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一种测试自动化测试接口协议的语言。值得一看-a test automation interface testing agreement language. An eye-catcher
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 王姝妲

讲述了tcl语言,还有dejaGNU。可以用于大型项目的自动化测试的工作,用过了,非常爽-described tcl language, there dejaGNU. Can be used for large-scale projects in the test automation work, used a very cool
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 369.48kb Publisher : zhangbin

《Software Test Automation》-"Software Test Automation"
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.86mb Publisher : 黄海涛

VB automation 测试代码-VB code test automation
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.34kb Publisher : 李洋

与 <<Effective GUI Test Automation>>配套的源代码
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : sony

远程教育使用的在线考试系统,建立在国际互联网上,客户端的配置可以极为简单,使考试不受地域的局限。一个完备的在线考试系统可以使用户在网上学习过后及时检验自己的学习效果,已发现自己的不足,使得学习效率得到很大提高。在线考试系统中题目的生成、试卷的提交、成绩的批阅等都可以在网络上自动完成。只要形成一套成熟的题库就可以实现考试的自动化。-distance education using online examination system, establishment of the Internet, the client configuration can be very simple, so that the examination without geographical limitations. A comprehensive examination of the online system allows users to the Internet after learning timely test of the study results, has found his own shortcomings and makes learning efficiency can be improved greatly. Online Examination System topic generation, the papers submitted for approval to the results might have on the network automatically. As long as the formation of a mature database can be achieved test automation.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 119.68kb Publisher : sh

《Software Test Automation》-"Software Test Automation"
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.86mb Publisher : 黄海涛

VB automation 测试代码-VB code test automation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 37kb Publisher :

远程教育使用的在线考试系统,建立在国际互联网上,客户端的配置可以极为简单,使考试不受地域的局限。一个完备的在线考试系统可以使用户在网上学习过后及时检验自己的学习效果,已发现自己的不足,使得学习效率得到很大提高。在线考试系统中题目的生成、试卷的提交、成绩的批阅等都可以在网络上自动完成。只要形成一套成熟的题库就可以实现考试的自动化。-distance education using online examination system, establishment of the Internet, the client configuration can be very simple, so that the examination without geographical limitations. A comprehensive examination of the online system allows users to the Internet after learning timely test of the study results, has found his own shortcomings and makes learning efficiency can be improved greatly. Online Examination System topic generation, the papers submitted for approval to the results might have on the network automatically. As long as the formation of a mature database can be achieved test automation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 119kb Publisher : sh

一种测试自动化测试接口协议的语言。值得一看-a test automation interface testing agreement language. An eye-catcher
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : 王姝妲

讲述了tcl语言,还有dejaGNU。可以用于大型项目的自动化测试的工作,用过了,非常爽-described tcl language, there dejaGNU. Can be used for large-scale projects in the test automation work, used a very cool
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 369kb Publisher : zhangbin

VTS(VisuaI Test Shelf) V3.4.7的源代码。VTS是美国国家联邦实验室N.I.S.T.所开发的BACnet协议下的报文的测试工具。BACnet(A Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation and Control Network)是由美国采暖、制冷和空调工程师协会制定的开放楼宇自动控制网络数据通信协议。-VTS (Visual Test Shelf) V3.4.7 source. VTS of the United States federal laboratories N.I.S.T. BACnet developed by the newspaper under the agreement text test tools. BACnet (A Data Communication Protocol for Buil ding Automation and Control Network) by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers developed the opening of Building Automation and Control network data communication protocol.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.11mb Publisher : Frank Hsu

flash文件系统的测试的automation-flash file system test automation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : blair

与 <<Effective GUI Test Automation>>配套的源代码-And
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : sony

DL : 0
使用的开发语言有CSharp,VB等,个人认为有较好的参考价值。 【.NET开发】使用Windows Forms生成简单的绘图工具 【.NET开发】为.NET应用程序实现一个类似Word的对象模型 【Office开发】.NET框架下Excel报表组件编程 【Web开发】了解和扩展ASP.NET 2.0中的站点导航系统 【工具与技巧】构建高性能的ASP.NET应用程序 【工具与技巧】使用WMI和MOM 2005检测和监视ASP.NET应用程序 【软件测试】底层UI测试自动化 【特别策划】使用Visual Studio 2005速成版建立低廉的开发环境 【特别策划】用高级安全特性将Hacker拒之门外-Used in the development of language has CSharp, VB, etc. personally think has a better reference value. [. NET development] using Windows Forms to generate a simple drawing tools [. NET development] for. NET applications to achieve a similar Word object model] [Office development. NET framework components Programming Excel statements] [Web development knowledge and extension of ASP.NET 2.0 in site navigation systems] [tools and techniques to build high-performance ASP.NET applications] [tools and techniques to use WMI and MOM 2005 to detect and monitor ASP.NET application software testing] [underlying UI test automation ] [Special planning to use Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions establish low-cost development environment] [special planning with advanced security features will be excluded Hacker
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : softareren

It has been said before but it bears repeating: Writing defect-free software is exceedingly diffi cult. Proof of correctness of real systems is still well beyond our abilities, and specifi cation of behavior is equally challenging. Predicting future needs is a hit or miss affair—we’d all be getting rich on the stock market instead of building software systems if we were any good at it! Automated verifi cation of software behavior is one of the biggest advances in development methods in the last few decades. This very developer-friendly practice has huge benefi ts in terms of increasing productivity, improving quality, and keeping software from becoming brittle. The very fact that so many developers are now doing it of their own free will speaks for its effectiveness. This chapter introduces the concept of test automation using a variety of tools (including xUnit), describes why you would do it, and explains what makes it diffi cult to do test automation well.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.55mb Publisher : Javadeveloper

android automation test Instrument framework
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 55kb Publisher : 李炎

在线考试系统中题目的生成、试卷的提交、成绩的批阅等都可以在网上自动完成。只要形成一套成熟的题库就可以实现考试的自动化。这样一来,教师所要做工作的只是精心设计题目、维护题库,而不是组织考试,从而大大减轻了教师的负担,也减少了财政支出,这表明其经济性是相当可观的。 在线考试系统为考试管理者、考生提供一个高效、便捷、而又轻松的考试环境,满足教师工作轻松,学生考试方便需求。 -Online examination system in the generation of questions, the papers submitted, marking results and so can be done automatically online. Exam as long as the formation of a mature test automation can be achieved. As a result, teachers have to do is carefully designed to work topics, maintenance exam, not the organization of the examination, thus greatly reducing the burden on teachers, but also reduced fiscal spending, suggesting that the economy is considerable. Online examination system administrator for the exam, candidates to provide an efficient, convenient, yet relaxed test environment to meet the teachers to work easily and conveniently test the students needs.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.17mb Publisher : 陈韩托

好吧,索性把我几年工作中积攒的测试资料全部奉献给大家。本文档对软件自动化测试技术做了完美的总结,其中结合了现代软件工程的实际应用-A introduction PPT of Test Automation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 411kb Publisher : Junior

What is Test Automation in Software Engineering? This file contains completely detail about test automation.-What is Test Automation in Software Engineering? This file contains completely detail about test automation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 122kb Publisher : Arslan
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