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Description: InSAR是一种极具潜力的新型空间大地测量方法,但它也有其固有的限制,特别是受到大气层延迟(对流层延迟、电离层延迟等)、卫星轨道误差、地表状况和时变去相关性等影响,很容易导致InSAR图像解释错误,而InSAR数据本身无法解决所存在的上述问题。而GPS可以精密定位,可以较为精确地确定电离层、对流层参数,是当前应用最广泛的一种空间大地测量手段。-InSAR is a potential new space geodetic methods, but it also has its inherent limitations. in particular by the delay in the atmosphere (troposphere delay, ionospheric delay, etc.), satellite orbit errors, Surface conditions and time-varying correlation to the impact of such very easily lead to wrong interpretation of InSAR image, InSAR data and by itself can not solve the above problems. GPS precision positioning can be more accurately determine the ionosphere, troposphere parameters, is the most widely used as a means of space geodesy.
Platform: | Size: 56119 | Author: 张俊 | Hits:

[Other resourceAterrainparabolicequatposphere

Description: A terrain parabolic equation model for propagation in the troposphere
Platform: | Size: 835549 | Author: 阿杜 | Hits:


Description: InSAR是一种极具潜力的新型空间大地测量方法,但它也有其固有的限制,特别是受到大气层延迟(对流层延迟、电离层延迟等)、卫星轨道误差、地表状况和时变去相关性等影响,很容易导致InSAR图像解释错误,而InSAR数据本身无法解决所存在的上述问题。而GPS可以精密定位,可以较为精确地确定电离层、对流层参数,是当前应用最广泛的一种空间大地测量手段。-InSAR is a potential new space geodetic methods, but it also has its inherent limitations. in particular by the delay in the atmosphere (troposphere delay, ionospheric delay, etc.), satellite orbit errors, Surface conditions and time-varying correlation to the impact of such very easily lead to wrong interpretation of InSAR image, InSAR data and by itself can not solve the above problems. GPS precision positioning can be more accurately determine the ionosphere, troposphere parameters, is the most widely used as a means of space geodesy.
Platform: | Size: 56320 | Author: 张俊 | Hits:

[Software Engineeringjave-ppp

Description: 精密单点定位程序,对于电离层、对流层、双频观测值改正等有较强的改正作用-Precise Point Positioning procedures, the ionosphere, troposphere, dual-frequency observations are correct, such as the role of a strong correction
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 张西军 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringAterrainparabolicequatposphere

Description: A terrain parabolic equation model for propagation in the troposphere
Platform: | Size: 835584 | Author: 阿杜 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGNT08.1.2

Description: gps导航工具包,可用于分析GPS误差,伪距及导航融合算法-This report include the review of • Principle of Radio Navigation: navigation base on trilateration has been investigated and the over determined Eq. for navigation has been solved. • GPS Ephemeris Data: for GPS navigation, the position of GPS satellite is very important so the by receiving ephemeris data the position of the satellite is determined. • GPS Errors: Three different sources of errors in GPS navigation has been investigated (Ionosphere, Troposphere and Satellite clock). Ionospheric Error model is generated base on Parkinson [1] and the Tropospheric Error Model based on Hopfiel model [2]. • Simulation & GPS Toolbox: One of the targets of this work is generating Matlab GPS Toolbox and in one case study the performance of generated toolbox will be verified.
Platform: | Size: 1051648 | Author: guoq | Hits:

[GPS developgpsatmmodel

Description: GPS定位中对流层模型改正,应经生成类库,可以直接调用-GPS positioning in the troposphere correction model should be generated by the class library, you can directly call
Platform: | Size: 175104 | Author: 张堂 | Hits:

[GPS developTropoCorrGPS

Description: 计算GPS信号在对流层中的延迟时间,采用的模型为经典的霍普菲尔德模型。-GPS signal in the troposphere calculated the delay time, using the model for the classical Hopfield model.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: annwa | Hits:


Description: 实现无线电导航的原理,基于三边测量定位对导航和GPS(全球定位系统)的实现。同时实现了,GPS广播星历参数算法,电离层误差、对流层误差、卫星等仿真-Implement the principle of radio navigation, positioning for navigation based on trilateration and GPS (Global Positioning System) implementation. While achieving, GPS broadcast ephemeris parameter algorithm, the ionosphere error, troposphere error, satellite and other simulation
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 木易 | Hits:

[GPS developGPSsinglepp

Description: 利用VC实现GPS单点定位并进行了对流层改正,地球旋转改正和相位平滑伪距-Using VC to achieve GPS single point positioning and for the troposphere correction, Earth rotation and phase smoothed pseudorange correction
Platform: | Size: 5898240 | Author: 王乐 | Hits:

[GPS developGPS-Standard-Posation

Description: gps单点定位,未加入对流层延迟改正。 包括文件读取,卫星坐标计算,平差模型,简单行列式转换求矩阵的逆。-GPS single point positioning, did not join the troposphere delay correction
Platform: | Size: 92160 | Author: gongyi | Hits:

[Program docGSoCAS-3

Description: 1. what kind of noise/errors/uncertainties/unmodeled things affect the GPS precision : AS, SA, orbits, clocks, ionosphere, troposphere, antenna phase centers, centering (tribrachs), etc... 2. how do we evaluate GPS uncertainties ? (difference between formal and a posteriori) can we trust them ? 3. difference between precision and accuracy (internal consistency like repeatability is assertion of precision, comparison with other method affected by different biases is accuracy) 4. reference frames : how do we map ? with what precision ? What influence on results ?
Platform: | Size: 3089408 | Author: razibaz | Hits:

[Industry researchRayleigh-Mie-lidar-

Description: 本文介绍了用来测量对流层温度垂直分布的基于高光谱分辨率雷达技术的瑞利-米激光雷达系统(激光是对人眼安全的355nm波长的紫外线)。在该系统中,用两个法布里-珀罗标准具滤波器对影响大气温度的两个瑞利信号进行过滤。这些滤波器放在瑞利散射频谱的同一侧,并带有双端口光学输出通道。这种配置对米氏散射能获得较高的抑制比以及合理的瑞利散射透光率。米氏信号用第三个位于激光频率中间位置的法布里-珀罗标准具滤波器进行检测。这三个滤波器的参数是经过数值计算优化了的。实验结果表明,对于这两个瑞利通道都能实现-45dB的米散射抑制和大于1 的瑞利透光率。文中还介绍了一种用于校正气溶胶散射实验中所测得的温度(受到气溶胶和云的影响)的方法。初步试验和仿真证明,该设备中的双通道标准具和米散射校正在实际应用中有较高的性能。-A Rayleigh–Mie-scattering lidar system at an eye-safe 355nm ultraviolet wavelength that is based on a high-spectral-resolution lidar technique is demonstrated for measuring the vertical temperature profile of the troposphere. Two Rayleigh signals, which determine the atmospheric temperature, are filtered with two Fabry–Perot etalon filters. The filters are located on the same side of the wings of the Rayleighscattering spectrum and are optically constructed with a dual-pass optical layout. This configuration achieves a high rejection rate for Mie scattering and reasonable transmission for Rayleigh scattering. The Mie signal is detected with a third Fabry–Perot etalon filter, which is centered at the laser frequency. The filter parameters were optimized by numerical calculation。
Platform: | Size: 381952 | Author: shasha | Hits:


Description: 这一信道模型能够描述由电离层和对流层反射的短波信道,以及建筑物密集的城市环境。12瑞利衰落只适用于从发射机到接收机不存在直射信号(LoS,Line of Sight)的情况,否则应使用莱斯衰落信道作为信道模型-This channel model is able to describe the HF channel reflected by the ionosphere and troposphere, as well as building a dense urban environment. 12 Rayleigh fading only applies to from the transmitter to the receiver there is no direct signal (LoS, Line of Sight), otherwise use Rician fading channel as the channel model
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 朱成龙 | Hits:


Description: 瑞利衰落信道,是一种无线电信号传播环境的统计模型。这种模型假设信号通过无线信道之后,其信号幅度是随机的,即“衰落”,并且其包络服从瑞利分布。这一信道模型能够描述由电离层和对流层反射的短波信道,以及建筑物密集的城市环境。-Rayleigh fading channels, the statistical model of a radio signal propagation environment. This model assumes that after the signal through the radio channel, the signal amplitude is random, ie, the " fading" and the envelope of the Rayleigh distribution. This channel model is able to describe the HF channel reflected by the ionosphere and troposphere, as well as building a dense urban environment.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: tata | Hits:


Description: 利用当前大气层对应的空气密度来计算海拔高度的函数-H = DENSITYALT(rho) returns altitude, H, in the standard atmosphere that corresponds to the provided array of air densities, rho. DENSITYALT is valid for the entire standard atmosphere up through the mesopause (86 km height). It assumes that all that is known is air density. If other combinations of pressure, temperature, and/or density are known, there exist more straightforward methods for calculating density altitude, e.g. in the troposphere DA = (288.15-T)/0.0065.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: zhang yi | Hits:

[Other systemsTroposphere

Description: GPS对流层延迟计算,包括Hopfield模型和Saastamoinen模型-GPS tropospheric delay calculation, including the Hopfield model and Saastamoinen model
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: fyl | Hits:


Description: 运用GPS参考站数据进行对流层建模,该算法计算简单,运用方便,精度较高!-Troposphere modeling, use of GPS reference station data that the algorithm is simple and convenient to use, high precision!
Platform: | Size: 2792448 | Author: lkhuang | Hits:

[Fax programRayleigh-fading-channel

Description: 瑞利衰落信道(Rayleigh fading channel)是一种无线电信号传播环境的统计模型。这种模型假设信号通过无线信道之后,其信号幅度是随机的,表现为“衰落”特性,并且多径衰落的信号包络服从瑞利分布。由此,这种多径衰落也称为瑞利衰落。 这一信道模型能够描述由电离层和对流层反射的短波信道,以及建筑物密集的城市环境。瑞利衰落只适用于从发射机到接收机不存在直射信号的情况,否则应使用莱斯衰落信道作为信道模型。-Rayleigh fading channel, Rayleigh fading channel) is a statistical model of radio signal propagation environment. This model assumes that the signal through a wireless channel, its signal amplitude is random, show the "decline" features, and multipath fading signal envelope obeys Rayleigh distribution. As a result, the multipath fading is also called Rayleigh fading. The channel model can be described by the ionosphere and troposphere reflect shortwave channel, as well as a built-up urban environment. Rayleigh fading is only applicable to direct signal from the transmitter to the receiver does not exist, or rice fading channels as channel models should be used.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 李晓林 | Hits:

[Program docpaper1

Description: 对流层与电离层中电波传播的相关问题研究,很好的文章-Troposphere and ionosphere wave propagation issues related to research
Platform: | Size: 4802560 | Author: li | Hits:
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