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根据起降城市,查询到起降时间,以及航次的具体信息.-under TOL cities, inquiries that take-off and landing time, and trip-specific information.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 215.97kb Publisher : 李明

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%TVDENOISE Total variation grayscale and color image denoising % u = TVDENOISE(f,lambda) denoises the input image f. The smaller % the parameter lambda, the stronger the denoising. % % The output u approximately minimizes the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) % denoising model % % Min TV(u) + lambda/2 || f - u ||^2_2, % u % % where TV(u) is the total variation of u. If f is a color image (or any % array where size(f,3) > 1), the vectorial TV model is used, % % Min VTV(u) + lambda/2 || f - u ||^2_2. % u % % TVDENOISE(...,Tol) specifies the stopping tolerance (default 1e-2). % % The minimization is solved using Chambolle's method, % A. Chambolle, "An Algorithm for Total Variation Minimization and % Applications," J. Math. Imaging and Vision 20 (1-2): 89-97, 2004. % When f is a color image, the minimization is solved by a generalization % of Chambolle's method, % X. Bresson and T.F. Chan, "Fast Minimization of the Vectorial Total % Variation Norm and Applications to Color Image Processing", UCLA CAM % Report 07-25.
Update : 2011-04-11 Size : 1.4kb Publisher :

% May 2010 % This matlab code implements TVL1 based Hybrid Compressive Sensing using LSQR. % Only suitable the small scale data due to the costly storage and computation. % % A - M x N measurement matrix: random sampling alone or hybrid sampling (random sampling and low resolution sampling) % % gamma - weight for L1-norm of the diagonal gradients % % tol - tolerance for stopping criterion. % - DEFAULT 1e-3 if omitted. % % maxIter - maximum number of iterations % - DEFAULT 50, if omitted. %Original TVL1 based Hybrid Compressive Sensing problem: % min ||gx ||_1 + ||gy ||_1 +\gamma *(||gxy ||_1 + ||gyx ||_1) % s.t. A*I = b and I >=0 %It can be solved using PDCO as follows % min c*x s.t. Phi * x =B % x = [I; gx; -gx; gy; -gy; gxy; -gxy; gyx; -gyx] % Phi and B enforce the measurement (A) and constrant among the elements of x; % Xianbiao Shu, May 2010. Questions?; % Copyright: Computer Vision and Robotics Lab, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign % Acknowledgement: Primal-Dual interior method for Convex Objectives (PDCO) %
Update : 2011-04-21 Size : 895.62kb Publisher :

根据起降城市,查询到起降时间,以及航次的具体信息.-under TOL cities, inquiries that take-off and landing time, and trip-specific information.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 269kb Publisher : 李明

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tolua++是一个对lua进行封装调用的工具,可以自动绑定C++类和函数,代码很值得研究-tolua++ is a package called lua tools can automatically bind C++ category and function, the code is worth studying
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 442kb Publisher : leonliu

脚本编程语言,Tolua编译器核心。是lua脚本语言的派生-Script programming language, Tolua compiler core. Lua scripting language is a derivative
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 68kb Publisher : heronic

采用各向异性方法 填补一个缺损的轮廓,从而可以得到一个光滑完整的轮廓。- Completed contours correspond to ridges of an extension (ext) of the characteristic function of the uncompleted curve. Anisotropic extension is performed on the characteristic function fbound of an image set given by the binary map boundary to the whole image domain. Extension is initially driven by \xi=(EigVect{1}, EigVect{2}) (which should match with the contour tangent direction) computed as the direction of maximum coherence of the distance map to the contour to close. It is updated every N iterations with DCV over the distance map to the ridges/thinning of the evolved image. Two different stop criteria are supported: Number of Connected Components ( numcomp ). Contour Completion. Stop when the extended contour (curve of level 1) has exactly Ncomp connected components. Difference between two consecutive iterations ( tol ) Speed Stabilizes ( speed_stab ). [extended]=ContourCompletion(BoundCond,f,DCVParam,StopParam,SaveParam)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : yishui pan

解方程,具体见英文描述,给一个连续方程,解出f(x) = 0 在一定范围的解- To find a solution to f(x) = 0 given the continuous function f on the interval [a,b], where f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs: INPUT: endpoints a,b tolerance TOL maximum number of iterations NO. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or a message that the algorithm fails.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rdchkww

解方程,给出一个连续函数接f(x)=0的值,前提是给一个附近的值- FIXED-POINT ALGORITHM 2.2 To find a solution to p = g(p) given an initial approximation p0 INPUT: initial approximation p0 tolerance TOL maximum number of iterations NO. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or a message that the method fails.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rdchkww

NEWTON-RAPHSON求解一个连续方程,f(X)=0,前提给一个初始值- NEWTON-RAPHSON ALGORITHM 2.3 To find a solution to f(x) = 0 given an initial approximation p0: INPUT: initial approximation p0 tolerance TOL maximum number of iterations NO. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or a message of failure
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rdchkww

SECANT法求解一个连续方程,f(x) = 0,给两个初始值- SECANT ALGORITHM 2.4 To find a solution to the equation f(x) = 0 given initial approximations p0 and p1: INPUT: initial approximation p0, p1 tolerance TOL maximum number of iterations N0. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or a message that the algorithm fails.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rdchkww

解方程,给出一个连续函数接f(x)=0的值,前提是给两个附近的值,且符号相反 - METHOD OF FALSE POSITION ALGORITHM 2.5 To find a solution to f(x) = 0 given the continuous function f on the interval [p0,p1], where f(p0) and f(p1) have opposite signs: INPUT: endpoints p0, p1 tolerance TOL maximum number of iterations N0. OUTPUT: approximate solution p or a message that the algorithm fails.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : rdchkww

Fixed-point for functions of several variables -Function fixed_point_systems(x0, N) approximates the solution of a system of nonlinear equations F(x) = (f1(x), f2(x), ..., fn(x)) = 0 rewritten in the fixed-point form x = G(x) = (g1(x), g2(x), ..., gn(x)). This is done by the user at the bottom of the file. The sub-function G(x) has to be updated accordingly with the given system. The iteration scheme x(k+1) = G(x(k)) is implemented until condition |x(k)- x(k-1)| < tol is met, starting with an initial approxiamtion vector x0. If, after N iterations, the stopping criterion is not reached, a message concerning the iterated x s is displayed. the output consists of iterates of each variables x1, x2, ..., xn in each column.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王怀东

Fixed-Point iteration-Function fixed_point(p0, N) approximates the solution of an equation f(x) = 0, rewritten in the form x = g(x), which is a sub-function the user has to enter. the call to the function fixed_point(p0, N) returns the root of the equation f(x),i.e. the fixed-point of g(x), if the procedure is successful or a sequence of iterates in case something goes wrong. p0 is the initial approximation and N the maximum number of iterations. If, after N iterations, condition |x(k)- x(k-1)| < tol is not satisfied, all iterated values will be displayed, accompanied by a message asking the user to either change p0 in case of divergence or enter another g(x) that does not lead to complex numbers arithmetics. Reasons for the program to go wrong are the divergence of iterates and/or appearance of complex numbers for example with functions involving sqrt(x) when one of the iterates is negative.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王怀东

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Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE-Three function for RBF neural network, using OLS,Rand and SGA function [newcenter,sigma,W,yh,rmse]=rbfols(p,t,tol) p 為輸入資料點,N×K矩陣,N是輸入資料維度,K是資料點數 t 為目標輸出值,1×K矩陣 tol 為指定容忍度或正確率 centers選定中心點,N×nc矩陣 sigma為 ? 值 W為輸出層權重,nc×1矩陣 yh為網路輸出值,1×K矩陣 rmse 為目標輸出值與網路輸出值之RMSE
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : aaronwu

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录入程序代码,并对该实验代码进行调试,检查程序代码中的语法和语义错误。 编写函数f(x)的代码如下: Romberg算法¨ function z=f(x) if (x~=0) z=sin(x)/x else z=1 end 备注:在实验代码中,首先输入必要的变量的值如下: a=0 b=1 tol=1e-8 待查询检查通过,开始输入执行代码 设置格式format short g查看u的值和sin(u)的值: -Input program code, and debugging code for the experiment to check the program code in the syntax and semantic errors. The preparation of a function f (x) of the code is as follows: Romberg algorithm ¨ function z = f (x) if (x ~ = 0) z = sin (x)/x else z = 1 end Note: In the experimental code, First, enter the necessary value of the variable is as follows: a = 0 b = 1 tol = 1e-8 pending inquiries, checking through, began to enter the implementation of the code format format short g see u, values and sin (u) values:
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21kb Publisher : kice

Description This function finds the velocity of a 2-dimensional planar wave from at least 2 sensors, by specifying its location (x,y) or (lon,lat) and its respective arrival time. It returns the speed and direction (or tracking if coordinates were given): >> [VEL,DIR] = velocity_triangulation(x,y,time,TOL) where TOL is a tolerance time. You may get a figure with the results, like the one shown in the screenshot. Just take a look to the optional arguments. Enjoy it! Any comments and bugs reports will be very appreciated! MATLAB release MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b) -Description This function finds the velocity of a 2-dimensional planar wave from at least 2 sensors, by specifying its location (x,y) or (lon,lat) and its respective arrival time. It returns the speed and direction (or tracking if coordinates were given): >> [VEL,DIR] = velocity_triangulation(x,y,time,TOL) where TOL is a tolerance time. You may get a figure with the results, like the one shown in the screenshot. Just take a look to the optional arguments. Enjoy it! Any comments and bugs reports will be very appreciated! MATLAB release MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 7kb Publisher : Józef

DL : 0
非线性方程为xe(x)括号的x为e的指数-1=0. 要求输入初值x0.和精度tol及最大循环次数N. 输出利用newton迭代法解出的近似根-Nonlinear equations for the xe (x) x as e brackets index-1 = 0. Asked to enter the initial value x0. And accuracy and the maximum number of cycles N. tol output using newton iterative method for solving the approximate root
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 边大边

DL : 0
这是第一版的AsymPDC工具包。用来处理PDC,gPDC和iPDC有关内容。运行环境为Matlab,并且要求至少Matlab中预装了3个工具箱:控制系统,信号处理和统计工具箱。-This is the first public release of AsympPDC package. It deals with the asymptotic statistics for PDC, gPDC and iPDC. AsympPDC runs under Matlab and is a practically self-contained except for requires routines from three Matlab toolboxes: Control System, Signal Processing, and Statistical. It is not extensively tested yet. It was partially tested under Windows, Macintosh and Linux environments with Matlab version 7.0 and higher. Please report any incompatibility to ksameshi[at] or baccala[at] Additionally for cosmetic purposes, the pdc_xplot routine uses several Matlab users contributed codes: subplot2.m (modified old version of supbplot to control spacing between subplots), shadedplot.m (developed by Dave Van Tol), suplabel.m (for label and title plotting in subplot figures, by Ben Barrowes), suptitle.m (contributed by Drea Thomas, for adding title above all subplots), and tilefigs.m (for tiling figures for simultaneous visualization, by Charles Plum)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 590kb Publisher : 罗巍巍

DL : 0
利用tol和bol进行多基地的定位,最后给出GDOP图(TOL and BOL are used to locate for multi base, and finally the GDOP diagram is given)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 空心泡
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