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uCOS-II在51上的移植源码V1.1-uCOS-II at 51 on the transplant source V1.1
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : 严臣

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C++程序源代码 在ucos_ii基础上加上网络功能,串口调试, 在vc6.0 + masm.611下编译通过,该软件仅供学习使用。 建议你在学习该软件的使用,首先先大致浏览一下ucos_ii的相关内容-C source code based on the ucos_ii with network function, serial debugging, the compiler under vc6.0 masm.611 passed, the only learning to use the software. I suggest you study in the use of the software, the first to broadly glance at the relevant content ucos_
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 298kb Publisher : 张丽明

ucos移植心得,非常好,写得很有用途,使用ucos的朋友应该要好好的看看,会学到很多东西的。-CENTER transplant experience, very good, very written purposes, the use CENTER friends should look at the good will learn a lot of things.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 143kb Publisher : 麦伟强

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ucos在2812上的移植,對於有興趣ucos在dsp移植的可參考-CENTER in 2812 on the transplant, interested in dsp CENTER transplant can look at the reference
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 411kb Publisher : 王大餅

DL : 0
在ucos_ii基础上加上网络功能,建议你在学习该软件的使用,首先先大致浏览一下ucos_ii的相关资料(转发)。-in ucos_ii basis with network function, I suggest you study in the use of the software, the first to broadly ucos_ii glance at the relevant information (transponders).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 299kb Publisher : 吴健勇

实时操作系统uCOS-II在ARM处理器s3c44b0上的移植源代码-real-time operating system uCOS-II s3c44b0 the ARM processor on the transplant source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 216kb Publisher : 郑强

uCOS-II的ATmega128 Ports。-for uCOS-II ATmega128 Ports.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 33kb Publisher : Genius

If you port µ C/OS-II to a processor not listed and want to include your port on this web site, please contact Micrium at Note that the ports are provided as is with the exeption of the Micrium ports which are supported by Micrium.. -If you port μ C/OS-II to a processor not listed and want to include your port on this web site, please contact Micrium at Jean.Labrosse @ Note that the ports are provided as is with the exeption of the Micrium ports which are supported by Micrium ..
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : hong

精選一個 uC/OS-II Porting 於一般業界使用之 MSP430F1132 開發板上任務調度的例程,於 app.c 內建構了一個可於此開發板上 Port 1.0 驅動 LED 閃爍任務工程,全例程於 IAR MSP430 V3.42A 下編譯,同時亦將此工程設好斷點可方便於 Simulator 內直接觀測 uC/OS 任務調度狀態.-Select a uC/OS-II Porting the industry in general use MSP430F1132 development board scheduling routine mission in app.c within a construct of this development can be driven on-board LED flashes Port 1.0 mission project, the whole routine in the IAR under the MSP430 V3.42A compile, at the same time this project can be easily set up a good break in the Simulator with the direct observation of uC/OS task scheduling state.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 36kb Publisher : kly

实时嵌入式操作系统uC/OS-II的源码 很不错的哦 有空可以看看去-Real-time embedded operating system, uC/OS-II source code is a good time Oh, can look at to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 58kb Publisher : YHF

DL : 0
在ATEML公司EB40/40a/42/63/55开发板上运行的uCOS-II v2.0-ATEML companies in the development of on-board EB40/40a/42/63/55 running uCOS-II v2.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 52kb Publisher : 张芳

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整理的一些UC/OSII中一些常用的函数,有兴趣的可以看一下。-Finishing some of UC/OSII some commonly used functions, are interested can look at.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15kb Publisher :

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uCOS在PC机(至少386上)的4个范例,这些范例程序由<嵌入式实时操作系统uC/OS-II(第二版)>后面的光盘所提供,全部压缩上传.-uCOS in the PC machine (at least 386 on) in four examples, these examples the procedure by
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.96mb Publisher : liubin

uc0os gui开发用的,基于lpc2210 arm开发,可以简单的看看,有关图形的应用源码-used uc0os gui development, based on the lpc2210 arm development, you can look at the simple, the graphics application source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 193kb Publisher : caofeng

DL : 0
ucos在AT90上面的移植。 Atmel AT90/AVR Port for AVR-G-uCOS transplantation in the AT90 above. Atmel AT90/AVR Port for AVR-G
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16kb Publisher : carmack

本书附带一张软盘包括了所有我们讨论的源代码。是假定读者在80x86,Pentium,或者Pentium-II处理器上运行DOS或Windows95。至少需要5Mb硬盘空间来安装uC/OS-II。 请按照以下步骤安装: 1.进入到DOS(或在Windows 95下打开DOS窗口)并且指定C:为默认驱动器。 2.将磁盘插入到A:驱动器。 3.键入 A:INSTALL 【drive】 注意『drive』是读者想要将µ C/OS-II安装的目标磁盘的盘符。 -Attached to a floppy disk this book includes all the source code we are discussing. Is assumed that the readers in the 80x86, Pentium, or Pentium-II processor running DOS or Windows95. Need at least 5Mb hard disk space to install the uC/OS-II. Follow these steps to install: 1. To enter into DOS (or Windows 95 to open the DOS window) and specify C: drive as the default. 2. The disk inserted into the A: drive. 3. Type A: INSTALL [Note] 『drive is a drive readers to want to μ C/OS-II is installed on the target disk drive.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.69mb Publisher : 于来宝 ucos1.1版本,看看老版本的代码和现在自己用的代码,通过了解历史可能在改进ucos功能和健壮性上有启发。-old-ucos-v1.11.zipucos1.1 version, look at the old version of the code and now using their own code, through an understanding of history may improve the functionality and robustness on uCOS instructive.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 290kb Publisher : xuxi

uCOS-II内核分析,在单片机上实现uCOS-II的移植,同时在该操作系统上实现uart驱动-uCOS-II core analysis, in SCM to achieve uCOS-II of the transplant, at the same time in the operating system to achieve UART driver
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 448kb Publisher : breaker

UCOS在C8051上的最简单移植,建立的任务让板子上的两盏灯按设计亮。-UCOS at C8051 on the most easy transplantation, set up to allow the mission on board the two lamps according to the design of light.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 273kb Publisher : leo

一个UCOS操作系统在W77E58单片机上的移植实例-UCOS W77E58 at a single-chip operating system on the transplant example
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher : tolyqto
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