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Introduction of UML.正如前面曾提到过的,UML的本意是要成为一种标准的统一语言,使得IT专业人员能够进行计算机应用程序的建模。UML的主要创始人是Jim Rumbaugh、Ivar Jacobson和Grady Booch,他们最初都有自己的建模方法(OMT、OOSE和Booch),彼此之间存在着竞争。最终,他们联合起来创造了一种开放的标准。(听起来是不是很熟悉?这个现象类似J2EE、SOAP和Linux的诞生。)UML成为\"标准\"建模语言的原因之一在于,它与程序设计语言无关。(IBM Rational的UML建模工具被广泛应用于J2EE和.NET开发。)而且,UML符号集只是一种语言而不是一种方法学。-Introduction of UML. As I have mentioned, UML is intended to become a standard uniform language, enable IT professionals to conduct computer modeling applications. UML is the main founder Jim Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch, they first have their own method of modeling (OMT, and Booch exp), the mutual competition between the existence. Eventually, they join together to create an open standard. (Does not sound very familiar? This phenomenon similar to J2EE, SOAP and Linux was born.) UML has become the "standard" language modeling one of the reasons is that it has nothing to do programming language. (IBM Rational UML modeling tools are widely used J2EE and.NET development.) Moreover, the UML symbols set only one language and not a methodology.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 102.96kb Publisher : d

DL : 0
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.75mb Publisher : xiexiaoyang

软件工程及UML图应用;IBM rational rose 官方介绍
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : keke

IBM出品的Rational Rose 软件的一些学习笔记. Rational Rose利用UML(Unified Modelling Language)进行软件系统架构分析,是目前UML 应用分析使用最广的CASE 软件(Computer Aided Software Engineering).
Update : 2009-04-04 Size : 286.84kb Publisher :

Introduction of UML.正如前面曾提到过的,UML的本意是要成为一种标准的统一语言,使得IT专业人员能够进行计算机应用程序的建模。UML的主要创始人是Jim Rumbaugh、Ivar Jacobson和Grady Booch,他们最初都有自己的建模方法(OMT、OOSE和Booch),彼此之间存在着竞争。最终,他们联合起来创造了一种开放的标准。(听起来是不是很熟悉?这个现象类似J2EE、SOAP和Linux的诞生。)UML成为"标准"建模语言的原因之一在于,它与程序设计语言无关。(IBM Rational的UML建模工具被广泛应用于J2EE和.NET开发。)而且,UML符号集只是一种语言而不是一种方法学。-Introduction of UML. As I have mentioned, UML is intended to become a standard uniform language, enable IT professionals to conduct computer modeling applications. UML is the main founder Jim Rumbaugh and Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch, they first have their own method of modeling (OMT, and Booch exp), the mutual competition between the existence. Eventually, they join together to create an open standard. (Does not sound very familiar? This phenomenon similar to J2EE, SOAP and Linux was born.) UML has become the "standard" language modeling one of the reasons is that it has nothing to do programming language. (IBM Rational UML modeling tools are widely used J2EE and.NET development.) Moreover, the UML symbols set only one language and not a methodology.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 103kb Publisher : d

DL : 0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.75mb Publisher : xiexiaoyang

软件工程及UML图应用;IBM rational rose 官方介绍-UML diagram software engineering and applications IBM rational rose official introduction
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.99mb Publisher : keke

以IBM Rational Rose 2003 使用为例,对软件系统建模知识进行了详细的介绍,对UML 设计人员有很大的帮助。-IBM Rational Rose 2003 to use as an example, knowledge of the software system modeling carried out a detailed description of the UML designers of great help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.05mb Publisher : peter

IBM 的 UML 范例 ,上课时老师用的,很规范,对学习uml很有帮助-IBM' s UML example, the teacher used in class, it is normative, the study uml helpful ~~~~~
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : heaton

IBM公司最近关于UML建模培训资料关于一部分文件太大,这是一部分以后会上传-IBM' s recent training on the UML modeling information on the part of file is too large, which is part of the future will upload
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 803kb Publisher : 朱可可

UMl 基础教程 IBM编写的 很基础 -uml
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : lihh

IBM uml 系统分析条例规定 经典的uml教程资料-IBM uml system analysis regulations classic uml tutorial information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.18mb Publisher : yvette

统一建模语言UML,好学易用的工具IBM ROSE.送给软件工程师的一朵玫瑰。-Unified Modeling Language UML, easy to learn, easy-to-use tool for IBM Rose gave a rose of software engineers.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 411kb Publisher : zhaomx

IBM Rhaspsody (UML神器)的用户手册,介绍该软件如何使用,如何生成代码和文档,新手上路必备。详细介绍如何使用Rhapsody绘制UML图-IBM Rhaspsody (UML artifact) user manual describes how to use the software, how to generate code and documentation, Novice necessary. Details on how to draw UML diagrams with Rhapsody
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7.14mb Publisher : ryan

IBM Rhaspsody (UML神器)的C++环境用户手册,介绍该软件如何使用,如何生成代码和文档,新手上路必备。详细介绍如何使用Rhapsody绘制UML图-IBM Rhaspsody (UML artifact) of C++ environment user manual describes how to use the software, how to generate code and documentation, Novice necessary. Details on how to draw UML diagrams with Rhapsody
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.38mb Publisher : ryan

IBM Rhaspsody (UML神器)基于JAVA的用户手册,介绍该软件如何使用,如何生成代码和文档,新手上路必备。详细介绍如何使用Rhapsody绘制UML图-IBM Rhaspsody (UML artifact) JAVA-based user manual describes how to use the software, how to generate code and documentation, Novice necessary. Details on how to draw UML diagrams with Rhapsody
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 661kb Publisher : ryan

UML建模资料,利用IBM Ration Rose设计-uml design
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 15.62mb Publisher : xiang

教你如何使用IBM RSA工具绘制UML图,适合初学者的教程,有详细的步骤描述,ppt教程-Teach you how to use IBM RSA tool to draw UML chart, suitable for beginners tutorial, with detailed steps
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.94mb Publisher : gaoyi

使用IBM Rational rose开发的基于uml建模的图书管理系统uml建模图。-Using IBM Rational rose development books management system management system uml modeling based on uml modeling.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : wyy

使用IBM rational rose开发的uml样式建模图,包括 包类,用例图,类图,对象图等等。-Using IBM rational rose uml modeling style, including package type, use case diagram, class diagram, object diagram and so on.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 783kb Publisher : wyy
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