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You can plot your own T,s h,s or log p,h-Diagrams of water in MATLAB with the function thermo_diagram_plot.m. Only SI-Units are supported The function is a product of a project at our school to help students understand these diagrams more deeply and to become handier with MATLAB. The function can be used to plot your own diagrams and draw in some thermodynamic cycle. Please refer to the manual in the .zip file for a throughout documentation of the function.-You can plot your own T,s h,s or log p,h-Diagrams of water in MATLAB with the function thermo_diagram_plot.m. Only SI-Units are supported The function is a product of a project at our school to help students understand these diagrams more deeply and to become handier with MATLAB. The function can be used to plot your own diagrams and draw in some thermodynamic cycle. Please refer to the manual in the .zip file for a throughout documentation of the function.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 465kb Publisher : djimy
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