distribution of content: we simulated artificial way to release the content after the release of the integration, basically search engines that your station is a normal web site editors in the normal working hours in accordance with the normal progress of work and work In the construction site.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.32mb Publisher : 刘锋

例子中显示的是绿色征途如何在内存中查找任务信息的代码-Example shows how the green journey to find the task information in the memory code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 75kb Publisher : boyinfo

演示程序键盘命令(回车结束) t1:获取版本 t2:ucos任务测试1 t3:ucos任务测试2 t4:内含Timer测试 t5:ucos设置优先级组PRI(std1)==PRI(std2)(本人对ucos改进,设定一组优先级为相同优先级,采用轮转方式,任务std1,std2相同优先级) t6:ucos取消优先级组PRI(std1)!=PRI(std2) t9:取消显示(统计显示,std1/2显示) t91:统计显示(实时显示一些信息如统计任务信息) t92:std1/2显示(实时显示信息,一直就绪,不采用组优先级时,std1一直优先运行,采用组优先级时,std1,std2轮转运行) tp1:ucos事件测试1 tp2:ucos事件测试2 tp3:ucos事件测试3 tp4:ucos事件测试4 tp8:ucos事件测试5 -Demo keyboard commands (Enter end) t1: Get version of the t2: ucos task test 1 t3: ucos task test 2 t4: contains Timer test t5: ucos setting priorities set PRI (std1) == PRI (std2) (I on ucos improvement, setting a priority for the same priority, by rotation, tasks std1, std2 the same priority) t6: ucos cancel priority group PRI (std1)! = PRI (std2) t9: canceled shows (Statistics show, std1/2 display) t91: statistics (real-time information such as statistics show some task information) t92: std1/2 display (real-time display of information, has been in place when not using the priority group, std1 priority has been run, using the priority group level when, std1, std2 cycle run) tp1: ucos Event Test 1 tp2: ucos Event Test 2 tp3: ucos Event Test 3 tp4: ucos event test 4 tp8: ucos event test 5
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 30kb Publisher : zhang3f

vxworks下多任务通信的编程资料和源码-Under the multi-task Communication vxworks programming information and source
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 149kb Publisher : 刘旭东

利用右侧CDialogBar实现8位/24位图像的缩放显示;同时在CListCtrl中显示图片的信息;有利于深入了解位图文件的显示-8-bit implementation using the right CDialogBar/zoom display 24-bit images the same time in CListCtrl to display the picture information is conducive to understanding the display of bitmap file
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.97mb Publisher : ziqing

学生信息成绩管理系统 非常简单的小程序 一般用于学生的实践任务-Student information management system performance is very small and simple program for students in the general practice of the task
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 843kb Publisher : 薛芸

The program should ensure functioning in two modes: the manager (The user with fixed name ADMIN) and the usual user. In a mode of the manager the program should support Following functions (at correct input of the password): Change of the password of the manager (at correct input of the old password) Viewing of the list of names of the registered users and the parametres established for them (accounting record blocking, inclusion of restrictions on chosen passwords) - all list entirely in one window or on one element of the list with moving possibility to its beginning or the end Addition of a unique name of the new user to the list with the empty password (line of zero length) Blocking of possibility of work of the user with the set name inclusion or switching-off of restrictions on passwords chosen by the user (according to the individual task defined by number of a variant) End of work with the program.-The program should ensure functioning in two modes: the manager (The user with fixed name ADMIN) and the usual user. In a mode of the manager the program should support Following functions (at correct input of the password): Change of the password of the manager (at correct input of the old password) Viewing of the list of names of the registered users and the parametres established for them (accounting record blocking, inclusion of restrictions on chosen passwords) - all list entirely in one window or on one element of the list with moving possibility to its beginning or the end Addition of a unique name of the new user to the list with the empty password (line of zero length) Blocking of possibility of work of the user with the set name inclusion or switching-off of restrictions on passwords chosen by the user (according to the individual task defined by number of a variant) End of work with the program.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 197kb Publisher : vitaliy_lendel

DL : 0
生成任务A,优先级50;任务B,优先级60 任务间通过消息队列通信 任务A分段向B传送字符串"Hello world!How are you?",每次传送4个字节。 A发送后等待,B将收到内容再回传A,A比较是否与发送内容相符,是则继续直到发送完成。 最终B要打印完整的接收字符串内容。 另外需打印每次各任务收发内容信息。 生成两个任务A、B 设置一个中间存储空间 使得A发送给B的字节经过B返回后能够进行比较! 任务A、任务B的创建,通过数组传递的方式传递-Generation task priority 50 B A, task, priority 60 Through the message queue communication between tasks Task A segment to B transmits the string "Hello world! How are you?", each transmission of 4 bytes. After delivery of A wait, B will receive content to return to A, A whether the comparison and sending content conform to, is to continue until the transmission completion. Eventually B will print receiving the full string content. In addition to print each time the task and content information. To generate a two task A, B set an intermediate storage space for the A sent to B byte after B returned to compare! A B task, task creation, passing through the array pass way
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 邓惩

实现任务管理系统功能,任务管理可以添加和编辑任务信息,分类管理可以添加和编辑分类信息-Function of the task management system, Task Manager can add and edit task information, classified management can add and edit classified information
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : longjuanfeng

DL : 0
windows系统 任务管理器,可以对进程进行操作,显示系统时间和内存使用情况,可以显示系统信息等。-windows system task manager, process, display the system time and memory usage, and can display system information and so on.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : 邱扬

vs2010 工程文件 可以枚举当前系统的打印机,并且双击打印机能够检测到该打印机上的作业任务。-vs2010 project file .It can enumerate the printers of the current OS, and when you double-click the selected-printer in the list,you will get the current printing task information on this printer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : CheungJiao

JDBC,Hibernate的项目管理系统,主要模块包括任务管理,进行任务的创建,主要内容有任务标题、计划开始时间、计划结束时间、工期、任务执行人、优先级以及任务说明,并对任务信息进行查看;客户系统,查看客户信息并对其进行增加,删除,修改,查询等操作;人员系统,查看员工信息并对其进行增加、删除、修改、查询等操作,查看员工工作情况。-Including task management, JDBC, the Hibernate project management system, the main module for the creation of the task, the task title main content, the scheduled start time, plan to end time, duration, mandate holders, priority and task description, and task information view client systems, view customer information and its increase, delete, modify, and query operations personnel system, view employee information and its increase, delete, modify, query and other operations, view staff work.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.45mb Publisher : 果仁

Delphi传真客户端Demo源代码,包括封面页文件名、传真文件、页眉、发送者、标题、任务名、电话号码、预定发送日期、预定发送时间、接收者、任务文件等。可新建传真、任务信息、任务计划等。-Delphi Fax Client Demo source code, including the file name of the cover page fax files, header, sender, title, job name, phone number, date of scheduled transmissions, scheduled send time, the recipient, the task file. A new fax, task information, task plans.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.23mb Publisher : Michel
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