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Author: Abhishek Ivaturi Summary: SUSAN Edge detection in gray scale images. MATLAB Release: R13 Required Products: Image Processing Toolbox Description: Edge detection in gray scale images using the SUSAN algorithm. (takes some time to compute, but i hope to fix it...code is rather crude right now)Does not yet include non maximal suppresion. -Author : Abhishek Ivaturi Summary : SUSAN Edge detection in gray scale images. MATL AB Release : R13 Required Products : Image Processing Toolbox Description : Edge detection in gray scale images using the SU SAN algorithm. (takes some time to compute, but i hope to fix it ... code is rather crude right now) Does not include non maximal yet suppresio n.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : Jallon

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ostu图像分割阈值算法,对Ostu图像分割最优阈值进行优化处理,极大缩短了搜索图像阈值计算时间,与传统的枚举法Otsu方法相比,在计算时间上具有显著的优点。-ostu threshold image segmentation algorithm for image segmentation Ostu optimal thresholds to optimize the processing, greatly reduces the search image thresholding computation time, with the traditional enumeration method Otsu methods, in the calculation of time has significant advantages.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 164kb Publisher : 李劲

图像的二值化处理就是讲图像上的点的灰度置为0或255,也就是讲整个图像呈现出明显的黑白效果。即将256个亮度等级的灰度图像通过适当的阀值选取而获得仍然可以反映图像整体和局部特征的二值化图像。-Binary image processing is to say the point of image gray-scale home for 0 or 255, that is, speaking of the images clearly show the effect of black and white. Brightness is about 256 levels of gray-scale image through appropriate threshold can be selected to reflect the characteristics of the overall and partial image of the binary image.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhangyun

程序可以选择输出二值图像。二值图像可以通过对每个梯度点取阈值得到,其中阈值T为输入参数。并且要求结合3*3掩模的平滑运算和本实验上面的原算,并对图像进行处理,分割出图像中间的大血管区域,并将结果用二值图表示。在实验中需要对平滑运算方法和阈值T进行反复调整。-Program can choose the output binary image. Binary image can be taken for each gradient point to the threshold should be, in which the threshold T for the input parameters. And requirements with 3* 3 mask and the smooth operation of the experiment above the original balance, and image processing, image segmentation of the middle region of the great vessels, and the results expressed by binary image. In the experiment the need for smooth computing methods and repeated T threshold adjustment.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 132kb Publisher : jhm

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图像分割指把图像分成各具特性的区域并提取出感兴趣目标的技术和过程,它是由图像处理到图像分析的关键步骤。小麦的图像分割是使用各种图像分割算法对小麦图像进行处理和研究,提取出有用的图像信息以实现小麦粘连籽粒的分离,为进一步利用图像处理技术分析小麦品质提供依据。因此,对小麦图像分割方法的研究具有十分重要的意义。 本文首先研究了图像分割算法的分类以及常用图像分割算法的基本原理。然后针对小麦图像的特点,研究了在不同光照、背景和连接情况下使用的小麦图像分割方法,对各种分割算法进行了比较、结合和改进。重点研究了基于小波变换的分水岭算法和阈值分割算法在小麦图像分割中的应用,并借助MATLAB工具软件对选定图像进行处理,实现了对小麦粘连籽粒的分离。最后本文对图像分割技术进行了展望。 本论文的研究对于图像分割技术在小麦品质中的应用具有一定的参考价值。 -Image segmentation is a technology and process that divide image into different character area, which is interesting us. It is a key step from image processing to image analyzing. The wheat image segmentation is a way using many algorithms does some research and processing, and it also can realize the separation of wheat adhesion and realize the extraction of useful image information. So it can lay the foundation for using image processing technologies to analysis the quality of the wheat. there is a very important meaning for the research of the image segmentation method. This paper studies the class and the principle of segmentation algorithm in common use firstly, then, studies the wheat image segment algorithm with different illumination background. It contrasts kinds of algorithms, and improved them. This paper is based on wavelet transform, and combines with the watershed algorithm and the threshold segmentation method. Using the MATLAB software, does some process on the wheat i
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 152kb Publisher : qichao

DL : 0
Binary erosion and dilation, with fast iterative calls. For any structuring element other than square or disk this function is way faster than imerode.m and imdilate.m (more than an order of magnitude). It s also handy when you don t have the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox :-)... It also allows very fast iterative calls (for instance when sweeping the structuring element while looking for a certain effect, threshold in image statistics, etc). See the help in bmorph.m and the attached .pdf file.-Binary erosion and dilation, with fast iterative calls. For any structuring element other than square or disk this function is way faster than imerode.m and imdilate.m (more than an order of magnitude). It s also handy when you don t have the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox :-)... It also allows very fast iterative calls (for instance when sweeping the structuring element while looking for a certain effect, threshold in image statistics, etc). See the help in bmorph.m and the attached .pdf file.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 152kb Publisher : tudor

its the matlab coding for pattern recoganization in image processing using genetic algorithm-its the matlab coding for pattern recoganization in image processing using genetic algorithm
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 219kb Publisher : suresh

1、使用MatLab 软件进行图像的分割; 2、能够自行评价各主要算子在无噪声条件下和噪声条件下的分割性能; 3、能够掌握分割条件(阈值等)的选择; 4、完成规定图像的处理并要求正确评价处理结果,能够从理论上作出合理的解释。 -1, the use of MatLab software for image segmentation 2, to self-evaluation of all the major operators in the absence of noise conditions and noise conditions, the division of property 3, to master the split conditions (threshold, etc.) of choice 4, complete the requirements of image processing and correct evaluation of the results, can theoretically provide a reasonable explanation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : wanghui

DL : 0
本文重点研究了面积法对车流量进行统计。在研究算法过程中主要用到了车辆图像检测相关的灰度化、滤波、图像增强、锐化等图像处理基础知识,并将这些知识的算法进行了比较研究。进而用到了阈值分割、边缘检测、以及形态学操作等图像分割技术以及车辆的检测和提取算法。最后设计了一种实时可靠的统计算法。-This paper focuses on the area method for traffic statistics. In the study of algorithms used in the vehicle during the main test-related gray scale image, filtering, image enhancement, sharpening and other image processing basics and knowledge of the algorithms were compared. Then use a threshold segmentation, edge detection, and morphological operations such as image segmentation, and vehicle detection and extraction algorithms. The final design of a real-time reliable statistical algorithms.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 57kb Publisher : 何呈

Yen threshold method realized in Matlab environment based on Yen J.C., Chang F.J., and Chang S. (1995) "A New Criterion for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 4(3): 370-378-Yen threshold method realized in Matlab environment based on Yen J.C., Chang F.J., and Chang S. (1995) "A New Criterion for Automatic Multilevel Thresholding" IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 4(3): 370-378
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : deki

在matlab环境下对图像进行处理,运用霍夫变换方法得到图像分割的阈值,并进行圆形的检测-In the matlab environment for image processing, using Hough transform method for image segmentation threshold and for the detection of circular
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 王欣

DL : 0
自适应图像处理,相对于matlab应用,在图像处理中进行图像锐化和相对应的阀值分割-Adaptive image processing, as opposed to matlab applications in image processing for image sharpening and the corresponding threshold segmentation
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 69kb Publisher : 陈亮
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