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本“五子棋“程序只编写了人机对弈部分,运用了博弈树进行搜索,在选取最优的走步时使用极大极小分析法,考虑到搜索的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,在程序中只进行了2步搜索,即计算机在考虑下一步的走法时,只对玩家进行一步的推测。(程序中的棋盘规格为15*15)-\" quintet game \" this procedure is it is it partly , is it play chess tree search for to use to play chess while being man-machine to write only, use the great extremely small analytic approach while choosing the optimum walking, consider time complexity and space complexity searched for, only search for 2 steps in the procedure , namely the computer, while considering next walking in France,
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 240.56kb Publisher : 杨杰

winxp全攻略,Windows XP是个人计算机的一个重要里程碑,是实现.NET的基础。该系统集成了数码媒体、无线网络、远程网络等最新的技术和规范并具有极强的兼容性,更美观、更具个性的界面设计,Windows XP的出现将自由释放数字世界的无穷魅力,将为用户带来更加兴奋的全新感受!” 这是微软自夸的话,但不可否认的是,Windows XP确实是Windows史上性能最高的系统,它以NT为核心,拥有极其华丽的外观;它将Win9x/Me的用户带进一个既有Win2000般稳定,而操作却比Win9x/Me/2000更容易的使用环境。 -winxp all Raiders, Windows XP personal computer is an important milestone, achieve.NET foundation. The system integrates digital media, wireless networks, remote networks and the latest technology standard and have good compatibility, more beautiful and more personalized interface design, Windows XP will be the emergence of the digital world free release the endless charm, Users will bring more exciting new faces! "This is Microsoft being boastful, but it is undeniable that Windows XP is Windows history of the highest performance system, which is at the core NT, have extremely ornate exterior; It Win9x/Me users into an existing Win2000 less stable Operating Win9x/Me/2000 more easily than the use of the environment.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 354.59kb Publisher : 张小灵

人工股市(Artificial Stock Market,简称ASM)是模拟股市运作的一个程序。在这个电脑中的虚拟市场中,若干被称为交易者的人工智能程序(Agent)通过观察它们所在的数字世界中股价和股息的不断变换而做出预测,并且根据这些预测做出购买股票与否以及购买股票数量的决策。反过来,所有的交易者的决策又决定了股票的价格,这样,整个的股票交易市场就构成了一个自我封闭的计算系统。同时,这些交易者都具有学习的能力,可以根据以前预测的成功或者失败对自己的决策进行调整,并且通过一种被称为遗传算法的方法产生创新能力。-artificial stock market (Artificial Stock Market, listed ASM) is a stock market simulation operation of the procedure. In this computer in the virtual market, Several transactions were known as the artificial intelligence (Agent) to observe where the digital world and stock prices The constantly changing interest rates and make projections, and the basis of these projections make the purchase of stocks or stock number and the purchase decision. Conversely, all the transactions of the decision in turn determines the stock price, so that The entire stock exchange will constitute a self-enclosed computer system. Moreover, these transactions are capable of learning, according to the previous forecast of success or failure of its policy-making adjustments through being called a genetic algorith
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 92.48kb Publisher : yuanhai

本软件源码支持多文档操作。(Lab Windows)删除文件是电脑应用中最常使用到的操作之一了,一般说来,我们删除文件的目的就是把文件弃之不要或为了腾出更多的磁盘空间,但是系统为了防止我们删除后又后悔,设计可谓用心良苦,这一点最充分体现在回收站的出现。  当我们将文件删除后,文件其实只是被转移到了磁盘中一个叫“Recycled”的文件夹中,以防备万一你需要“回收”。这种设计的好处是不言而喻的,但也有一些问题,如果你 删除的文件内容含有重大的商业秘密或个人隐私,而你又没有及时清空回收站的话,别人很容易从你的回收站中“捡”出这些有价值的文件;另一方面,这种删除方法其实并没有给你的磁盘腾出空间,改变了我们删除文件的初衷。那么要如何才能真正地删除文件呢?-The software supports multi-source operating documents. (Lab Windows) delete the file is a computer application to the most commonly used one of the operators, in general, we have deleted the purpose of the paper is to document or not to abandon it in order to free more disk space, but the system in order to prevent our regret later deleted, the design is well intentioned, this the most fully reflected in the emergence of Recycling. When we delete the document, in fact, is being transferred to a disk called "Recycled" folder, to prevent the event that you need to "recovery." The benefits of this design is self-evident, but there are some problems that, if you delete the contents of the documents contain significant trade secrets or privacy of the individual, and you hav
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 99.53kb Publisher : topcool99

DL : 11
************************************************************************ * * * * * THIS IS THE H Y P L A S 2.0 README FILE * * ----------------- * * * * HYPLAS is a finite element program for implicit small and large * * strain analisys of hyperelastic and elasto-plastic two-dimensional * * and axisymmetric solids * * * * HYPLAS v2.0 is the companion software to the textbook: * * EA de Souza Neto, D Peric & DRJ Owen. Computational Methods for * * Plasticity: Theory and Applications. Wiley, Chichester, 2008. * * ( * * * * Copyright (c) 1998-2008 EA de Souza Neto, D Peric, D.R.J. Owen * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * File last updated: 18 October 2008 * * * * This file belongs in the directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0 * ************************************************************************ * * * I M P O R T A N T * * * * READ SECTIONS 0 TO 3 OF THIS FILE CAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING * * TO COMPILE AND RUN THE PROGRAM HYPLAS ON YOUR COMPUTER !! * * * * THE AUTHORS DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT ANY SUGGESTIONS/INSTRUCTIONS * * GIVEN IN THIS README FILE WILL WORK ON ANY PARTICULAR OPERATING * * SYSTEM. IF YOU DECIDE TO FOLLOW ANY SUGGESTIONS/INSTRUCTIONS * * GIVEN HERE YOU MUST DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK. * * * * * * BUG REPORTS: Please send bug reports to * * * * * * * * Messages sent to the authors' personal email addresses * * will NOT be answered. * ************************************************************************ This file contains the following sections: 0. Copyright statement and disclaimer 0.(a) Copyright statement 0.(b) Disclaimer 0.(c) Conditions of use 1. Introduction 1.(a) Note on portability 2. Compiling and running HYPLAS 2.(a) Memory requirements 2.(b) Testing a newly compiled executable 3. The HYPLAS directory tree 4. Cross-referencing between the source code and the textbook 5. HYPLAS error messaging 6. Further remarks on HYPLAS ************************************************************************ 0. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT AND DISCLAIMER ================================== 0.(a) Copyright statement ------------------- You may only use this program for your own private purposes. You are not allowed, in any circumstances, to distribute this program (including its source code, executable and any other files related to it, either in their original version or any modifications introduced by you, the authors or any other party) in whole or in part, either freely or otherwise, in any medium, without the prior written consent of the copyright holders. 0.(b) Disclaimer ---------- This program (including its source code, executable and any other files related to it) is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of fitness for purpose. In particular, THIS PROGRAM IS BY NO MEANS GUARANTEED TO BE FREE FROM ERRORS. This program (or any modification incorporated to it by you, the authors or any other party) will run entirely at your risk. The results produced by this program are in no way guaranteed to be fit for any purpose. Under no circumstances will the authors/copyright holders be liable to anyone for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the program (including, but not limited to, loss or corruption of data, failure of the program to operate in any particular way as well as damages arising from the use of any results produced by the program for any purpose). 0.(c) Conditions of use ----------------- You may only use this program if you fully understand and agree with the terms of the above disclaimer. You must not use this program if you do not agree with or do not understand (fully or in part) these conditions of use. 1. INTRODUCTION ============ HYPLAS is a finite element code for small and large strain analysis of hyperelastic and elasto-plastic solids. Most procedures implemented in HYPLAS are described in detail in its companion textbook: EA de Souza Neto, D Peric & DRJ Owen. Computational Methods for Plasticity: Theory and Applications. Wiley, Chichester, 2008 ( 1.(a) Note on Portability ------------------- HYPLAS has been written in standard ANSI FORTRAN 77. Currently, the only known (and deliberate) exceptions to the FORTRAN 77 ANSI standard are the instructions: INCLUDE '' used in many routines to include the HYPLAS database files (common blocks and global variables), and; CALL GETENV('HYPLASHOME',HYPLASHOME) used in subroutine "ERRPRT" (file ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/GENERAL/errprt.f). This instruction inquires the name of the system environment variable HYPLASHOME and writes it on the character string HYPLASHOME. This instruction is NOT part of the ANSI FORTRAN 77 standard, but seems to work in most currently available FORTRAN 77 compilers. 2. COMPILING AND RUNNING H Y P L A S ================================== The HYPLAS source code is stored in directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/ (../HYPLAS_v2.0/ being the current directory) and all its subdirectories. To generate an executable file, you just need to compile the FORTRAN source files: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/hyplas.f and ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/*/*.f together. We recommend that the executable HYPLAS be stored in the directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/bin to which the environment variable HYPLASHOME should be set (see below how to set a system environmental variable). WINDOWS (R) systems ------------------- On Microsoft Windows(R) systems, HYPLAS has been successfully compiled using Intel Visual Fortran Compiler(R) integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio(R). Here you only need to create a project that contains all Fortran source files mentioned above as well as the include files ..\HYPLAS_v2.0\src\*.INC On a Windows XP system, the system environment variable HYPLASHOME can be set as follows: 1. Open a File Manager 2. Right-click on the "My Computer" icon 3. Select "Properties" on the drop-down menu 4. A new window named "System Properties" will pop-up. Here select the "Advanced" tab. 5. On the "Advanced" tab, click the "Environment Variables" button. 6. A new window titled "Environment Variables" will pop-up. Here click the button "New" in the "System Variables" section of the window. 7. A new window will pop-up titled "New System Variable". Here you should fill the fields "Variable name" and "Variable Value", respectively, with HYPLASHOME and the path name (in full) of the directory ..\HYPLAS_v2.0\bin. 8. Press "OK" on the relevant pop-up windows. 9. The next time the computer is REBOOTED, this variable will be set to the correct path and HYPLAS should be able to find the error messages file ERROR.RUN if required. UNIX/LINUX systems ------------------ In a UNIX/LINUX operating system using a C-shell, for instance, the HYPLASHOME environment variable should be set with the command: setenv HYPLASHOME where here denotes the full path to the directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/bin. To compile HYPLAS (from directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src) with a FORTRAN 77 compiler such as g77, you can use the command: g77 -o ../bin/hyplas hyplas.f */*.f Note that the executable file "hyplas" will be stored in the directory ../HYPLAS_2.0/bin (i.e. the directory set in the HYPLASHOME environment variable). Alternatively, you may use the Makefile provided (with suitable modifications, if needed) to create the HYPLAS executable. IMPORTANT: Before generating a HYPLAS executable, read Sections 2.(a) and 2.(b) below. 2.(a) Memory Requirements ------------------- HYPLAS memory requirements depend on the array dimensioning parameters set in files: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/ ELEMENTS.INC GLBDBASE.INC MATERIAL.INC MAXDIM.INC Files ELEMENTS.INC, GLBDBASE.INC and MATERIAL.INC contain parameters which are associated with the currently implemented finite elements and materials. DO NOT MODIFY THEM ! unless you are absolutely sure of what you are doing (only developers coding new elements or new material models/analysis types may need to modify them by changing the existing dimensioning parameters and/or including new parameters). The ONLY dimensioning file that can be safely modified by the average user is the file MAXDIM.INC This file contains the array dimensioning parameters related to the maximum permissible dimension of problems to be analysed by HYPLAS. These parameters include the maximum number of nodes, elements, element groups, etc. If necessary, CHANGE THESE PARAMETERS TO SUIT YOUR PROBLEM SIZE/MEMORY REQUIREMENTS before compiling HYPLAS. 2.(b) Testing a newly compiled executable ----------------------------------- After you have successfully compiled the HYPLAS source code and created an executable file, the next step is to run some tests to verify that HYPLAS is working well. To do this, proceed as follows: The directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/book_examples/data_files contains a series of data files named .dat of benchmarked examples described in the companion textbook. The corresponding (benchmarked) result files are in the directory ../HYPLAS_v2.0/book_examples/result_files This directory contains a series of result files named .res generated with the current version of HYPLAS on a tested platform. All these files have been named such that their names start with the textbook section number where the corresponding example is described. For instance, files 14_9_2_tresca.dat and 14_9_2_tresca.res refer to a problem described in section 14.9.2 of the textbook, and so on. To check that HYPLAS is working well on your platform, after compiling HYPLAS, run the program HYPLAS for the examples of files .dat and compare the newly generated results .res with their benchmarked counterparts (of the same filename) in the result_files directory. To run an example, execute HYPLAS and use the keyboard to enter the name of the corresponding data file in full (including the extension .dat). To compare the benchmarked .res files against their newly generated you may proceed as follows: 1. On MICROSOFT WINDOWS systems - Here we have successfully used the software "ExamDiff" (the task was made particularly easy by selecting "View" and then the "Show Differences Only" option - this refers to version 1.8 of this software). 2. On UNIX/LINUX systems - Here we use the "diff" command from a shell window (and set the option to ignore blank spaces). A shell script may be used to perform this task automatically (including running HYPLAS and checking for result file differences) for all benchmarked examples provided. IMPORTANT: THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN A THE NEWLY GENERATED RESULT FILES AND THEIR BENCHMARKED COUNTERPARTS ARE THE DIMENSIONING PARAMETERS (FROM FILE MAXDIM.INC) USED TO COMPILE THE NEW EXECUTABLE (THESE PARAMETERS ARE PRINTED RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING OF THE RESULT FILES) AND NUMERICAL DIFFERENCES IN RESULTS DUE TO NUMERICAL "ROUNDING-OFF" (THESE ARE VERY SMALL DIFFERENCES THAT DEPEND ON THE PRECISION OF ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS IN THE PLATFORM USED). ALSO NOTE THAT THE EXAMPLES OF THE COMPANION TEXTBOOK DO NOT COVER ALL FEATURES OF HYPLAS. HENCE THIS TEST DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT EVERYTHING IS WORKING PROPERLY. 3. THE H Y P L A S DIRECTORY TREE ================================ 3.(a) Summary ------- ../ HYPLAS_v2.0/ bin/ book_examples/ data_files/ result_files/ man/ html/ src/ CRYSTAL/ DAMAGE/ DAMAGED_ELASTIC/ DRUCKER_PRAGER/ ELASTIC/ ELEMENTS/ GENERAL/ MATERIALS/ MATHS/ MOHR_COULOMB/ OGDEN/ TRESCA/ VON_MISES/ VON_MISES_MIXED/ 3.(b) Description ----------- The HYPLAS program directory tree is organised as follows: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/ (this directory) This is the HYPLAS root directory, where the HYPLAS directory tree starts. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/bin/ This directory contains the file ERROR.RUN where most HYPLAS error/warning messages are. IMPORTANT: the environment variable HYPLASHOME should be set to this directory. Otherwise, HYPLAS will not find its error/warning messages when required. We also recommend that the EXECUTABLE of HYPLAS be stored in this directory. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/book_examples/ This directory has the following subdirectories: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/book_examples/data_files ../HYPLAS_v2.0/book_examples/result_files Refer to Section 2.(b) above for further details. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/man/ This is the HYPLAS documentation/manuals directory. It contains the following files: input_man.txt - A concise input data manual for HYPLAS in ASCII format; hyplas_calltree.txt - Contains a flowgraph (shows the call tree) of HYPLAS in ASCII-format. Note: calls to function subprograms are not included in this flowgraph; and the subdirectory: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/man/html This directory contains the hypertext (HTML) format Fortran source code and of manual pages of the entire HYPLAS program. Manual pages with descriptions of each function/subprogram including their argument list are linked to their corresponding HTML-format source code. This allows the user the navigate through the HYPLAS source code using a web browser. To start at the main program, use your web browser to open the file hyplas.html. This facility should be helpful to those trying to understand the flow of program HYPLAS. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/ This directory (and its subdirectories) contains the Fortran source code of HYPLAS. The files containing the sources are named following the standard practice: .f where is the name of the FORTRAN procedure (subroutine, function subprogram, etc.) whose source code is in file .f. The source code of the HYPLAS main program is in file hyplas.f and the HYPLAS database (COMMON blocks, array dimensioning parameters and other global parameters) is coded in the "include files" ELEMENTS.INC GLDBASE.INC MATERIAL.INC MAXDIM.INC in this directory. In addition, this directory contains a file named "Makefile" (UNIX-LINUX Release only) which may be used for compiling and linking HYPLAS in UNIX/LINUX systems. The subdirectories of ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src are as follows: ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/CRYSTAL Contains the source code of all procedures related to the finite strain single crystal plasticity model implemented in HYPLAS. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/DAMAGE Source files of the procedures related to the Lemaitre ductile damage model implementation. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/DAMAGED_ELASTIC Source files of the procedures related to the damaged elasticity model with crack closure effect. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/DRUCKER_PRAGER Source files of the procedures related to the implemented Drucker-Prager plasticity model. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/ELASTIC Source files of the procedures related to the linear elasticity model (Hencky model under large strains) implemented. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/ELEMENTS Source files of the element interfaces and element-related procedures. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/GENERAL Source files of general procedures. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/MATERIALS Source files of the material interfaces. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/MATHS Source files of the mathematical procedures. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/MOHR_COULOMB Source files of the procedures related to the implemented Mohr-Coulomb plasticity model. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/OGDEN Source files of the procedures related to the implemented Ogden hyperelasticity model. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/TRESCA Source files of the procedures related to the implemented Tresca plasticity model. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/VON_MISES Source files of the procedures related to the implemented von Mises plasticity model with isotropic hardening. ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/VON_MISES_MIXED Source files of the procedures related to the implemented von Mises plasticity model with mixed isotropic/kinematic hardening. 4. CROSS-REFERENCING BETWEEN THE SOURCE CODE AND THE TEXTBOOK ========================================================== Many references are made in the textbook to various subprograms of HYPLAS. These are usually made when a particular procedure described in the text is implemented in the program. The reader should refer to the textbook index. Also, a substantial number of comment lines have been added to the source code of HYPLAS with reference to sections, figures, boxes, etc of the textbook related to the part of the code in question. Such references are usually displayed after the word "REFERENCE:" (in capitals) on commented lines. Searching for this word will take you to the line of code where the particular routine has a reference to the textbook. NOTE: Occasional references to other textbooks/journal papers are also made following the word "REFERENCE:" on commented lines. 5. HYPLAS ERROR MESSAGING ====================== Most error/warning messages issued by HYPLAS are in the ASCII-format file ERROR.RUN (kept in the HYPLASHOME directory - ../HYPLAS_v2.0/bin). All such error/warning messages have an identification code (e.g. ED0015) which is printed both to the standard output (this is usually the computer screen) and to the relevant results file. If you wish to find where in the source code a particular message is being issued, then perform a search for the corresponding message identification code in the entire source code of HYPLAS. 6. FURTHER REMARKS ON HYPLAS ========================= 6.(a) Program efficiency THIS SECTION IS OF INTEREST ONLY TO THOSE WANTING TO MAKE HYPLAS RUN FASTER. It is particularly stressed in the textbook that this program has not been designed having efficiency in mind (refer to Section 5.1.2 of the textbook). Its structure has been designed mainly to illustrate in a relatively clear manner the computer implementation of the techniques and algorithms described in the text, with a particular view to the implementation of solid constitutive models and finite elements. For those who are especially interested in the speed of the code, there are a few tips that could help in this direction. Unfortunately, these involve modifications to the source code which is probably most appropriate to readers with a good level of experience in finite element programming. To those with this particular interest, we can suggest the following: (i) The use of faster linear solvers This is probably the change that would result in a greater gain in efficiency. The Frontal Method adopted in subroutine FRONT (file ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/GENERAL/front.f) has been designed originally to save memory (back in the days when computer memory was severely limited). There are currently a vast number of methodologies which focus on speeding up the linear solution, in addition to reducing memory storage requirements (which is a particularly important issue in the solution of large scale problems). Some of these are extensions/refinements of the original Frontal solver. We remark that a number of such procedures (with their respective source codes) are available (conditions may apply) from the LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage - repository or from the HSL Library ( For the reader interested in gaining speed, we would recommend the replacement of the existing solver of FRONT by a faster one. We remark though that this is a substantial programming task. Another aspect here is the fact that computing times in FRONT are directly linked to the frontwidth of the system which, in the present version of HYPLAS is fixed and depends, for a given mesh, on how the degrees of freedom are numbered (node numbering). The incorporation of a frontwidth optimiser (which re-numbers the degrees of freedom in order to minimise the frontwidth) in FRONT could produce some good savings in computing times. Such savings become particularly noticeable in larger problems where the original node numbering produces an excessively large frontwidth. (ii) Material-specific computations The issues pointed out here affect only the computing times for specific material models and are expected to have a much lower impact in overall speed than the linear solver issue discussed above. Some of the material model-specific computations carried out in HYPLAS could be made a bit faster. For example, for isotropic models whose stress update is carried out in the principal stress space (such as the Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb models - see routines SUTR and SUMC, files ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/TRESCA/sutr.f and ../HYPLAS_v2.0/MOHR_COULOMB/sumc.f, respectively) the spectral decomposition of the stress in carried out in the state update update routine and then repeated in the corresponding routine for computation of the consistent tangent operator (refer to files ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/TRESCA/cttr.f and ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/MOHR_COULOMB/ctmc.f, respectively, for the Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity models). Some savings in computing time can be achieved here by storing the stress eigenprojection tensors (these can be stored as state variables) during the execution of the state updating and then retrieving them later for use in the computation of the consistent tangent operator. This change can be incorporated to the code relatively easily. The computation of the exponential map and is derivative for the single crystal plasticity model (routines EXPMAP, file ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/CRYSTAL/expmap.f and DEXPMP, file ../HYPLAS_v2.0/src/CRYSTAL/dexpmp.f) is carried out in three dimensions (these routines have been adapted from an earlier three-dimensional code). To improve efficiency, these can be adapted to work only in two-dimensional problems by removing the unnecessary operations related to the third dimension. 6.(b) Output of nodal averaged values The reader should be aware that the way in which nodal averaged values of stresses and other variables are calculated in HYPLAS is very basic (and rudimentary). This feature of the program is made available only to help those interested in producing contour plots, etc from results presented in HYPLAS result files and should be useful in many circumstances of interest. This facility has in fact been used in producing many of the figures presented in the textbook. But note, for example, that the values of incremental plastic multipliers for plasticity models may take (inadmissible) negative values when extrapolated from Gauss-point to nodes and averaged. We remark that more sophisticated and refined techniques of transferring Gauss point values of variables to nodal points and obtaining the corresponding smoothed field are available in the current literature. These fall outside the scope of the companion textbook of HYPLAS.
Update : 2011-07-29 Size : 10.5mb Publisher : gtcewli3

本软件源码支持多文档操作。(Lab Windows)删除文件是电脑应用中最常使用到的操作之一了,一般说来,我们删除文件的目的就是把文件弃之不要或为了腾出更多的磁盘空间,但是系统为了防止我们删除后又后悔,设计可谓用心良苦,这一点最充分体现在回收站的出现。  当我们将文件删除后,文件其实只是被转移到了磁盘中一个叫“Recycled”的文件夹中,以防备万一你需要“回收”。这种设计的好处是不言而喻的,但也有一些问题,如果你 删除的文件内容含有重大的商业秘密或个人隐私,而你又没有及时清空回收站的话,别人很容易从你的回收站中“捡”出这些有价值的文件;另一方面,这种删除方法其实并没有给你的磁盘腾出空间,改变了我们删除文件的初衷。那么要如何才能真正地删除文件呢?-The software supports multi-source operating documents. (Lab Windows) delete the file is a computer application to the most commonly used one of the operators, in general, we have deleted the purpose of the paper is to document or not to abandon it in order to free more disk space, but the system in order to prevent our regret later deleted, the design is well intentioned, this the most fully reflected in the emergence of Recycling. When we delete the document, in fact, is being transferred to a disk called "Recycled" folder, to prevent the event that you need to "recovery." The benefits of this design is self-evident, but there are some problems that, if you delete the contents of the documents contain significant trade secrets or privacy of the individual, and you hav
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 99kb Publisher : topcool99

本“五子棋“程序只编写了人机对弈部分,运用了博弈树进行搜索,在选取最优的走步时使用极大极小分析法,考虑到搜索的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,在程序中只进行了2步搜索,即计算机在考虑下一步的走法时,只对玩家进行一步的推测。(程序中的棋盘规格为15*15)-" quintet game " this procedure is it is it partly , is it play chess tree search for to use to play chess while being man-machine to write only, use the great extremely small analytic approach while choosing the optimum walking, consider time complexity and space complexity searched for, only search for 2 steps in the procedure , namely the computer, while considering next walking in France,
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 240kb Publisher :

winxp全攻略,Windows XP是个人计算机的一个重要里程碑,是实现.NET的基础。该系统集成了数码媒体、无线网络、远程网络等最新的技术和规范并具有极强的兼容性,更美观、更具个性的界面设计,Windows XP的出现将自由释放数字世界的无穷魅力,将为用户带来更加兴奋的全新感受!” 这是微软自夸的话,但不可否认的是,Windows XP确实是Windows史上性能最高的系统,它以NT为核心,拥有极其华丽的外观;它将Win9x/Me的用户带进一个既有Win2000般稳定,而操作却比Win9x/Me/2000更容易的使用环境。 -winxp all Raiders, Windows XP personal computer is an important milestone, achieve.NET foundation. The system integrates digital media, wireless networks, remote networks and the latest technology standard and have good compatibility, more beautiful and more personalized interface design, Windows XP will be the emergence of the digital world free release the endless charm, Users will bring more exciting new faces! "This is Microsoft being boastful, but it is undeniable that Windows XP is Windows history of the highest performance system, which is at the core NT, have extremely ornate exterior; It Win9x/Me users into an existing Win2000 less stable Operating Win9x/Me/2000 more easily than the use of the environment.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 354kb Publisher : 张小灵

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In the bank all the activities are being done manually .As the bank widens its services & it finds difficult to manage its operations manually and hence this leads to the automation of some of its operations. Banking Information system is a windows based applications. This project mainly deals with managing there types of account such as Saving Account, Current Account and Recurring Deposits . In this project bank is seeking to manage these account through computer based system. Tasks involved in this project are opening the user accounts , recording the account holders transactions , modify, the user records and generating the reports . This project is having three module: ] 1. Bank Master Module 2. Transaction Module 3. Reports module - In the bank all the activities are being done manually .As the bank widens its services & it finds difficult to manage its operations manually and hence this leads to the automation of some of its operations. Banking Information system is a windows based applications. This project mainly deals with managing there types of account such as Saving Account, Current Account and Recurring Deposits . In this project bank is seeking to manage these account through computer based system. Tasks involved in this project are opening the user accounts , recording the account holders transactions , modify, the user records and generating the reports . This project is having three module: ] 1. Bank Master Module 2. Transaction Module 3. Reports module
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.13mb Publisher : vijay

前一段时间看到了一个病毒,在桌面上显示一个图片:this computer is being attacked!找到了一个批处理专杀工具给大家分享-Some time ago to see a virus, the desktop shows a picture: this computer is being attacked! Found a batch to share with you专杀工具
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 刘东东

随着现代工业的发展,计算机信息管理系统越来越受到企业重视。本文主要分析了仓库管理系统的一些基本功能和组成情况,包括系统的需求分析、系统结构,功能模块划分以及数据库模式分析等,重点对应用程序的实际开发实现作了介绍。达到了数据的一致性和安全性,且应用程序功能完备,符合了仓库管理系统作为典型的信息管理系统(MIS)的要求。同时简单介绍了Visual Basic编程环境和Access数据库管理系统的功能特点,仓库管理系统是企业物流管理中不可或缺的一部分。-With the development of modern industry, the information management system of the computer is being paid attention to by enterprises. This text has analysed some basic functions of the administrative system of the stock and makes up the situation mainly, including the systematic demand is analysed, systematic structure, the function module divides and the data base mode is analysed etc., have realized doing the introduction to the actual development of the application program especially. Having reached the consistency and security of the data, and the application program function is complete, have accorded with the administrative system of the stock as the request for the typical information management system (MIS). Introduced the function characteristics of Visual Basic programming environment and Access data base management system briefly at the same time, the administrative system of the stock is an indispensable part in enterprise s material flow management.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : 谷邵璐

This book is for anyone who wants to support computer peripherals under the Linux operating system or who wants to develop new hardware and run it under Linux. Linux is the fastest-growing segment of the Unix market, is winning over enthusiastic adherents in many application areas, and is being viewed more and more as a good platform for embedded systems. Linux Device Drivers, already a classic in its second edition, reveals information that heretofore has been shared by word of mouth or in cryptic source code comments, on how to write drivers for a wide range of devices. Version 2.4 of the Linux kernel includes significant changes to device drivers, simplifying many activities, but providing subtle new features that can make a driver both more efficient and more flexible. The second edition of this book thoroughly covers these changes, as well as new processors and buses.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.7mb Publisher : sxd

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随着计算机技术的不断发展,USB设备以其传输速度快、可热插拔、独立供电等诸多的优点被普遍采用。现在市面上的USB设备层出不穷,如U盘、MP3、移动硬盘等应用起来十分方便。 本文采用VisualC++6.0软件进行仿真,利用基于对话框的VC++应用程序完成对上位机界面的编写,可以利用VC编程实现对计算机底层硬件的操作。采用DriverStudio软件编写USB设备的驱动程序。 本文先介绍了USB通信协议及其传输方式,然后具体地给出了驱动程序开发的全过程,同时根据硬件电路设计了上位机显示界面,并对各个显示元素的功能及编码过程做了详细的介绍。在上位机软件可以正常运行后,把USB实验板连接到电脑,进行PC机与USB设备的相互通信,结果表明,在通信的过程中,可以完成PC机与USB设备的连接和相互控制。- As computer technology continues to develop, USB devices is being widely used for its fast transmission speed, hot-pluggable characteristics, independent power supply and many other advantages. Nowadays, endless USB devices, such as FLASH MP3, mobile hard disk and so on, influx the electronic market, bringing extreme convenience for people’s daily lives. The simulation environment in this thesis is constructed by VisualC++6.0 software. We use VC++ application process to complete the preparation of the PC interface, and based on the VC programming we can operate of the hardware of the computer bottom. On the other hand, we use DriverStudio software to prepare the driver of USB device. In this thesis, we introduce a USB communication protocol and the means of its transmission, and then give the entire design process of the driver specifically. Meanwhile, according to the hardware circuit, we design the shows PC interface and show the function and the coding process of each element i
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 478kb Publisher : 谷穗

正像有些网友所说的:VB无所不能!这个电脑驱动程序备份程序可以体现出VB确实短小精悍,蛮强,蛮强的作者。源代码通过获取q驱动inf文件进行列表所有计算机驱动程序信息,并可以按照备份到文件夹、压缩备份、自解压格式备份等方式备份硬件驱动程序,如果按照自解压备份的话,可以通过程序自带的驱动自动安装助手进行自动还原安装。 源代码思路不错,但也有一些问题存在,如压缩及创建自解压文件方面,因为使用了 Xceed Zip Compression Library,这个还没有搞定,可能因为版本的原因,暂时好像无法注册组件,希望有懂得XCEED ZIP控件编程的网友给完善下。-As some guests said: VB omnipotent! Drivers of this computer backup program can indeed reflect the VB short and pithy, quite strong, quite strong author. Q-driven source code through the acquisition list of all computers inf file driver information, and can follow the backup to a folder, compressed backup, self-extracting backups, etc. format, the backup hardware drivers, if the self-extracting backups, you can through the process built-in driver automatically install assistant automatically restore the installation. A good idea of the source code, but there are some problems, such as compression and to create self-extracting file, since they use the Xceed Zip Compression Library, this Is that it, probably because versions of the reasons for the time being it seems unable to register components, want to have to understand XCEED ZIP Control Programming User to perfect the next.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : 说不得

IoC 容器和Dependency Injection 模式撰文/Martin Fowler 编译/透明 Java 社群近来掀起了一阵轻量级容器的热潮,这些容器能够帮助开发者将来自不同项目的组件组装成为一个内聚的应用程序。在它们的背后有着同一个模式,这个模式决定了这些容器进行组件装配的方式。人们用一个大而化之的名字来称呼这个模式:“控制反转”( Inversion of Control,IoC)。在本文中,我将深入探索这个模式的工作原理,给它一个更能描述其特点的名字——“依赖注入”(Dependency Injection),并将其与“服务定位器”(Service Locator)模式作一个比较。不过,这两者之间的差异并不太重要,更重要的是:应该将组件的配置与使用分离开——两个模式的目标都是这个-This article is about the computing process. For other uses, see DI. Dependency injection (DI) in computer programming refers to the process of supplying an external dependency to a software component. It is a specific form of inversion of control where the concern being inverted is the process of obtaining the needed dependency. The term was first coined by Martin Fowler to describe the mechanism more clearly
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 51kb Publisher : su

This project is about implementing a world model that allows the path planning algorithm to query if a certain point in space is free from obstacles. -Planning a path from one point of the environment to another while avoiding collisions with the environment is a complicated problem. As the number of degrees of freedom increases, the problem soon becomes very hard to solve. As computer power increases, probabilistic methods are being used more and more often to tackle these problems. This project deals with a method for path planning known as Probabilistic Road Maps. The basic idea with probablistic road maps is to randomly select a set of nodes/points in the environment that are free from collision and try to connect them with straight lines that are also free from collisions. A solution to the problem might then be found by finding a path through the graph from the start point to the end point. One of the key components in such an algorithm is the ability to check for collisions with the environment.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : wanglu

The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation 是分子动力学学习用的最好的入门书籍,本压缩包中包括了书籍的pdf文档,以及所有的C语言源代码实现 - The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation ======================================== Introduction ============ This software is intended to accompany the book `The Art of Molecular Dynamics Simulation by D. C. Rapaport, published by Cambridge University Press (1995,1997). The material is being supplied in computer-readable form to enable readers to follow the case studies described in the book. Copyright and permission to use =============================== This software is copyrighted material reproduced from the book. Readers of the book may use this software freely for personal, noncommercial purposes. All other forms of use are subject to prior arrangement with the author. Disclaimer ========== The reader planning to use the software should note that, from the legal point of view, there is no warranty, expressed or implied, that the programs are free of error or will prove suitable for a particular application by
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.54mb Publisher : mfm101

采用人工智能专家系统计算机技术模拟故障诊断领域专家的推理思维方式, 对机械设备发生的故障实现迅速准确的 诊断,同时缩短故障停机时间具有重大意义。本文应用Visual prolog 语言,构造了转子系统故障诊断专家系统,提出了一阶谓 词逻辑子句表达知识的方法,建立了专家知识库。系统的推理机采用深度优先的推理策略。应用表明系统有效完成旋转机械 常出现的十多种故障的诊断,并运行可靠。-The computer technology of artificial intelligence expert system is being used to simulate inference and thinking mode in the field of fault diagnosis. The fault which occurs to the mechanical device can be diagnosed rapidly and exactly. At the same time, it also has a great significance for shorting the downtime. Applying the Visual Prolog language in this article, fault diagnosis expert system for rotating machinery is constructed. The expert knowledge base is established by the expressing way using the first-order predicate logic clause. The rule in Depth-First Strategy (DFS) is introduced in the system ’s inference engine. The system completes effectively more than ten kinds of fault diagnosis that the rotating machinery often appears. The results show the operation is reliable through the application.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 231kb Publisher : 陈金星

Money++是一个特别的记账软件,特别之处在于,Money++自定义了一套语法规则,您可以使用它提供的语句、函数来进行记账、查看、修改、删除等工作。 开发这个软件的动机,是因为作为计算机专业的学生,对写代码有一种本能的偏爱,又因为自己突然需要一款记账的软件,所以就开发了这样一个用写代码的方式来记账、查账的软件。取Money++这个名字,就是想将本软件设计成为一个和钱有关的程序语言IDE(类比C++),当然,目前这个“IDE”的功能还比较简单,程序逻辑还有待完善,但是对于自已的想法已经是一个初步的尝试了。 - Money++ is one special keeps accounts the software, the special place lies, Money++ from has defined polite talk laws and regulations, you may use the sentence which, the function it provides to carry on keep accounts, work and so on examination, revision, deletion. develops this software s motive, is because of as the computer specialized student, to writes the code to have one kind of instinct being partial to, also, because need the software which suddenly a section keeps accounts, therefore developed such one with to write the software which the code the way kept accounts, to audit accounts. Takes Money++ this name, is wants (to analogy C++) this software design into one with money related program language IDE, certainly, at present this “IDE” the function is also quite simple, the program logic also waits for consummating, but regarding from already the idea already was a preliminary attempt.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.21mb Publisher : yu

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MATLAB is being used as a platform for laboratory exercises and the problems classes in the Image Processing half of the Computer Graphics and Image Processing course unit. This handout describes the MATLAB development environment you will be using, you are expected to have read it and be familiar with it before attempting the Laboratory and Coursework Assignments.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 564kb Publisher : SKP
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