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一个不错的IE工具栏列子-a good IE toolbar Liezi
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 212kb Publisher : 杨立伟

用于在IE工具栏上添加一个登录界面!-for the IE toolbar add a login screen!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : 孔敏

功能介绍:为了方便,QQ和浩方等软件都把主程序放到IE的工具栏,本程序可以把您喜欢的程序放到IE工具栏-functional presentations : For convenience, the QQ and Gallant software side regarded the main program into IE toolbar, the program can send your favorite programs into IE toolbar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : 周群生

增强的扁平工具条,它不用MS IEAnother Flat ToolBar (does not require MSIE) - Joerg Koenig-enhanced tools of the flat, it does not need MS IEAnother Flat Toolbar (does not require MSIE)- Joerg Koenig
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 55kb Publisher : 万华

ATL 实现定制的 IE 浏览器栏、工具栏和桌面工具栏 < IE编程 > 最近,由于工作的要求,我需要在 IE 上做一些开发工作。于是在 MSDN 上翻阅了一些资料,根据 MSDN 上的说明我用 ATL 胜利完成了“资本家老板”分配的任务。-ATL customized browser bar, toolbar and desktop toolbar lt; IE programming gt; Recently, the job requirements, I need IE to do some development work. So MSDN read some information, according to the instructions on the MSDN I use ATL victory completed a "capitalist bosses" for the task.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 113kb Publisher : 毛建孟

IE工具栏扩展 就是如何使IE扩展组件可以响应事件。 在自己的程序中使用过WebBrowser控件的朋友都知道,WebBrowser控件定义了诸如BeforeNavigate、DownloadComplete 等事件,我们可以通过编写事件处理代码实现对WebBrowser控件的操作。那么如何实现对IE的事件响应和处理呢?同建立IE面板一样。我们需要建立一个实现IObjectWithSite接口的COM组件,不同的是,我们还需要实现IDispatch接口,在IObjectWithSite接口的SetSite方法中获得IE的WebBrowser接口并建立自身与WebBrowser的连接,然后如果在IE的Webbrowser对象中发生什么事件的话,那么IE就会回调连接的IDispatch接口的Invoke方法。我们通过在Invoke方法中编写代码就可以获得IE事件了。这个利用的是COM编程的回调接口原理。-IE toolbar expansion is how to make IE components can be extended to respond incident. In their own procedures used WebBrowser Control friends all know, WebBrowser control such as the definition BeforeNavigate, DownloadComplete incidents, we can handle the matter through the preparation of code to achieve WebBrowser control operation. So how to achieve the right IE incident response and handling? IE with the establishment of the same panel. We need to build an interface to achieve IObjectWithSite COM different is, we also need to implement the IDispatch interface, the interface SetSite IObjectWithSite method was IE WebBrowser interface and establish their own connections with the WebBrowser, then if the IE object what happens incident, then IE the pullback would IDispatc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 145kb Publisher : 好的

增加按钮到IE工具栏,象Google工具一样在IE上增加自己的工具栏-increase IE button to the toolbar, like the Google Toolbar as an increase in IE on their toolbar
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 150kb Publisher : zero

IE tools 像IE一样的工具条设计-IE tools like IE as a tool of the design. .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : sam

用VC++对IE浏览器进行高级操作 -建立上下文菜单 -建立工具菜单 -工具栏按钮 -... -修改后的MySelf.htm-VC right IE browser for advanced operator-establish the context menu-building tools menu-toolbar buttons-... read-modify the MySelf.htm
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李传嵘

Toolbar2000 README Thank you for downloading Toolbar2000. For details on installing and using Toolbar2000, please refer to the Toolbar2000 help file - tb2k.chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows Explorer. This file is in HTML Help format. If you are using an older version of Windows that does not come with HTML Help, it can be downloaded at: You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or later (5.0 is preferred), downloadable from: - Jordan Russell ( -Toolbar2000 README Thank you for download ing Toolbar2000. For details on installing and using Toolbar2000. please refer to the help file Toolbar2000- tb2k . chm. To open it, double-click it in Windows Explorer. This file Help is in HTML format. If you are using an older v ersion of Windows that does not come with HTML He lp, it can be downloaded at : http :// anyone/library/en-us/htmlh elp/html/ p You will also need Internet Explorer 4.0 or lat er (5.0 is preferred), downloadable from : http :// Russell (ww
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 258kb Publisher : gpq

IE ToolBar(WTL、ATL)实现,可以进行控件的自定义,支持多种安装方式,自动进行更新-IE Toolbar (WTL, ATL), a can of custom controls, supports a wide range of installation, automatic update
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : s307zgh

演示了如何用VC实现一个高级的toolbar,例如在TOOLBAR中实现自动提交表单等。-demonstration of how to use a VC senior toolbar. For example, in TOOLBAR achieving such as automatic submission form.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 135kb Publisher :

VB, VS6.0 This is a IE toolbar! You can make your IE toolbar with this code by yourself! Have fun!-VB, VS6.0 This is a IE toolbar! You can make your IE to olbar with this code by yourself! Have fun!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 89kb Publisher : chenguo

工具栏扩展,实现像windows ie中工具栏中有下拉箭头的按钮-Toolbar expansion, ie to achieve as windows Tool column is the drop-down arrow button
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 66kb Publisher : 杨立伟

IE toolbar,这个是在IE上开发并嵌入IE浏览器,感兴趣的朋友可以研究下,外国的高手写的.-IE toolbar, in IE on the development and embedded IE browser, interested friends studies, foreign experts wrote.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 20kb Publisher : 杨铮

自制IE插件,实现在www.mailu.cn搜索的动能 -homemade IE plug-ins, to achieve the kinetic energy Search
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.09mb Publisher : king

套餐搜索 整合最新智能搜索,不用按关键字信息分类搜索,一键轻松搞定! 搜索引擎 提供网上最新、最TOP、的各类大型网站,类别包括:谷歌、雅虎、百度、网易、新浪、等大型网站。 网站导航 提供网上最新、最TOP、的各类娱乐、新闻、等等各类网站,类别包括:音乐、影视、写真、软件、等等。 弹出窗口拦截 自动过滤弹出广告,还你一个清静的上网环境! 我的IE助手 此工具搭配两个顶利助手截图助手和下在助手,不必再为了下载东东找不到软件而烦恼,相信会给你带来不少方便。另外还有可快速清空IE历史纪录、缓存、临时文件、回收站、剪帖板等。 缩放复位 这个工具可以使IE屏幕放大或缩小,适合视力比较差的用户。更是中老年视力差的好帮手。 最新图铃 显示当今国内、国外各大网站最新、最TOP、最麻辣的各类源手机铃声信息。 最新更新 这个功能绝对是当今最酷的功能设计,显示当前热门的图文彩铃信息。 告诉您的朋友 如果您觉得这个工具不错的话,就跟大家分享吧。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 994kb Publisher :

一个关于基于BHO技术的 IE 扩展 ATL-A BHO based on IE technology to expand ATL
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 48kb Publisher : lhd

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Use C++ to develop the same as IE s can be draged and clicked chervon rect to select button-Use C++ To develop the same as IE s can be draged and clicked chervon rect to select button
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.43mb Publisher : qq

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IE工具条源码,可自行按自己需要改写。源码完整-IE Toolbar source may be required to rewrite their own in accordance with their own. Complete source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 336kb Publisher : wayking
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