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在Visual C++6_0中使用Text-to-Speech-in Visual C 6_0 use Text-to-Speech
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 58.99kb Publisher : 魏海

为微软SAPI(Text-to-Speech API)封装的类- Kind (Text-to-Speech API) seals which for Microsoft SAPI
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 79kb Publisher : 站长

文本语音转换示范代码-Text-to-Speech Model code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 12kb Publisher : aqiaogege

txt2wav.rar文本语音(Text-to-Speech,以下简称TTS),它的作用就是把通过TTS引擎把文本转化为语音输出。代码示范了如何运用Microsoft Speech SDK 建立自己的文本语音转换应用程序。应该事先下载微软的语音SDK里面含微软的语音开发工具原来是sapi5.1现在好像升级了微软的MSDN上有下-txt2wav.rar text pronunciation (Text-to-Speech, hereafter refers to as TTS), its function is transforms through the TTS engine the text as the pronunciation output. How did the code demonstrate has established own using Microsoft Speech SDK text pronunciation transformation application procedure. Should beforehand download Microsoft inside pronunciation SDK to contain Microsoft the pronunciation development kit originally is sapi5.1 now looks like promotes on Microsoft s MSDN to have next
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher : 吴小凤

文本语音转换示例-text-to-speech conversion Example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11kb Publisher :

代码1:本代码实现了以图形方式显示CPU与内存利用率。 代码2:近来我在用VC开发一套MIS时没有用MFC的文档视图模板,所以在打印这上面就只好自己写了一套,用起来感觉还可以,所以写出来大家一起修正一下吧,也许能给大家起点作用吧! 系统UI是基于对话框的,大家如果感觉不错可以进行自我修正! 代码3:编程时有时需要读取SQL服务器的目录及文件列表,特别作一些数据库备份程序的时候,本程序实现这个功能...... 代码4:TTS-文本语音转换。 代码5:本软件是一个用局网域发送信使服务的程序,用到了NET SEND网络命令和创建了一个进程和一个主线程。本软件一共两个线程,显示网络用户信息也用到了第二个线程主要用到的是NETBIOS会话。本程序是发布的DEBUG版如果有什么DEBUG请指出。本程序参考了VISUAL C++网络通信编程一书。 代码6:数据库连接 AD0。本包为数据连接,在您的程序中整体加入此包能帮您的数据库连接省n多代码 里面注释很规范, 请自己阅读。-a code : the source implementation of a graphic display of CPU and memory utilization. Code 2 : Recently, I developed a VC MIS without using MFC View template files, so that the print on the above but their set was used up feeling also, so we write together that so much today, we can perhaps starting role! UI system is based on then the box, if you can feel good for self-correction! code 3 : Programming sometimes need to read SQL server's directory and list of documents, especially for some database backup procedures, the procedures for this function code ...... 4 : TTS- text-to-speech conversion. Code 5 : The software is a network area used courier services to send the procedures used by NET SEND command networks and the creation of a process and a main thread. The software has two t
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.24mb Publisher : 黄河

在Visual C++6_0中使用Text-to-Speech-in Visual C 6_0 use Text-to-Speech
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 59kb Publisher : 魏海

text to speech
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 8.01mb Publisher : 林等

DL : 0
文本语音(Text-to-Speech,以下简称TTS),它的作用就是把通过TTS引擎把文本转化为语音输出。本文不是讲述如何建立自己的TTS引擎,而是简单介绍如何运用Microsoft Speech SDK 建立自己的文本语音转换应用程序。 -text-to-speech (Text-to-Speech, hereinafter referred TTS), its role is to put the engine through TTS text into voice output. This is not about how to build its own TTS engine, but simply how to use Microsoft Speech SDK to build their own text-to-speech conversion application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 万宏兴

关于tts语音引擎的使用方法!很多软件具有英文发音和朗读功能,它们都使用了MSTTS(Microsoft Text To Speech)技术。微软遵照COM的标准,提供了一套Speech API来对MSTTS进行编程。要在程序中使用这套API,必须确保系统已经安装了MSTTS和Spchapi软件包。   Speech API可以作为类型库引用到Delphi中,方法是:打开Project选单下的Import Type Litrary,点击“Add”加入Windows\Speech目录下的Vtxauto.tlb文件,在Delphi的Import目录中就会生成VTxtAuto—TLB.pas文件,其中定义了VTxtAuto—TLB单元,把它加到Uses成员中来。设计如图2所示的窗口,定义全局变量: var VoTxt:IVTxtAuto   然后在Form的OnCreate事件中加入:   VoTxt:=CoVTxtAuto_.Create   VoTxt.Register(′′,′Speech Test′) {注册}   “Read”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.Speak(Memo1.Lines.Text,10) {朗读}   “Stop”按钮代码为:   VoTxt.StopSpeaking {停止朗读}   至此,应用程序已具有朗读功能,10表示使用普通语气。借住VoTxt的属性和方法,我们还可以控制阅读速度和语气,实现暂停、跳句等功能,Speech API编程就这么简单。 -TTS voice on the use of the engine! Many software with English pronunciation and reading aloud function, they have used MSTTS (Microsoft Text To Speech) technology. Microsoft COM comply with the standards and provide a set of Speech API to right MSTTS program. The procedure to use this API, we must ensure that the system has been installed and Spchapi MSTTS package. Speech API can be used as a type library to Delphi, is : Open Project menu under the Import Type Litrary, click on the "Add" to join Windows \ directory under the Speech Vtxauto.tlb documents in the Delphi Import directory will generate VTxtAuto- TLB.pas document, which will just a VTxtAuto- TLB units, it added Uses members to China. Figure 2 shows the design of windows, the definition of global variables : var VoTx
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7kb Publisher : 章称

现今市面上流行的一些英语学习软件,在广告词上经常说自己使用了国际顶尖的全程语音TTS技术,能进行整段英文的流利朗 读,并能自由调节朗读的速度与频率等。那么,这个神奇的TTS究竟是什么东西呢?   其实,TTS是微软出品的一套文字朗读引擎(Text-To-Speech Engine),这些英语软件就是调用它来进行英文朗读的。我们在英语 学习软件的编程开发中也可使用TTS技术,下面笔者将利用Visual Basic 5.0来揭开TTS神秘的面纱。 -current fashion for the English learning software, in the words often said that the use of the international voice of the entire process leading TTS technology, the entire paragraph reads English fluently, and can freely adjust the reading speed and frequency. Well, the magic TTS what exactly is? In fact, Microsoft TTS is the product of a set of text-engine (Text-To-Speech Engine), which is software called English for the English it read aloud. We in the English learning software programming also can use TTS technology, following the author will use Visual Basic 5.0 to open TTS mysterious veil.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 68kb Publisher : 小炒撒

This is a development package for IBM Text To Speech (TTS). -This is a development package for IBM Text T o Speech (TTS).
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 62kb Publisher : xusihao

Text to Speech with the Microsoft Speech Library and SDK version 5.1-Text to Speech with the Microsoft Speech Li brary and SDK version 5.1
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 249kb Publisher : zhtlove2002

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 864kb Publisher : 学金

语音合成程序源代码,espeak 1.29 source code。text-to-speech。 语音合成程序源代码,espeak 1.29 source code。text-to-speech。-Speech synthesis program source code, espeak 1.29 source code. text-to-speech. Speech synthesis program source code, espeak 1.29 source code. text-to-speech.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.02mb Publisher : 学金

DL : 0
中文语音朗读软件这是一个很好用的文件朗读器很好的-Chinese Text-To-Speech Software This is a very good document reading device with good
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4.4mb Publisher : 许少彬

《Neural Networks for Text-to-Speech Phoneme Recognition》This paper presents two different artificial neural network approaches for phoneme recognition for text-to-speech applications: Staged Backpropagation Neural Networks and Self-Organizing Maps.- Neural Networks for Text-to-Speech Phoneme Recognition This paper presents two different artificial neural network approaches for phoneme recognition for text-to-speech applications: Staged Backpropagation Neural Networks and Self-Organizing Maps.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 706kb Publisher : 付诗

linux 下的 简单语音识别 代码 可以参考下-ostream-Text-To-Speech
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 135kb Publisher : jf

TExt to speech conversion in vb
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.7mb Publisher : deena

A best Software for text to speach without dll or ocs file
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 66kb Publisher : Atif Mushtaq
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