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图像匹配,在一副图象中搜寻子图像,寻找特征点-Image matching, in a sub-image search images to find the feature points
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : wu wei

本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能-In this paper, and designed to achieve a free offline handwritten numeral recognition system. First, the identification number of the preconditioning treatment were introduced, including binarization, smoothing filtering, standardization, refinement, such as image processing method Secondly, to explore how to extract the number of character strokes of structural features and characteristics, and described in detail Knowledge of the construction method Finally the use of a Knowledge-based template matching method to identify and MATLAB as a programming tool to achieve with a friendly graphical user interface of free handwritten numeral recognition system. The experimental results show that this method has higher recognition rate, and has better anti-noise performance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.17mb Publisher : wangjinfeng

Phase Based Template Matching: Phase information is used for matching the input imagery with the template. Both the images are filtered with canny edge detector. The timing efficiency is introduced by implementing skipping steps while doing correlation. The advantage of Phase based correlation technique is that it shows good response against shift/brightness variation and noise addition i.e. salt & pepper/Gaussian noise [1,2]. Templates includes small portion of cropped from input imagery with gaussian noise introduced in them.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 70kb Publisher : zhangxq

模板匹配,能够准确的找出与所给图像一致的目标。-Template matching, the ability to accurately identify the image with the given goal.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 98kb Publisher : cheng tiantian

一种简单有效的基于动态时变语音识别源码 对于大多数研究者来说,寻找能够匹配二重时间序列信号的最佳途径是很重要的,因为它有许多重要的应用需求.DTW是实现这项工作的显著技术,尤其在语音识别技术领域,在这里一个测试信号被按照参照模板拉伸或压缩, -Searching for the best path that matches two time-series signals is the main task for many researchers, because of its importance in these applications. Dynamic Time-Warping (DTW) is one of the prominent techniques to accomplish this task, especially in speech recognition systems. DTW is a cost minimisation matching technique, in which a test signal is stretched or compressed according to a reference template. Although there are other advanced techniques in speech recognition such as the hidden Markov modelling (HMM) and artificial neural network (ANN) techniques, the DTW is widely used in the small-scale embedded-speech recognition systems such as those embedded in cell phones. The reason for this is owing to the simplicity of the hardware implementation of the DTW engine, which makes it suitable for many mobile devices. Additionally, the training procedure in DTW is very simple and fast, as compared with the HMM and ANN rivals.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : 宋小小

本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能。-In this paper, and design implementation of a freely Offline handwritten numeral recognition system. First, identify the figure of the pre-processing treatment were introduced, including binarization, smoothing filtering, standardization, refinement, such as image processing method Secondly, to explore how to extract the structural features of characters and stroke characteristics, and described in detail Knowledge of the construction method Finally the use of a Knowledge-based template matching to identify methods and MATLAB as a programming tool to achieve with a friendly graphical user interface of freely handwritten numeral recognition system. The experimental results show that this method has higher recognition rate, and has better anti-noise performance.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 341kb Publisher : kongchao

针对高精度的畸变图像,提出了一种基于最小二乘影像匹配的高精度畸变图像矫正算 法. 算法首先利用特征提取与边缘检测对图像进行预处理,并且将特征匹配与最小二乘算法相 结合,从而实现了图像与模板之间精确的子像素定位与匹配. 实验表明,该算法较好的解决了目前高精度畸变图像矫正算法中普遍存在的定位和匹配精度较差的缺陷,图像矫正效果良好,是一种有效的畸变图像矫正算法.-Image distortion for high-precision, a least-squares image matching based on high-precision image distortion correction algorithm. First of all, the use of feature extraction algorithm for edge detection and image pre-processing, and will feature matching with a combination of least-squares algorithm in order to achieve the image and the template between the sub-pixel accurate positioning and matching. The experimental results show that the algorithm has better accuracy of the solution to the current distortion prevalent image correction algorithm to match the accuracy of the positioning and less defects, image correction effect well, is an effective algorithm to correct image distortion.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 107kb Publisher : chenruibao

汽车牌照定位与字符识别 要定位汽车牌照并识别其中的字符,我们采用Matlab平台提供的一些图像处理函数,以傅立叶变换通过字符模板与待处理的图像匹配为核心思想。 -Vehicle license location to location and character recognition vehicle license and identify the characters, we use Matlab platform provides a number of image processing functions, Fourier transform through the characters in the template to be processed with the image matching as the core ideology.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : 吕寿鹏

图像模板匹配算法用MATLAB来试验,有例子大家可以看看,有上占还不完好,有能力的自己-Image template matching algorithm using MATLAB to test, there are examples we can see, there are not well accounted for, the ability of their changed
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 67kb Publisher : zheng

学数字图像处理课程做的一个大作业,车牌识别的,用matlab编程实现,并采用了自适应阈值法,最后用模板匹配的方法实现了车牌的自动识别功能-Learn digital image processing program to do a great job, license plate recognition with matlab programming, using the adaptive threshold method, and finally with the template matching method to achieve the automatic license plate recognition
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1013kb Publisher : xixi

基于相关的模板匹配算法的Matlab实现,表示出了相应的匹配区域-Template matching algorithm based on the correlation of the Matlab implementation, expressed the corresponding matching region
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 章智凯

用matlab实现的图形文字匹配,配有文字图片-Matlab implementation of the graphical text with matching pictures with words
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 小安

I have solved the frequency based Template matching problem through matlab with success rate of 100
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 196kb Publisher : ariful alam

图像匹配算法,运用模板匹配方法,是基于灰度的模板匹配算法,很全,有说明,程序和图片。-Image matching algorithm using template matching method is template matching algorithm based on gray, very full, with instructions, procedures, and pictures.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 192kb Publisher : fiona

本文论述并设计实现了一个脱机自由手写体数字识别系统。文中首先对待识别数字的预处理进行了介绍,包括二值化、平滑滤波、规范化、细化等图像处理方法;其次,探讨了如何提取数字字符的结构特征和笔划特征,并详细地描述了知识库的构造方法;最后采用了以知识库为基础的模板匹配识别方法,并以MATLAB作为编程工具实现了具有友好的图形用户界面的自由手写体数字识别系统。实验结果表明,本方法具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能。-This paper describes and designs a free handwritten number recognition system. Firstly, the pretreatment of the character to be recognized is introduced, including binarization, smoothing, normalization and thinning. Next, how to extract the structural features of the numbers is discussed, and we describe the constructing method of repository. Finally, we use the method of template matching, based on repository, to recognize the digital number. Matlab is used as a program tool to realize this free handwritten digital recognition system with friendly graphical user interface. The experimental results show that the rate of the recognition system is high, and the proposed method is robust to nois
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 341kb Publisher : feiying

用MATLAB对两幅图片进行图像匹配,程序运用了两种匹配算法1.基于灰度值的模板匹配2.模板匹配的改进算法-Two pictures with MATLAB for image matching procedure using two matching algorithms. Two gray value-based template matching. Improved algorithm of template matching
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 215kb Publisher : 张倩

对两幅图像进行相似度计算,基于相似度计算进行模板匹配,带有测试图像,可以直接运行-Calculate the similarity of the two images, the similarity calculation based on template matching, with a test image, you can directly run
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 31kb Publisher : 杨秀芳

基于MATLAB的车牌识别的设计算法,实现的有车牌定位,车牌字符分割和识别等算法。-   In this thesis,the main contents include: First, copes with positioning process of the captured vehicle license plate and then preprocess the positioned license plate Second, based on comparison of gray level and color based license plate location methods, we find the optimal method of vehicle license plate location Third the pretreatment adopts the gray level transformation, tilt correction, median filtering, the expansion of corrosion treatment Fourth, at character segmentation stage, we adopt a new character segmentation model Fifth, in the character recognition, optimization character module and recognize license plate characters with template matching method.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 君子兰

使用MATLAB对车牌进行识别,并在GUI界面上进行显示,字符识别采用的是模板匹配法,附有待识别车牌和字符模板库(License plate recognition using MATLAB, and displayed on the GUI interface, character recognition using the template matching method With the number plate and character template library to be recognized)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.67mb Publisher : 小小朱

本课题为基于连通域分割和模板匹配的二代居民身份证号码识别系统,带有一个GUI人机交互界面。可以识别数十张身份证图片。 首先从身份证图像上获取0~9和X共十一个号码字符的样本图像作为后续识别的字符库样本,其次将待测身份证图像进行去噪、灰度化、二值化、水平投影切割,垂直投影并切割,将待测身份证号码分割出来,然后进行待测号码图片与字符库样本对比计算、识别判断、最终确定待测身份证号号码。本设计关于身份证号码的识别是基于Matlab软件的基础上进行的。(This project is a second generation ID card number recognition system based on connected domain segmentation and template matching, with a GUI human-computer interface. It can identify dozens of ID card pictures. Firstly, the sample images of 11 number characters (0-9 and x) are obtained from the ID card image as the character library samples for subsequent recognition. Secondly, the ID card image to be tested is denoised, grayed, binary, horizontal projection cut, vertical projection and cut, the ID card number code to be tested is segmented, and then the number image to be tested is compared with the sample of the character library for calculation and recognition judgment Finally determine the ID card number to be tested. The identification of ID card number in this design is based on MATLAB software.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 553kb Publisher :
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