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有效的用于雷达弱目标检测的算法 规划算法进行弱目标检测的机理研究 粒子滤波红外点状动目标跟踪算法研究-An Effective Track-Before-Detect AIgorithm for Dim Target Detection
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 528kb Publisher : li hongwei

基于粒子滤波的雷达检测前跟踪算法,建立新的目标模型和观测模型,提出了线性扩展目标。能够检测1db的弱小目标。-A radar target track-before-detect (TBD) algorithm using particle filter (PF) is presented in this paper. System dynamic model and measurement model are established based on a sequence of radar range-Doppler measurements using the new algorithm. Furthermore, a linear xtended target model is proposed, which is more capable of describing a maneuvering target than the conventional point arget model. The likelihood ratio function of the new model is also derived in this paper. Due to the accumulation of the PF-TBD over time and the effectiveness of the proposed target model, an mproved probability of detection for dim target is obtained. The experimental imulations demonstrate that the proposed method is capable of detecting and tracking a target with SNR of 1 dB robustly.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 898kb Publisher : fuyang

DL : 0
该代码是粒子滤波实现弱小目标的检测前跟踪。-The code is particle filter to implementation the weak target track before detection.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2kb Publisher : liaoliangxiong

Change detection and notification (CDN) refers to automatic detection of changes made to World Wide Web pages and notification to interested users by email or other means. Whereas search engines are designed to find web pages, CDN systems are designed to monitor changes to web pages. Before change detection and notification, it was necessary for users to manually check for web page changes, either by revisiting web sites or periodically searching again. Efficient and effective change detection and notification is hampered by the fact that most servers do not accurately track content changes through Last-Modified or ETag headers.-Change detection and notification (CDN) refers to automatic detection of changes made to World Wide Web pages and notification to interested users by email or other means. Whereas search engines are designed to find web pages, CDN systems are designed to monitor changes to web pages. Before change detection and notification, it was necessary for users to manually check for web page changes, either by revisiting web sites or periodically searching again. Efficient and effective change detection and notification is hampered by the fact that most servers do not accurately track content changes through Last-Modified or ETag headers.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 40kb Publisher : vel

复杂环境中的微弱目标(如隐身飞机、被地/海/城市杂波淹没的目标等)探测 问题是现代雷达面临的严峻挑战。 与传统的先检测后跟踪( DBT) 技术相比, 检 测前跟踪(TBD)技术是一种新兴的先进信号处理技术,它通过多帧回波数据积 累和联合处理,可以显著提高雷达的微弱目标检测跟踪性能, 是国际雷达界研究 的前沿热点。 TBD 作为一项正在发展中的新技术,还需要解决一些新的技术问题, 例如, 多目标跟踪维数灾难、临近目标相互干扰等,以及处理难度增加和运算量 增大带来的新问题。(The detection and tracking of low observable targets (e.g. stealth targets, targets buried in strong clutter) in complex environment are great challenges for modern radar systems. Different from the traditional detect-before-track (DBT) methods, Track-before-detect (TBD) is a novel and efficient signal processing method which is proposed in recent years to detect low observable targets, and has got much attention internationally in radar research area. By jointly processing several data frames, TBD is able to produce more reliable detection and tracking results. As a developing new technique, TBD has its own problems and challenges. For example, existing studies on)
Update : 2019-12-18 Size : 54kb Publisher : Prezi
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