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先进PID:Smith预估器纯滞后补偿,通过与PID控制器并接,来抵消实测滞后的影响-Advanced PID: Smith Predictor time delay compensation, with the PID controller and then to offset the impact of the measured hysteresis
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : yiaihua

A novel met hod t o p artially compensate sigma2delta shap ed noise is p rop osed. By injecting t he comp en2 sation cur rent int o t he p assive loop f ilte r during t he delay time of t he p hase f requency detect or ( PFD) , a maximum reduction of t he p hase noise by about 16dB can be achieved. Comp a red t o ot he r compensation met hods , t he tech2 nique p rop osed he re is relatively simple and easy t o implement . Key building blocks f or realizing t he noise cancel2 lation , including t he delay va riable PFD and comp ensation cur rent source , a re sp ecially designed. Bot h t he behavior level and circuit level simulation results a re p resented.-A novel met hod top artially compensate sigma2delta shap ed noise is p rop osed. By injecting t he comp en2sation cur rent int ot he p assive loop f ilte r during t he delay time of t he p hase f requency detect or (PFD) , a maximumreduction of t he p hase noise by about 16dB can be achieved. Comp a red to ot he r compensation met hods, t he tech2nique p rop osed he re is relatively simple and easy to implement. Key building blocks f or realizing t he noise cancel2lation, including t he delay va riable PFD and comp ensation cur rent source, a re sp ecially designed. Bot ht he behaviorlevel and circuit level simulation results a re p resented.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 439kb Publisher : 朱成发

:针对时滞系统的特点和采用神经网络单值预测控制存在的不足,提出了多步超前预测与补偿的控制算 法,有效地增加了控制力度,改善了动态性能,并论述了增加的预测与补偿步数与稳定的关系 -With regards to the characteristics of time-delay system and the weakness of single predictive control, this pa- per puts forward a control scheme of multi-step-ahead prediction and compensation, which increases control power effectively, and improves dynamic characteristics ofthe system. The paper also discusses the relationship between the step number of predic- tion and compensation and the stability of systems
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : liubo

Methods which allow comparisons in the use of PI and PID controller strategies for the control of first order lag plus time delay processes (FOLPD) are worthy of investigation because of the relative lack of work done in this area. In this paper, strategies for comparing performance and robustness for a PI or PID controlled FOLPD process are analysed and designed. The use of different PID controller structures for processes with time delay is also worth considering in detail. Various PID controller structures are compared by means of servo and regulator time responses, Bode plots and Nyquist plots.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 97kb Publisher : amina

:近距离目标超高分辨率微波成像技术在安全检测、非破坏性控制、生物医学等领域中有着非常重要的应用 价值和广阔的应用前景。该文利用基于窄脉冲形式的超宽带时域雷达系统研究近距离目标的高分辨率ISAR成像, 给出了仿真和实测结果。利用转台旋转目标,基于超宽带脉冲源和超宽带收发天线以及高性能取样示波器,配以同 步触发脉冲和自行研发的数据采集软件,搭建了该时域雷达实验系统,提出了准确获取目标回波信息的实验条件, 和实现回波延时精确校正的误差补偿方法。并针对采样时间窗内的杂波干扰,讨论了时域后向投影算法(Back Projection,BP)与背景对消技术相结合的成像算法,实现了分辨率为 8 mm 的近距离目标的成像,准确地反映了 目标的位置、形状和大小等信息。- The high resolution imaging of near field targets are interesting for security, non-destructive control and biomedical application. In this paper, high resolution near field ISAR imaging is implemented using Ultra Wide Band (UWB) time domain radar system. Simulation and experiment are both conducted. The target is rotated by turntable. The system is built based on the UWB pulse source, UWB antennas, high performance sampling oscillograph, synchronous trigger pulse and proper motion study data acquisition software. Experiment condition and delay errors compensation method are presented to obtain accurate echo information of the target. And Back Projection (BP) combined with background cancel algorithm is discussed considering the clutter interference in time window.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1.62mb Publisher : chinaafxp

DL : 0
test2: 一、 基本最小二乘法一次算法 二、 基本最小二乘法递推算法 三、 最小二乘遗忘因子一次完成算法 四、 最小二乘遗忘因子递推算法 五、 最小二乘限定记忆算法 六、 最小二乘偏差补偿算法 七、 增广最小二乘算法 八、 广义最小二乘算法 test3: 一、 辅助变量自适应滤波算法 二、 辅助变量纯滞后算法 三、 辅助变量Tally原理算法 四、 多级最小二乘算法 五、 各类改进最小二乘算法的特点 test4: 1、 第二类随机性辨识问题的梯度校正 2、 随机牛顿法 test5: 1、 递推的极大似然估计 2、 预报误差参数辨识 test6: 1、 根据Hankel矩阵秩估计模型阶次(弱噪声) 2、 根据Hankel矩阵秩估计模型阶次(强噪声) 3、 利用行列式比估计模型阶次(白噪声) 4、 利用行列式比估计模型阶次(有色噪声) 5、 利用残差的方差估计模型阶次(白噪声) 6、 利用残差的方差估计模型阶次(有色噪声) 7、 AIV定阶法(白噪声) 8、 AIV定阶法(有色噪声) test7: 1、 一阶惯性+纯滞后环节-----两点法 2、 面积法1 3、 levy法 -test2: First, the basic method of least squares algorithm once Second, the basic recursive least squares algorithm Third, once the forgetting factor least squares algorithm Fourth, the forgetting factor recursive least squares algorithm Fifth, the least-squares algorithm limited memory Six , least squares error compensation algorithm Seven , extended least squares algorithm Eight , generalized least squares algorithm test3: An auxiliary variable adaptive filtering algorithm Second, the auxiliary variable time delay algorithm Third, the principle of auxiliary variable algorithm Tally Fourth, multi-stage least squares algorithm Fifth, the least squares algorithm to improve the characteristics of various types of test4: 1, the second class of stochastic gradient identification problem corrected 2 , randomized Newton test5: 1, the recursive maximum likelihood estimation 2, the prediction error parameter identification test6: 1 , according to the Hankel matrix rank est
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 435kb Publisher : yurong

Predictive direct power control (P-DPC) applied to voltage source pulse-width-modulation (PWM) rectifier was introduced in this paper. Based on the model of power prediction, voltage vectors were selected according to minimizing power errors in a fixed time interval, which results in a constant switching frequency control for P-DPC. It simplifies the implementation of P-DPC procedure by selecting switching states based on the principle of space vector modulation (SVM). In order to eliminate power errors caused by control delay, a detailed control delay compensation scheme was designed. Experimental results based on a 2kW prototype were presented, which showing that P-DPC has a faster power response compared to standard voltage-oriented-control (VOC) techniques. Besides, the dynamic performance of the system is also improved significantly by control delay compensation.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 482kb Publisher : yangs

死区效应的存在使得逆变器输出电压和电流不能跟踪参考电压和电流,同时输出增加了谐波分量,使系统的输出转矩存在很大脉动,尤其电机在低速运行时,可能导致系统的不稳定。针对此问题分析了死区效应对于交流伺服系统的影响,特别是低速运行时对电流波形的影响。提出了一种新型的在线延时补偿算法,该算法可以省掉开关器件没有必要的开通和关断,且不需要任何额外的硬件电路和离线的实验测量,具有实现简单、输出波形谐波含量小等特点,较好地降低了系统在低频时输出电流的脉动。仿真与实验表明该算法有效、可行。-The existence of invener dead time makes the output voltage and current of inverter be different its rcference voltage and current.Dead time of inVerter increaSes me harmonic of invener output锄d makes the output torque of servo motor rippIe laely.Especially in the cdition of low speed, dead time may cause servo system unstable.The innuence of inverter dead time on AC servo system, especially in the condition of low speed,was analyzed.Aw on—line dead time delay compensation algorithm was proposed to impmVe tlle inVener output performance.The triggers fbr the invener switches,additional circuits or off-line experimental measurement are unnecessary. The rcalization of the algo^thm is simple and the hanIlonics in output wavefo帅are small.The current ripple when me system works at tlle low fkquency is reduced.Simulation and experimental results demonste the proposed algorimm is efctive and feasible.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 388kb Publisher : 时振伟
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