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[Web Serverajifjijfio

Description: 用二分法求方程2.x.x.x-4.x.x+3.x-6=0在(-10,10)之间的根;给定整数I,请求出另一个整数J,使I和J在用8位二进制表示时互为逆序;抓交通肇事犯-dichotomy with Equation 2.x.x.x - 4.x.x 3.x-6 = 0 (-10, 10) between the root; given integer I, request another integer J, so I and J in with eight binary representation at each other's reversal; grasping traffic accident guilty
Platform: | Size: 6112 | Author: 李小飞 | Hits:

[WEB Codeajifjijfio

Description: 用二分法求方程2.x.x.x-4.x.x+3.x-6=0在(-10,10)之间的根;给定整数I,请求出另一个整数J,使I和J在用8位二进制表示时互为逆序;抓交通肇事犯-dichotomy with Equation 2.x.x.x- 4.x.x 3.x-6 = 0 (-10, 10) between the root; given integer I, request another integer J, so I and J in with eight binary representation at each other's reversal; grasping traffic accident guilty
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 李小飞 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringnkglasfvwkehdfjkb

Description: 引言 近年来,中国经济得到迅猛发展,私家车拥有量快速增长,公路建设也快速发展,与此同时,交通事故频发,原因是多方面的,诸如路况差,车速高引起驾驶员视觉变差,气候条件差等。其中,事故中追尾碰撞居首位,所以预防交通事故主要是预防汽车追尾碰撞。鉴于此,本文讨论了如何预防汽车追尾碰撞报警系统的设计-Introduction In recent years, China' s economy has been the rapid development of private car ownership is rapidly growing, also the rapid development of highway construction, at the same time, frequent traffic accidents for many reasons, such as poor road conditions, high-speed visual deterioration caused by the driver , poor weather conditions. Among them, the rear-end collision accident on top of the list, so the prevention of traffic accidents is rear-end collision prevention. In view of this, this article discussed how to prevent rear-end collision warning system
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 设计一个十字路口的交通灯控制系统 要求:工作顺序为东西方向红灯亮45秒,前40秒南北方向绿灯亮,后5秒黄灯亮。然后南北方向红灯亮45秒,前40秒东西方向绿灯亮,后5秒黄灯亮。依次重复。有紧急事件时允许将某方向一直开绿灯或者开红灯,另外允许特定情况两方向均为红灯,车辆禁行,比如十字路口恶性交通事故时,东西,南北两个方向均有两位数码管适时显示该方向亮灯时间。-Design a crossroads of traffic light control system requirements: Working in order of east-west direction the red light 45 seconds, the former north-south direction for 40 seconds, green light, yellow light after 5 seconds. North-south direction and then the red light 45 seconds, 40 seconds east-west direction before the green light, yellow light after 5 seconds. Followed by repetition. The event of emergency allows a certain direction has been given the green light or the opening of a red light, while allowing the direction of a particular situation are two red lights, vehicles forbidden lines, such as the crossroads of malignant accident, the things in both directions north and south are two digital tube in due course of time showed that the direction of lighting.
Platform: | Size: 58368 | Author: 古月 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsjtongtrace

Description: 交通事故仿真代码,能模拟汽车相撞,有运动学原理和特效。-Traffic accident simulation code, and can simulate the collision, there are kinematic principles and effects.
Platform: | Size: 578560 | Author: 张杨 | Hits:

[Windows Developdjvuctrl-6.1.4-en-r25349

Description: Recently, the problem of automatic traffic accident recognition has appealed to the machine vision community due to its implications on the development of autonomous Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In this paper, a new framework for real-time automated traffic accidents recognition using Histogram of Flow Gradient (HFG) is proposed. This framework performs two major steps. First, HFG-based features are extracted from video shots. Second, logistic regression is employed to develop a model for the probability of occurrence of an accident by fitting data to a logistic curve. In case of occurrence of an accident, the trajectory of vehicle by which the accident was occasioned is determined.
Platform: | Size: 6219776 | Author: sakthivel | Hits:


Description: JAVA城市道路交通事故救援车辆调度系统用以描述整个设计的业务流图,E-R图,数据流图等范文 JAVA城市道路交通事故救援车辆调度系统设计则是在JAVA,JSP开发语言上设计与实现的源代码或源程序-JAVA urban road traffic accident rescue vehicle scheduling system used to describe the entire design of the business flow diagrams, ER diagrams, data flow diagram, Pham Van JAVA urban road traffic accident rescue vehicle scheduling system design in JAVA, JSP programming language design and implementation the source code or source code
Platform: | Size: 2848768 | Author: guopeisheng | Hits:


Description: 超速行驶是引起交通事故的主要原因之一,雷达测速仪是检测车辆超速行驶的有效方式之一。本代码用Matlab仿真实现多普勒雷达测速,在MATLAB仿真软件中对被检测车辆运动产生的多普勒频率进行频谱分析。-Speeding is one of the main causes a traffic accident, the radar gun is one effective way to detect speeding vehicles. The code using Matlab simulation Doppler radar gun, the vehicle motion is detected Doppler frequency spectrum analysis in MATLAB simulation software.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 韩晶晶 | Hits:


Description: C/c++趣味程序百例(献给C/C++初学者) 1.绘制余弦曲线 2.绘制余弦曲线和直线 3.绘制圆 4.歌星大奖赛 5.求最大数 6.高次方数的尾数 7.阶乘尾数零的个数 8.借书方案知多少 9.杨辉三角形 10.数制转换 11.打鱼还是晒网 12.抓交通肇事犯 13.该存多少钱 14.怎样存钱利最大 -The C/c++ interesting program one hundred cases (dedicated C/C++, beginners) 1. Draw the cosine curve. Draw cosine curves and straight lines to high power mantissa draw a circle 4 star Grand Prix. Seeking maximum number of 6. 7 factorial ending number of zeros 8 Know Your library program. Triangle 10 number system conversion 11. fishing or drying nets 12. caught guilty of traffic accident 13. the how much money 14 How to save money Lee maximum
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: zhengzaizhong | Hits:


Description: 在城市环境下的行人防撞保护脆弱的一个重要的主动安全技术道路交通事故社会用户和实现零。尤其是汽车与行人碰撞事故的发生,减少 通过在一个有前途的方法使用车辆的控制工程方法的交叉口。本文重点对 将驱动的情况下司机需要协商人行横道行人附近区域。用微型电动汽车作为一个实验性的工具,本文介绍了制动自动避碰。制动强度机动的潜在领域确定。激光雷达是用来探测到行人和测量它们的速度和在交叉口的位置。该系统包括风险评估的行人运动和思考 一种减少碰撞风险的变化与行人行为动态变化的相关算法。最后,对自动避碰系统的有效性进行了验证实验使用的驱动微型电动汽车。 -Pedestrian collision avoidance in urban environments is an important active safety technology to protect vulnerable road users and realize zero-traffic-accident society. Especially, reduction of vehicle-pedestrian collision accidents at intersections by using vehicle control engineering approaches in a promising approach. This paper focuses on the right turn driving situation which drivers need to negotiate pedestrians near crosswalk region. Using a micro electric vehicle as an experimental vehicle, this paper describes an autonomous collision avoidance by braking. The intensity of braking maneuver is determined by Potential Fields. A LIDAR is used to detect pedestrians and measure their speed and position in intersections. The proposed system consists of the risk assessment in consideration of pedestrian motion and an algorithm to minimize the collision risk which changes dynamically associated with changes of pedestrian behavior.Finally, the effectiveness of the autonomous coll
Platform: | Size: 2004992 | Author: 李强 | Hits:


Description: 模拟交通事故道路通行量的元胞自动机matlab程序-Simulated road traffic accident traffic volume cellular automaton matlab program
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: mchnhy | Hits:


Description: 根据过去近20年的交通事故数据,运用BP神经网络预测未来几年的交通事故数据。-On the basis of traffic accident data of rencent twenty years, to use artifical neural network to forecast the traffic accident data in the future.
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: 葛丽娜 | Hits:


Description: 基于元胞自动机模拟交通流的程序,发生追尾时候的交通阻塞状况,希望对大家有用-Simulation of the cellular automaton traffic accident
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 交通事故数据循环处理,能够自动去除带有无效信息的数据-Cyclic data processing traffic accident, can automatically remove with invalid information data
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 道路交通事故信息系统,实现对道路交通的增删添该及相关操作-The urban traffic accident information system, implementation of the road traffic with the additions and deletions and related operations
Platform: | Size: 27546624 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 基于图论的多叉路口相位设计方案 用图论的方法计算出一个多叉路口用信号控制的情况下所需的最优相位个数。至于这种相位个数能不能达到交叉路口的最大通行容量,以及最短的排队时间和排队长度,都不在本文研究的范围之内,因此,未来可以根据本文提供设计的相位个数来研究上述问题。-The intersection is the “bottleneck” of the road network’s traffic capacity and the “Multi-happening” of traffic accident. However, the key to solve the problem of the intersection latency is too long is that we should increase the efficiency of traffic lights’ cycle, in other words, finding the optimal number of traffic lights’ phase. Furthermore, designing the signal phase is the first step to design the traffic lights, which influence the safety of the intersection’s traffic operation and the capacity of the intersection’s access that can provide. In this paper, we analyze the geometric features of multiple intersections, then we apply the graph theory and the backtrack algorithm coloring and greedy algorithm coloring. By quoting the concept of “vertex coloring”, finally we change the design of multiple intersections’ signal phase program to the problem of vertex coloring. In this paper, we use graph theory methods to calculate the optimal number of a multi-phase intersection sig
Platform: | Size: 6145024 | Author: liu | Hits:


Description: 基于mysql的交通事故人员记录管理系统,java编写界面-Traffic accident personnel record management system based on Java, MySQL interface
Platform: | Size: 835584 | Author: luffy | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 881664 | Author: ALI | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesGrasp-the-issue-of-traffic-accident

Description: 一辆卡车违反交通规则,撞人后逃跑。现场有三人目击该事件,但都没有记住车号,只记下车号的一些特征。甲说:牌照的前两位数字是相同的;乙说:牌照的后两位数字是相同的,但与前两位不同;丙是数学家,他说:四位的车号刚好是一个整数的平方。请根据以上线索求出车号。-A truck is in violation of traffic rules and fled after a collision. There are three people witnessed the incident, but did not remember the car number, just remember the car number of some features. A said: the first two digits of the license are the same B said: the two digits of the license is the same, but with the first two different C is a mathematician, he said: four car number just an integer The square. Please find the vehicle number according to the above line.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 胡雪宁 | Hits:

[transportation applicationsmatlab 2012b crack.rar

Description: 用于交通事故研究及其分析预测 具有良好的预测能力机构的清理完毕来吧避雷器发大V额v(traffic accident reas in north are Jinshajiang River system, upper Yangtze River mainstream system, Wujiang River system, and Dongting Lake system of Yangtze River Basin, while areas in south are Nanpan River system, Beipan River system, Hongshui River system, and Duliu River system (in Guizhou), Yuanjiang River system (in Yunnan)
Platform: | Size: 472064 | Author: 别哭uu | Hits:
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