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用VB实现数据压缩形成编码 这条增加的边存放在变量tree中的第k个元素上,可以这样认为,tree中从第1 到第k号元素中存放了TE和U的信息。注意:在算法思想中我们特别提醒了TE和U的动 态性,表现在算法中,这种动态性 体现在循环变量k的变化上-VB data compression coding that form the edge of the increase in the variables stored in the tree k elements, we can do that, the tree from 1 to the first k elements stored TE and U information. Note : in the minds of our algorithm reminded the TE and U, dynamic performance of the algorithm, which embodies the dynamic variables k cycle changes
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.6kb Publisher : sun

 触发器实际上是一类特殊的存储过程, 但与一般的存储过程有本质的区别, 存储过程用户可以调用, 而触发器不能被调用, 只有当对表或视图进行一定的触发操作( IN SERT、U PDA TE 和DEL ETE) 时由系统自动 调用。另外触发器不允许带参数, 和特定的表相关联。并指出了在SQL Server 数据库开发应用中要注意的四个 事项。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 113.43kb Publisher : 王功臣

最小生成树 一.问题描述 构造一无向连通网,用Prim算法或Kruskal算法实现最小生成树的算法 二.实验目的 1.掌握网的基本概念和连通网的存储结构 2.掌握最小生成树的算法实现 三.实验要求 1.确定边的相邻顶点和权植,建立无向连通网,实现最小生成树。 2.Prim算法思想: 设G=(V,E)是一个无向连通图,令T=(U,TE)是G的最小生成树。T的初始状态为U={v0},TE={},然后重复执行下述操作:在所有u,v的边中找一条代价最小的边(u,v)并入集合TE,同时v并入U,直至U=V为止。此时TE中必有n-1条边,T就是最小生成树。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.74kb Publisher : jjf

用VB实现数据压缩形成编码 这条增加的边存放在变量tree中的第k个元素上,可以这样认为,tree中从第1 到第k号元素中存放了TE和U的信息。注意:在算法思想中我们特别提醒了TE和U的动 态性,表现在算法中,这种动态性 体现在循环变量k的变化上-VB data compression coding that form the edge of the increase in the variables stored in the tree k elements, we can do that, the tree from 1 to the first k elements stored TE and U information. Note : in the minds of our algorithm reminded the TE and U, dynamic performance of the algorithm, which embodies the dynamic variables k cycle changes
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : sun

关于用vb和usb通信的一个实例,详情请阅读readme.doc-vb and on the use of a USB communication examples, please read Readme.doc
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 57kb Publisher : 阮标中

DL : 0
 触发器实际上是一类特殊的存储过程, 但与一般的存储过程有本质的区别, 存储过程用户可以调用, 而触发器不能被调用, 只有当对表或视图进行一定的触发操作( IN SERT、U PDA TE 和DEL ETE) 时由系统自动 调用。另外触发器不允许带参数, 和特定的表相关联。并指出了在SQL Server 数据库开发应用中要注意的四个 事项。-Flip-flop is actually a special kind of stored procedure, but with the general nature of the stored procedure has the distinction, the user can call stored procedures, and triggers can not be called only when carried out on the table or view to trigger a certain operation (IN SERT , U PDA TE and DEL ETE) by the system automatically calls. Another flip-flop is not allowed zone parameters, and specific associated table. And pointed out that in the SQL Server database development applications should pay attention to four matters.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 113kb Publisher : 王功臣

最小生成树 一.问题描述 构造一无向连通网,用Prim算法或Kruskal算法实现最小生成树的算法 二.实验目的 1.掌握网的基本概念和连通网的存储结构 2.掌握最小生成树的算法实现 三.实验要求 1.确定边的相邻顶点和权植,建立无向连通网,实现最小生成树。 2.Prim算法思想: 设G=(V,E)是一个无向连通图,令T=(U,TE)是G的最小生成树。T的初始状态为U={v0},TE={},然后重复执行下述操作:在所有u,v的边中找一条代价最小的边(u,v)并入集合TE,同时v并入U,直至U=V为止。此时TE中必有n-1条边,T就是最小生成树。
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : jjf

AVR单片机平台Atmega32+CH375A芯片读写U盘代码,可以实现在优盘中创建文件,写入文件等。已经在ICCAVR平台测试通过-AVR single-chip platform Atmega32+ CH375A chip U disk read and write code that can be achieved in the USB to create documents, write documents. ICCAVR platform has been tested through
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 225kb Publisher : 单振宇

摘要:正交频分复用(OFDM)是第四代移动通信的核心技术。该文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理,重点研究了理想同步情 况下,保护时隙(CP)和不同的信道估计方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系 统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。最后给出在不同的信道条件下,保 护时隙、信道估计方法对OFDM系统误码率影响的比较曲线,得出了较理想的结论。 -O FDM is the key techno logy of 4G in the field of mobile comm unication.In this article O FDM ba sic p rinc ip le is briefly in troduced.Then,the influence of CP and d iffe rent channe l e stim a tion on the system pe rfo rm ance is emp ha tica lly analyzed respectively in Gauss and R ayle igh fading channe ls in the cond ition of ideal synchronization.B e sides,based on the given system mode l O FDM system is compu te r sim u la ted w ith MA TLAB language and the refe rentia l design p rocedure is given.Fina lly,the B ER cu rves of CP and channe l e stim ation a re given and comp ared.The conclusion is sa tisfac to ry.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 9kb Publisher : 海之魂

ARM9实验指导书( 请认真书写上传资料的详细功能、包含内容说明(至少要20个字)。尽量不要让站长把时间都花费在为您修正说明上。压缩包解压时不能有密码。 )-ARM9 experiment guidance manubook in which you can get enough info about ARM9 so the author strongly recommend u to choose this book as an refe rence bo ok as an as sis te nce to yo ur ex pe ri ment
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 3.94mb Publisher : alex

DL : 0
算法特点:该算法的特点是当前形成的集合T始终是一棵树。将T中U和TE分别看作红点和红边集,V-U看作蓝点集。算法的每一步均是在连接红、蓝点集的紫边中选择一条轻边扩充进T中。MST性质保证了此边是安全的。T从任意的根r开始,并逐渐生长直至U=V,即T包含了 C中所有的顶点为止。MST性质确保此时的T是G的一棵MST。因为每次添加的边是使树中的权尽可能小,因此这是一种"贪心"的策略。 -Algorithm characteristics: the algorithm is characterized by the formation of the current set of T is always a tree. The T, U and TE were seen as red dots and red edge set, VU as a blue dot set. Every step of the algorithm are connecting the red, blue, choose a set of purple fringing to expand into the T in the light side. The nature side of MST to ensure that this is safe. T starting from any root r, and gradually grow up to U = V, ie T contains all the vertices of C so far. MST to ensure that this time the nature of the tree T is a G MST. Because each side is to add the right tree as small as possible, so this is a " greedy" strategy.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 吕济根

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x c v b m k h df sa awr yu u uu u er r fdr edtg re tre tr te rt- x c v b m k h df sa awr yu u uu u er r fdr edtg re tre tr te rt
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 77kb Publisher : avinash

应用多权值神经网络方法对静态手势进行识别, 对手势字母图像采用傅里叶描述子提取特征信息, 取低频信息成分构建成犯维特征向量, 并应用多权值神经网络的算法, 构建各类的神经元网络-W ith th e develo Pm en t of hu m an eom p uter intera etion te ehn olo盯, th e h as been b ased on an im P o rt a n t tas k fo r U r o n s diseu ssion . Th is Pap er pro Posed a new m eth o d fo r re searc h of un ders tan ding fo r hu m an 􀀁 5 gestu re re eogn izing of han d al Ph ab et gesture s, w hieh m ulti 一we ig hted ne al 即rith m of m ulti一w eigh ted n e U r o n S Th e 5 fo r m eth od ap plied Fo uri er一d eseri Ptors fo r fe atu re extra etion an d eolb ined wi th the elassifi eation re eognizin g , th e re sul ts sh ow ed th at th e m eth od p erfo rm ed w el .
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 563kb Publisher : 流星

提出了一种基于非下采样 Contourlet变换 ( NSCT)和马尔科夫随机场 (MRF)相结合的纹理图像分割算法。算法包括两 个步骤, 首先通过 NSCT实现对图像纹理特征的提取, 并使用模糊 C-均值完成对图像的初始分割 然后将初始分割结果用 MRF模型 表示, 通过贝叶斯置信传播得到图像的最终分割结果。实验结果表明, 对于纹理图像,该方法在分割错误率、 区域一致性以及边缘的 准确性方面都比传统小波变换的方法有了明显的改善。-A tex ture i m age seg m entation a l go rithm based on comb i nati on of non-down sa m pling Contourlet transfor m ( NSCT) andM arkov rando m fi e l d model is proposed . The algorithm consists o f t wo steps . F ir st , the tex t u re f ea t ure of i m ag e is ex trac ted by NS CT, and the i m age is seg m ented i n itia lly by fuzzy c- m eans Second , the pr i m aril y seg m ented results are expressed byMRF mode, l and the fi nal seg m entati on re- s u lts are ga i ned v i a Bayes beli e f propag ati on . The exper i menta l resu lts show tha t this a l gor it hm is effecti ve fo r tex t ure i m age , it prov i desm uch better res u lts i n erro r ra te o f segm enta tion , reg ion ho m ogene ity and edge accuracy than tho se of trad iti onal w ave let transf o r m ing m ethods
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 211kb Publisher : jjdjjf

针对 3 G PP最新发布的 LTE ( l o n g t er m evol u t i on ) R e l ease 8 标准, 研究了 LTE 空中接口协 议栈无线 链路控 制 ( ra d i o l i nk con t ro, l RLC ) 的子层确认 ( ac kn o w l e d ged m o d e , A M ) 传输模式的 设计与实 现机制。主要介 绍了 L TE 无 线接入网空中接口协议 栈的结构, 详细阐述了空中接口协 议栈中 RLC的 A M 数据传 输模式的 运行原理, 最 后根据 协议设计了一种具体在 协议栈软件中实现 A M 传输模式的方法。3 GP P L T E 协议栈 RL C 层 AM 传输-For 3 G PP Recently LTE (longt ER m eVol UTI on) R EL Ease 8 standard LTE air interface protocol stack of a radio link control (ra dioli nk con t ro, l RLC) sub-layer acknowledgment (ac kn owled ged mode, AM) Design and implementation of mechanisms for transfer mode. Mainly introduces L TE air interface of radio access network protocol stack structure, elaborated on the principle of operation of the air interface protocol stack, the data transmission mode of the RLC AM Finally, according to the protocol design a specific AM transmission implemented in the protocol stack software mode method. Of 3 GP PLTE protocol stack RL C layer AM transmission
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 638kb Publisher : cindy

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新一代高性能无人机飞控系统的研究与设计 张小林 赵宇博 范力思-I n o r de r t o cau se t he U A V f lig ht co nt r o l sy st e m has t he f o r mida ble da t a- ha ndling ca pa cit y , t h e lo w po we r lo ss , t he st r o ng f le x ibilit y an d a hig he r int e g r at io n r a t e, pr o po sed o ne kind of t e chn ol og y ba sed on SO P C w hic h ca n so lv e t hes e p r ob lem s o n U A V f lig ht co n  t r o l sy st e m. T r a nsf e r s m any N io s so f t pr o c ess o r . A lt e r a br in gi ng t he I P co r e a s w el l as t he per ip her y ha r dw a r e cir c uit . on e kind o f h ig h per f o r man ce f lig ht co nt r o l sy st em h as be en de sig ned. Co mpa r e s w it h t he t r a diti on al U A V co nt r o l sy s te m, t his o ne hav e ve r y st r o ng dat a handl ing capa cit y , t h e sma ll v o lume a nd lo w po w e r lo s s. T he a ct ua l fl ig ht r esul t indic at e d : Ea ch m odu la r de sig n is r ea so nab le, t he o ve r al l sy st em mo v e ment is st a ble. T his sy st e m ca n b e ser ve d a s t he ne x t g ene r
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 606kb Publisher : 天下

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假设G=(V,E)是连通的,TE是G上最小生成树中边的集合。算法从U={u0}(u0∈V)、TE={}开始。重复执行下列操作: 在所有u∈U,v∈V-U的边(u,v)∈E中找一条权值最小的边(u0,v0)并入集合TE中,同时v0并入U,直到V=U为止。-Suppose G = (V, E) is connected, TE minimum spanning tree of G on the set of edges. Algorithm from U = {u0} (u0 ∈ V), TE = {} begin. Repeat the following: In all u ∈ U, v ∈ V-U edge (u, v) ∈ E, find a minimum weight edge (u0, v0) into the collection TE, while v0 into the U, until V = U so far.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张鹏

针对基于贝叶斯原理的序贯蒙特卡罗粒子滤波器出现退化现象的原因, 以无敏粒子滤波(U PF)、辅助粒子滤波 (A S IR) 及采样重要再采样(S IR) 等改进的粒子滤波算法为例, 对消除该缺陷的关键技术(优化重要密度函数及再采样) 进行了 分析研究。说明通过提高重要密度函数的似然度、引进当前测量值、预增和复制大权值粒子等方式, 可以有效改善算法性能。 最后通过对一无源探测定位问题进行仿真, 验证了运用该关键技术后, 算法的收敛精度和鲁棒性得到进一步增强。- Abstract:W e analyze the degeneracy phenomenon of sequen t ialMon te Carlo part icle f ilters based on bayesian theo rem , pu t focu s on the key techn iques ( good cho ice of impo rtance den sity and u se of resamp ling ) to reduce it s effect s. Several imp roving schemes such as the U n scen ted Part icle F ilters (U PF) , the A ux iliary Samp ling Impo rtance Resamp ling (A S IR ) and the Samp ling Impo rtance Resamp ling (S IR ) algo rithm s are in t roduced to illu st rate th rough increasing the likelihood of the impo rtance den sity o r inco rpo rat ing new measu remen t, o r rep licat ing part icles w ith large w eigh t s w ith in the generic f rame of part icle f ilters, the convergence accu racy and robu stness behavio rs of the algo rithm can be effect ively imp roved. A typ ical passive detect ion and locat ion p rob lem is simu lated to p rove above conclu sion s.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 291kb Publisher : Haiser

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TE过程是基于实际工业过程的过程控制案例,它是由美国伊斯曼化学公司的过程控制小组创建的,其目的是为评价过程控制和监控方法提供一个现实的工业过程。测试过程是基于一个真实工业过程的仿真,很适合于研究过程控制技术。其中的成分、动力学、运行条件等因为专利权的问题都作了修改。-TE process is based on the actual process of industrial process control case, it is by the process of U.S. Eastman Chemical Company control group created, and its object is to provide a realistic industrial process for the uation of process control and monitoring method. Test procedure is based on a real industrial process simulation, well suited to study the process control technology. One of the components, dynamics, operating conditions and other problems have since been revised patent.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 68kb Publisher : 林家
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