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[DSP programTMS320-VC5509A-Timer

Description: ICETEK–VC5509-A 评估板定时器实验.实验程序的工程中包含了两种源代码,主程序采用C 语言编制利于控制,中断向量表在 vector.asm 汇编语言文件中,利于直观地控制存储区分配。-ICETEK-VC5509-A experimental evaluation board timer. Experimental procedure included two projects source code, the main program using C language in favor of control, Interrupt Vector Table in the assembly language vector.asm documents, in favor of intuitive control of Storage Area distribution.
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: 小艾 | Hits:

[DSP programDSP2833x_examples

Description: 最新DSP控制芯片28335源代码程序集(三)-Control of the latest DSP chip 28335 assembly source code (c)
Platform: | Size: 1806336 | Author: 双凯 | Hits:

[assembly languagefoc_of_AC_3ph_induction_motor

Description: Assembly code for field oriented control of a three phase induction motor using a TMS320 DSP. Makes use of a sensor and reference frame transformation to set the required torque and flux for field weakening.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: justlv | Hits:

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