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Matlab语言由早期专门用于矩阵运算的计 算机语言发展而来,其运算格式与数学格式几乎 一样,程序因此十分简洁。且其具有强大的数值 计算能力、高级图形和可视化数据处理能力,特 别适用于科学计算、图像处理、数据的拟合与可 视化,所以本文选用Matlab语言。 如果能得到模糊函数的精确解析表达式,这 项工作就会十分简单。但现在的雷达信号越来 越复杂,如频率编码信号、码长大的相位编码信 号要计算出其模糊函数的解析表达式很麻烦。 下面以绘制13位Taylor四相码的立体模糊图 为例,说明利用模糊函数的卷积算法、运用Mat- lab语言计算Taylor四相码模糊函数、绘制模糊 图的过程。
Update : 2009-05-05 Size : 2.57kb Publisher : EXCEEDER007

Euler解常微分方程,Taylor解常微分方程,追赶法求解三对角方程-Euler solutions ordinary differential equations, differential equations solution Taylor, catching up with the method three pairs Kok equation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈鹏

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该程序包包含大量的matlab程序,比如Euler解常微分方程、neville插值、newton插值、Taylor解微分方程、改进平方根法、追赶法-The package includes a large number of Matlab program, such as Euler solutions ordinary differential equations, Neville interpolation, Newton interpolation, Taylor Xie differential equations, square root of improvement, chasing method, etc.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 20kb Publisher : 叶建槐

DL : 1
一个非线性调频信号的优化程序.所用窗函数是泰勒窗-an FM signal nonlinear optimization procedures. Used the window function is the window Taylor
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : jfs

用Taylor展开法、平方法等解常微分方程,非常直观易懂,适合于初学者。-start with Taylor, Xie Ping method ordinary differential equations, very intuitive to understand and suitable for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 落落

主要包括Dolph-Chebyshev Linear Array 和Taylor Line Source Method的原理和仿真-including Dolph- Chebyshev Linear Array and Taylo r Line Source Method Principle and Simulation
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 171kb Publisher : cathy

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用于无线室内定位的的算法的一部分,泰勒级数展开。是做算法研究不可缺少的-For wireless indoor positioning part of the algorithm, Taylor series expansion. Algorithm is so indispensable
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : xiaoxin

定位基本算法,包括Fang算法,Chan算法,Taylor算法等-Positioning the basic algorithm, including Fang algorithm, Chan algorithm, Taylor algorithm
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 28kb Publisher : yexuan

实现无线定位中的CHAN算法的泰勒级数展开法源码-Wireless location algorithm CHAN Taylor series expansion method source
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : wf

一些常用的MATLAB函数,求和; 求导数; 求极限;求泰勒展开式-Some commonly used MATLAB function, summation order derivative seeking limits order Taylor expansion
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 21kb Publisher :

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MATLAB 数学手册复合版内容详尽 包括矩阵及其基本运算,特征值与二次型数值计算与数据分析 插值、拟合与查表 常微分方程数值解偏微分方程的数值解 符号运算积分变换Taylor级数 概率统计 随机数的产生 随机变量的概率密度计算 随机变量的累积概率值(分布函数值)正整数的频率表 4.6.2 经验累积分布函数图形 最小二乘拟合直线 绘制正态分布概率图形 绘制威布尔(Weibull)概率图形 样本数据的盒图 给当前图形加一条参考线 在当前图形中加入一条多项式曲线 样本的概率图 附加有正态密度曲线的直方图在指定的界线之间画正态密度曲 假设检验 方差分析 foptions函数 非线性规划问题 隶属函数 模糊推理结构FIS 绘图与图形处理 含有基本实例代码 -MATLAB math composite version of the manual includes a detailed matrix and the basic computing, quadratic eigenvalue with numerical analysis and data interpolation, fitting with the look-up table the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations numerical solution of partial differential equations symbols computing integral transforms Taylor class the number of probability and statistics of the generated random number of random variables the probability density of random variable cumulative probability values (distribution function value) positive integer frequency table 4.6.2 graphical experience distribution function least-squares fitting a straight line Normal probability graph drawing Drawing Weibull (Weibull) probability graph Sample data box diagram To add a reference to the current graphics line In the current graph by adding a polynomial curve Additional samples have the probability map is the histogram density of states curve at the specified
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 小李

使用matlab进行数值分析时重要的参考资料,具体包含内容可以看英文描述-This text is written primarily for students/readers who have a good background of high school algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and the fundamentals of differential and integral calculus. This text includes the following chapters and appendices: . Introduction to MATLAB . Root Approximations . Sinusoids and Complex Numbers . Matrices and Determinants . Review of Differential Equations . Fourier, Taylor, and Maclaurin Series . Finite Differences and Interpolation . Linear and Parabolic Regression . Solution of Differential Equations by Numerical Methods . Integration by Numerical Methods . Difference Equations . Partial Fraction Expansion . The Gamma and Beta Functions . Orthogonal Functions and Matrix Factorizations . Bessel, Legendre, and Chebyshev Polynomials . Optimization Methods . Difference Equations in Discrete Time Systems . Introduction to Simulink . Ill Conditioned Matrices Each chapter contains numerous practical applications supplemented with detailed instructions for using
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 3.27mb Publisher : 何亮

上载了蜂窝网3种经典的无线定位算法,即fang算法、chan算法、taylor算法,大家相互交流学习。-Uploaded three kinds of classical cellular wireless location algorithm, that is, fang algorithm, chan algorithm, taylor algorithm, we share their knowledge with each other.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : 林国明

ASM是由Cootes和泰勒推出的多分辨率方法的一个例子。 基本思想: 在ASM模型训练,训练从手工绘制的图像轮廓。发现的ASM模型在训练使用主成分分析(PCA),使该模型自动识别数据的主要变化是,如果可能的轮廓/好的对象的轮廓。还包含了ASM模型的协方差矩阵描述行垂直纹理口岸时,在正确的位置。 -Description This is an example of the basic Active Shape Model (ASM) as introduced by Cootes and Taylor, with multi-resolution approach. Basic idea: The ASM model is trained from manually drawn contours in training images. The ASM model finds the main variations in the training data using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which enables the model to automatically recognize if a contour is a possible/good object contour. Also the ASM models contains covariance matrices describing the texture of the lines perpendicular to the control points when in the correct positions. After creating the ASM model, an initial contour is deformed by finding the best texture match for the control points. This is an iterative process, in which the movement of the control points is limited by what the ASM model recognizes from the training data as a "normal" object contour. Literature: - Ginneken B. et al. "Active Shape Model Segmentation with Optimal Features", IEEE Transactions on Medical I
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9.72mb Publisher : 谢冉

Taylor continuous arrays calculate the coefficiencts, vary paramters, etc.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : EM O

TDOA无源时差定位Taylor算法,matlab源码-Taylor Passive TDOA TDOA location algorithm, matlab source code
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张烨

Matlab支持向量机导论(中文版) 作者:【英】 Nello Cristianini , John Shawe-Taylor 译者:李国正,王猛,曾华军 出版社:电子工业出版社 版次:2004年3月第1次印刷-Introduction to Matlab Support Vector Machine (Chinese Edition) Author: n. Nello Cristianini, John Shawe-Taylor Translator: Li Guo-Zheng, Wang Meng, who Huajun Publisher: Electronic Industry Press Revision: March 2004 1st Printing
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 4.67mb Publisher : 李凯

求解OFDM通信系统中的泰勒级数,以便对信道进行估计仿真。-OFDM systems in solving the Taylor series to estimate the channel simulation.
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 9kb Publisher : yuanpitai

DL : 0
泰勒加权天线matlab仿真,简单线天线泰勒加权(Taylor weighted antenna matlab simulation, simple line antenna Taylor weighting)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 2kb Publisher : JJJMMMM

9.1 利用差商近似导数 313   9.1.1 中点公式 313   9.1.2 利用Taylor公式构造差商公式 314   9.1.3 差商公式误差分析与步长优化 319   9.1.4 理查森外推法 321   9.2 插值型求导方法 323   9.3 样条求导 325   9.4 利用数值积分求导数 327   9.5 数值偏导数 329   9.6 MATLAB自带函数应用 329   9.6.1 diff函数 329   9.6.2 gradient函数 330   9.6.3 surfnorm函数 331   9.7 应用案例 333(Differential calculus Program code)
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : XWLYF
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