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[Windows DevelopUndo-Redo的实现源代码

Description: Undo-Redo的实现源代码.rar -Undo - Redo the realization of the source code. RarUndo - Redo the realization of the source code. R ar
Platform: | Size: 26989 | Author: lxz | Hits:

[WEB Code矢量图形编辑系统中Undo与Redo操作的实现

Description: 矢量图形编辑系统中Undo与Redo操作的实现-vector graphics editing system Undo and Redo Realization of
Platform: | Size: 64860 | Author: wangtao | Hits:

[Windows Developundo

Description: 使用CObList写的Undo,Redo类
Platform: | Size: 1482 | Author: cw | Hits:


Description: Stacks are a data structure that exhibits the Last-In First-Out (LIFO) characteristic, which is useful in a number of applications. In this tutorial, we will use a stack to perform undo operations.
Platform: | Size: 1305 | Author: jovi | Hits:


Description: 该类为基类,用来实现操作的撤销、重做功能!
Platform: | Size: 2720 | Author: maoshine | Hits:

[Windows Developmultiundoredo

Description: 多重回滚操作的实现-The implementation of mulitple undo
Platform: | Size: 46080 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Windows Developundo

Description: 增强MFC的回滚操作-The example of enhancing the MFC s ability of rollback
Platform: | Size: 110592 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Graph programdrawpad

Description: 一个小型的画图工具,可绘制多种图形和文本并可以保存为文件,支持Undo/Redo功能- A small painting tool, may draw up the many kinds of graphs and the text and may preserve is a document, supports the Undo/Redo function
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: 一个Undo和Redo的例子,值得研究--An example of undo and redo,worth discussing
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Graph programUndoRedoSrc

Description: 在对一个矩形进行操作之后能够对其执行类似word里的undo/redo的操作-A rectangle in the operation to its implementation after a similar word in the undo/redo operation
Platform: | Size: 3719168 | Author: 陈凯迪 | Hits:


Description: 一个有undo,redo,cut等功能的JTextArea-a undo, redo, cut the functions JTextArea
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 田某 | Hits:

[source in ebookUndoandRedo

Description: 在VC中实现Undo和Redo功能。-in VC achieve Undo and Redo function.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 吕怡 | Hits:


Description: 矢量图形编辑系统中Undo与Redo操作的实现-vector graphics editing system Undo and Redo Realization of
Platform: | Size: 64512 | Author: wangtao | Hits:


Description: 用Java写的报表.功能如下: 0.内建网络打印,网络预览功能! 1.文件操作。包括url 指定的文件。 2.全功能打印支持。包括打印预览。 3.Undo 和 redo。 4.合并单元格。 5.Cell selection using the mouse or keyboards(快捷键支持)。 6.单元格高宽调整 。 7.丰富的前景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 8.背景刷支持,前景可以是单色,双色渐变,JPG,PNG,GIF图形 。 9.每个单元格支持空心字体,各其他一般字体。 10.每个单元格可设置为只读。 11.每个单元格上下左右可分别高设置边框,边框线的宽度,颜色可调。 12.拖放操作。可在一个应用中的不同单元格拖放,也可在两个应用的之间进行拖放。支持剪切和COPY两种方式。 13.剪贴板功能。支持文本方式和全格式两种方式。剪贴也允许在两个应用之间进行。可以从EXCELL单元格中复制到本应用中。 14.单元格线,滚动条,行头,列头显示可选. 15.支持公式定义,公式定义采用?作标记,如?sum(A1:B1)。 16.数字格式可自由定义,如 12345678, 可自动化为 12,345,678.00 。 17.丰富的页脚页眉属性。具有以上3,4,5,6?,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,16,17各项功能。-use Java to write statements. Features are as follows : 0. Built-in network printing, network previews! 1. File manipulation. Including the url specified documents. 2. Print full-featured support. Including print preview. 3.Undo and redo. 4. The merger cells. 5.Cell selection using the mouse or keyboards (shortcuts support). 6. Cells width adjustment. 7. Brush rich prospects, prospects can be monochrome, color gradient, JPG, PNG, GIF graphics. 8. Background Brush support, prospects can be monochrome, color gradient, JPG, PNG, GIF graphics. 9. Each module supports Lattice hollow fonts, the other general fonts. 10. Each unit can be set to Georgia read. 11. Each module grid respectively above and below the high set frame, the frame line width, color adjustable. 12. Drag and drop. The applicat
Platform: | Size: 197632 | Author: 温厚 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopUndo-Redo的实现源代码

Description: Undo-Redo的实现源代码.rar -Undo- Redo the realization of the source code. RarUndo- Redo the realization of the source code. R ar
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: lxz | Hits:

[Windows Developundo

Description: 使用CObList写的Undo,Redo类-CObList written using Undo, Redo category
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Stacks are a data structure that exhibits the Last-In First-Out (LIFO) characteristic, which is useful in a number of applications. In this tutorial, we will use a stack to perform undo operations.-Stacks are a data structure that exhibits the Last-In First-Out (LIFO) characteristic, which is usefulin a number of applications. In this tutorial, we will use a stack to perform undo operations.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jovi | Hits:


Description: 在MFC的文档/视图结构中,增加Undo、Redo功能的类的代码-In the MFC document/view structure to increase the Undo, Redo feature class code
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: ChenJian | Hits:


Description: 一个实现了undo功能的JAVA编辑器 包括快捷键支持-A realization of the undo function, including JAVA editor shortcut keys support
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: polaris | Hits:

[3D GraphicUndo

Description: 1.为开发CAD/CAV等软件时提供一种撤消,重做功能思路(undo/redo) 2.本程序是MFC的一个DEMON的全部原码,希望对你们有帮助-undo/redo source code
Platform: | Size: 49152 | Author: | Hits:
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