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实现消息传递机制的一个简单代码,在这里你可以真正的感觉到菜单项编程的含义.-achieve messaging mechanism of a simple code, where you can really feel the programming menu items meaning.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 34.76kb Publisher : dada

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 26.1kb Publisher : slansam

一个非常简单的sample程序,小技巧。用来演示如何让TextOut输出的字体并以任何角度旋转。-a very simple sample procedure, a small skills. Used to demonstrate how TextOut output font and in any rotation.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 20.61kb Publisher : travis

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 341.71kb Publisher : 鹿角菜

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 37.74kb Publisher : 骆爽

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 86.25kb Publisher : 海天

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 86kb Publisher :

为大家上传一个自己作的画图软件,其中对brush pen textout 以及dc 相关的知识都有一些介绍,希望对大家有所帮助-for you to upload their own software for the drawing, right brush pen TextOut related to the dc and have some knowledge, we hope to help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.9mb Publisher : 小赵

a CRect rc(x - 12, y - 12, x + 12, y + 12) pDC->Ellipse(&rc) str1.Format( "%d",j ) pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(255,0,0)) pDC->DrawText(str1,&rc,DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow(pDC,RGB(255,0,0),G.vexs[prev[j]].x,G.vexs[prev[j]].y,G.vexs[j].x,G.vexs[j].y) str2.Format("(%d,%d)",G.AdjMatrix[i][j],G.Path[i][j]) pDC->TextOut((G.vexs[i].x + G.vexs[j].x) / 2 - 5 * str2.GetLength() / 2,(G.vexs[i].y + G.vexs[j].y) / 2 - 5,str2) j = i } MessageBox("找到增流路!") return true }-a CRect rc (x-12, y-12, 12 x, y 12) pDC- gt; Ellipse (rc) str1.Format ( "% d", j) pDC- gt; SetTextColor (RGB (22, 0)) pDC- gt; DrawText (str1, rc, DT_CENTER DT_VCENTER DT_SINGLELINE) PaintArrow (pDC, RGB (255,0,0), G.vexs [prev [j]]. x, G. vexs [prev [j]]. y, G.vexs [j]. x, G.vexs [j]. y) str2.Format ( "(% d,% d)," G. AdjMatrix [i] [j ], G. Path [i] [j]) pDC- gt; TextOut ((G.vexs [i]. x G.vexs [j]. x)/2- 5* str2.GetLength ()/2, ( G.vexs [i]. y G.vexs [j]. y)/2- 5, str2) j = i) MessageBox ( "find increasing flow path!") return true)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 502kb Publisher : Bob

实现消息传递机制的一个简单代码,在这里你可以真正的感觉到菜单项编程的含义.-achieve messaging mechanism of a simple code, where you can really feel the programming menu items meaning.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.83mb Publisher : dada

文件视图,CFrameWnd C Static CRect MoveWindow CreatePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen LineTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont CreateFont DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteDC GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockObject GetDC SelectPalette RealizePalette GetDIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile GlobalUnlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitmap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitmap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWindow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRect CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataExchange CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientRect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary CreateDialog-document View, CFrameWnd CWnd CStatic CRect MoveWindow Creat ePen CSize CDC SetBkMode SelectObject CPen Lin eTo SetTextColor CString TextOut CFont Back Font DrawText CreateDC GetDeviceCaps DeleteD C GetObject GlobalAlloc GlobalLock GetStockO bject GetDC RealizePalette Get SelectPalette DIBits ReleaseDC CreateFile WriteFile Global Unlock GlobalFree CloseHandle CPaintDC CBitm ap CreateCompatibleDC CreateCompatibleBitm ap PtInRect BitBlt DeleteObject CPoint ShowWi ndow ClientToScreen GetWindowDC GetWindowRe ct CFileDialog CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CC ommandLineInfo UpdateWindow CDialog CDataEx change CDocument CView CPrintInfo GetClientR ect SetWindowLong GetWindowLong LoadLibrary GetProcAddress GetLastError FreeLibrary Cre ateDialog
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 26kb Publisher : slansam

一个非常简单的sample程序,小技巧。用来演示如何让TextOut输出的字体并以任何角度旋转。-a very simple sample procedure, a small skills. Used to demonstrate how TextOut output font and in any rotation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 165kb Publisher : travis

采集USB摄像头图像,通过SOCKET发送到指定IP计算机上。VC+OPENCV实现。-Acquisition USB camera images SOCKET sent through the IP to the designated computer. VC+ OPENCV realize.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 342kb Publisher : 鹿角菜

使用系统IAT表查找要Hook的函数地址,然后进行挂钩。本代码Hook的是TextOut函数。-IAT table to find using the system to Hook a function of address, and then proceed to link. Hook this code is the TextOut function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 骆爽

DL : 0
编写一个在屏幕上输出中文字符串的Windows应用程序,要求可以让用户设置字体、字号、颜色、方向和串的内容等-The preparation of the output on the screen of a Chinese string Windows application that allows users to set up the requirements font, size, color, direction and content of strings
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 37kb Publisher : 潘芝茂

基于WTL框架,wince下的读txt文件,并输出到屏幕。-WTL-based framework, wince under the Reading txt file, and output to the screen.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.1mb Publisher : tong

点击工具栏输出文本,每点击一次出现不同的文本-Click on the toolbar text output for each click on the text of a different
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.85mb Publisher : Linda

MFC例程LRESULT CALLBACK WNDFUN (HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (msg) { case WM_PAINT: { HDC hdc = GetDC(hWnd) SetBkMode(hdc,TRANSPARENT) TextOut(hdc,20,20,"明日科技有限公司",16) DeleteDC(hdc) break }-example MFC toolbar MFC visual c++ example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 971kb Publisher : 张志文

DL : 0
Directshow TextOut Filter
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 罗坚

MFC环境下文本输出,包括路径层,DrawText函数使用等-TextOut In MFC
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 46kb Publisher : 张明
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