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TIFF文件是传真的标准格式,此源码包含了TIFF文件操作的所有函数。-TIFF document was faxed to the standard format, the source document contains TIFF operation of all functions.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : Wendy

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : 李一

LibTIFF - TIFF Library and Utilities tiff lib 3.8.2
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.63mb Publisher : 殷海峰

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.03mb Publisher : Wendy

图片处理所需要的jpeg,tiff,zlib的最新库文件的汇总:jpegsrc.v6b.tar.tar,tiff-3.8.2.tar.tar,zlib-1.2.3.tar.tar-Picture needed to deal with jpeg, tiff, zlib library file of the latest aggregation: jpegsrc.v6b.tar.tar, tiff-3.8.2.tar.tar, zlib-1.2.3.tar.tar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : 李一

LibTIFF - TIFF Library and Utilities tiff lib 3.8.2-LibTIFF- TIFF Library and Utilities tiff lib 3.8.2
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.63mb Publisher :

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : wavetan

mssql 连接 linux环境-linux
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.27mb Publisher : jf

Min/Max filter,最大最小滤波器,说明看英文,只是国外的人写的代码, -Description The filter computes the minima and/or maxima of an array over sliding window with a given size. Multidimensional array is fully supported: running filter in 1D, 2D filter for image processing applications (erosion/dilatation), 3D and more. This package has been implemented with a special care on the running speed: the MEX engine uses an algorithms that requires no more than three (3) comparisons per element and per dimension in all configurations. All numerical and logical class arrays are supported. Contributor (beside author) is Vaclav Potesil Acknowledgements This submission has inspired the following: Free-knot spline approximation MATLAB release MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) Other requirements MEX correctly setup NO image processing is required Download a tiff file for
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher : 谢冉

图像处理综合例子,提供的功能主要有:    (1) 打开,显示,保存(另存),打印包括bmp,jpg,tif,gif,tga,pcx,png,psd等在内的各种常用图像 (2) 可以对图像实现放大/缩小观看,并可显示其直方图(态度,红,蓝,绿四通道) (3) 点运算:图像格式转换,阈值变换,窗口变换,灰度拉伸,态度均衡 (4) 几何变换:平移,转置,缩放,旋转,水平镜像,垂直镜像 (5) 正交变换:傅立叶,离散余弦,沃什,霍特林等 (6) 图像增强:图像平滑,中值滤波,梯度锐化,拉普拉斯锐化和伪彩色 (7) 形态学处理:腐蚀,膨胀,开,闭,细化 (8) 边缘与轮廓:边缘检测(robert,sobel,prewitt...),Hough变换,轮廓提取,种子填充,轮廓跟踪 编译时需要将Intel\lib,isee\lib,TIFF\LIB加入到vc6的工具\选择\目录\library files中-Comprehensive example of image processing to provide the functions are: (1) Open, display, save (Save), print, including bmp, jpg, tif, gif, tga, pcx, png, psd, etc., all commonly used image (2) can be achieved on the image to enlarge/reduce the view, and can display the histogram (attitude, red, blue, green, four-channel) (3) of operations: image format conversion, threshold transform, the window transform, gray stretch, balanced approach (4) geometric transformations: translation, transposition, scale, rotate, horizontal mirror, vertical mirror (5) orthogonal transformation: Fourier, discrete cosine, Walsh, Hotelling, etc. (6) image enhancement: image smoothing, median filtering, sharpening gradient, Laplacian sharpening and pseudo-color (7) morphological processing: erosion, dilation, opening, closing, thinning (8) edge and contour: edge detection (robert, sobel, prewitt ...), Hough transform, contour extraction, seed fill, contour tracking Compile
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.35mb Publisher : 黄知

tiff library source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.1mb Publisher : loginser

GTK Arm embedded system all pack file and install guide 1、tslib: download tslib-1.4.tar.gz 2、tiff : 3、jpegsrc.v6b : 4、libpng-1.2.33 : 5、glib-2.19.0 : 6、pango-1.20.2 : 7、gtk+-2.12.9 : 8、atk-1.24.0 : 9、cairo-1.8.4 : 10、DirectFB-1.3.0 : 11、expat-2.0.1 : 12、fontconfig-2.6.0 : 13、freetype-2.3.7 : 14、libxml2-2.6.31 : 15、pixman-0.12.0 : 16、zlib-1.2.3 : ,GTK Arm embedded system all pack file and install guide 1, tslib: download tslib-1.4.tar.gz 2, tiff: 3, jpegsrc.v6b: 4, libpng-1.2. 33: 5, glib-2.19.0: 6, pango-1.20.2 : 7, gtk+-2.12.9: 8, atk-1.24 .0: 9, cairo-1.8.4: 10, DirectFB-1.3.0 : 11, expat-2.0.1: 12, fontconfig-2.6.0:, freetype-2.3.7: 14, libxml2-2.6.31: 15, pixman-0.12.0: 16, zlib-1.2.3:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52.57mb Publisher : 小誠

Imaging is native Object Pascal image loading, saving and manipulation library. It is available for several platforms and does not require any third party dynamic libraries or other compiled binaries. Main development language is Object Pascal (Delphi and Free Pascal compilers are supported) and there are interfaces to the library (compiled into dll/so) for other languages like C/C++ and Delphi.NET. Currently supported operating systems are Windows, Linux, FreeBSD (and some other Unixes), and Mac OS X (on Intel). Supported CPU architectures are x86 and AMD64. Currently supported image file formats are: (loading and saving) BMP, JPEG, PNG/APNG, GIF, TGA, DDS, MNG, JNG, JPEG2000, PSD, TIFF, PGM, PPM, PAM, PFM, XPM, (loading only) PCX, and PBM. Many internal image data formats are supported: 8/16/24/32/48/64 bit RGB and ARGB formats, indexed formats, grayscale formats, half/single precision floating point formats, and compressed formats DXT1/3/5, 3Dc, and BTC.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13.03mb Publisher : 刘炳元
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