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开发J2EE解决方案的八个步骤 Java 2企业版本(The Java 2 Enterprise Edition,J2EE)平台由4个主要的部分组成:规范,参考实现,兼容性测试包和BluePrints程序。BluePrints描述了一个分布式组件体系的最佳练习和设计指导方针。这篇文章介绍了一个由八个步骤组成的J2EE开发方法论,该方法是基于Rational Unified Process和BluePrints应用例子的。通过这篇文章,你将可以更好地理解J2EE体系的许多重要主题,并且可以应用这些知识来扩展和修改这个简单的方法论,从而解决各种特定的商业问题。 -J2EE development solution to the eight steps Java 2 enterprise edition (The Java 2 Ent erprise Edition, J2EE) platform by the four major components : norms, reference implementation, compatibility testing kits and BluePrints procedures. BluePrints description of a distributed component of the system design and best practice guidelines. This article describes the eight steps from one of J2EE development methodology. The method is based on the Rational Unified Process and should BluePrints using examples. Adoption of this article, you will be able to better understand J2EE many important themes, and the application of this knowledge to expand and modify this simple methodology in order to address specific business issues.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 220.68kb Publisher : 张蓉

现在有更多的人想学习UML,但由于UML的复杂性,仅通过UML的标准文献和国内目前的关于UML的资料来掌握使用它不是一件轻松的事。对它的使用,关键是要用它简明准确地建立模型。这样,人们就可以从全局把握复杂系统的全貌及其组成间的联系。为了达到这样的目的,本文要阐明UML的要点,并对UML所推荐的软件建模过程RUP(Rational Unified Process)做一简介,以作为一种应用UML的过程指导。-now, more and more people want to learn UML, but because of the complexity of UML, UML only by the standards of domestic and the current literature on the UML to use the information it is not an easy thing. Its use, the key is to use it concise and accurate model building. In this way, people can grasp the complexity of the overall system and the full picture of the links between the components. To achieve this purpose, the UML is to clarify the main points UML also recommended by the software modeling process RUP (Rational Unified Proces s) do a brief application as a UML process guidance.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : liaojia

企业内部的很多业务都可以抽象为一个或者若干个工作流,最典型的是收发文工作流。一个发文流程可能要经历起草,审批,校对,领导签字,传阅等步骤。传统的办公模式完成此流程需要投入很多人力,而且运转起来较慢,容易出错,如果采用办公自动化系统,公文的流转就可以自动化,显然有很多好处。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种面向对象的建模语言,它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析和设计。统一过程(Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,它将软件开发过程分为一系列的工作流程(Workflow),充分发挥了迭代的开发思想,是软件开发成功的重要因素。 Struts是基于JAVA的一个开源项目,采用模块化的设计思想将业务逻辑,数据存储和用户界面分离,简化了企业级应用程序的构建。 本文描述了葫芦岛锌厂的办公自动化系统的开发过程,依据统一过程的开发思想,利用UML构建和描述系统的结构与行为,并用Struts完成了系统的最终实现。 -enterprises within the many businesses that can be abstract or for a number of work-flow, The most typical is the text Transceivers work flow. An outgoing message flow may experience drafting, examination, proofreading, leading signature, circulation and other steps. The traditional mode of office to complete this process requires a lot of manpower and operating it slow, prone to error, If the use of office automation systems, document, the transfer can be automated, obviously has many advantages. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an object-oriented modeling language It has been widely applied to object-oriented system analysis and design. Unified Process (Unified Process) is a software engineering approach, It will software development process is divided into a series of workflows (Workf
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 854.14kb Publisher : 张宏

随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,在线教育平台为校园网的数字化提供了技术支持。它能够有效地将信息技术融入教学的环境当中,从而推动的传统教育的改革。 Struts是Apache软件组织提供的一项开放源代码项目,它为Java Web的开发提供了模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller, MVC)框架,尤其适用于开发大型可扩展的Web应用,并且为其提供了一个通用的框架,使得开发人员可以把精力集中在如何解决实际业务问题上,比较适合大型团队开发。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种可视化的建模语言,功能强大,易于使用,便于开发人员之间的沟通。它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析、设计和实现。RUP(Rational Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,描述了软件迭代的开发过程。 本文描述了在线教育平台的开发过程,遵循RUP的思想,利用UML对系统进行需求、分析和设计,并通过使用Struts框架对系统进行实现。 -with computer and network technology development, online education platform for the digital campus network providing technical support. It found to be effective in information technology into the teaching environment, thereby promoting the traditional educational reform. Apache Struts software is provided by an open source project, Java Web it provided for the development of the model-view-controller (Model-View-Cont roller, MVC) framework, especially in the development of large scalable Web application, and provide a common framework, allows developers can concentrate its energy on how to solve actual business problems and are more suitable for large-scale development team. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a visual modeling language, Powerful, easy-to-use, ease of development of communi
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 871.71kb Publisher : 张宏

Idea.Group.Publishing.UML.And.The.Unified.Process 介绍UML和unified process的电子书
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.65mb Publisher : Kevin

第一部分 基础篇 第1章 绪论 3 1.1 统一建模语言UML 3 1.1.1 UML的背景 3 1.1.2 UML的发展 3 1.1.3 UML的内容 5 1.1.4 UML的主要特点 5 1.1.5 UML的功能 6 1.1.6 UML的组成 7 1.2 Rational统一过程(Rational Unified Process) 9 1.2.1 RUP的发展 9 1.2.2 什么是RUP 10 1.2.3 过程概览 11 1.2.4 时间轴 12 1.2.5 迭代 14 1.2.6 工作流(Workflows) 15 1.2.7 微过程的划分 16 1.3 工具 20 1.4 小结 20 第2章 面向对象分析与设计方法 21 2.1 OOA/OOD方法 21 2.1.1 面向对象分析(OOA) 23 2.1.2 面向对象设计(OOD) 24 2.2 OMT方法 25 2.2.1 分析 26 2.2.2 系统设计 28 2.2.3 对象设计(Object Design) 29 2.2.4 实现(Implementation) 30 2.2.5 测试(Testing) 30 2.2.6 模型 30 2.3 Booch方法 31 2.3.1 宏过程 32 2.3.2 微过程 32 2.4 OOSE方法 34 2.4.1 分析阶段 35 2.4.2 构造阶段 35 2.4.3 测试阶段 36 2.5 Fusion 方法 36 2.5.1 分析阶段 37 2.5.2 设计阶段 38 2.5.3 实现阶段 39 2.6 小结 39 第3章 UML的关系 40 3.1 依赖关系(Dependency Relationship) 40 3.2 类属关系(Generalization Relationship) 43 3.3 关联关系(Association Relationship) 45 3.3.1 角色(Role)与阶元(Multiplicity) 45 3.3.2 导航(Navigation) 46 3.3.3 可见性(Visibility) 47 3.3.4 限定符(Q……
Update : 2009-04-02 Size : 11.44mb Publisher :

DL : 0
开发J2EE解决方案的八个步骤 Java 2企业版本(The Java 2 Enterprise Edition,J2EE)平台由4个主要的部分组成:规范,参考实现,兼容性测试包和BluePrints程序。BluePrints描述了一个分布式组件体系的最佳练习和设计指导方针。这篇文章介绍了一个由八个步骤组成的J2EE开发方法论,该方法是基于Rational Unified Process和BluePrints应用例子的。通过这篇文章,你将可以更好地理解J2EE体系的许多重要主题,并且可以应用这些知识来扩展和修改这个简单的方法论,从而解决各种特定的商业问题。 -J2EE development solution to the eight steps Java 2 enterprise edition (The Java 2 Ent erprise Edition, J2EE) platform by the four major components : norms, reference implementation, compatibility testing kits and BluePrints procedures. BluePrints description of a distributed component of the system design and best practice guidelines. This article describes the eight steps from one of J2EE development methodology. The method is based on the Rational Unified Process and should BluePrints using examples. Adoption of this article, you will be able to better understand J2EE many important themes, and the application of this knowledge to expand and modify this simple methodology in order to address specific business issues.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 220kb Publisher : 张蓉

现在有更多的人想学习UML,但由于UML的复杂性,仅通过UML的标准文献和国内目前的关于UML的资料来掌握使用它不是一件轻松的事。对它的使用,关键是要用它简明准确地建立模型。这样,人们就可以从全局把握复杂系统的全貌及其组成间的联系。为了达到这样的目的,本文要阐明UML的要点,并对UML所推荐的软件建模过程RUP(Rational Unified Process)做一简介,以作为一种应用UML的过程指导。-now, more and more people want to learn UML, but because of the complexity of UML, UML only by the standards of domestic and the current literature on the UML to use the information it is not an easy thing. Its use, the key is to use it concise and accurate model building. In this way, people can grasp the complexity of the overall system and the full picture of the links between the components. To achieve this purpose, the UML is to clarify the main points UML also recommended by the software modeling process RUP (Rational Unified Proces s) do a brief application as a UML process guidance.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : liaojia

企业内部的很多业务都可以抽象为一个或者若干个工作流,最典型的是收发文工作流。一个发文流程可能要经历起草,审批,校对,领导签字,传阅等步骤。传统的办公模式完成此流程需要投入很多人力,而且运转起来较慢,容易出错,如果采用办公自动化系统,公文的流转就可以自动化,显然有很多好处。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种面向对象的建模语言,它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析和设计。统一过程(Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,它将软件开发过程分为一系列的工作流程(Workflow),充分发挥了迭代的开发思想,是软件开发成功的重要因素。 Struts是基于JAVA的一个开源项目,采用模块化的设计思想将业务逻辑,数据存储和用户界面分离,简化了企业级应用程序的构建。 本文描述了葫芦岛锌厂的办公自动化系统的开发过程,依据统一过程的开发思想,利用UML构建和描述系统的结构与行为,并用Struts完成了系统的最终实现。 -enterprises within the many businesses that can be abstract or for a number of work-flow, The most typical is the text Transceivers work flow. An outgoing message flow may experience drafting, examination, proofreading, leading signature, circulation and other steps. The traditional mode of office to complete this process requires a lot of manpower and operating it slow, prone to error, If the use of office automation systems, document, the transfer can be automated, obviously has many advantages. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is an object-oriented modeling language It has been widely applied to object-oriented system analysis and design. Unified Process (Unified Process) is a software engineering approach, It will software development process is divided into a series of workflows (Workf
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 854kb Publisher : 张宏

DL : 0
随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,在线教育平台为校园网的数字化提供了技术支持。它能够有效地将信息技术融入教学的环境当中,从而推动的传统教育的改革。 Struts是Apache软件组织提供的一项开放源代码项目,它为Java Web的开发提供了模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller, MVC)框架,尤其适用于开发大型可扩展的Web应用,并且为其提供了一个通用的框架,使得开发人员可以把精力集中在如何解决实际业务问题上,比较适合大型团队开发。 UML(Unified Modeling Language)是一种可视化的建模语言,功能强大,易于使用,便于开发人员之间的沟通。它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析、设计和实现。RUP(Rational Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,描述了软件迭代的开发过程。 本文描述了在线教育平台的开发过程,遵循RUP的思想,利用UML对系统进行需求、分析和设计,并通过使用Struts框架对系统进行实现。 -with computer and network technology development, online education platform for the digital campus network providing technical support. It found to be effective in information technology into the teaching environment, thereby promoting the traditional educational reform. Apache Struts software is provided by an open source project, Java Web it provided for the development of the model-view-controller (Model-View-Cont roller, MVC) framework, especially in the development of large scalable Web application, and provide a common framework, allows developers can concentrate its energy on how to solve actual business problems and are more suitable for large-scale development team. UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a visual modeling language, Powerful, easy-to-use, ease of development of communi
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 871kb Publisher : 张宏

统一软件开发过程(RUP)文档模板。共9个文件夹,43个dot文档模板。如补充规约,业务规约,词汇表等等。-Unified Software Development Process (RUP) document template. A total of nine folders, 43 dot document template. If the supplementary statute, business Statute, glossary, etc..
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 601kb Publisher : Ken

Idea.Group.Publishing.UML.And.The.Unified.Process 介绍UML和unified process的电子书-UML Introduction Idea.Group.Publishing.UML.And.The.Unified.Process and unified process of e-books
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.65mb Publisher : Kevin

UML和统一过程实用面向对象的分析和设计 结合软件工程流程讲述UML知识 -UML and the Unified Process Practical Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML software engineering process knowledge about
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.54mb Publisher : 张球儿

统一软件过程Rational统一过程引论原书第2版-Unified Process Rational Unified Process cited paragraph 2 of the original version
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.21mb Publisher : 小来

The Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) provides a well-known benchmark of software process maturity. The CMM has become a popular vehicle for assessing the maturity of an organization’s software process in many domains. This white paper describes how the Rational Unified Process can support an organization that is trying to achieve CMM Level-2, Repeatable, and Level-3, Defined, software process maturity levels.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 118kb Publisher : aaaggg

这个由多篇文章组成的系列文章讲述了如何在很紧的时间和预算的情况下通过应用 Rational 统一过程(RUP)以及 Rational 的其他工具来开发一个软件项目的。-By the many articles, composed of a series of articles about how in a very tight time and budget through the application of Rational Unified Process (RUP) and other Rational tools to develop a software project.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 42kb Publisher : handson

To introduce software process models To describe three generic process models and when they may be used To describe outline process models for requirements engineering, software development, testing and evolution To explain the Rational Unified Process model To introduce CASE technology to support software process activities
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 950kb Publisher : Vo Danh

发都通常都使用典型场景(scenarios)来理解一个系统的需要是什么和系统是怎样工作的。不幸的是,尽管开发都已经这样做了,但它极少用有效的形式归档。用例(Use Cases)就是将这些场景获取正式化、形式化的技术。 用例是Jacobson在面象对象的软件工程中提出的,但它实际上是独立于面象对象的。用例是获取业务过程和系统需求的有效方式。而且技术本身是非常简单易学的。 使需求可被浏览 形式化场景获取是为了使用户和开发者都可以浏览-This article is the first in a series of five that will provide a prepublication look at the annotated example from the workbook (to be called Applied Use Case Driven Object Modeling, conveniently enough) as it evolves. We ll be following the process detailed in our book (also known as the ICONIX process), which sits somewhere between the very large Rational Unified Process (RUP) and the very small Extreme Programming (XP) approach. The ICONIX process is use case driven, like RUP, but lacks a lot of the overhead that RUP brings to the table. It s also relatively small and tight, like XP, but it doesn t discard analysis and design like XP does. This process also makes streamlined use of UML while keeping a sharp focus on the traceability of requirements. And, the process stays true to Jacobson s original vision
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 51kb Publisher : 朱科

RUP方法论的设计文档模板。英文版的,RUP(Rational Unified Process,统一软件开发过程,统一软件过程。包含两个文档: Software Architecture Document,软件架构文档模板 Use-Case-Realization Specification,用户案例实现规范模板-RUP Design document template: 1.Software Architecture Document 2.Use-Case-Realization Specification
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 18kb Publisher : Tony.Z

Software Process Engineering Management The Unified Proce-Software Process Engineering Management The Unified Process
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 191kb Publisher : Super Boy
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