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The cart with an inverted pendulum, shown below, is "bumped" with an impulse force, F. Determine the dynamic equations of motion for the system, and lin earize about the pendulum s angle, theta = Pi (in other words, assume that p endulum does not move more than a few degrees away from the vertical, chosen to be at an angle of Pi). Find a controller to satisfy all of the design re quirements given below. -The cart with an inverted pendulum, shown below, is "bumped" with an impulse force, F. Determine the dynamic equations of motion for the system, and lin earize about the pendulum s angle, theta = Pi (in other words, assume that p endulum does not move more than a few degrees away from the vertical, chosen to be at an angle of Pi). Find a controller to satisfy all of the design re quirements given below.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12kb Publisher :

%radon transform clear all % N=800 n=1:N fs=200 t=n/fs x1=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*5*t.^2)) x2=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*15*t.^2)) x=x1+x2 %N=length(x) % ambifunb(x ) %*****************************************RAT naf=ambifunb(x) htl(abs(naf)) % [wh,rho,theta]=htl(abs(naf)) colormap([0,0,0]) % xlabel( 极半径 ) % ylabel( 角度 ) %**************************************%找出峰值点的坐标,计算初始频率和调频斜率(正确) %找出峰值点的坐标 b=max(max(wh)) [u,a]=find(wh>=0.8*b) - Radon transformclear all N = 800 n = 1: N fs = 200 t = n/fs x1 = exp (j* 2* pi* (5* t+ 0.5* 5* t. ^ 2)) x2 = exp ( j* 2* pi* (5* t+ 0.5* 15* t. ^ 2)) x = x1+ x2 N = length (x) ambifunb (x)***************************************** RATnaf = ambifunb (x) htl (abs (naf)) [wh, rho, theta ] = htl (abs (naf)) colormap ([0,0,0]) xlabel (polar radius) ylabel (angle)************************************** to find the coordinates of the peak point, calculating the initial slope of the frequency and FM (right) find the peak point of the coordinates b = max (max ( wh)) [u, a] = find (wh
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : abcde

This program plot the Bistatic Radar Cross Section of a dielectric sphere as a function of theta.(Analytic Method)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : Mohsen

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matlab下实现的DDS发生器,可观察其发生信号的波形,频谱。 运行前请先输入 global theta theta=0 -matlab implementation of the DDS generator, may happen to observe the signal waveform, spectrum. Please enter a pre-operational global theta theta = 0
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : yanli

Describes how to find the theta value in CPFSK
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : Edwin Niroshan

与四连杆之分析相同,在任何杆之延伸点上之位移、速度及加速度等亦可利用sldlink()、body()、fb_sld_linits()及drawlinks()等函数进行分析。 利用drawsldpaths()函数则可达到整合的目的。 其呼叫之方式如下: drawsldpaths(r6,th6,r,th1,theta,td2,tdd2,sigma,npts,driver,mode) 输入参数 • r :四连杆之长度,一列向量表示。 • th1:第一杆的水平角度(通常为零)。 • th2:驱动杆或联结杆的水平角度。 • td2, tdd2:驱动杆之角速度及角加速度。 • Sigma:连杆之组合模式选择(需为+1或-1) • Driver:驱动杆之设定( 0表示苗杆驱动,1表示由联结杆驱动,3滑块驱动)。 • Npts:设定分割的点数或位置。 • r6,rh6,nlink:杆上特定点之位置,包括杆长,与杆之夹角及附于何杆。 • Mode:mode=0,画简单位置图;=1画所有图表;=2画所有图表,但用简单位置图。 -Draw four-bar link using matlab!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 51kb Publisher : dony

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This program runs a GA. The roulette wheel method for parent selection is used here. Elitism is included. Parent selection is from the population including the elite chromosomes. The standard bit form is used here. As usual, code works in terms of fitness values (higher better) results, however, are reported for the loss values of actual interest. This code does not work with constraints on theta values other than those directly associated with thetamax and thetamin. -This program runs a GA. The roulette wheel method for parent selection is used here. Elitism is included. Parent selection is from the population including the elite chromosomes. The standard bit form is used here. As usual, code works in terms of fitness values (higher better) results, however, are reported for the loss values of actual interest. This code does not work with constraints on theta values other than those directly associated with thetamax and thetamin.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : siva

This simulink model simulates the damped driven pendulum, showing it s chaotic motion. theta = angle of pendulum omega = (d/dt)theta = angular velocity Gamma(t) = gcos(phi) = Force omega_d = (d/dt) phi Gamma(t) = (d/dt)omega + omega/Q + sin(theta) Play with the initial conditions (omega_0, theta_0, phi_0 = omega(t=0), theta(t=0), phi(t=0)) and the system parameters (g, Q, omega_d) and the solver parameters/method. Chaos can be seen for Q=2, omega_d=w/3. The program outputs to Matlab time, theta(time) & omega(time). Plot the phase space via: plot(mod(theta+pi, 2*pi)-pi, omega, . ) Plot the Poincare sections using: t_P = (0:2*pi/omega_d:max(time)) plot(mod(spline(time, theta+pi, t_P), 2*pi)-pi, spline(time, omega, t_P), . ) System is described in: "Fractal basin boundaries and intermittency in the driven damped pendulum" E. G. Gwinn and R. M. Westervelt PRA 33(6):4143 (1986) -This simulink model simulates the damped driven pendulum, showing it s chaotic motion. theta = angle of pendulum omega = (d/dt)theta = angular velocity Gamma(t) = gcos(phi) = Force omega_d = (d/dt) phi Gamma(t) = (d/dt)omega+ omega/Q+ sin(theta) Play with the initial conditions (omega_0, theta_0, phi_0 = omega(t=0), theta(t=0), phi(t=0)) and the system parameters (g, Q, omega_d) and the solver parameters/method. Chaos can be seen for Q=2, omega_d=w/3. The program outputs to Matlab time, theta(time) & omega(time). Plot the phase space via: plot(mod(theta+pi, 2*pi)-pi, omega, . ) Plot the Poincare sections using: t_P = (0:2*pi/omega_d:max(time)) plot(mod(spline(time, theta+pi, t_P), 2*pi)-pi, spline(time, omega, t_P), . ) System is described in: "Fractal basin boundaries and intermittency in the driven damped pendulum" E. G. Gwinn and R. M. Westervelt PRA 33(6):4143 (1986)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : Mike Gao

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this document about Brain waves alpha,beta,theta and delta and their frequencies range and how to detect them using any software labview and matlab
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : Haithem Tahon

A simple code to find all the peaks in the radon space which are higher then the threshold given by the user , this code return the polaire coordinates (rho, theta) of every peak
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : sawssenj

Gabor滤波器经常被用于形状检测和特征提取,比如增强指纹图像。本代码用matlab实现了一个二维Gabor滤波器。 代码使用如下: function [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,Sx,Sy,f,theta) from gaborfilter1 with different f(Frequency) and theta(Angle). for example f:0,2,4,8,16,32 theta = 0,pi/3,pi/6,pi/2,3pi/4 then for any input image like(eg. stereo.jpg) you have 6x5 = 30 filtered images. You can choose your desired angles or frequencies. You can put nominaly Sx & Sy = 2,4 or some one else. For instance I tested above example on ( cameraman.tif )(in MATLAB pictures) I = imread( cameraman.tif ) [G,gabout] = gaborfilter1(I,2,4,16,pi/3) figure,imshow(uint8(gabout)) -Gabor filters are often used for shape detection and feature extraction, such as the enhanced fingerprint image. Matlab implementation of the code is a two-dimensional Gabor filter. Use the following code: function [G, gabout] = gaborfilter1 (I, Sx, Sy, f, theta) from ' gaborfilter1' with different f (Frequency) and theta (Angle). For example f: 0,2,4, 8,16,32 theta = 0, pi/3, pi/6, pi/2,3 pi/4 then for any input image like (eg. stereo.jpg) you have 6x5 = 30 filtered images. You can choose your desired angles or frequencies. You can put nominaly Sx & Sy = 2,4 or some one else. For instance I tested above example on (' cameraman.tif' ) (in MATLAB pictures) I = imread (' cameraman.tif' ) [G, gabout] = gaborfilter1 (I, 2,4,16, pi/3) figure, imshow (uint8 (gabout))
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 郑碧波

seismic response analysis of MDOF structures using wilson-theta method
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : huangtianli

matlab程序语言,图像增强算法的代码- Function [U, minv, SS] = Nonlinear_Diffusion (U_0, tau, eps, p, T, theta, sigma, fig_handle) Performs nonlinear scalar valued and coupled vector/matrix valued diffusion Inputs: U_0 nxmx dxw input field: D = 1, w = 1: scalar valued diffusion (eg grayscale image) D> 1, w = 1: coupled vector valued diffusion (eg color image) D> 1, w> 1: coupled isotropic matrix valued diffusion (eg nonlinear structure tensor) Of tau 1 x 1 (optional) time the step size Eps, 1 x 1 (optional) epsilon for the diffusivity function P 1 x 1 (optional) p of the diffusivity function: P = 0 corresponds to homogeneous diffusion gaussian the smoothing 0 <p <1 corresponds to the forward diffusion
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15kb Publisher : 赵楠

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给出了x(n)=A*a^n*cos(w*n+theta),A,a,w,theta均为实数,程序中给出了如何不同过matlab的自带工具箱求解其DTFT的过程-Given x (n) = A* a ^ n* cos (w* n+ theta), A, a, w, theta, are real numbers, the procedure given how different matlab comes toolbox for solving itsthe process of DTFT
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : shujian

这是一个四个不同的S函数实现集合的递归模糊神经网络(RFNN)。该网络采用了4组可调参数,这使得它非常适合在线学习/操作,从而可应用到系统识别等方面。-This is a collection of four different S-function implementations of the recurrent fuzzy neural network (RFNN) described in detail in [1]. It is a four-layer, neuro-fuzzy network trained exclusively by error backpropagation at layers 2 and 4. The network employs 4 sets of adjustable parameters. In Layer 2: mean[i,j], sigma[i,j] and Theta[i,j] and in Layer 4: Weights w4[m,j]. The network uses considerably less adjustable parameters than ANFIS/CANFIS and therefore, its training is generally faster. This makes it ideal for on-line learning/operation. Also, its approximating/mapping power is increased due to the employment of dynamic elements within Layer 2. Scatter-type and Grid-type methods are selected for input space partitioning.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 115kb Publisher : 林真天

该惯性导航系统工具箱(INS)就是专门为这个目的设计的。这个工具箱可以用来模拟仿真载体动力学,处理原始测量值(加速计上的delta-V数据和陀螺仪上的delte-theta数据)和数据。-The inertial navigation system (INS) is specially designed for this purpose. The kit can be used to simulate carrier dynamics, processing raw measurements (accelerometer delta-V data and gyroscope data delte-theta) and data
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 820kb Publisher : 王晓雪

% 图像检索——纹理特征 %基于共生矩阵纹理特征提取,d=1,θ=0°,45°,90°,135°共四个矩阵 %所用图像灰度级均为256 %参考《基于颜色空间和纹理特征的图像检索》(% image retrieval - texture features % based on co-occurrence matrix texture feature extraction, d=1, theta, =0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 135 degrees, a total of four matrices The gray level of the image used is 256 % refer to image retrieval based on color space and texture features)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 火焰约定

计算空气动力学膨胀激波,知道theta,beta之一可求得另一个值(Calculation of aerodynamic expansion shock wave)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : Venenojy

这个可以用来做结构动力学的反应,求解wilson-theta的(This can be used to respond to structural dynamics)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16.49mb Publisher : Y爱迪生

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matlab提供大量函数,可以方便的完成fbp算法(MATLAB provides a great number of functions, which enables us to complete FBP successfully.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 14kb Publisher : nana0075
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