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* A ncurses user interface. * Network statistics to view the amount of packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * View UDP packets. * View and log ICMP packets. * View and log the 48bit arp protocol. And also view what make of network card is in each machine * Multithreaded so that the user interface does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3, HTTP-* A ncurses user interface. * Network statistics to view the amount of packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * View UDP packets. * View and log ICMP packets. * View and log the 48bit arp protocol. And also view what make of network card is in each machine * Multithreaded so that the user interface does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3, HTTP
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 63.09kb Publisher : 付聚文

* A ncurses user interface. * Network statistics to view the amount of packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * View UDP packets. * View and log ICMP packets. * View and log the 48bit arp protocol. And also view what make of network card is in each machine * Multithreaded so that the user interface does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3, HTTP-* A ncurses user interface. * Network statistics to view the amount of packets and data in many different protocols, interfaces and hosts. * View what active TCP connections are on the network. * View UDP packets. * View and log ICMP packets. * View and log the 48bit arp protocol. And also view what make of network card is in each machine * Multithreaded so that the user interface does not interfere with any of the packet captureing methods. * View and log the following user space protocols FTP, POP3, HTTP
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 63kb Publisher : 付聚文

本附录介绍一些新的A P I函数,有了这些函数,便可在自己的计算机上对I P协议统计情况 进行查询和管理。它们有助于获得下面的能力: ■ I p c o n f i g . e x e(或适用于微软Windows 95的Wi n i p c f g . e x e):显示I P配置信息,允许释放 和更新D H C P分配的I P地址。 ■ N e t s t a t . e x e:显示T C P连接表、U D P监听者表以及I P协议统计情况。 ■ R o u t e . e x e:显示并处理网络路由表。 ■ A r p . e x e:显示并修改供“地址解析协议”(A R P)使用的I P到物理地址翻译表。-This appendix to introduce some new API functions, these functions can be on your computer to the IP protocol statistics query and management. Their ability to contribute to the acquisition of the following: ■ I pconfig. Exe (or apply to Microsoft Windows 95 s Wi nipcfg. Exe): display IP configuration information, allowing the release and update DHCP allocated IP address. ■ N etstat. Exe: show TCP connection table, UDP Listener Table, as well as IP protocol statistics. ■ R oute. Exe: display and handle the network routing table. ■ A rp. Exe: display and modify for ARP (ARP) to use the IP to physical address translation table.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 417kb Publisher : 楼洛阳

本人课程实验做的一个基于winpcap的网络嗅探器,附源程序,用c开发,在vc++6.0下编译通过。它可以列出监视主机的所有的网卡,选择一个网卡进行监听,捕获并显示流经网卡的数据包,并做相应的分析和统计,还可以设置捕获过滤规则,就某种协议(ip、 tcp、 udp 等)进行重点分析。 -I do a course experiments based on the WinPcap network sniffer, with source code, using c development, in vc++ 6.0 compiler passed under. It can list all the host surveillance network card, select a card to monitor, capture and display data packets flowing through the network card and do the appropriate analysis and statistics, can also set filters to capture the rules of some sort of agreement on the (ip, tcp , udp, etc.) the focus of analysis.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 95kb Publisher : 郭为

OpenBSD PF的图形界面(WebBase)管理工具,支持图形界面的规则管理和分析,系统状态(进程,负载,网络)的查看,手工和定时自动的连接状态与连接日志分析和报表功能。 主要特性: PF Statistics active connections, current ruleset. TCP, UDP, ICMP based PF log analysis. Local System Status process, uptime, vm stats. Web based PF rule generator. Reference Library Many important RFC s, MAC ID query, port query, ip & domain whois. System Log View.-OpenBSD PF graphical interface (WebBase) management tools, graphical interface to support the rules of management and analysis, the system state (process load, network) of the viewing, manual and automatic timing of the connection status and connection log analysis and reporting capabilities. Key Features: PF Statistics active connections, current ruleset.TCP, UDP, ICMP based PF log analysis.Local System Status process, uptime, vm stats.Web based PF rule generator.Reference Library Many important RFC s, MAC ID query, port query , ip
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 715kb Publisher : huang

网络数据监听器,能够监听tcp/udp数据并进行统计-Network Data Monitor can monitor tcp/udp data and statistics
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : yu

显示基于 TCP/IP 的 NetBIOS (NetBT) 协议统计资料、本地计算机和远程计算机的 NetBIOS 名称表和 NetBIOS 名称缓存。Nbtstat 可以刷新 NetBIOS 名称缓存和使用 Windows Internet 名称服务 (WINS) 注册的名称-Show based on the TCP/IP-NetBIOS (NetBT) protocol statistics, the local computer and remote computer' s NetBIOS name tables and NetBIOS name cache. Nbtstat can refresh NetBIOS name cache and the use of Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) name registration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : wirm

利用原始套接字实现简单的流量统计器 对本机发送、接收的各运输层协议的数据流量进行统计,并显示统计结果。-The original socket of the flow statistics simple device of this machine to send, receive all of the data transport layer protocol traffic statistics, and display results.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 74kb Publisher : 戴志勇

基于winpcap的数据包捕获程序,可以统计UDP,TCP,ICMP,ARP,IGMP包的数量以及从本机发送和本机接收到得数据包的数量-Based on winpcap packet capture program, you can statistics UDP, TCP, ICMP, ARP, IGMP, and the number of packets sent from the machine and the machine was received by the number of packets
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : crazyhack

Tool for monitoring network activity: - ARP table: remote MAC-address - remote IP - TCP table: currently open TCP connections - UDP table: currently open UDP ports - TCP statistics - UDP statistics - IP statistics - ICMP statistics - IP address table - IP routing table: equivalent of "route print" command - Adapters table: currently installed adapters data - Interface Table: currently installed interfaces - Round Trip Time & HopCount measurement.-Tool for monitoring network activity: - ARP table: remote MAC-address- remote IP - TCP table: currently open TCP connections - UDP table: currently open UDP ports - TCP statistics - UDP statistics - IP statistics - ICMP statistics - IP address table - IP routing table: equivalent of "route print" command - Adapters table: currently installed adapters data - Interface Table: currently installed interfaces - Round Trip Time & HopCount measurement.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : AleX

获取本机信息,包括本机名称,ip地址,子网掩码,本机协议,网络资源,重置IP配置,获取TCP协议统计信息,IP统计信息-Get local information, including the machine name, ip address, subnet mask, this machine protocol, network resources and reset the IP configuration, TCP protocol to obtain statistical information, IP statistics
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 36kb Publisher : shenxu36

计算机网络技术课程设计 收集并统计网络TCP流量-Network Technology Curriculum Design Network TCP traffic statistics
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 44kb Publisher : tafengtieti

这是一个关于TCP时间统计的程序,可以直接运行。网络考试代码的替代品。-This is a TCP-time statistics on the procedure can be directly run. Network test code alternatives.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.23mb Publisher : 澄海

SharpPcap 是一个.NET 环境下的网络包捕获框架,基于著名的 pcap/WinPcap 库开发。提供了捕获、注入、分析和构建的功能,适用于 C# 和 VB.NET 开发语言。-The purpose of SharpPcap is to provide a framework for capturing, injecting and analyzing network packets for .NET applications. The following list illustrates the features currently supported by SharpPcap: Single assembly for Microsoft .NET and Mono platforms on Windows (32 or 64bit), Linux (32 or 64bit) and Mac. High performance- SharpPcap can capture fast enough to keep up with+3MB/s scp transfer rates WinPcap extensions are partially supported Setting the kernel buffer size Injecting packets using send queues Collecting network statistics on a given network interface Enumerating and showing details about the physical network interface on a Windows machine. Capturing low-level network packets going through a given interface. Analyzing and parsing the following protocols: Ethernet, ARP, IP (IPv4 and IPv6), TCP, UDP, ICMP, IGMP. Injecting low-level network packets on a given interface. Handling (reading and writing) offline packet capture files. Retrieving ad
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 145kb Publisher : liuxing

18个VC++网络相关的源代码实例 都是些实用的小技巧源代码,主要涉及以下内容: 如何获得本地计算机的DNS服务器地址 如何获得本地计算机的IP地址 如何获得本地计算机的IP协议统计信息 如何获得本地计算机的MAC地址 如何获得本地计算机的TCP协议统计信息 如何获得本地计算机的UDP协议统计信息 如何获得本地计算机的名称 如何获得本地计算机的网络协议信息 如何获得本地计算机的域名 如何获得本地计算机的子网掩码 如何获得网上邻居 如何实现面相连接的网络通信 如何实现套接字的连接 如何实现网络浏览器 如何映射网络驱动器 如何通过主机名称获得IP地址 如何通过IP地址获得主机名称 如何实现无连接的网络通信 -18 VC++ source code examples of network-related Are practical tips on the source code, primarily related to the following: How to get the local computer s DNS server address How to get the local computer s IP address How to get the local computer s IP protocol statistics How to get the local computer s MAC address How to get the local computer s TCP protocol statistics How to get the local computer s UDP protocol statistics How to get the name of the local computer How do I get information on the local computer network protocol How to get the local computer s domain name How to get the local computer s subnet mask How to get Network Neighborhood How to connect the network traffic face How to implement the socket connection How to implement a web browser How to map a network drive How to get IP addresses by host name How to get host name by IP address How to connect the network traffic without ... ...
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 297kb Publisher : 是是

winpcap中能够统计网络数据流量,特别是对tcp流量统计-winpcap in the statistic of network traffic, especially traffic statistics tcp
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 郭蔼

VC编程实现如何获得本地计算机的TCP协议统计信息实例代码-VC Programming how to get the local computer s TCP protocol statistics instance of the code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 13kb Publisher : unm

用MFC实现的一个网络抓包程序,可以分析TCP、UDP、ICMP协议数据,同时有流量统计的功能,可供大家参考-Implemented by a network packet capture MFC program that can analyze TCP, UDP, ICMP protocol data, traffic statistics function simultaneously, for your reference
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 79kb Publisher : 邱冬艳

用VC实现的一个简单的Web Server。能够响应客户端的请求将指定目录下的HTML或TXT文件通过指定的TCP端口发送给客户端。可指定Web server的根目录,服务器能并发处理多个请求。能统计webserver接收和发送的流量。-VC achieved by a simple Web Server. Able to respond to client' s request will specify the directory HTML or TXT file by specifying the TCP port to send to the client. You can specify the root directory of Web server, the server can handle multiple requests concurrently. Statistics webserver can send and receive traffic.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 485kb Publisher : huyiming

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shell脚本编程,生成TCP活动状况报告 netstat --statistics --tcp命令可以列出tcp统计信息。编写shell脚本程序,每隔1分钟生成1行信息:当前时间;这一分钟内TCP发送了多少报文;接收了多少报文;收发报文总数;行尾给出符号+或-或空格(+表示这分钟收发报文数比上分钟多,收发报文数相同用空格,否则用符号-) -Shell scripting, TCP activity report generation The netstat--statistics--tcp command to list the TCP statistics. Shell program, every 1 minutes to generate 1 rows of information: the current time this one minute TCP sent many messages received many messages messages the total number of line given the sign+ or- or spaces (+ said this minute packet number more than minutes, receiving and sending the same number with a space, or symbol)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 348kb Publisher : 杨赫
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