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Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41.29kb Publisher :

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.32kb Publisher : vcqq

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.4kb Publisher : huangyifang

Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.17kb Publisher : 阿票

URL编码解码-URL codec
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 41kb Publisher : 站长

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对输入的url地址进行编码的一个实例。主要是熟悉如何对url进行处理。-of input url address of a code examples. How is familiar with the url address.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : dulcet

加密URL 对URL进行编码 就像baidu google一样-URL encryption coding on a URL like engines like Google
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : lehorla

用JavaScript实现UrlEncode和UrlDecode功能-Used JavaScript realize urlencode and urldecode functions
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : vcqq

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : huangyifang

URLEncode编码和解码的源代码.非常简单.拿去就可以用了.-Urlencode encoding and decoding of the source code. Is very simple. Can be used instead.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 阿票

开发环境vs2005,仅实现了用户注册(uc_user_register)、登录(uc_user_login)和密码修改(uc_user_edit) ,权当抛砖引玉之用 修正了urlencode导致中文用户名乱码问题-Development environment vs2005, only the realization of the user registration (uc_user_register), log (uc_user_login) and password modification (uc_user_edit), when the right to initiate amendments to the urlencode use led to the issue of Chinese user name garbled
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : yueyee

因为在编写一个应用程序中需要访问网页,URL中带中文,发现在后台保存到数据库中的数据是乱码。原来是API函数 InternetCanonicalizeUrl[]并不支持中文的编码,花了大量时间亦找不到合用的API函数,回头一想,自己写个函数比上网找更快,就动手写了这个类CUrlEncodeUnicode。此源程序经精心设计,运行速度非常高,可胜任于高性能应用场合。-Since in the preparation of an application need to access the page, URL in with Chinese, found in the background is saved to the data in the database are garbled. The original API functions are InternetCanonicalizeUrl [] does not support Chinese encoding, spent a lot of time can not find the combination of the API function, think back to one that they write a function faster than the Internet to find, on the hands of the Writing category CUrlEncodeUnicode. This source by the well-designed, very high speed, can be competent in high-performance applications.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : 林枫

因为在编写一个应用程序中需要访问网页,URL中带中文,发现在后台保存到数据库中的数据是乱码。原来是API函数 InternetCanonicalizeUrl()并不支持中文的编码,花了大量时间亦找不到合用的API函数,回头一想,自己写个函数比上网找更快,就动手写了这个类CUrlEncodeUnicode。此源程序经精心设计,运行速度非常高,可胜任于高性能应用场合。 --pclion-Since in the preparation of applications required a visit to the page, URL in with English, found in the background is saved to the data in the database are garbled. The original API functions are InternetCanonicalizeUrl () does not support the encoding of English, spent a lot of time can not find the combination of the API function, think back to one that they write a function to find the Internet more quickly than on the type of hands-Writing CUrlEncodeUnicode. This source as well-designed, very high speed, can be competent in high-performance applications.- pclion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : pclion

DL : 0
1 - base64 decode 2 - url encode 3 - url decode 4 - md5 hash 5 - random str 6 - sha1 hash 7 - DES hash 8 - CRC32 9 - rot13 encode 10 - ASCII -> bin 11 - ASCII -> dec 12 - ASCII -> hex 13 - ASCII -> char() 14 - ASCII -> chr().. 15 - ASCII -> String.fromCharCode() 16 - bin -> ASCII 17 - dec -> ASCII 18 - hex -> ASCII 19 - char() -> ASCII 20 - chr() -> ASCII 21 - String.fromCharCode() -> ASCII 22 - bin -> dec 23 - bin -> hex 24 - dec -> bin 25 - dec -> hex 26 - hex -> bin 27 - hex -> dec 28 - cp1251(&cp1259) -> utf8 29 - /etc/passwd -> login login 30 - PHP crupt 31 - URL -> IFrame 32 - String lower 33 - String UPPER 34 - ASCII -> 0xHEX 35 - Simple html encrypt 36 - htmlspecialchars 37 - Full urlencode 38 - base64 decode && gzinflate 39 - gzdeflate && base64 encode-1- base64 decode 2- url encode 3- url decode 4- md5 hash 5- random str 6- sha1 hash 7- DES hash 8- CRC32 9- rot13 encode 10- ASCII-> bin 11- ASCII-> dec 12- ASCII-> hex 13- ASCII-> char() 14- ASCII-> chr().. 15- ASCII-> String.fromCharCode() 16- bin-> ASCII 17- dec-> ASCII 18- hex-> ASCII 19- char()-> ASCII 20- chr()-> ASCII 21- String.fromCharCode()-> ASCII 22- bin-> dec 23- bin-> hex 24- dec-> bin 25- dec-> hex 26- hex-> bin 27- hex-> dec 28- cp1251(&cp1259)-> utf8 29- /etc/passwd-> login login 30- PHP crupt 31- URL-> IFrame 32- String lower 33- String UPPER 34- ASCII-> 0xHEX 35- Simple html encrypt 36- htmlspecialchars 37- Full urlencode 38- base64 decode && gzinflate 39- gzdeflate && base64 encode
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : Ihar

DL : 0
本文的目的是设计一个完成URL编码的C++类。在我曾经的项目中,我需要从VC++ 6.0应用程序中POST数据,而这些数据需要进行URL编码。我在MSDN中查找能根据提供的字符串生成URL编码的相关类或API,但我没有找到,因此我必须设计一个自己的URLEncode C++类。-The purpose of this paper is to design a complete URL-encoded C++ classes. I have a project, I need VC++ 6.0 application, POST data, and these data need to be URL encoded. I have MSDN to find a string generated according to URL encoding to provide the relevant class or API, but I did not find, so I have to design one' s own URLEncode C++ classes.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : mxb

用asp对url进行编码,解码,功能很强大啊!-Asp on the url used to encode and decode functions are powerful ah!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 李源

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : 云开

vc++中urlencode与urldecode的实现,在vc++中如果使用GET,非ascii字符必须通过这个以避免丢失。-urlencode and urldecode implementation, in vc++ If you use the GET, non-ascii characters must pass this in order to avoid loss.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 29kb Publisher :

Url Encode sample of commonly used in http request
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : 沈哲福

urlEncode的代码实现,非常有用哦-urlEncode s code,it s very nice
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.32mb Publisher : 陈伟山
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