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Description: Usaco 2007 Open 的解题报告和测试数据-Usaco 2007 Open
Platform: |
Size: 2198528 |
Author: Phoebuson Ryao |
Description: usaco第九题回文数是指从左向右念和从右向左念都一样的数。如12321就是一个典型的回文数。
-The ninth title palindrome usaco is the same number of read and right-to-left read from left to right. 12321 is a typical palindrome. Given a hex (2 < = B < = 20 decimal) output greater than or equal to 1 less than or equal to 300 (decimal) and its square hex B palindrome number. ' A' and ' B' ...... said 10, 11 and so on.
Platform: |
Size: 1024 |
Author: 刘 |