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Description: a Java program that reads a file containing instructions written in self-defined file (TPL in this case), and executes those instructions. This program should take the name of the TPL file as a command line parameter, and write its output to the console.
Platform: | Size: 29987 | Author: | Hits:

[Other resourceTinylanguage

Description: This program TPL(Tiny Programming Language) is a very tiny * Programming language to interpreter the source program. And * this language is linear.-This program TPL (Tiny Programming Langua ge) is a very tiny * Programming language to INTE rpreter the source program. And this language * is linear.
Platform: | Size: 6461 | Author: 正南方 | Hits:

[Other resourcemanhua

Description: 代码zend了,绝对无后门,高手可以dezend看下。 配置信息/inc/config.php。 要求data文件夹777属性。 文本数据库,每本漫画数据存放在单独文件中。 字母索引表可以放到/tpl/def/head.htm中,程序中没有作。 生成静态页必须先配置信息/inc/config.php中的fulllink -code zend, absolutely no back door, the master can dezend facie. Configuration information / inc / config.php. Requested data folders 777 attributes. Text Database, every comic data stored in a separate document. Alphabetical index can be uploaded onto the table / tpl / def / head.htm, no proceedings. Generating static pages must first configuration information / inc / config.php the fulllink
Platform: | Size: 107383 | Author: qujian | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 6415 | Author: chengfeng_wp@126.com | Hits:

[PHP商家点评插件有地图版插件for UCHome 1.5

Description: 将文件拷贝到UCH安装目录(不会覆盖任何UCH文件). 其中config.shop.inc.php文件需要有写权限(linux). 运行shop_install.php 打开shop.php文件。将 $_SC['GoogleAPI']='ABQIAAAAIl6BzjiDCz90JrLDCFco6xRsRMjB2wv1Y7bZb-CPY4a_zZ8tAhQljtAew1TctFXLCYxRjkaGoD8jzA';替换成您的Google KYE。如您在本地调试,可以直接用以上KEY。如您还没有google KEY 请到 http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/maps/signup.html 免费申请! 地图显示您想要的地方的方法: 首先打开Google地图,在上面寻找一个地址,然后上下左右移动地图,让这个地址正好处于地图的正中心位置,当您想寻找坐标位置已经处于地图的中心位置的时候,拷贝并粘贴以下代码到你的浏览器地址栏:   javascript:void(prompt('',gApplication.getMap().getCenter())); 然后回车一下。这时,你将得到一个弹出式的坐标,这个坐标就是你需要找的经度和纬度。 1 在admincp.php: 第一处: $acs = array( array('index','config','privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog','album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share') ); 修改成(最后一行array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags')为增加的。同时记得在上一行'share')后加个逗号 ) $acs = array( array('index','config', 'privacy', 'spam', 'network', 'usergroup', 'credit', 'profilefield', 'profield', 'ad', 'sitefeed', 'userapp', 'app'), array('tag', 'mtag', 'space', 'name', 'report'), array('cache', 'task', 'censor', 'stat', 'block', 'cron'), array('blog', 'album', 'pic', 'comment', 'thread', 'post', 'doing', 'feed', 'share'), array('base','pingdao','neirong','shop','reviews','shoptags') ); 第二处: for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) {//由原来的3改成现在的5,其他不用修改 foreach ($acs[$i] as $value) { if($isfounder || $megroup['manage'.$value]) { $menus[$i][$value] = 1; $_SGLOBAL['usergroup'][$_SGLOBAL['member']['groupid']]['manage'.$value] = 1; } } } 第三处: if(empty($_GET['ac']) || (!in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[0]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[1]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[2]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[3]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4]) && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]))) { //加上 && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[4] && !in_array($_GET['ac'], $acs[5]),注意修改完后$acs[5]后面应有三个 ) 符号 3 admin/tp/header.htm: <!--{eval $_TPL['menunames'] = array( 'config' => '站点设置', 后加上: 'base' => '积分与审核', 'pingdao' => '频道设置', 'shoptags' => '标签管理', 'shop' => '商铺管理', 'neirong' => '点评内容', 'reviews' => '回应内容', 4 admin/tpl/side.htm开始处加入: <!--{if $menus[3]}--> <div class="block style1"> <h2>点评系统</h2> <ul class="folder"> <!--{loop $acs[4] $value}--> <!--{if $menus[4][$value]}--> <!--{if $ac==$value}--><li class="active"><!--{else}--><li><!--{/if}--><a href="admincp.php?ac=$value">{$_TPL[menunames][$value]}</a></li> <!--{/if}--> <!--{/loop}--> </ul> </div> <!--{/if}--> 5 在侧栏增加链接。 template/default/header.htm中找到 <li><img src="image/app/share.gif"><a href="space.php?do=share">分享</a></li> 加上 <li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif"><a href="shop.php">商家点评</a><em><a href="shop.php?ac=new">发布</a></em></li> 更新缓存。 如果安装后出现白屏现象,请重新检查所安装文件是否有语法错误。然后通过删除UCH安装目录下的data/tpl_cache/目录下的文件,此功能相当于更新缓存。 运行shopinstall.php 在header.htm相应的位置加上<li><img src="image/icon/shop.gif" alt="通讯录" /><a href="shop.php">通讯录</a></li> admin/tpl/config.htm 找到<tr> <th>未认证实名权限</th> <td> <table> <tr> <td width="120">允许加好友</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowfriend]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowfriend] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr> 在其下面添加 <tr> <td width="120">允许商铺点评</td> <td> <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="1"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] == 1}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>是 <input type="radio" name="config[name_allowshop]" value="0"<!--{if $configs[name_allowshop] != '1'}--> checked<!--{/if}-->>否 </td></tr>
Platform: | Size: 111029 | Author: tianfuo@sina.com | Hits:


Description: a Java program that reads a file containing instructions written in self-defined file (TPL in this case), and executes those instructions. This program should take the name of the TPL file as a command line parameter, and write its output to the console.-a Java program that reads a file containing instructions written in self-defined file (TPL in this case), and executes those instructions. This program should take the name of the TPL file as a command line parameter, and write its output to the console.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: han jing | Hits:

[Other resourceTinylanguage

Description: This program TPL(Tiny Programming Language) is a very tiny * Programming language to interpreter the source program. And * this language is linear.-This program TPL (Tiny Programming Langua ge) is a very tiny* Programming language to INTE rpreter the source program. And this language* is linear.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 正南方 | Hits:

[Picture Viewermanhua

Description: 代码zend了,绝对无后门,高手可以dezend看下。 配置信息/inc/config.php。 要求data文件夹777属性。 文本数据库,每本漫画数据存放在单独文件中。 字母索引表可以放到/tpl/def/head.htm中,程序中没有作。 生成静态页必须先配置信息/inc/config.php中的fulllink -code zend, absolutely no back door, the master can dezend facie. Configuration information/inc/config.php. Requested data folders 777 attributes. Text Database, every comic data stored in a separate document. Alphabetical index can be uploaded onto the table/tpl/def/head.htm, no proceedings. Generating static pages must first configuration information/inc/config.php the fulllink
Platform: | Size: 107520 | Author: qujian | Hits:

[WEB Codetpl_checkbox

Description: 使用template_lite模板做的checkbox的例子,旨在学会尝试在php中用模板开发-Template_lite template using the checkbox to do the examples to learn to try to develop in php using template
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: cxc | Hits:

[WEB Codej_9938_diy-page_full_sc_gb2312

Description: 6.0的核心改变是设计视窗直接读写标签式模板,即标签式模板与设计视窗的可视化合二为一了。所有对象和布局数据也直接存在模板文件里,不再有pageframe和objects两个数据文件。 新的标签式模板语法有很大简化,具体请参考 dpstyle/basic/homepage.tpl.php 。提醒,大多数情况下无需手写代码,可以用设计视窗改标签式模板。 可以把DP6的标签式模板放入DW或其它网页设计软件编辑,再到DP6中用设计视窗。DP6会自动加入 dpid 这类代码,无需人工干预。 -6.0 The core change is designed to read and write directly tabbed window template, that template and design tabbed window of visualization combined. All the objects and layout of the data template file directly there, the objects are no longer two pageframe and data files. The new tabbed greatly simplified template syntax, please refer to the specific dpstyle/basic/homepage.tpl.php. Reminded, in most cases no need to hand-written code, can be used to tabbed window design template. Can be tabbed to the DP6 Add DW template web page design software, or other editing, and then use the design window DP6. DP6 will dpid such code automatically without human intervention.
Platform: | Size: 665600 | Author: 邹天 | Hits:

[Special EffectsTPL-GS

Description: This a sales and inventory tracking source code-This is a sales and inventory tracking source code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: JJ | Hits:


Description: TPL is a Text Processing Library/Language in C++. Supports grammar, tokens, predicates, regex, matching operators, etc. It uses boost pheonix library.-TPL is a Text Processing Library/Language in C++. Supports grammar, tokens, predicates, regex, matching operators, etc. It uses boost pheonix library.
Platform: | Size: 761856 | Author: GV | Hits:


Description: 本书是一部好评如潮的语言参考书,作者由浅入深地介绍了c#语言的各个方面。全书共包括21章及6个附录,每章开头的“思维导图”指明了本章要讨论的主题,以及各个主题之间的层次关系。书中所包含的丰富的示例代码和精要的语言比较,都有助于读者理解c#语言。本书首先介绍了c#语言的基础知识,随后深入讲解了泛型、迭代器、反射、线程、互操作性和语言集成查询(linq)等高级主题,还涉及了动态编程、使用tpl进行多线程编程以及用plinq进行并行查询处理等c# 4.0新增内容,此外还介绍了与这些内容相关的隐式类型变量、扩展方法、分部方法、lambda语句和表达式、标准查询操作符和查询表达式以及并发集合等内容。-Essential C# 4.0 is a well-organized,“no-fluff” guide to all versions of C# for programmers at all levels of C# experience. This fully updated edition shows how to make the most of C# 4.0’s new features and programming patterns to write code that is simple, yet powerful. This edition contains two new chapters on parallel programming, multi-threading, and concurrency, as well as extensive coverage of new C# 4.0 features: dynamic typing, variance, optional/named parameters, and many other new topics.
Platform: | Size: 7595008 | Author: yaguang_li | Hits:

[WEB Codezwmobile

Description: 掌沃正版飞扬完美破解版 一、自己修改code_cache.tpl.php里面的域名为你的域名即可,然后访问你的域名就ok 二、自己的域名填写时请注意不要加http://,如你的域名是http://www.baidu.com,那么你就填写www.baidu.com-Flying perfect palm fertile Genuine cracked version, modify code_cache.tpl.php inside the domain name for your domain name can then access your domain name on ok two, please be careful not to add the http:// when the fill of your own domain name, such as Your domain name is http://www.baidu.com, then you fill in www.baidu.com
Platform: | Size: 4416512 | Author: 李叔叔 | Hits:


Description: extjs 模板,根据数据库内容生成html后在浏览器内显示-The extjs templates, according to the contents of the database generate html browser
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: zhumj | Hits:

[Software EngineeringTPL

Description: projet pcvue pour mise en reseau du produits d autre fichiers vont arriver.
Platform: | Size: 31744 | Author: calu | Hits:


Description: 并行多线程实例,使用tpl进行数据并行化,取消,停止和分区操作-Parallel multi-threaded example, using tpl for data parallelism, cancel, stop and partition
Platform: | Size: 7420928 | Author: song | Hits:

[WEB Codeweichat_php_demo_v2.0

Description: 微信公众平台开发模式PHP代码DEMO1 标签: 微信 公众平台 PHP 用的模板,tpl作为输出 很简单易上手,数据库用的是文本文档 -Public platform to develop micro-channel mode PHP code DEMO1 Tags: micro-channel public platform with PHP templates, tpl as the output is very simple and approachable, the database is a text document
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 小肥羊 | Hits:

[WEB Codemogvs_v1.1.0_utf-8_20140221

Description: 蘑菇视频网站管理系统基于reginx PHP快速开发框架,只支持mysql数据库,目前仅支持百度影音,后续会陆续支持常用的播放器。程序特点如下:   1. 支持多风格模板   2. 支持多种缓存(例如: file , memcache , mongodb等)   3. 支持多种路由 , 轻松自由切换..   4. 支持采集   5. 支持广告位 , 内置了十几个广告位   如何更换模板 ?   1. 程序使用的框架支持多模板. 模板的标签语法也比较简单 , 可以参考default模板的写法创建新的个性模板   大致步骤, 在 /template 目录下. 复制default目录 , 然后重命名 , 名字可以自己起 , 修改完内容之后   修改 config/default.php 中 tpl 为新的模板目录名称即可, (如果页面没有显示效果 , 请在后台清除下缓存)-Mushroom video site management system based reginx PHP Rapid Development Framework, which only supports mysql database, currently only supports Baidu video, follow-up will continue to support the common player. Program features are as follows: (1) Support multi-style templates 2 supports a variety of caching. .. (Eg: file, memcache, mongodb, etc.) 3 supports multiple routing, switching .. 4 supports hassle free collection 5 supports advertising, built How to replace a dozen advertising space template? 1. framework used by the program supports multiple templates. template tag syntax is relatively simple, you can refer to the wording of default template to create a new personality template roughly step in the/template directory replication default directory , then rename the names can themselves from, modify, modify the config/default.php in tpl After the content for the new name to the template directory (if the page does not display, clear cached in the background)
Platform: | Size: 2215936 | Author: gpudn5 | Hits:


Description: Clase TPL para PHP. MVC (modelo vista controlador). Separar Codigo html de php.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: mario | Hits:
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