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文章通过对实序列快速傅里叶变换的算法推导及Mallat 算法原理的分析,根据离散小波变换(DWT)算 法结构特征,提出了一种离散小波的快速变换算法,给出了相应的算法步骤。从数学理论上进行了论证,并把该算法 应用到静态图像处理中,得到了很好的快速和重建效果,具有一定的实用价值。 关键词:小波分析;Mallat 算法;快速小波算法 图像处理 中图分类号:TN914 文献标识码:A 1 引言 小波分析是近十多年来迅速发展起来的新兴学科和信号分析理论,是继傅里叶分析方法之后的重 大突变。它具有时域局部化和频域局部化的优点,而且高频端的时间间隔小(有着高的时间分辨率), 低频端的时间间隔大(有着高的频率分辨率),这与人的视觉机制由粗到细的认识过程相一致,固而有 “数学显微镜”之称,是进行信号处理和分析的有效工具。特别是其多分辨率分析理论及其快速算法 ——Mallat 算法在数字信号处理和数字通信-articles on real sequence Fast Fourier Transform algorithm Derivation Principle and Mallat algorithm analysis, discrete wavelet transform (DWT) algorithm structure, a fast discrete wavelet transform algorithm, corresponding to the given algorithm steps. From a theoretical mathematical proof, and the algorithm is applied to the static image processing, to be a good and rapid reconstruction effect, it is of great practical value. Keywords : wavelet analysis; Mallat algorithm; Fast Wavelet Image Processing Algorithms Key words : ODFD code : A preamble to a wavelet analysis of the last 10 years developed rapidly emerging disciplines and signal analysis theory, Fourier analysis is the method after a major mutation. It is localized in time domain and frequency domain of local advantages, but hig
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 9.76kb Publisher : 顶替

这是一个基于M/M/S类型的排队论仿真程序。M/M/S表示到达时间为负指数分布,服务时间为负指数分布,服务设备数量为S个的排队系统。 (1)到达模式:严格意义上讲是一个接着一个到达,而且到达时间间隔服从参数为mean_arr的负指数分布; (2)服务模式:服务台的数量为server_num,且每个服务台服务一个顾客的服务时间服从参数为mean_serv的负指数分布; (3)排队规则:满足先进先服务,服务快的先离开的规则。 -This is a based on the M / M / S types of queuing theory simulation program. M / M / S said time of arrival of the negative exponential distribution and service time for the negative exponential distribution, service equipment for the number of S-queuing system. (1) mode of arrival : a strict sense is a one followed arrived, but the inter-arrival time parameters mean_arr obey the negative exponential distribution; (2) mode : The number of help desk server_num. with each help desk services a customer service parameters mean_serv obey the negative exponential distribution; (3) queuing rules : first meet advanced services, the first to leave fast rules.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.62kb Publisher : 丘春辉

This book aims to give a general overview of the theoretical foundations of learning theory. It is not the rst to do so.Yet we wish to emphasize a viewpoint that has drawn little attention in other expositions, namely, that of approximation theory. This emphasis fullls two purposes. First, we believe it provides a balanced view of the subject. Second, we expect to attract mathematicians working on related elds who nd the problems raised in learning theory close to their interests.
Update : 2010-10-27 Size : 4.13mb Publisher : kj5566

这是一个基于M/M/S类型的排队论仿真程序。M/M/S表示到达时间为负指数分布,服务时间为负指数分布,服务设备数量为S个的排队系统。 (1)到达模式:严格意义上讲是一个接着一个到达,而且到达时间间隔服从参数为mean_arr的负指数分布; (2)服务模式:服务台的数量为server_num,且每个服务台服务一个顾客的服务时间服从参数为mean_serv的负指数分布; (3)排队规则:满足先进先服务,服务快的先离开的规则。 -This is a based on the M/M/S types of queuing theory simulation program. M/M/S said time of arrival of the negative exponential distribution and service time for the negative exponential distribution, service equipment for the number of S-queuing system. (1) mode of arrival : a strict sense is a one followed arrived, but the inter-arrival time parameters mean_arr obey the negative exponential distribution; (2) mode : The number of help desk server_num. with each help desk services a customer service parameters mean_serv obey the negative exponential distribution; (3) queuing rules : first meet advanced services, the first to leave fast rules.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 丘春辉

五子棋不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。五子棋既有现代休闲的明显特征“短、平、快”,又有古典哲学的高深学问“阴阳易理”;它既有简单易学的特性,为人民群众所喜闻乐见,又有深奥的技巧和高水平的国际性比赛;它的棋文化源渊流长,具有东方的神秘和西方的直观;既有“场”的概念,亦有“点”的连接。它是中西文化的交流点,是古今哲理的结晶。-Not only can enhance the thinking ability of backgammon, improve intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation. Backgammon obvious features of both modern leisure " short, flat, fast" , but also profound knowledge of classical philosophy of " yin and yang, the theory" it is both easy to learn the features loved by the masses, but also learned skill and high the level of international competition its source deep chess culture a long, mysterious oriental and western intuitive both " field" concept, also " point" of the connection. It is the point of cultural communication is the crystallization of ancient and modern philosophy.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.86mb Publisher : 阮焱

精灵五子棋小游戏 小游戏说明: 五子棋是起源于中国古代的传统黑白棋种之一。现代五子棋日文称之为"連珠 五子棋不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性。五子棋既有现代休闲的明显特征"短、平、快",又有古典哲学的高深学问"阴阳易理";它既有简单易学的特性,为人民群众所喜闻乐见,又有深奥的技巧和高水平的国际性比赛;它的棋文化源渊流长,具有东方的神秘和西方的直观;既有"场"的概念,亦有"点"的连接。它是中西文化的交流点,是古今哲理的结晶。-Wizard instructions backgammon game game: backgammon is originated in ancient China one of the traditional Othello species. Japanese modern backgammon called "Renju Renju not only enhance the thinking ability, improve intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation. Gobang obvious features of both modern leisure"short, flat, fast ", yet classic philosophy Profound knowledge "of yin and yang theory " it both easy to learn the characteristics of the people loved by the masses, but also learned skill and a high level of international competition its chess culture, source of deep flow long, with the mysterious Orient and the West Intuitive both "field"concept, also "point " of the connection. It is the point of cultural communication is the crystallization of ancient and modern philosophy
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 788kb Publisher : wufang

本书系统地介绍了图像处理与识别的基本原理、典型方法和实用技术。全书共分12章,第1章~第6章是图像处理与识别的基础内容,包括图像科学综述、MATLAB语言图像编程、图像增强、图像分割、图像特征提取和图像识别;第7章~第10章是图像处理与识别的工程实例,涵盖了医学图像处理、文字识别和自导引小车路径识别等应用实例,并结合理论算法,提供了大量MATLAB代码程序,以帮助读者掌握如何使用MATLAB语言快速进行算法的仿真、调试和估计等方法。第11章~第12章,是两个综合性较强的实例,分别是Visual C++实现的基于神经网络的文字识别系统和车牌定位系统。 本书附带的光盘给出了各个章节列举的实例的源代码,同时赠送了28个常用数字图像处理算法的Visual C++代码实现。 本书讲解深入浅出,实例程序丰富,注重理论与实践相结合。本书可作为计算机应用、自动化、图像处理与模式识别、机电一体化专业的高年级本科生或研究生的参考书,也可供从事图像处理与识别的研究人员和工程技术人员阅读参考。-This book introduces the basic principles of image processing and recognition of the typical methods and practical skills . The book is divided into 12 chapters , Chapter 1- Chapter 6 is the basis of the content of image processing and recognition , including images scientific overview , MATLAB programming language images, image enhancement, image segmentation, image feature extraction and image recognition Chapter 7- Section Chapter 10 is a project example image processing and recognition , covering the medical image processing, character recognition and self- guided trolley path recognition example , the combination of theory and algorithms, for a lot of MATLAB code procedures to help readers learn how to use MATLAB language fast simulation , debugging and estimation methods algorithm. Chapter 11- Chapter 12 , are two examples of highly integrated , namely Visual C++ implementation based on neural network character recognition system and a license plate positioning system. The book
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.29mb Publisher : 朱朴宁

加深对离散信号的DTFT和DFT的及其相互关系的理解。;在理论基础上,加深对快速傅立叶变换的理解,熟悉FFT算法及其程序的编写;熟悉应用FFT对典型信号进行频谱分析的方法。-To deepen DTFT the discrete signal and DFT and its understanding of the relationship. On the basis of theory, deepen the understanding of fast Fourier transform, familiar with the writing of the FFT algorithm and its application Be familiar with the application of FFT spectrum analysis was carried out on the typical signal method.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 100kb Publisher : 裴宇瑜

矩阵是高等代数学中的常见工具,也常见于统计分析等应用数学学科中。[2] 在物理学中,矩阵于电路学、力学、光学和量子物理中都有应用;计算机科学中,三维动画制作也需要用到矩阵。(Matrix is a common tool in higher algebra, and it is also common in Applied Mathematics, such as statistical analysis. [2] is applied in physics, including matrix in circuit, mechanics, optics and quantum physics. In computer science, three-dimensional animation is also required to use matrix. The operation of matrix is an important problem in the field of numerical analysis. The decomposition of a matrix into a combination of simple matrices can simplify the operation of a matrix in both theoretical and practical applications. For some widely used and special forms of matrix, such as sparse matrix and quasi diagonal matrix, there are specific fast arithmetic algorithms. For the development and application of matrix related theory)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 267kb Publisher : 9285351
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