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MISRA (The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association 汽车工业软件可靠性联会) 是位于英国的一个跨国汽车工业协会,其成员包括了大部分欧美汽车生产商。其核心使命是为汽车工业提供服务和协助,帮助厂方开发安全的、高可靠性的嵌入式软件。这个组织最出名的成果是所谓的MISRA C Coding Standard,这一标准中包括了127条C语言编码标准,通常认为,如果能够完全遵守这些标准,则你的C代码是易读、可靠、可移植和易于维护的。最近很多嵌入式开发者都以MISRA C来衡量自己的编码风格,比如著名的uC/OS-II就得意地宣称自己99%遵守MISRA标准。而《嵌入式开发杂志》也专门载文号召大家学习。编码规范通常是一个公司自定的“土政策”,居然有人去做标准,而且还得到广泛的认可,这不禁引起我强烈的兴趣。可惜这份标准的文本需要花钱去买,而且短短几十页,要价非常昂贵。MISRA在网上公布了一些文档,其中有关于MISRA C Coding Standard的Clarification报告,从中间你可以大致猜到MISRA标准本身是什么。-MISRA (Motor Industry Software The Reliab ility Association Automobile Industry Software Reliability Association) is a UK-based multinational car Industry Association, whose members include most of Europe and the US car manufacturers. Its core mission is to the automobile industry to provide services and assistance to help the factory to develop secure, high-reliability embedded software. The organization's most famous achievement is the so-called MISRA C Coding Standard, this standard includes the 127 coding standard C language, usually believe that if we can comply fully with these standards, then your C code is readable, reliable, portable and easy to maintain. Recently, many developers are embedded with MISRA C to measure their own coding style, For example, the famous uC / OS-II o
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 656.37kb Publisher : 杨超

该程序是了解51,想深入了解嵌入式系统的很好的实例!本程序对us/os ii实现了成功的移植-understand that the procedure was 51. to acquire a deeper understanding of Embedded System good example! The procedures for us / os ii achieve a successful transplant
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 马飞

介绍uC/OS-II 在SkyEye上的移植分析.uC/OS-II 作为一个优秀的实时操作系统已经被移植到各种体系结构的微处理器上,也是目前较为常用的公开源码的实时内核。从这里入手学习嵌入式系统开发的基本概念,以及在 SkyEye 里构造一个可以运行的RTOS,能够使我们更深入地了解嵌入式开发的流程,在没有硬件的条件下也能对ARM的体系结构有个初步的认识。-on Phone / OS-II in the transplant SkyEye analysis .uC / OS-II as a excellent real-time operating system has been transplanted to various Architecture microprocessor, It is at present more commonly used open-source real-time kernel. From here start learning embedded system development of the basic concepts SkyEye Lane and the construction of an RTOS can run, enable us to a deeper understanding of embedded development processes, In the absence of hardware conditions can also ARM Architecture is a preliminary understanding.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 133.76kb Publisher : 朱凤宇

为了移植到MPC860,需要修改uC/OS-II中与处理器和编译器相关的部分代码-for porting to MPC860, needing to modify parts of uS/0S-II source to fit the processor and compiler.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 19.18kb Publisher : 套件

为了移植到MPC860,需要修改uC/OS-II中与处理器和编译器相关的部分代码-for porting to MPC860, needing to modify parts of uS/0S-II source to fit the processor and compiler.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 套件

us/osII在不同平台上的移植,是网上收集到的一份资料,详细介绍了移植方法,具有参考价值-UC/OSII can be transplanted on different platforms,here is some information collected from internet,which introduces the transplanting_method in details,and bears much for reference .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 200kb Publisher : 林伟

MISRA (The Motor Industry Software Reliability Association 汽车工业软件可靠性联会) 是位于英国的一个跨国汽车工业协会,其成员包括了大部分欧美汽车生产商。其核心使命是为汽车工业提供服务和协助,帮助厂方开发安全的、高可靠性的嵌入式软件。这个组织最出名的成果是所谓的MISRA C Coding Standard,这一标准中包括了127条C语言编码标准,通常认为,如果能够完全遵守这些标准,则你的C代码是易读、可靠、可移植和易于维护的。最近很多嵌入式开发者都以MISRA C来衡量自己的编码风格,比如著名的uC/OS-II就得意地宣称自己99%遵守MISRA标准。而《嵌入式开发杂志》也专门载文号召大家学习。编码规范通常是一个公司自定的“土政策”,居然有人去做标准,而且还得到广泛的认可,这不禁引起我强烈的兴趣。可惜这份标准的文本需要花钱去买,而且短短几十页,要价非常昂贵。MISRA在网上公布了一些文档,其中有关于MISRA C Coding Standard的Clarification报告,从中间你可以大致猜到MISRA标准本身是什么。-MISRA (Motor Industry Software The Reliab ility Association Automobile Industry Software Reliability Association) is a UK-based multinational car Industry Association, whose members include most of Europe and the US car manufacturers. Its core mission is to the automobile industry to provide services and assistance to help the factory to develop secure, high-reliability embedded software. The organization's most famous achievement is the so-called MISRA C Coding Standard, this standard includes the 127 coding standard C language, usually believe that if we can comply fully with these standards, then your C code is readable, reliable, portable and easy to maintain. Recently, many developers are embedded with MISRA C to measure their own coding style, For example, the famous uC/OS-II o
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 656kb Publisher : 杨超

该程序是了解51,想深入了解嵌入式系统的很好的实例!本程序对us/os ii实现了成功的移植-understand that the procedure was 51. to acquire a deeper understanding of Embedded System good example! The procedures for us/os ii achieve a successful transplant
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.99mb Publisher : 马飞

介绍uC/OS-II 在SkyEye上的移植分析.uC/OS-II 作为一个优秀的实时操作系统已经被移植到各种体系结构的微处理器上,也是目前较为常用的公开源码的实时内核。从这里入手学习嵌入式系统开发的基本概念,以及在 SkyEye 里构造一个可以运行的RTOS,能够使我们更深入地了解嵌入式开发的流程,在没有硬件的条件下也能对ARM的体系结构有个初步的认识。-on Phone/OS-II in the transplant SkyEye analysis .uC/OS-II as a excellent real-time operating system has been transplanted to various Architecture microprocessor, It is at present more commonly used open-source real-time kernel. From here start learning embedded system development of the basic concepts SkyEye Lane and the construction of an RTOS can run, enable us to a deeper understanding of embedded development processes, In the absence of hardware conditions can also ARM Architecture is a preliminary understanding.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 133kb Publisher : 朱凤宇

1. UC/OS 8051中完全应用。 2. 显示各个任务的执行时间, 执行时间占总时间百分比, tick计数器 3.任务中信号量,消息以及消息队列的使用。 我自己仔细测试过了,运行了一天都没有出问题。请大家一起使用,有问题请及时联系我们 附带在proteus上面进行仿真,免去各位朋友硬件上烦恼。-1. UC/OS 8051 in the full application. 2. Shows the execution time of each mission, the execution time of the total percentage of time, tick counter 3. Missions in semaphores, messages, and the use of message queues. I have carefully tested, and run a day are not the problem. Please use U.S., have questions, please contact us timely fringe above the Proteus simulation, replacing hardware troubles friends.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 763kb Publisher : 等到

本文是自己对uc/os-II 2.86中的每个函数的理解,希望对大家有用。-This is their uc/os-II 2.86 for each function to understand, I hope useful for all of us.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 355kb Publisher : yly

DL : 0
uc/os课件,周立功内部资料,是我们学校老师在那边函授带回来的,周立功的课件,知道的同志都知道,是比较不错的,希望对大家有用-uc/os courseware, Zhou Ligong internal information is our teachers back in the side of the correspondence, Zhou Ligong courseware that comrades are aware, is relatively good, I hope for all of us useful
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10.67mb Publisher : 韩叶祥

嵌入式实时操作系统uC/OS-II源代码,大家-Real-time operating system embedded uC/OS-II source code, let us look at
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : xiujin

DL : 0
jx440实验板实现us/os-II移植实验,使跑马灯与数码管以一定的频率闪烁-Experimental realization of jx440 board us/os-II transplantation experiments, so that LED Marquee with a certain frequency of blinking
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 448kb Publisher : 朱可可

us-os是著名的开源实时操作系统,该文档是该操作系统的开发者所写的一本书,对操作系统的原理进行了深入的阐述。-us-os is the famous open-source real-time operating system, the document is the operating system developer writes a book on the principles of the operating system conducted in-depth elaboration.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.23mb Publisher : list

DL : 0
基于国产嵌入式方舟处理器的UCOS操作系统- uC/OS-II on Arca ===================== This compressed tar ball is not a patch for a certain version of uC/OS-II. So, the usage of it is more strange for us. And most of uC/OS fans know how to build a uC/OS-II source code under Borland C or Kerl-51. But if you had ever tried an ARM porting version, you may know how to build it in a LINUX host.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 60kb Publisher : zhaozhifang

DL : 1
uc/os-II是基于《实时内核us/os》的,CUP相关部分使用的是80x86微处理器的代码,运行时在实模式下,C编译使用大模块方式。uc/os-II是在PC机上开发的,PC机运行Windows2000,在Windows95,98,Me,NT和XP上运行应该同样可行。-MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel Second Edition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 66kb Publisher : zhourui

us/os-II可以管理64个任务,是完全可剥夺型的实时内核,即uc/os-II总是运行就绪条件下优先级最高的任务。uc/os-II是为嵌入式应用设计的,这就意味着,只要具备合适的系列软件工具(C编译,汇编,链接及下载、固化),实际上就可以将uc/os-II嵌入到产品中作为产品的一部分。-MicroC/OS-II The Real-Time Kernel Second Edition
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 123kb Publisher : zhourui
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