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[美]H.M.Deitel,P.J.Deitel 著 周靖 黄都培 译 杨小平 审校 清华大学出版社 本书是一本相当不错的学习C++的资料,作为全球使用最广泛的C++经典程序设计教材,本书详细介绍了过程式与面向对象程序设计的基本知识与方法,其中包括C++的强大功能、最新特性和新增的ANSI/ISO C++标准库。   本书通过面向一个大型对象(电梯模拟系统)的程序设计,以数百个“活代码”示例程序,重点突出了利用UML进行面向对象的设计。分布在各章的“对象思想”、“案例分析”、“常见编程错误”、“良好编程习惯”、“自测题”和“练习题”等特色部分非常具有实际指导意义,不仅可让接触C++的新手真实体验编程乐趣,还可让有经验的程序员得到启发。   本书的读者对象为计算机软件、系统和网络编程人员,也可作为大学计算机相关专业本科生和研究生的编程教材和参考书。唯一不足的本书是扫描版本,有些地方不是特别清晰,就敬请大家谅解!! -[U.S.] H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel a training HUANG Du Jing Zhou Xiao-Ping Yang translated revisers Tsinghua University Press the book is a pretty good school Xi C, as the world's most widely used C program design classic materials, The book details the process-and object-oriented programming with the basic knowledge and methods, including the powerful C function, The latest properties and the new ANSI / ISO C Standard Library. Book through a large object-oriented (Elevator Simulation System) program design, Hundreds "Runtime" sample program, focusing on the use of UML for object-oriented design. Distribution in the various chapters of the "object" and "Case Analysis", "common programming errors", "good programming practice," "Exerc
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 21.99mb Publisher : 张红艳

DL : 1
基于J2EE技术的快递信息管理系统的研究 结合当前快递业的背景,使用UML技术分析了快递企业对信息技术的各方面 的需求。在此基础上,提出一个以J 2 E E的软件架构为核心,并结合其他信息技术,如 网络技术,终端技术等,设计一套适用于快递业务的信息系统应用模式。整个过程体现 了统一软件开发过程的用况驱动、构架为中心和增量与迭代的特点。快递信息系统采用 R a t i o n a l R o s e来建模,并在J 2 E E服务器We b l o g i c上 部署和实施。 采用 UML建模己经成为面向对象分析和设计的一种趋势,而J 2 E E是一个使开发 多层企业级应用更为简单的统一平台。本论文结合 U ML与M E技术,开发一个实际 的应用系统,对于开发企业级应用有一定的参考价值。
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.91mb Publisher : zhx

[美]H.M.Deitel,P.J.Deitel 著 周靖 黄都培 译 杨小平 审校 清华大学出版社 本书是一本相当不错的学习C++的资料,作为全球使用最广泛的C++经典程序设计教材,本书详细介绍了过程式与面向对象程序设计的基本知识与方法,其中包括C++的强大功能、最新特性和新增的ANSI/ISO C++标准库。   本书通过面向一个大型对象(电梯模拟系统)的程序设计,以数百个“活代码”示例程序,重点突出了利用UML进行面向对象的设计。分布在各章的“对象思想”、“案例分析”、“常见编程错误”、“良好编程习惯”、“自测题”和“练习题”等特色部分非常具有实际指导意义,不仅可让接触C++的新手真实体验编程乐趣,还可让有经验的程序员得到启发。   本书的读者对象为计算机软件、系统和网络编程人员,也可作为大学计算机相关专业本科生和研究生的编程教材和参考书。唯一不足的本书是扫描版本,有些地方不是特别清晰,就敬请大家谅解!! -[U.S.] H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel a training HUANG Du Jing Zhou Xiao-Ping Yang translated revisers Tsinghua University Press the book is a pretty good school Xi C, as the world's most widely used C program design classic materials, The book details the process-and object-oriented programming with the basic knowledge and methods, including the powerful C function, The latest properties and the new ANSI/ISO C Standard Library. Book through a large object-oriented (Elevator Simulation System) program design, Hundreds "Runtime" sample program, focusing on the use of UML for object-oriented design. Distribution in the various chapters of the "object" and "Case Analysis", "common programming errors", "good programming practice," "Exerc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21.99mb Publisher : 张红艳

UML图书管理系统的分析与设计.doc UML图书管理系统的分析与设计.doc -UML Library Management System Analysis and Design. DocUML Library Management System Analysis and Design. Doc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 97kb Publisher : 鲁松

UML英文材料,对学软件工程的人很有用。很好的UML学习材料-UML English materials, those who study software engineering useful. UML good learning materials
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.62mb Publisher : 光着脚

用Rose写的建模UML.mdl源码,我看你这里还挺少的-Written by Rose modeling UML.mdl source, I see you here quite a small
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 250kb Publisher : 毛毛

统一建模语言( U M L)是一个通用的可视化建模语言,用于对软件进行描述、可视化处 理、构造和建立软件系统制品的文档-Unified Modeling Language [UML] is a generic visual modeling language, used to describe software, visual treatment, construction and building products, software systems documentation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.32mb Publisher : 陈小东

DL : 0
统一建模语言( U M L)是一个通用的可视化建模语言,用于对软件进行描述、可视化处理、构造和建立软件系统制品的文档。它记录了对必须构造的系统的决定和理解,可用于对系统的理解、设计、浏览、配置、维护和信息控制。 -Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a generic visual modeling language used to describe the software, visualization, processing, construction and building products, software systems documentation. It records the right to construct the system' s decision and understanding that can be used to understand the system, design, browsing, configuration, maintenance, and information control.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.32mb Publisher : leilei

大牛M.W. Richardson的telelogic发布的关于如何将UML设计元素映射为C语言程序元素的官方白皮书。-Daniel MW Richardson' s telelogic released UML design elements on how to map the C language program elements official white paper.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 114kb Publisher : huwei

统一建模语言( U M L)是一个通用的可视化建模语言,用于对软件进行描述、可视化处理、构造和建立软件系统制品的文档。-Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a common visual modeling language for the description of the software, visualization, construction and building products, software systems documentation.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6.33mb Publisher : xzlong

DL : 0
设计一个名为Account类。这个类包含: (1)一个名为id的int型数据域,表示账户的身份号(默认值为0)。 (2)一个名为balance的double型数据域,表示账户余额(默认值为0)。 (3)一个名为annualInterestRate的double型数据域,保存当前年利率(默认值为0)。 (4)一个无实参构造函数,创建一个默认账户。 (5)id、balance和annualInterestRate的访问器和更改器函数。 (6)一个名为getMonthlyInterestRate()的函数,返回月利率。 (7)一个名为withDraw的函数,从账户中支取指定金额。 (8)一个名为deposit的函数,向账户中存入指定金额。 画出类的UML图,实现类。编写一个测试程序,它创建一个Account对象,其ID为1122,账户余额为20000,年利率为4.5 。使用withDraw函数取出2500美元,使用deposit函数存入3000美元,然后输出账户余额、月利率和账户创建时间。-Design a class named Account. This class includes: (a) a named data type int id field that indicates the account identification number (default is 0). (2) a double-called balance of data fields, which means that the account balance (default is 0). (3) a double type named annualInterestRate of data fields, save the current interest rate (default is 0). (4) a no-argument constructor creates a default account. (5) id, balance and annualInterestRate access control and change control functions. (6) a named getMonthlyInterestRate () function returns a monthly rate. (7) a function named withDraw, drawn from the account specified amount. (8) a function called deposit to the account into a designated amount. Draw a UML class diagram, the implementation class. Write a test program that creates an Account object, its ID is 1122, the account balance is 20,000, an interest rate of 4.5 . Use withDraw function out $ 2,500, $ 3,000 deposit with deposit function, and then outputs the account balance, m
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : mike

用类描述计算机中CPU的速度和硬盘的容量。要求Java应用程序有4个类,名字分别是PC、CPU、HardDisk和Test,其中Test是主类。  PC类与CPU和HardDisk类关联的UML图如下: 其中,CPU类要求getSpeed()返回speed的值,要求setSpeed(int m)方法将参数m的值赋值给speed。HardDisk类要求getAmount()返回amount的值,要求setAmount(int m)方法将参数m的值赋值给amount。PC类要求setCPU(CPU c)将参数c的值赋值给cpu,要求setHardDisk(HardDisk h)方法将参数h的值赋值给HD,要求show()方法能显示cpu的速度和硬盘的容量。  主类Test的要求 (1) main方法中创建一个CPU对象cpu,cpu将自己的speed设置为2200; (2) main方法中创建一个HardDisk对象disk,disk将自己的amount设置为200; (3) main方法中创建一个PC对象pc; (4) pc调用setCPU(CPU c)方法,调用时实参是cpu; (5) pc调用setHardDisk(HardDisk h)方法,调用时实参是disk (6) pc调用show()方法。-With class describes the computer CPU speed and hard drive capacity. Requirements Java application has four categories, names are PC, CPU, HardDisk and Test, where Test is the main class.  PC with UML class diagram CPU and HardDisk class association as follows: where, CPU type requires getSpeed ​ ​ () Returns the value of the speed, requiring setSpeed ​ ​ (int m) method of the value of the parameter m is assigned to speed. HardDisk class requires getAmount () Returns the value of the amount of required setAmount (int m) method parameter m is assigned to amount. PC class requires setCPU (CPU c) the value of the parameter c is assigned to cpu, requires setHardDisk (HardDisk h) method parameter values ​ ​ h is assigned to HD, requirements show () method can show cpu speed and hard drive capacity. Requirements  main class Test of (1) main method to create a CPU target cpu, cpu own speed is set to 2200 (2) main method to create a HardDisk targe
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 张文蔷

DL : 0
CPU类要求getSpeed()返回speed的值,要求setSpeed(int m)方法将参数m的值赋值给speed。HardDisk类要求getAmount()返回amount的值,要求setAmount(int m)方法将参数m的值赋值给amount。PC类要求setCPU(CPU c)将参数c的值赋值给cpu,要求setHardDisk(HardDisk h)方法将参数h的值赋值给HD,要求show()方法能显示cpu的速度和硬盘的容量。(The UML diagrams associated with PC and CPU and HardDisk classes are as follows: The CPU class requires getSpeed () to return the value of speed, and the setSpeed (int m) method to assign the value of the parameter m to speed. The HardDisk class requires getAmount () to return the value of amount, and requires the setAmount (int m) method to assign the value of parameter m to amount. The PC class requires the setCPU (CPU c) to assign the value of parameter C to the CPU, the setHardDisk (HardDisk h) method to assign the value of parameter h to HD, and the show () method to display the speed of the CPU and the capacity of the hard disk.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : Amgist
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