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等值线 在科学计算和现实生活中,常常会遇到y=f(t)这类函数关系,例如,正弦、余弦等等。函数y=f(t)往往是以离散的观测值形式f(ti)(i=1,....N)表现出来的。例如,令股民朋友如醉如痴的K线图,与千家万户性命攸关的河流水位曲线图等等。离散函数关系有不少数据处理课题,例如,数据拟合、插值和平滑等等。最令人兴奋的还是预测,如果股民朋友能够准确把握y=f(t)的走向,钞票就会源源不断涌入口袋。如果水文学家能够准确预测河流水位暴涨的过程,可以大量减少生命和财产损失。 所谓画曲线就是描绘y=f(t)的图象,在本书我们将通过图象绘制直观地了解观测值的变化和数据处理方法的效果-contours in scientific computing and real-life, we will often encounter y = f (t) such a function, such as sine, cosine and so on. Function y = f (t) tend to be discrete observation form f (t) (i = 1 ...... N) the performance. For example, investors simply friends of K map, and the millions of lives at stake curve of water levels in rivers and so on. Discrete function of a number of data-processing tasks, such as data fitting, interpolation and smoothing and so on. Most exciting is predicted that if shareholders friends to accurately grasp y = f (t) trend, money will continue to flood into pockets. If hydrologists can accurately predict river levels rose process, a significant reduction in loss of life and property. The so-called curve is painting depicting y = f (t) of the image, in this
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 14.72kb Publisher : PBC

1.n个叶结点,权分别为w1,w2,• • • ,wn的二叉树中,带权路径长度WPL最小的二叉树叫最优二叉树, 也叫霍夫曼树。 2.霍夫曼算法:1)根据给定的权值{w1,w2,• • • ,wn}构造n个二叉树F={T1,T2,• • • ,Tn}每个Ti只有一个根结点,权为wi。2)在F中选取两棵根结点的权值最小的树 构成一棵新的二叉树,其根的权值为左右子树根的权值的和。3)F中删去这两棵树,加上新得的树。4)重复2)3)直到只剩一棵树。 -1. N leaf nodes, the right to w1, w2, # 8226 # 8226, wn the binary tree, with the right path length WPL smallest binary tree called Optimal binary tree, the tree is also called Hoffman. 2. Hoffman algorithm : 1) According to the weights (w1, w2, # 8226 # 8226 # 8226, wn) n binary tree structure F = (T1, T2, # 8226 # 8226 # 8226, Tn) each only a Ti Root, the right to wi. 2) In 1984 two F Root in the value of the right to the smallest tree constitute a new binary tree, the roots of the right value for the son around the roots and the value of the right. 3) F deleted these two trees, coupled with the new tree. 4) repeat 2) 3) until only a tree.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.62kb Publisher : yy

本程序来自TI公司网站原程序,其功能是通过传统的V/F控制算法来实现对感应电机的控制,控制程序可以采用.asm也可以采用.C。 程序的具体算法和介绍在软件压缩包有详细介绍!-this program from the company's Web site TI program, its function is through the traditional V / F control algorithm to achieve the induction motor control, control procedures can be taken. asm also be used. C. The specific procedures and the introduction of the algorithm compression software packages are described in detail!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.01mb Publisher : 徐克

本程序来自TI公司网站原程序,其功能是通过传统的V/F控制算法并加上对电机的转子速度辨识即无速度传感器控制来实现对感应电机的控制,控制程序可以采用.asm也可以采用.C。程序的具体算法和介绍在软件压缩包有详细介绍! -this program from the company's Web site TI program, its function is through the traditional V / F control algorithm and add to the motor rotor speed identification that speed sensors to control it right now the induction motor control, control procedures can be taken. asm also be used. C. The specific procedures and the introduction of the algorithm compression software packages are described in detail!
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : 徐克

F2812 fft 源程序 TI例程。作DSP的新手参考TI的例程是最快的学习途径。-This is fft source program example of F2812. It is written by TI. It is the fastest way for DSP starters to learn the examples of TI.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 丘平

TI的x28x系列芯片的FFT源程序。有128/256/512/1024点的实数和复数的FFT算法。-TI's chip x28x series of FFT source. 128/256/512/1024 point real and complex FFT algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 166kb Publisher : simon

在TI的CCS环境下用C语言编写的fft算法,已经通过测试,正确无误-TI in the CCS environment using the C language fft algorithm has been tested for accuracy
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 172kb Publisher : 刘素珍

CS8900A driver source code project files for Code Composer Studio precompiled static uIP-DSP library 国外驱动开发DSP-CS8900A driver source code project files f or Code Composer Studio precompiled static Application of ulP- DSP library of DSP-driven development abroad
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 146kb Publisher : rabo

ti的TMS320C64XEMAC应用源代码-ti s TMS320C64XEMAC application source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 719kb Publisher : deff

DL : 0
TI最新DSP28335的例子,对于初学DSP很后用处-TI latest DSP28335 example, after the beginner is the use of DSP
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 520kb Publisher : 小罗

DL : 0
很好得文件,所以大家共享!里面是IIR的C语言程序!-A very good document, which is why we share! There is the C language program IIR!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 961kb Publisher : hanhan

DL : 0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 828kb Publisher : 吴冲

Optimized FFT code on TI C64+
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : Zhengting

TMS320F2812 FFT 源程序,TI例程,用于计算fft,做信号的频域分析-TMS320F2812 FFT source, TI routines used to calculate the fft, so the signal frequency domain analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : chengaj

WIFI,BT,F,GPS 四合一 TI解决方案-WIFI,BT,F,GPS four in one TI solution
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 406kb Publisher : 寒冰

A Compact Single/Dual-Band Printed Inverted-F Type Antenna Structure
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 879kb Publisher : aerious

Ti 出品 数字电路芯片,大功率驱动,输出能力达到400mA-Ti produced digital circuit chips, power drive, the output capacity of 400mA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 775kb Publisher : tiantian

B-75.易疯了!编程实现互斥体无限多开,未用驱动。- F:. \ B-75 easy crazy! Programming mutex infinite open, unused drivers. \ B-75. Easy crazy! Programming mutex infinite open, unused drivers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 161kb Publisher :

完美完成tinyliker的课程设计,在测试的时候注意添加参数,参数格式:-t i -f input-i.txt( i:1-9 )-Perfect completed tinyliker curriculum design, at the time the test note that adding parameters, in the format:-ti-f input-i.txt (i: 1-9)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 716kb Publisher : 老鬼

TI 2.4G倒F天线实测可用,可用于设计双面板-2.4G ANT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher : 段传友
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