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tcpick is a textmode sniffer that can track TCP streams and saves the data captured in files or displays them in the terminal. It is useful for picking files in a passive way. It can store all connections in different files, or it can display all the stream on the terminal with colors. MD5 Checksum by EvilOctal bb94f2f9ea81aeb645619fbe9b3b9a29 压缩包看起来好象有点大了 其实很划算 因为里面包含了源文件和大量的说明文档-tcpick is a textmode sniffers that can track TCP streams and saves the data captured in files or displays them in the terminal. It is useful fo r picking files in a passive way. It can store all connections in different files. or it can display all the stream on the terminal w ITH colors. MD5 Checksum by EvilOctal bb94f2f9 ea81aeb645619fbe9b3b9a29 compressed looks a bit like a very large zoned count because it includes a large number of source files and the documentation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 171.75kb Publisher : 贺鹏

本人还是超给菜鸟,本程序是属于网络编程中的最简单的,TCP/IP的校验和-- I or exposure to the procedures network programming is the most simple, TCP / IP checksum
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.09kb Publisher : 廖其学

计算校验和 校验和算法描述:为保证网络上传输的数据的可靠性,在许多协议中都设置了校验和项,例如:IPv4、ICMPv4、IGMPV4、ICMPv6、UDP和TCP 等等。计算这些校验和的算法称为网际校验和算法,简单来说就是:把被校验的数据16位进行累加,然后取反码,若数据字节长度为奇数,则数据尾部补一个字节的0以凑成偶数。 由于从输入文件读入的数据不能直接满足计算校验和的条件,所以首先对从文件读入缓冲区的数据进行预处理,即读入缓冲区时忽略空格。由于累加是按16位进行的,所以每次从缓冲区中读出4个字符,并将字符转换成对应的16进制数字,如此依次累加,直至数据全部读完。 还有一种情况,即如果数据长度为奇数个字节,则需要判断,并补0累加。程序中利用的是缓冲区长度计数器i和当前读取到计数器j判断数据长度是否为奇数。即如果数据长度为偶数,则读完数据时当前读取到计数器j的值应与缓冲区长度i相等,而如果数据长度为奇数,则读完数据时,当前读取到计数器j>缓冲区长度i,此时需将缓冲区中剩余的两个字符读出,并补0,转换成相应16进制数以后参与累加。 当累加结束后,将累加和的16位以上数据位移下再进行一次累加,并对最后累加和取反即得所求校验和。 -calculated checksum checksum algorithm Description : To ensure the network transmission of data reliability, in many of the agreements are set up and calibration, for example : IPv4, ICMPv4, IGMPV4, ICMPv6. UDP and TCP so on. Calculating checksum algorithm called the Internet checksum algorithm, the simple answer is : as has been the calibration data for 16 cumulative, and then take the anti-code, if the data byte length of the odd, data will make up the tail of a 0 byte to make up even. As the input file is read into the data can not be directly calculated checksum meet the conditions, So, the first right from the document read into the buffer data preprocessing, read into the buffer zone that is overlooked spaces. As the cumulative basis for the 16, so every time from the buffer read out
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86.86kb Publisher : 阿蒙

tcpick is a textmode sniffer that can track TCP streams and saves the data captured in files or displays them in the terminal. It is useful for picking files in a passive way. It can store all connections in different files, or it can display all the stream on the terminal with colors. MD5 Checksum by EvilOctal bb94f2f9ea81aeb645619fbe9b3b9a29 压缩包看起来好象有点大了 其实很划算 因为里面包含了源文件和大量的说明文档-tcpick is a textmode sniffers that can track TCP streams and saves the data captured in files or displays them in the terminal. It is useful fo r picking files in a passive way. It can store all connections in different files. or it can display all the stream on the terminal w ITH colors. MD5 Checksum by EvilOctal bb94f2f9 ea81aeb645619fbe9b3b9a29 compressed looks a bit like a very large zoned count because it includes a large number of source files and the documentation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 172kb Publisher : 贺鹏

计算校验和 校验和算法描述:为保证网络上传输的数据的可靠性,在许多协议中都设置了校验和项,例如:IPv4、ICMPv4、IGMPV4、ICMPv6、UDP和TCP 等等。计算这些校验和的算法称为网际校验和算法,简单来说就是:把被校验的数据16位进行累加,然后取反码,若数据字节长度为奇数,则数据尾部补一个字节的0以凑成偶数。 由于从输入文件读入的数据不能直接满足计算校验和的条件,所以首先对从文件读入缓冲区的数据进行预处理,即读入缓冲区时忽略空格。由于累加是按16位进行的,所以每次从缓冲区中读出4个字符,并将字符转换成对应的16进制数字,如此依次累加,直至数据全部读完。 还有一种情况,即如果数据长度为奇数个字节,则需要判断,并补0累加。程序中利用的是缓冲区长度计数器i和当前读取到计数器j判断数据长度是否为奇数。即如果数据长度为偶数,则读完数据时当前读取到计数器j的值应与缓冲区长度i相等,而如果数据长度为奇数,则读完数据时,当前读取到计数器j>缓冲区长度i,此时需将缓冲区中剩余的两个字符读出,并补0,转换成相应16进制数以后参与累加。 当累加结束后,将累加和的16位以上数据位移下再进行一次累加,并对最后累加和取反即得所求校验和。 -calculated checksum checksum algorithm Description : To ensure the network transmission of data reliability, in many of the agreements are set up and calibration, for example : IPv4, ICMPv4, IGMPV4, ICMPv6. UDP and TCP so on. Calculating checksum algorithm called the Internet checksum algorithm, the simple answer is : as has been the calibration data for 16 cumulative, and then take the anti-code, if the data byte length of the odd, data will make up the tail of a 0 byte to make up even. As the input file is read into the data can not be directly calculated checksum meet the conditions, So, the first right from the document read into the buffer data preprocessing, read into the buffer zone that is overlooked spaces. As the cumulative basis for the 16, so every time from the buffer read out
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 87kb Publisher :

vc写的TCP/IP通讯发送程序,带CRC校验-vc wrote TCP/IP communications to send a program with CRC Checksum
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : satellite007

用C语言编写的求TCP,UDP包头校验和的程序。-Using C language for TCP, UDP header checksum procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : yangchao

局域网内简单的TCP/IP文件互传程序,带有CRC32校验-Simple LAN TCP/IP files to each other procedures, with a CRC32 checksum
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.59mb Publisher : wangyin

我们用得最多的协议是UDP和TCP,UDP是不可靠传输服务,TCP是可靠传输服务。UDP就像点对点的数据传输一样,发送者把数据打包,包上有收信者的地址和其他必要信息,至于收信者能不能收到,UDP协议并不保证。而TCP协议就像(实际他们是一个层次的网络协议)是建立在UDP的基础上,加入了校验和重传等复杂的机制来保证数据可靠的传达到收信者。关于网络协议的具体内容,可以参考专门介绍网络协议的书籍,这里直接探讨编程实现网络程序的问题。-We use the most agreement is UDP and TCP, UDP is not reliable transport services, TCP is a reliable transport service. UDP as point-to-point data transmission, the sender of data packing, has prepared to receive packets on the address and other necessary information for the receiver can not receive, UDP does not guarantee agreement. The TCP protocol is like (actually they are a level of network protocol) is built on the basis of UDP, joined the checksum ARQ complex mechanism to ensure that reliable data were communicated to the receiver. With regard to the specific content of network protocols, you can refer to specialized network protocols introduce the books, here to explore the direct network programming procedures.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.6mb Publisher :

DL : 0
该程序源码包括了生成CRC32特征字表格的程序代码和CRC32校验程序代码。主要用于MODUBS、TCP/IP或其它通讯协议中数据的循环冗余校验。程序通过工程验证。-The program source code includes the features of word forms generated CRC32 and CRC32 checksum program code program code. Mainly used for MODUBS, TCP/IP or other communication protocol data in the cyclic redundancy check. Project validation procedure.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 宋柯

DL : 0
随机生成160位01序列模拟TCP报文首部 16位源端口,16位目的端口,32位序号,32位确认序号,4位首部长度都转化成相应的十进制显示,6位保留位,URG,ACK,PSH,RST,SYN,FIN 均为1位二进制, 16位窗口,16位紧急指针,16位校验和均用二进制显示-01 160 randomly generated sequence of TCP packets simulated first 16-bit source port, destination port 16-bit, 32-bit serial number, confirmation number 32, four first degree ministers are transformed into the corresponding decimal display, 6 reserved bit, URG , ACK, PSH, RST, SYN, FIN were a binary, 16-bit Windows, 16-bit urgent pointer, 16-bit checksum are displayed in binary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : sunshe

能够详细地解析包结构,并计算IP和TCP校验和-Be able to parse the packet structure in detail, and calculate the IP and TCP checksum
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.28mb Publisher : jean

IP/UDP/TCP/ICMP的校验和 在发送数据时,为了计算数IP据报的校验和。应该按如下步骤: (1) 把IP数据报的校验和字段置为0。 (2) 把首部看成以16位为单位的数字组成,依次进行二进制反码求和 (3) 把得到的结果存入校验和字段中。 在接收数据时,计算数据报的校验和相对简单,按如下步骤: (1)把首部看成以16位为单位的数字组成,依次进行二进制反码求和,包括校验和字段。 (2)检查计算出的校验和的结果是否等于零。 (3)如果等于零,说明被整除,校验是和正确。否则,校验和就是错误的,协议栈要抛弃这个数据包。-IP/UDP/TCP/ICMP checksum and
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : cool

自己写的C# DOSS攻击实例 通过tcp 协议是3次握手的方式连接的,第一次客户机向服务器发送一个标志为syn的数据包,这个数据包的tcp部分有个16位随即序列号,而且ip部分和tcp部 分各有一个校验码,发送出去只有校验码正确才会视为合法的数据包,然后如果那个机器那个端口有服务器,比如http服务,就会把序列号+1,然后再生成一 个16位随机序列号,标志syn+ack的数据包返回,服务器就会占着一个信道等待第三次握手了,如果超过预定时间等不到就超时去掉了,这时如果开始那个 syn的源ip地址和源端口是伪造的并大量发送,服务器就会大量的向假ip端口返回syn+ack并等待,这样就大量占着信道了,如果超过了连接限制,别 的机器就连不上了,就拒绝服务了。原理大体就是这个样子了。-Write your own C# DOSS attack instance handshake connection through tcp protocol, the first time the client sends to the server a flag for the syn packet, this packet tcp part of a 16 then the serial number, and ip part and tcp part one on each check code sent only correct checksum will be regarded as the legitimate packets, and then if that machine that port server, such as http service serial number will+1, then regenerated into a 16-bit random serial number, logo syn+ack packet returns, the server will occupy a channel exceeds a predetermined time less than a timeout to remove the wait for the third handshake, then if you start the syn source ip address and the source port and send a large number of forged server will be a lot of to fake ip port to return syn+ack and waiting for, so that a large number of occupied channel, if the connection limit is exceeded, the other machines on the crawl denial of service. Principle roughly like this.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : mjr

IP/TCP/UDP checksumming routines driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : xoulunceng

DL : 0
IP UDP TCP checksum routines on the Sparc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : bongyonqo

使用VS2008编译环境,实现了TCP/IP校验和;代码给出了结构体和完整的计算校验和方法。-The use of VS2008 compiler environment, realize TCP/IP checksum code gives the structure and complete check and calculation method.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : 凤栏

computes a partial checksum, e.g. for TCP UDP fragments.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : wonvxbo

checksum.h: IP UDP TCP checksum routines on the Sparc.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : nomunwj

修改了bug的sendip,可以发送各种正确和错误的包结构,特别的适合配合抓包工具学习TCP、IP协议的有关内容。-modify the bug
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 68kb Publisher : chenkaiyu
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