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Description: 带链接数据的树型控件
Platform: | Size: 26381 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Tree控件的小小应用,本例中将中国各省市名按树状结构展开,树中每一个项目是数据库中的一条记录-Tree Controls small applications, the cases of all provinces will be under a tree structure started every tree is a project of a database record
Platform: | Size: 109206 | Author: 徐紫东 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: 徐紫东 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTreeData

Description: 演示了TreeCtrl的用法,并实现不同图标显示各级菜单-Demonstrated TreeCtrl usage, and to achieve different levels menu icons
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: xuyi | Hits:


Description: 此程序很好的介绍了树形控件的使用方法 给出了具体的操作步骤 包括了怎么样连接数据库 从数据库里的表读取数据形成树 对初学者是很用的-This procedure introduced a very good tree control given the use of specific steps include how to connect to database tables from the database to read data on the formation of the tree is used for beginners
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 张帆 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTreeData

Description: 一个树型结构控件,实现了一些基本功能,希望大家能够喜欢,欢迎下载.-A tree structure control
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 常建国 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTreeData

Description: 此源码为VC树结构控件的试用实例,对于学习VC界面编程有很大帮助-The source code for the VC trial instance of the control tree structure
Platform: | Size: 2527232 | Author: 沈国军 | Hits:

[SQL ServerTreeData

Description: 树形控件的使用实例,大家初学的话可以-Control the use of tree instance, we can see if novice
Platform: | Size: 4119552 | Author: hiker | Hits:


Description: 树形控件显示数据库内容很好的示例程序!本人亲测可以参考移植!-The tree control displays good example of the contents of the database program! I pro-test can refer to the transplant!
Platform: | Size: 48128 | Author: 葛军 | Hits:


Description: 这是两个工具类,一个实现了从数据库读取分类表的数据,把它生成树型数据的功能。 另一个实现了解析这个树形数据的功能。-This is two tools class, one realizes from database read classification table of data, it generated tree data function another realized the function of this tree data analysis。
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: yang | Hits:

[OS programtreedata

Description: VC++操作Tree控件,点击TRee的节点可依次展开二级节点,Tree节点应用是相当广泛的。要运行程序必须将数据库文件夹Database(包含数据库文件City.mdb)与可执行文件放在一起-VC++ to operate the Tree control, click Tree nodes can expand the secondary node the Tree node application is quite extensive. To run the program must be database folder Database (contains database file City.mdb), put together with the executable file,
Platform: | Size: 50176 | Author: 黄洁 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTreeData

Description: 采用vc6.0 MFC实现树状结构,体现父节点和子节点之间的关系。-Vc6.0 MFC realized using a tree structure, reflecting the relationship between the parent and child nodes.
Platform: | Size: 2520064 | Author: hongbo liu | Hits:


Description:  VC++操作Tree控件,点击TRee的节点可依次展开二级节点,Tree节点应用是相当广泛的。要运行程序必须将数据库文件夹Database(包含数据库文件City.mdb)与可执行文件放在一起,如果在vc开发环境中运行,则需要将该数据库文件夹放在工程目录下。-VC++ Operation Tree control, click on a node can be expanded in order TRee secondary node, Tree node application is quite extensive. To run the program must be the folder Database (contains files City.mdb) together with the executable file, if you run in vc development environment, you need the folder in the project directory.
Platform: | Size: 57344 | Author: dfjdj | Hits:

[Windows DevelopTreeData

Description: 使用 Tree 結構,來實現資料的存儲、增加、減少、遍歷-Use Tree structure, to achieve the storage of information, for increase, decrease and traverse
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: Wonda | Hits:

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