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对由光源颜色变化引起的图像色彩偏差,进行了校正,并在YCbCr颜色空间建立了Cb-Cr色度查找表和亮度信息联合的肤色模型,应用预处理技术,去除部分非人脸区域,减少人脸检测的搜索空间,并采用模板匹配方法在人脸候选区域检测人脸.实验表明,该方法能够有效的从复杂环境的彩色图像中检测出左右旋转不超过45°的人脸,且不受人脸表情、尺度和数目的影响,且错误率较低.-Color by the light source caused by the change of image color deviation, a correction, and YCbCr color space established a Cb-Cr chrominance and luminance information look-up table of the color model of the joint application of pre-treatment technology, to remove some non-human face region, Face detection to reduce the search space, using a template matching method in the face candidate region detection of human faces. experiments show that the method can be effective in complex environments from color images detected no more than about 45 ° rotation of the human face, and from Facial Expression, scale and number of impact, and lower error rate.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 187kb Publisher : lll

This m file models a DPSK UWB system using a delay in one leg of the mixer, correlation receiver low pass filter combination requiring no template for synching. Various waveforms are displayed throughout the system to allow the user to observe operation of the system.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 翟剑

用MATLAB进行图形样板匹配的源程序,(开发平台MATLAB7.0)-Using MATLAB graphics to match the source model, (development platform MATLAB7.0)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 54kb Publisher : chao wang

常用的说话人识别方法有模板匹配法、统计建模法、联接主义法(即人工神经网络实现)。考虑到数据量、实时性以及识别率的问题,采用基于矢量量化和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)相结合的方法。   说话人识别的系统主要由语音特征矢量提取单元(前端处理)、训练单元、识别单元和后处理单元组成, -Commonly used methods of speaker recognition template matching method, statistical modeling method, and connection method (ie, artificial neural networks). Taking into account the amount of data, real-time as well as the recognition rate of the problem, based on vector quantization and Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method of combining. Speaker recognition system mainly by the voice feature vector extraction unit (front-end treatment), training modules, identification and post-treatment unit modules,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 63kb Publisher : 孙丽

给定距阵以及模版,求取在该模版下的图像中值,以实现后续的图像处理功能-A given matrix as well as the template in the template to strike under the value of images
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 小叶

DL : 0
此模型为状态观测器的Matlab实现,提供了一个用于状态观测器的实现模板,适合于新手学习。-This model for the state observer of Matlab, providing a state observer for the realization of the template, suitable for novices to learn.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 39kb Publisher : xumingfa

GDAL支持的Morton 编码金字塔无缝漫游工具,从2007年开始,不断更新到2011年,偶的小业余研究。底层基于GDAL, 支持很多冷门格式。使用Morton金字塔重构二维数据,加上内存映射文件的帮助,浏览GB级影像没有问题。内嵌带接缝处理的透明分块条带处理接口,无需了解金字塔,也能透明对GB级影像进行各种处理。内嵌直方图均衡和模板卷积的例子,演示如何透明的开发处理算法。附带重要的功能是“尺度不变特征SIFT”的特征提取,本来是上学时的论文,经过这些年零敲碎打的改造,现在能进行全自动、半自动、手动控制点提取、模型最小二乘估计,纠正功能,最终把偶的风景照拼接成全景。由于离开原先行业,没再用真正的遥感图试过,只当好玩吧!内附代码、范例、详细说明书。性能肯定不如SIFT原版范例。 核心算法见 Matlab+C SIFT 特征提取与匹配演示程序 GDAL support seamless roaming pyramid coding tools, beginning in 2007, constantly updated to 2011, even the little amateur research. Bottom based on GDAL, support for many unpopular formats. Reconstruction of two-dimensional data using the Morton pyramid, with the help of memory mapped files, browse the GB-level image is no problem. Embedded with the seaming strip of transparent block processing interface, no understanding of the pyramid, but also transparent to the GB-level images of various processing. Embedded histogram equalization and template convolution example, shows how transparent the development of processing algorithms. With important function is to "scale-invariant features of SIFT" feature extraction, could have been school papers, after all these years of piecemeal reform, now fully automatic, semi-automatic, manual control points extraction, model least squares estimation to correct function, eventually even spliced into a panoramic landscape photo. Since leaving
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.83mb Publisher : 流浪小狗

(扫雷3)自己用matlab编写的扫雷程序3,类似于windows自带的那种,可玩性很高,只有一种模式,内部算法充分考虑了模板方法-(Mine clearance 3) mine clearance program using matlab, similar to windows that comes with the kind of easy to play, only a model, the internal algorithms take full account of the template method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 34kb Publisher : 三枝笔

基于MATLAB的车牌识别的设计算法,实现的有车牌定位,车牌字符分割和识别等算法。-   In this thesis,the main contents include: First, copes with positioning process of the captured vehicle license plate and then preprocess the positioned license plate Second, based on comparison of gray level and color based license plate location methods, we find the optimal method of vehicle license plate location Third the pretreatment adopts the gray level transformation, tilt correction, median filtering, the expansion of corrosion treatment Fourth, at character segmentation stage, we adopt a new character segmentation model Fifth, in the character recognition, optimization character module and recognize license plate characters with template matching method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.33mb Publisher : 君子兰

这是基于ARMA模型算法的有色噪声信号处理方法研究毕设论文。里面内容详细,各章对各种信号处理算法均有详细解释并附带matlab仿真代码。这篇论文有幸成为北航优秀论文,也是正在做毕设的同学不可多得的模板资料。-This is based on the ARMA model algorithm of colored noise signal processing method research. Detailed explanation of the contents of the contents of the various signal processing algorithms are detailed explanation and with the MATLAB simulation code. This paper had the honor to become the northern excellent papers, is doing a complete class rare template information.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.07mb Publisher : 赵天宇1215

本资源运用Matlab中的计算机视觉技术对视频监控中的运动人体的一些异常行为进行研究分析,涉及到了运动目标检测以及跟踪和人体异常行为检测等几个方面。背景模型的建立则是分别利用了中值滤波法和二值化背景模版建模法,通过帧间差分 来实现不断更新背景模版。在检测运动人体异常行为中,本文在检测运动人体跌倒的异常行为时利用外接矩形来确定运动人体及其质心,并通过定义一些特征算子来把人体行为进行量化,从而判断是否行为异常。(In this paper, we use matlab technology to detect abnormal human movement and video resources. The background model is established by using the median filtering method and the binary background template modeling method, through the frame difference To update the background template constantly. In the detection of abnormal behavior of moving human body, this paper uses the outer rectangle to determine the moving human body and its center of mass, and defines some characteristic operators to quantify the human behavior, so as to determine whether the abnormal behavior.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20.06mb Publisher : 沃呦俏豚
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