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透明窗体 透明窗体 透明窗体 透明窗体 透明窗体 -transparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent transparent Form Form
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.91mb Publisher : 阿达

在现在信息的安全性得到了重视,水印技术在信息隐藏中是一种新的方法。这篇文章能够帮助我们理解水印技术。-now information security has been the focus of attention, watermark technology in the Information Hiding is a new approach. This article can help us to understand watermarking technology.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 522.78kb Publisher : 王清华

bmp与jpeg图像格式间的相互转换 可以设置JPEG的压缩品质; 适用于8BIT灰度图和24BIT真彩色图像-jpeg image with bmp format conversion between the setting up of quality JPEG compression; in 8BIT grayscale and color images 24BIT
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 417.33kb Publisher : lx

The program SPLAY is a pascal to C translation of a program that Kim Kokkonen wrote in Turbo Pascal to implement Splay Trees. This program compresses and decompresses files, and does a pretty good job of it. Contents: SPLAY.PAS Original TP source code SPLAY.C Translation of code to C SPLAY.EXE Compiled version of SPLAY.C (small model) README.DOC You are looking at it Read the comments at the beginning of SPLAY.C for more info. -The program is a pascal to C translati on of a program that Kim Kokkonen wrote in Turbo P Akam to implement Splay Trees. This program co mpresses and decompresses files, and does a pretty good job of it. Contents : TP SPLAY.PAS Original source code SPLAY.C Tran slation of code to C SPLAY.EXE Compiled version of SPLAY.C (small model) README.DOC You are loo king at it Read the comments at the beginning of S PLAY.C for more info.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 4.56kb Publisher : 王子秋

本程序实现对二进制 十进制 十六进制的互相转换 1、 对进制进行判断 2、 数据的输入 3、 对数据做进制转换及输出 文件: tran.asm 源代码 设计思想.doc 简单介绍-this program right hexadecimal binary metric conversion of a mutual, the band judgment two, three data entry, data conversion and so-band output documents : tran.asm source code design. Doc briefed
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.04kb Publisher : 张玉峰

程序LOCKF为808语言编制,稍加修改,即可作为一个子模块(须转换为OBJ文件格式)同FOR2 TRAN编译DBASE等应用程序链接 -procedures LOCKF 808 languages, slightly modified, may as a sub-module (to be converted to OBJ file format) with the mainly TRAN should compile such DBASE Links with procedures
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.57kb Publisher : 赵狐

透明窗体 透明窗体 透明窗体 透明窗体-transparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window tran sparent window transparent transparent Form Form transparent Window Transparent Window
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 25.67kb Publisher : 水墨

Medical Image Fusion based on Wavelet Transform -Medical Image Fusion based on Wavelet Tran sform
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 61.65kb Publisher : 林磊

iNEDI is an acronym for \"improved New Edge-Directed Interpolation\". This function implements an improvement of the original NEDI technique described on: X. Li et. al., \"new edge-directed interpolation\". IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, Vol.10, No.10, October 2001, pp.1521-1527 -iNEDI is an acronym for "improved New Edge - Directed Interpolation. " This function imple ments an improvement of the original GaAs techn ique described on : X. Li et. al. , "new edge-directed interpolation." IEEE Tran s. on Image Processing, Vol.10, No.10, 373,890 bytes, pp.1521 - 1527
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 27.63kb Publisher : 林志林

Magie is a HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) and related tasks infrastructure toolkit which is basically focused on the library of the same name. At present Magie contains adaptive DR transformer GIMPs plug-in only.-Magie is a Applying HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) a nd related tasks infrastructure toolkit which is basically focused on the library of the same n ame. At present Magie contains adaptive DR tran sformer GIMPs plug-in only.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 742.86kb Publisher : sjtuzyk

透明控件 透明控件 透明控件 -transparent tran sparent Controls Controls transparent transparent Controls Controls transparent transparent transparent Controls Controls transparent Controls
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 75.59kb Publisher : boxu

透明市窗 透明市窗-transparent window tran sparent City Municipal Urban window transparent window transparent window City
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 649.87kb Publisher : kuanghsi

XC的儿子小XC最喜欢玩的游戏用积木垒漂亮的城堡。城堡是用一些立方体的积木垒成的,城堡的每一层是一块积木。小XC是一个比他爸爸XC还聪明的孩子,他发现垒城堡的时候,如果下面的积木比上面的积木大,那么城堡便不容易倒。所以他在垒城堡的时候总是遵循这样的规则。小XC想把自己垒的城堡送给幼儿园里漂亮的女孩子们,这样可以增加他的好感度。为了公平起见,他决定把送给每个女孩子一样高的城堡,这样可以避免女孩子们为了获得更漂亮的城堡而引起争执。可是他发现自己在垒城堡的时候并没有预先考虑到这一点。所以他现在要改造城堡。由于他没有多余的积木了,他灵机一动,想出了一个巧妙的改造方案。他决定从每一个城堡中挪去一些积木,使得最终每座城堡都一样高。为了使他的城堡更雄伟,他觉得应该使最后的城堡都尽可能的高。任务:请你帮助小XC编一个程序,根据他垒的所有城堡的信息,决定应该移去哪些积木才能获得最佳的效果。 ACM 题目 -XC XC Jr., the son most like playing with building blocks, softball games beautiful castle. Castle is using some of the cube made up of building blocks, each level of the castle is a building block. XC is a smaller than his father XC also smart children, he found the time barrier castle, If the following modular building blocks than the above, then it is not easy to Castle reversing. So his base of the castle always follow such rules. XC want to make their small base of the castle gave kindergarten beautiful girls, this would increase the goodwill of his degree. For the sake of fairness, he decided to give each girl a high castle, It takes the girls to be more beautiful castle and the management. But he found himself in the barrier Castle did not advance to this point. So he is now to tran
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 809byte Publisher : shao

DL : 0
Driver to create flat random graphs and two forms of hierarchical graphs (N-level and transit-stub)-Driver to create flat and two random graphs forms of hierarchical graphs (N-level and tran sit-stub)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 579.15kb Publisher : luona

这是一个IETF正在讨论的草案,是有优秀的网络提供商CISCO提交的,现在国内的一些交换机开始支持 UDLD功能,这样就可以CISCO的设备一起组网,本文档就是描述UDLD的,本人水平有限,翻译得不好,希望有 朋友能够和我合作,共同翻译一下,QQ 48150181
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 24.59kb Publisher : songshiyou

bmp与jpeg图像格式间的相互转换 可以设置JPEG的压缩品质; 适用于8BIT灰度图和24BIT真彩色图像-jpeg image with bmp format conversion between the setting up of quality JPEG compression; in 8BIT grayscale and color images 24BIT
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 417kb Publisher : lx

dieu khien bang den quang bao dung ma tran led
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 323kb Publisher : giang

DL : 0
hien thi chu tren led ma tran
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 38kb Publisher : nguyenvancoi

用于图像处理的haar transform滤波,能用于图像检测,跟踪,识别,分类-haar tran
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 174kb Publisher : zgm

Phim ma tran daung vi dieu khien 8051-Phim ma tran daung vi dieu khien 8051..........................
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 293kb Publisher : Nguyen B
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