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51上的RTOS,该RTOS为非占先式多任务操作系统,如果用户任务的最长执行时间小于 系统节拍时间,则本MiniRTOS要优于占先式TOS。因为本MiniRTOS占用资源小,RAM不超过20字节,程序空间只占为600多字节。-51 on the RTOS, the RTOS non-preemptive multitasking operating system, if the user of the longest task execution times smaller than system beats time, it is superior to the MiniRTOS Preemptive 200040. Because of the small resources MiniRTOS occupation, RAM no more than 20 bytes, procedures only for the space of more than 600 bytes.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 34kb Publisher : So1o

Nucleus实时操作系统是Accelerater Technology公司开发的嵌入式RTOS产品,Nucleus的核心是一个实时的多任务内核——Nucleus PLUS-Accelerater Technology, Inc. is the development of embedded RTOS product, the Nucleus of the core is a real-time multi-task kernel-- Nucleus PLUS
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 707kb Publisher : dsf

ertos实时多任务操作系统,dos多任务应用例子。例子简单演示多任务的编程方法。-ertos real-time multi-tasking operating system, dos example of multi-tasking applications. Simple examples demonstrate multi-task programming method.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 90kb Publisher : 陈道理

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small RTOS 嵌入式实时多任务开发,无线发送程序-small RTOS for embedded real-time multi-task development, wireless Send procedures
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 28kb Publisher : chen chen

Nucleus PLUS是美国著名RTOS厂商ATI公司(Accelerated Tedmology lnc) 在嵌入式实 时多任务操作系统Nucleus基础上,为实时嵌入式应用而设计的一个抢先式多任务操作系统内核。其95%的代码是用ANSI C写成的,非常便于移植并支持大多数类型的处理器 Nucleus PLUS是一组c函数库,应用程序代码与核心函数连接在一起,生成一个目标代码,下载到目标板的RAM 中或直接烧录到目标板的ROM 中执行。在典型的目标环境中,Nucleus PLUS核心代码区一般不超过20K字节大小。-Nucleus PLUS RTOS is well-known American manufacturers ATI Corporation (Accelera ted Tedmology lnc) in Embedded Real-time Operating System Nucleus multi-task basis, for real-time embedded applications designed to pre-empt a multi-tasking operating system kernel. Its 95% of the code is written in ANSI C, very easy transplantation and to support most types of processors Nucleus PLUS is a function of the group c, Application code and linked to the core function, generating an object code, downloaded to the target board RAM or direct copying to the target board ROM implementation. In a typical target environment, Nucleus PLUS core code is generally not exceed 20 K byte size.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 108kb Publisher : 柳荫

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实时多任务操作系统(RTOS)能有效提高嵌入式平台的资源利用效率,是嵌入式应用的必然趋势。本文阐述基于MSP430F149的RTOS——M430/OS。它由汇编写成、短小精干、占用系统资源少、运行稳定可靠,目前已在思达高科配网技术公司产品上得到应用。 关键词:RTOS 任务调度 MSP430 -multi-task real-time operating system (RTOS) can effectively raise Embedded Platform efficiency of resource use, Embedded Application is an inevitable trend. This paper describes the RTOS--M430/OS on MSP430F149. It consists of a compilation languages, short and compact, taking up less system resources, stable and reliable operation. Si has been in high Distribution Network Technology Corporation products are applied. Keywords : RTOS task scheduling MSP430
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 64kb Publisher : 孙振红

本软定时器模快所通过一个唯一的索引(即序号)来表识每一个软定时器,这个序号从0到MAX_SOFT_TIMER-1 ,最多为255个。要使用软定时器模块,首先需要让软定时器管理任务运行起来。软定时器管理任务的函数名称为SoftTimer,所以只需要Small RTOS的要求在Config.h的数组TaskFuction加上SoftTimer项即可。因为软定时器执行的任务时间等因素不确定,所以一般把这个任务优先级定得比较低。-the soft-timer module adopted by only one index (ie serial numbers) to form a soft know each timer, the serial number from 0 to MAX_SOFT_TIMER-1, a maximum of 255. To use soft timer module, the first need for the soft-timer management tasks running up. Soft-timer management tasks for the function name SoftTimer. So Small RTOS only at the request of an array TaskFuction Config.h SoftTimer items can be added. Soft-timer because the task uncertain factors such as time, in general the priority tasks set aside a lower level.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 12kb Publisher : 李强

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《嵌入式实时多任务软件开发基础》——包含很多嵌入式开发的实用技巧-"real-time multi-task embedded software development base"-- include many Embedded Development Skills
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 7.64mb Publisher : kevin

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完全用C语言编写的C51单片机多任务操作系统,任务调度基于主动放弃,特别适合STC单片机.-Entirely in C language C51 single-chip multi-tasking operating systems, task scheduling based on the initiative in giving up, and are particularly suited Singlechip STC.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3kb Publisher : zqzq

MSP430单片机的实时多任务操作系统c源代码,MSP430 mcu Real Time multi-task operation system source-MSP430 MCU RTOS c source code, MSP430 mcu Real Time multi-task operation system source
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 9kb Publisher : 小康

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avr Rtos 255 Task avr Rtos 255 Task-avr Rtos 255 Taskavr Rtos 255 Task
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.47mb Publisher : sehee

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1、学习Proteus的使用, 2、学习并掌握编译器Keil C环境下做51的系统开发 3、进一步学习时钟的算法,会使用硬件实现此算法; 4、了解基于RTOS上的多任务分时使用CPU,掌握任务的创建、删除、等待以及任务之间的同步等基本的多任务程序设计方法、掌握操作系统的基本原理。 -1, to learn the use of Proteus, 2, to learn and master the Keil C compiler environment do 51 System Development 3, further study clock algorithms, will use the hardware to achieve this algorithm 4, understanding RTOS based on the time-sharing the use of multi-tasking CPU, have the task to create, delete, waiting, as well as the synchronization between the mandates of the basic procedures for multi-tasking design method, grasp the basic principles of the operating system.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 54kb Publisher : bluefeifei

Small RTOS是一个源代码公开的多任务实时操作系统,Small RTOS 51 是其在8051系列处理器上的移植(使用keil c51)。Small RTOS可以简化那 些复杂而且时间要求严格的工程的软件设计工作.本手册主要讲述Small RTOS 的使用,本说明了在8051系列处理器上使用应该注意的问题。同时讲述了 Small RTOS的移植。 -Small RTOS is an open source multi-task real-time operating system, Small RTOS 51 are in the 8051 series of processors on the transplant (using keil c51). Small RTOS can simplify those complex and time-critical software engineering design work. This manual focuses on the use of Small RTOS, the note in the 8051 series of processors on the use of problem should be noted. At the same time about the Small RTOS transplant.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 674kb Publisher : 海新

使用Mircosoft Visual C++6.0编译,学习uc/os-ii 2.80版RTOS的范例,展示任务(task)创建,优先级(priority)等,并且示范如何在Mircosoft Visual C++6.0的环境下编译一个工程文件,以取代原文书中使用Borland C++ 4.51 版的编译,提供使用者一个新的选择。-The use of Mircosoft Visual C++6.0 compiler, learning uc/os-ii 2.80 version RTOS example, to display the task (task) creation, priority (priority) and so on, and demonstrations on how to Mircosoft Visual C++6.0 compiler environment of a project file to replace the original book, the use of Borland C++ 4.51 version of the compiler, providing users a new choice.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 874kb Publisher : 黃海

Keil MDK RL-ARM 实时库用户指南 中文版 包括以下内容 RL-RTX 描述了RL-ARM实时操作系统的结构,包括任务优先级、上下文切换、单个CPU下如何管理多个任务以及在RL-RTX中用到的其他一些 RTOS特性。 RL-FlashFS 描述了 RL-ARM中Flash文件系统的结构,包括文件创建、保存、读取以及在标准的flash,RAM或是存储卡设备中修改文件。 RL-TCPnet 描述了RL-ARM中TCP/IP协议栈组的结构,包括多种TCP/IP特性,以及帮助你创建可以联网的嵌入式运用程序。 RL-CAN 描述了RL-ARM中CAN设备的结构,包括如何采用RTX内核建立CAN运用程序。 Example Programs 列举了一些RL-ARM例程以及描述如何对其进行测试。 Library Reference 描述了在 RL-ARM所有的库程序。 Appendix 包含 µ Vision® 调试对话框,以及术语表。 -The RL-ARM™ User s Guide contains detailed information about the components of the RealView® Real-Time Library (RL-ARM). This manual contains the following chapters. RL-RTX describes the operating system (RTOS) component of RL-ARM. It describes task priorities, context switching, how to manage several jobs (tasks) on a single CPU, and the other RTOS features available in RL-RTX. RL-FlashFS describes the Flash File System component of RL-ARM. It describes how to create, save, read, and modify files stored on standard flash, RAM, or memory card devices. RL-TCPnet describes the TCP/IP Protocol Stack Suite component of RL-ARM. It describes the various TCP/IP features, and helps you create embedded applications that can connect to the internet. RL-CAN describes the Controller Area Network (CAN) driver component of RL-ARM. It describes how to build CAN applications using the RTX kernel. Example Programs lists a few RL-ARM example programs and describes how you can tes
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.55mb Publisher : ecooly

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该程序示范如何在操作系统环境下编写程序说明。在RTOS下,每个任务都(函数) 都可以是死循环,这些死循环内的代码在宏观上看是并发运行的,相当于将CPU 的运算资源分配给各个任务。程序中3个任务分别控制3只LED的闪烁,说明3个任 务在宏观上是同时(并发)执行的。-This program shows how the operating system environment programming instructions. On RTOS, each task (function), Can all be dead circulation, these dead circulation in the code within the concurrency is equivalent to the CPU The computing resources to various tasks. Three tasks in the process control flashing LED 3 only, 3 tasks at the macro is also (concurrent).
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 马海峰

SmallRTOS操作系统,适用于51系列单片机,是一个多任务内核。-SmallRTOS operating system for 51 series, is a multi-task kernel.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 778kb Publisher : 尚志

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51单片机的最小系统。。。多任务处理-The minimum system microcontroller 51. . . There are procedures in engineering. . . . Multi-task. . .
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.78mb Publisher : li

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RTOS in ucos ii code based on AVR atmega 64/128 microcontroller
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 606kb Publisher : jayesh_ds344

RTOS memory management using uCOS kernel and further expanded in many tasks
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 132kb Publisher : SAY
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