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ex4_2 用MATLAB作巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计 ex4_3 用MATLAB作切比雪夫-1型低通滤波器设计 ex4_4 切比雪夫-2型低通滤波器设计 ex4_5 椭圆型低通滤波器设计 ex4_6 传递函数的模拟滤波器数字化 ex4_7 脉冲不变法简单实例 ex4_8 脉冲不变法巴特沃思低通滤波器设计 -ex4_2 using MATLAB for Butterworth low-pass filter design using MATLAB for ex4_3 Chebyshev-1-type low-pass filter design ex4_4 type-2 Chebyshev low-pass filter design ex4_5 elliptic low-pass filter design ex4_6 transfer function digitization of analog filters ex4_7 the same method is simple example of pulse-pulse unchanged law ex4_8 Butterworth low-pass filter design
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 5kb Publisher : 白杨

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dsp算法40例,包括fft、滤波器、谱运算等 1. 将模拟滤波器转变为数字滤波器。 2. 由得到幅频响应 。 3. 用Burg算法求AR模型的参数。 4. 由AR模型参数得到功率谱。 5. 用Levinson算法求解Yule-Walker方程以得到 阶AR模型的参数 。 6. 实现双线性Z变换。 7. 设计巴特沃斯模拟低通滤波器,求出转移函数 。 8. 设计切比雪夫I型模拟低通滤波器,求出转移函数 。 9. 直接由定义求 点复序列 的DFT 。 10.利用经典的Cooley-Tukey基2算法求复序列 的DFT 。 -dsp algorithms 40 cases, including the fft, filter, spectrum operations, etc. 1. Analog filters into digital filters. 2. Amplitude-frequency response by obtained. 3. Burg algorithm for AR model with the parameters of demand. 4. AR model parameters obtained from the power spectrum. 5. Levinson algorithm using Yule-Walker equations to get the first-order AR model parameters. 6. The bilinear Z transform to achieve. 7. Design of Butterworth analog low-pass filter, find the transfer function. 8. Design of Chebyshev-I analog low-pass filter, find the transfer function. 9. Directly from the definition of point complex sequence of DFT. 10. The use of the classic Cooley-Tukey radix-2 algorithm is seeking re-sequence of DFT. .......
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 58kb Publisher : jack

In most cases, a bandpass filter characteristic is obtained by using a lowpass-to-bandpass frequency transformation on a known lowpass transfer function. This frequency transformation controls the location of passband edges and transfer zero frequencies completely. Using the “Vlach-Chebyshev approximation” [1] however, we are able to specify the (Chebyshev) passband limits directly, together with a free choice of transfer zero locations in the stopband. In this way it is possible to design bandpass transfer functions that cannot be obtained from lowpass functions by a frequency transformation. We think this method to be the only (and not very well known) analytical method to obtain such bandpass characteristics. We show how we designed wave digital realizations from the specification, through a VHDL description and synthesis into a Xilinx FPGA (Virtex-II).
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 191kb Publisher : rakesh

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ex4_2 用MATLAB作巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计 ex4_3 用MATLAB作切比雪夫-1型低通滤波器设计 ex4_4 切比雪夫-2型低通滤波器设计 ex4_5 椭圆型低通滤波器设计 ex4_6 传递函数的模拟滤波器数字化 ex4_7 脉冲不变法简单实例 ex4_8 脉冲不变法巴特沃思低通滤波器设计 ex4_9 脉冲不变法变换切比雪夫Ⅰ型低通滤波器设计 ex4_10 脉冲不变法变换切比雪夫Ⅱ型低通滤波器设计 ex4_11 脉冲响应不变法椭圆低通滤波器设计 ex4_12 双线性变换巴特沃思低通滤波器设计 ex4_13 双线性变换切比雪夫Ⅰ型低通滤波器设计 ex4_14 双线性变换切比雪夫-2低通滤波器设计 ex4_15 双线性变换椭圆低通滤波器设计 ex4_17 切比雪夫-1高通滤波器设计—ZMAPPING函数的应用 ex4_18 椭圆带通滤波器设计—ELLIP函数的应用 ex4_19 切比雪夫-2带阻滤波器设计—CHEBY2函数的应用 ex4_20 利用Z平面的简单零极点法设计一个高通滤波器 -ex4_2 using MATLAB for Butterworth low-pass filter design ex4_3 using MATLAB for type 1 Chebyshev low pass filter design ex4_4-2 Chebyshev low- pass filter design ex4_5 elliptic low-pass filter design ex4_6 transfer digitized analog filter function ex4_7 simple example of a pulse unchanged Act ex4_8 pulse unchanged法巴特沃思low- pass filter design ex4_9 impulse invariance transformation Ⅰ Chebyshev low- pass filter design ex4_10 impulse invariance transform Ⅱ Chebyshev low- pass filter design ex4_11 impulse response method elliptic low-pass filter design ex4_12 bilinear transformation Butterworth low-pass filter design ex4_13 bilinear transformation Ⅰ Chebyshev low- pass filter design ex4_14 Chebyshev-2 bilinear transform low- pass filter design ex4_15 bilinear transformation elliptic low-pass filter design ex4_17-1 Chebyshev high-pass filter design-ZMAPPING function application ex4_18 the elliptical bandpass filter design-ELLIP function ex4_19 Chebyshev-2 band stop filter d
Update : 2025-03-07 Size : 14kb Publisher : Bruce
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