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[Other resourcecompare_pcm

Description: 均匀PCM量化和u律非均匀量化的对比效果分析实验-uniform PCM quantifiable and non-uniform legal u quantitative analysis of the experimental contrast
Platform: | Size: 3565 | Author: 陈宇 | Hits:

[Other resource通信原理PCM

Description: 通信原理实验中的均匀和非均匀的pcm两种编码方式,附有详细的说明.-communication principle experiment uniform and non-uniform both PCM encoding, with detailed explanations.
Platform: | Size: 4735 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:


Description: 均匀PCM量化和u律非均匀量化的对比效果分析实验 uniform PCM quantifiable and non-uniform legal u quantitative analysis of the experimental contrast
Platform: | Size: 2678 | Author: fuda2007518@163.com | Hits:


Description: 通信原理实验中的均匀和非均匀的pcm两种编码方式,附有详细的说明.-communication principle experiment uniform and non-uniform both PCM encoding, with detailed explanations.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:

[Voice Compressaudiofile-0_2_6

Description: The Audio File Library provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun .snd/.au, IRCAM, AVR, Amiga IFF/8SVX, and NIST SPHERE). The library also supports compression (currently G.711 mu-law and A-law and IMA and MS ADPCM) as well as PCM formats of all flavors (signed and unsigned integer, single- and double-precision floating point). -The Audio File Library provides a uniform programming interface to standard digital audio file formats. This library allows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common formats (currently AIFF, AIFF-C, WAVE, NeXT/Sun .snd/.au, IRCAM, AVR, Amiga IFF/8SVX, and NIST SPHERE). The library also supports compression (currently G.711 mu-law and A-law and IMA and MS ADPCM) as well as PCM formats of all flavors (signed and unsigned integer, single- and double-precision floating point).
Platform: | Size: 525312 | Author: Jet Lan | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemscompare_pcm

Description: 均匀PCM量化和u律非均匀量化的对比效果分析实验-uniform PCM quantifiable and non-uniform legal u quantitative analysis of the experimental contrast
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 陈宇 | Hits:


Description: PCM编码实例。包括均匀量化编码,非均匀量化编码,及A率PCM编码。-PCM coding examples. Including uniform quantization coding, non-uniform quantization coding, and A PCM coding rate.
Platform: | Size: 52224 | Author: 张博 | Hits:


Description: 实现对数压缩PCM和线性PCM的信噪比特性曲线的仿真,非均匀量化级数为n=8和n=6。-realization of a number of PCM compressed and linear PCM signal-to-noise ratio of the characteristic curve simulation, non-uniform quantization Series n = 8 and n = 6.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 段美姣 | Hits:


Description: 格式 [sqnr,a_quan,code]=u_pcm(a,n) 输入样值序列a 、量化电平数目n, 程序计算量化间隔、进行均匀量化、进行编码、计算量化信噪比, 返回量化信噪比squn、编码前的量化序列a_quan、编码后的码序列code。 -Format [sqnr, a_quan, code] = u_pcm (a, n) input sample value sequence a, the number of quantization levels n, the calculation procedures to quantify interval, the uniform quantization, coding, computing quantization noise ratio, return quantization noise ratio squn, to quantify the pre-coding sequence a_quan, coding sequences after the code.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: wx | Hits:

[Multimedia programpcm

Description: 适用MATLAB仿真实现对模拟信号的采样量化编码程序(模拟信号采样经均匀量化后自然二进制编码),通信系统仿真必备-The application of MATLAB simulation of analog signal sampling quantization coding procedures (analog signal sampling by the uniform quantization after the natural binary code), communication system simulation must
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 侯婷 | Hits:


Description: pcm均匀pcm与非均匀pcm 一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。-pcm uniform pcm with a non-uniform pcm. Have a length of 500 zero-mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables with a uniform method of pcm level by 16 to quantify: 1) demand from SQNR, the sequence of the first five values, the corresponding quantization value and the corresponding code word. 2) draw quantization error (defined as the import value and quantify the value of the difference between), at the same time draw to quantify the value of the import value as a function of the map. 3) 128 to quantify the number of redo-level 2) title, the results of the comparison.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: jin | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmspcmandulow

Description: 均匀PCM量化和u律非均匀量化的对比效果分析实验.-Uniform quantization and u law PCM non-uniform contrast quantitative analysis of experimental results.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: tess | Hits:


Description:  产生长度为1000的标准正太分布的随机信号,画出时域波形及频谱;  采用u=255的非均匀PCM编码,每符号为8bit,画输入-输出关系图;  计算信号量化噪声比(SQNR);  信道误码率为10-3;  解码,并画出u律反变换后的信号时域波形及频谱。 扩展要求:  采用均匀PCM、量化级数可变、信道误码率可变。 - have a standard length of 1000 is too random signal distribution, draw time-domain waveform and frequency spectrum  u = 255 using the non-uniform PCM encoding, each symbol for 8bit, drawing input- output relationship diagram  calculated quantization noise signal than (SQNR)  channel bit error rate of 10-3  decoder, and law to draw u the signal after the inverse transform time-domain waveform and frequency spectrum. Expansion of the requirements:  uniform PCM, quantization level variable, a variable channel bit error rate.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: louzhu | Hits:


Description: 基于MATLAB的pcm编码系统的仿真系统,是用simulink搭建的。-pcm encoder basic on MATLAB~
Platform: | Size: 605184 | Author: nancy | Hits:


Description: 脉冲编码调制(PCM)实现 编程实现PCM技术的三个过程:采样、量化与编码。 采样:低通连续信号采样,以 x=sin(200*t) m=x./(200*t) m=m.*m 为例说明低通采样定理,绘出信号时、频图形;带通连续信号采样,以x=sin(20*t) m=x./t 为例说明带通采样定理,绘出信号时、频图形。 量化:均匀量化,以幅度 的正弦信号为例实现为64级电平的均匀量化;非均匀量化,输入A律PCM编码器的正弦信号 ,采样序列为 ,将其进行PCM编码,给出编码器的输出码组序列 编码:以上述信号为例,实现A律的13折线近似法及国际标准PCM对数A律量化编码。-Pulse code modulation (PCM) to achieve PCM technology programming three processes: sampling, quantization and coding. Sample: low-pass continuous signal sampling to x = sin (200* t) m = x./(200* t) m = m.* m an example low-pass sampling theorem, draw the signal, frequency graphics bandpass sampling continuous signals to x = sin (20* t) m = x./t an example bandpass sampling theorem, draw the signal, frequency graph. Quantization: uniform quantization, in order to realize the magnitude of sinusoidal signal as an example for the 64 level uniform quantization non-uniform quantization, input A law PCM encoder sine signal, the sampling sequence, to be PCM encoded, the encoder is given The output code sequence Code: A Case Study of the signal to achieve the 13 A line approximation law and international standards on the number of A law PCM coding quantization.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 马芳 | Hits:


Description: 利用Matlab仿真脉冲编码调制(PCM)及A律、μ律PCM对声音进行压缩编解码过程。 脉冲编码调制(PCM,Pulse Code Modulation)是一种将模拟语音信号转换成数字信号的编码方式。波形编码器的作用是对采样后的信号样本进行量化和编码。从数学上来看,量化过程就是把一个连续幅度值的无限数集合映射成一个离散幅度值的有限数集合,编码就是用一组二进制数来表示这些映射后的有限数。国际标准化的PCM采用折叠二进制码,符合长途电话质量。根据量化方法的不同,PCM可分为均匀量化PCM和对数PCM两大类,对数PCM中,2Aμ律和律编码都已被定为国际标准。-Matlab simulation using pulse code modulation (PCM) and the A law, μ law PCM codec for voice compression process. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM, Pulse Code Modulation) is an analog voice signal into digital signal encoding. The role of the encoder waveform is sampled signal sample quantization and coding. From the mathematical point of view, the process is to quantify the magnitude of the value of a continuous set of infinite number of maps into a finite number of discrete set of amplitude values​ ​ , encoding is to use a set of binary digits, said after a limited number of these maps. By folding the International Standardization of PCM binary code, in line with long-distance telephone quality. According to the different quantitative methods, PCM can be divided into uniform quantization PCM PCM and the number of two categories, on the number of PCM in, 2Aμ law and legal codes have been designated as international standards.
Platform: | Size: 954368 | Author: tanii | Hits:

[Software Engineeringpcm

Description: 一。产生长度为500的零均值,单位方差的高斯随机变量序列,用均匀pcm的方法用16电平进行量化:1)求所得的SQNR,该序列的前5个值,相应的量化值和相应的码字。2)画出量化误差(定义为输入值和量化值之间的差),同时 画出量化值作为输入值的函数的图。3)用128量化电平数重做2)题, 比较结果。 二。产生一个长度为500,按N(O,1)分布的随机变量序列,分别用16,128量化电平数和u=255的u律非线性进行量化,画出每种情况下量化器的误差和输入-输出关系,并求SQNR. 三。长度为500的非平稳序列a由两部分组成:前20个样本是按照均值为零和方差为400的高斯随机变量产生的,其余480个样本是根据均值和方差为1的高斯随机变量产生的,对这个序列分别用均匀pcm和非均匀pcm方法进行128电平量化,试比较两种情况下所得到的SQNR。 -One. Have a length of 500 zero mean, unit variance Gaussian random variables with uniform pcm way to quantify the level with a 16: 1) Find the income SQNR, the sequence of the first 5 values, the corresponding quantization value and the corresponding codeword. 2) Draw the quantization error (defined as the input value and quantify the difference between the values), and draw quantitative values ​ ​ as a function of input graph. 3) redo 128 the number of quantization level 2) title, compare the results. II. Produce a length of 500, according to N (O, 1) distributed random variables, respectively 16,128 and the number of quantization level of u u = 255 to quantify non-linear law, draw each case quantizer error and input- output relationships, and seek SQNR. III. Length of the non-stationary series is a 500 consists of two parts: the first 20 samples in accordance with zero mean and variance of 400 generated Gaussian random variable, and the remaining 480 samples are based o
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: sun | Hits:


Description: 1、用Matlab绘制带通信号图形 2、用Matlab对模拟信源进行均匀量化 3、用Matlab编制一个函数实现均匀PCM量化编码,并计算量化噪声比(SQNR) 4、用Matlab对不同的量化级数计算出相应的量化噪声比-1, drawn using Matlab graphics bandpass 2, the simulation using Matlab source for uniform quantization 3, prepared using Matlab function to achieve a uniform PCM quantization coding, and calculate the quantization noise ratio (SQNR) 4, using Matlab on a different series to calculate the corresponding quantitative quantization noise ratio
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 王员根 | Hits:


Description: 实现均匀pcm编码的matlab函数,可以把波形转换为PCM编码-Matlab code for uniform pcm function can be converted to PCM encoded waveform
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 天烬 | Hits:

[matlabpcm A律

Description: pcm编码A律Simulink和MATLAB(PCM in the communication system to complete the voice signal digital function, and its implementation mainly includes three steps to complete: sampling, quantization, coding. The binary representation of time discrete, amplitude discrete and quantized signals is completed respectively. According to CCITT, in order to improve the performance of small signal quantization, using companding non-uniform quantization, there are two suggestions, respectively A law and the law of our country, using the A law, the A law compression complex, often using 13 line method for encoding, using non uniform quantization coding PCM.)
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: 面包不面 | Hits:
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