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通过分析linux下蓝牙协议栈blueZ的源代码,给出了blueZ的组织结构和特点,在了解linux USB设备驱动架构的基础上详细分析了蓝牙USB传输驱动机制和数据处理过程,给出了实现蓝牙设备驱动的重要数据结构和流程,最后总结了linux下开发蓝牙USB设备驱动的一般方法和关键技术。-Based on analyzing the source code of linux bluetooth stack blueZ, depicted the structure and characteristics of blueZ. then analyzed the implementation of bluetooth USB transport driver scheme and data processing procedure in detail based on understanding of linux USB device driver sketch, gave the key data structure and flow of implementation of bluetooth device driver, and finally, summarized the approach of developing linux bluetooth USB device driver and key technology are.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 169kb Publisher : 梁军学
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