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uC/OS-II 在TI TMS320C240上的移植代码-Phone/OS-II in TI's TMS320C240 transplant code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 151kb Publisher : 汪新宏

此源代码为UC/OS-II移植到51单片机的源代码.包括OS_CPU.H,OS_CPU_C.C,OS_CPU_A.S三个主要文件-this source code for the UC/OS-II transplants to 51 SCM source code. Including OS_CPU.H, OS_CPU_C.C, OS_CPU_A.S three key documents
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 624kb Publisher : 龙武

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基于UC/OS II操作系统的TCP/IP协议的移植源代码。-on UC/OS II operating system's TCP/IP protocol source code for the transplant.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 548kb Publisher : njtjx

MISRA (The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association 汽车工业软件可靠性联会) 是位于英国的一个跨国汽车工业协会,其成员包括了大部分欧美汽车生产商。其核心使命是为汽车工业提供服务和协助,帮助厂方开发安全的、高可靠性的嵌入式软件。这个组织最出名的成果是所谓的MISRA C Coding Standard,这一标准中包括了127条C语言编码标准,通常认为,如果能够完全遵守这些标准,则你的C代码是易读、可靠、可移植和易于维护的。最近很多嵌入式开发者都以MISRA C来衡量自己的编码风格,比如著名的uC/OS-II就得意地宣称自己99%遵守MISRA标准。而《嵌入式开发杂志》也专门载文号召大家学习。编码规范通常是一个公司自定的“土政策”,居然有人去做标准,而且还得到广泛的认可,这不禁引起我强烈的兴趣。可惜这份标准的文本需要花钱去买,而且短短几十页,要价非常昂贵。MISRA在网上公布了一些文档,其中有关于MISRA C Coding Standard的Clarification报告,从中间你可以大致猜到MISRA标准本身是什么。-MISRA (Motor Industry Software The Reliab ility Association Automobile Industry Software Reliability Association) is a UK-based multinational car Industry Association, whose members include most of Europe and the US car manufacturers. Its core mission is to the automobile industry to provide services and assistance to help the factory to develop secure, high-reliability embedded software. The organization's most famous achievement is the so-called MISRA C Coding Standard, this standard includes the 127 coding standard C language, usually believe that if we can comply fully with these standards, then your C code is readable, reliable, portable and easy to maintain. Recently, many developers are embedded with MISRA C to measure their own coding style, For example, the famous uC/OS-II o
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 656kb Publisher : 杨超

uCOS-II 初级程序员指南本文面向首次接触uC/OS-II的程序员,为他们介绍一下这个系统的一些基本特征和编程上的注意事项,并介绍几个值得了解的API。本文作者已经成功的将uC/OS-II移植到几种不同CPU之上。包括EPSON S1C33和Sunplus unSP?等,积累了丰富的经验,现在愿意和朋友们分享这些经历。希望本文的资料对于希望使用这个系统来开发的朋友有所帮助,作者乐意与您分享任何您成功的喜悦。-for uCOS-II Junior Programmer's Guide is geared to first contact Phone/OS-II programmers, introduce them into the system some basic programming and features on the note and and introduced several worthwhile understanding of the API. The author has succeeded in embedded/OS-II transplanted to several different CPU above. Including EPSON S1C33 and Sunplus unSP, has accumulated a wealth of experience, and friends are now willing to share those experiences. Hope that the paper hopes to use the information for the development of the system to help a friend, Author happy to share with you all the joy of your success.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : victor

关于 uC/OS-II 在 LPC210X 上移植的说明 1. 全部代码在 ADS1.2 中编译调试. 2. 您可以更改 RO BASE 为 0x0000 0000, 这样可以将代码写入 flash 中运行. 5. 全部代码采用 ARM 指令. 6. uC/OS-II 版本为 V2.52. 7. 当您暂停程序的时候, 如果定时器开着, 那么定时器并不会暂停,需要注意 8. Vectors.S 文件中的 startup 段为程序入口. 9. 编译时下面的警告不必理会. Warning : C2871W: static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used OS_CORE.C line 1108 10. 如果您想通过软件仿真,请将 PLL.C 中的第 51 行屏蔽, 怎样就可以看到任务逐个切换,最后将进入空闲任务. 11. 此次移植将许多 uC/OS-II 的功能函数都关闭了,请查看 OS_CFG.H 文件.-on Phone/OS-II in the MCU on the note a transplant. All the code in degenerate. 2 compiler debugging. 2. You can change to the RO BASE 0x0000 0000, This code can be written into the flash run. 5. all code using ARM instructions. 6. uC/OS- II Version V2.52. 7. When you suspend the procedures, if the timer drive, then the timer will not be suspended need to 8. Vectors.S document of the startup procedures for entrance. 9. The following was compiled to disregard the warning. Warning : C2871W : static OS_InitTaskStat declared but not used O S_CORE.C line 1108 10. If you want to use software simulation, I would be grateful if PLL.C the first 51 firms shielding, you can see how each task switching, Finally, enter idle task. 11. This transplant of many embedded/OS-II functional functions are c
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 241kb Publisher : 百度哥2010

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基于430单片机 UC-OS-II 信号量测试程序-430 microcontroller-based UC-OS-II signal testing procedures
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 171kb Publisher : 王强

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uC/OS是一种体积小巧而实用的实时操作系统,由于其代码的开放性,近年来普遍受到人们的关注,许多人开始从事这一操作系统的学习及应用工作,但由于其文档较少,特别是关于安装和使用方面的指导性文章不够充足,使很多初学者,特别是刚刚接触嵌入式操作系统的朋友们不知道如何进行系统的安装及调试,为此我结合自己使用的切身体会,谈一谈它的安装及调试问题,希望对大家能起到一定的帮助作用。-Phone/OS is a compact and practical real-time operating system, because of its code open, In recent years, widespread concern from the public, many people engaged in the study of the operating system and application, However, because of its small file, in particular regarding the installation and use of the guiding article inadequate, and many beginners. just contact the Special Embedded operating system's friends do not know how the system installation and debugging, Therefore, I have to use the light of their own personal experiences to talk about its installation and debugging. we can hope to play a helpful role.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 849kb Publisher : xushuxin

The latest release, ver 1.16 of the ARM (7TDMI, 720T, 920T) port for uC/OS-II V2.61 (and higher) includes ports for the following platforms: 1. S3c2410x ( ARM920T from Samsung ) on SMDK2410 eval board. 2. LPC2xxx - LPC210x & LPC213x ( ARM7TDMI-S from Philips ) on IAR s Kickstart & OLIMEX boards. 3. EP7312 ( ARM720T from CIRRUS ) on CDK238 eval board. Should also work on boards based on the CS89712. Tool-chains: GCC 3.3.2, ADS 1.2 & SDT 2.51. Op-modes: Pure ARM & ARM-THUMB interworked. Endianess: Big endian & Little endian modes-The latest release, ver 1.16 of the ARM (7TDMI, 720T, 920T) port for uC/OS-II V2.61 (and higher) includes ports for the following platforms: 1. S3c2410x ( ARM920T from Samsung ) on SMDK2410 eval board. 2. LPC2xxx- LPC210x & LPC213x ( ARM7TDMI-S from Philips ) on IAR s Kickstart & OLIMEX boards. 3. EP7312 ( ARM720T from CIRRUS ) on CDK238 eval board. Should also work on boards based on the CS89712. Tool-chains: GCC 3.3.2, ADS 1.2 & SDT 2.51. Op-modes: Pure ARM & ARM-THUMB interworked. Endianess: Big endian & Little endian modes
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 360kb Publisher : 谢志俊

移植uC/OS-II到Cortex M3的文档,uC/OS-II的官方文档,讲的不错,初学者可以参考一下。-Transplantation uC/OS-II to the Cortex M3 documents, uC/OS-II s official documents, saying good reference for beginners.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 230kb Publisher : 王网

uc/os在AVR32上的移植,完整源代码,目标开发板是EVK1100。-uc/os in the AVR32 s transplant, complete source code, target development board is EVK1100.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.51mb Publisher : caiko

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ARM7在uC/OS-II下的测试代码 含: define.s main.c Display.c LED.c os_dbg.c Uart.c includes.h ML674000.h os_cfg.h -ARM7 in uC/OS-II containing the test code: define.smain.cDisplay.cLED.cos_dbg.cUart.cincludes.hML674000.hos_cfg.h
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 郑凯

1. UC/OS 8051中完全应用。 2. 显示各个任务的执行时间, 执行时间占总时间百分比, tick计数器 3.任务中信号量,消息以及消息队列的使用。 我自己仔细测试过了,运行了一天都没有出问题。请大家一起使用,有问题请及时联系我们 附带在proteus上面进行仿真,免去各位朋友硬件上烦恼。-1. UC/OS 8051 in the full application. 2. Shows the execution time of each mission, the execution time of the total percentage of time, tick counter 3. Missions in semaphores, messages, and the use of message queues. I have carefully tested, and run a day are not the problem. Please use U.S., have questions, please contact us timely fringe above the Proteus simulation, replacing hardware troubles friends.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 763kb Publisher : 等到

文件及文件夹说明 =============================================================================================== \arm\ uC/OS-II移植代码 \SOURCE\ uC/OS-II源码保存在该文件夹 \HostMassLib\ HostMassLib驱动库相关文件存放的文件夹 \HostMassLib\读写U盘模块驱动使用手册.pdf 驱动库使用手册 \UDiskDemo\ 读写U盘驱动演示工程保存的文件夹 \UDiskDemo\queue UART0驱动使用到的队列文件 \UDiskDemo\uart0 UART0驱动源文件 \UDiskDemo\HostMassLib HostMassLib驱动库相关文件存放的文件夹 \UDiskDemo\src\ 工程模板创建文件 \UDiskDemo\src\main.c 工程主文件,main函数及各任务在该文件中创建及初始化 \UDiskDemo\src\OS_CFG.H uC/OS-II配置文件 \UDiskDemo\src\config.h 本工程配置文件 \UDiskDemo\src\target.c 目标文件,目标系统初始化在该文件中处理 \UDiskDemo\src\Startup.s LPC2200起动文件 \UDiskDemo\src\IRQ.s 中断句柄设置文件-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 415kb Publisher : lideng

基于S3C2440移植的uC/OS-II最新源码(V2.83),以及Flash、LCD、Nand Flash驱动和Printf库。 使用ADS开发环境。-Based on S3C2440 transplant uC/OS-II the latest source code (V2.83), as well as Flash, LCD, Nand Flash drive and Printf library. The use of ADS development environment.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 488kb Publisher : chernwu

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使用广州友善之臂(Friendly Arm) mini2440开发板,学习uc/os-ii RTOS的范例,依据Jean J. Labrosse先生之书中第一个学习的例子,并展示如何移植uc/os-ii至SAMSUNG 公司之S3C2440 蕊片的开发板中,提供用户一个学习ARM CPU系统移植RTOS的经验。-Guangzhou friendly use of the arm (Friendly Arm) mini2440 development board, learning uc/os-ii RTOS example, according to Mr. Jean J. Labrosse s book, the first example of a learning and demonstrate how the transplant uc/os-ii to the company SAMSUNG S3C2440 chips of the development board to provide the user a learning ARM CPU system RTOS experience in transplants.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.19mb Publisher : 黃海

在ARM上实现基于uc/os-II下的SPI通信,其中ARM处理器是lpc21-Based on the ARM on the uc/os-II of SPI communication
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 229kb Publisher : wulin

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UC/OS在STC上运行成功了的程序,给初学的朋友一个例子,希望大家能移植成功-UC/OS is the best program for the microprocesser
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : 梁海

名称 MiniGUI - 面向实时嵌入式 Linux 系统的小型跨平台图形用户界面支持系统 目录 1. 介绍 2. 什么是 MiniGUI-Lite 3. MiniGUI 版本 1.6 的新功能特点 4. 在 Linux 上安装 MiniGUI 5. Linux 上的安装及配置示例 6. 开发历史 7. 有关作者 8. 如果遇到问题 9. 版权信息 10. 在商业或专有系统中的使用 MiniGUI 1. 介绍 MiniGUI 是一个遵循 GPL 条款的自由软件项目. 该项目由北京飞漫软件技术有限公 司主持. MiniGUI 的目标是提供一个稳定的, 轻量级的跨操作系统图形用户界面支持系统, 尤其适合基于 Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, VxWorks, ThreadX 等的实时嵌入 式系统. -Version 1.6.8 (2005/09/05) This release needs the following resource packages: * minigui-res-1.6.tar.gz The latest demo package is: * mde-1.6.8.tar.gz The latest samples package is: * mg-samples-1.6.8.tar.gz NAME MiniGUI- a compact cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system for real-time embedded systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. What s MiniGUI-Lite 3. New features of MiniGUI version 1.6 4. Installing MiniGUI on a Linux box 5. History 6. About the authors 7. If you have a problem 8. A Little FAQ 9. Copying 10. If you are developing commercial or proprietary software by using MiniGUI
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.75mb Publisher : guyunchong

支持cortex-M1的uc/os2源代码,micrium公司认证,调试通过。-Support cortex-M1' s uc/os2 source code, micrium certified, through debugging.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : 李老师
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