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一个用Delphi写的视频捕捉的例子,教你如何使用一些关键的API-It is video capture samples with Delphi and teach you how to use some key API.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 173kb Publisher : zzz

运输培训管理束)录像等四个按钮。 [Conferencing_Vidio_system.rar] - 用微软实时通信(RTC)API创建音频和视频会议、共享应用程序、共享白板、简单的点对点聊天对话以及整合的音频和视频调节向导的接口。 [UVC.rar] - USB video class(UVC)用与视频聊天开发-beam transport management training) videos in four buttons. [Conferencing_Vidio_system.rar]- Using Microsoft real-time communications ( RTC) API to create audio and video conferencing, application sharing, whiteboard sharing. simple peer-to-peer chat dialogue and the integration of audio and video adjustment wizard interface. [UVC.rar]- USB video class (UVC) with the development and Video Chat
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.49mb Publisher : WU

钩子与API截获,usb端口监听根据需要对U盘进行读写-Hooks and API interception, usb port monitor in accordance with the need for disk read and write U
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 507kb Publisher : yangj

纯API写的小程序 占用资源极少,短小而精悍,具有很高的学习价值-Net API to write a small program occupy very little resources, short and lean, with a high learning value
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 34kb Publisher : 断流风

DL : 0
基于DELPHI的API,开发USB设备所必需的,里边有例子-Based on DELPHI the API, the development of USB devices are necessary, inside there are examples of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 161kb Publisher : qkserver

This package is for people who want to develop USB applications with Borland Delphi.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 97kb Publisher : jyq

DL : 0
感谢您选择龙脉科技加密产品!本文档帮助您快速完成加密保护工作。 以下建议旨在帮助您快速开展后面的工作: 1请认真阅读密码单中重要信息。 2将锁插入USB接口中,待指示灯点亮后继续下面的步骤。 3请在sample目录中找到您熟悉的开发语言或环境的例子,运行例程,参考这些例程了解加密锁API的使用方法。 4参考过程中,如果遇到陌生的概念或参数,请在help目录中查看帮助文档。 5熟悉了API的使用方法之后,在tools目录下运行设号工具,设置锁的相关 参数,请牢记超级密码。 6经过以上准备工作之后,现在您就可以尝试将锁应用到您的工程中去了。-Thank you for choosing Dragon technology encryption products! This document helps you to quickly complete the encryption protection. The following recommendations are designed to help you quickly to carry out the back of work: 1 Please carefully read the important information in a single password. 2 will be locked into USB interface until the indicator light will continue after the following steps. 3 in the sample directory to find your familiar examples of development language or environment, running routines, make reference to these routines to understand encryption lock API is used. 4 refer to the process, if you encounter an unfamiliar concept or argument, please help directory view Help documentation. 5 familiar with the API to use later, in tools directory, run the numbers based tool, set the lock associated Parameters, Keep in mind that super password. 6 After the above preparations, now you can try to lock applied to your project went.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 35.82mb Publisher : 刘海滨

brush developed in delphi ·Improved component for work with ·Improve DBGrid from EhLib. Many f ·Delphi 的StringGrid无法嵌入ComboB ·一个相当不错的皮肤源码 ·制作API钩子,截获API的源码 ·漂亮的delphi界面控件 ·远程桌面,服务端+客户端 ·DELPHI办公全套管理系统 ·针对 UDP 通讯协议的 Socket 构件, ·获取CPU温度,这是一个用VC完成的代 ·作者自写了一个图像识别的UNIT,可 ·中控指纹识别软件开发包Biokey SDK ·功能强大的霸王插件源代码,delphi ·IOCP Socket Server控件 ·Delphi开发的QQ2000界面程序.rar ·此系统完成了485抄表,其中包括645 ·delphi下控制USB的代码,非常不错, ·此系统完成了单向复费率电能表的抄 ·usb hid 控件 ·用delphi写的杀毒软件的源程序,我 ·远程虚拟拨号程序,通过PPTP协议建 ·在网上很多SPCOMM组件下载安装后都 ·遗传模拟退火算法通用源程序 给定 联系站长 · 版权投诉 · 网站修改建议 © 2004-2010 湘ICP备07000446 Word Delphi写的Micro delphi_word VCL 115 关闭 -brush developed in delphi ·Improved component for work with ·Improve DBGrid from EhLib. Many f ·Delphi 的StringGrid无法嵌入ComboB ·一个相当不错的皮肤源码 ·制作API钩子,截获API的源码 ·漂亮的delphi界面控件 ·远程桌面,服务端+客户端 ·DELPHI办公全套管理系统 ·针对 UDP 通讯协议的 Socket 构件, ·获取CPU温度,这是一个用VC完成的代 ·作者自写了一个图像识别的UNIT,可 ·中控指纹识别软件开发包Biokey SDK ·功能强大的霸王插件源代码,delphi ·IOCP Socket Server控件 ·Delphi开发的QQ2000界面程序.rar ·此系统完成了485抄表,其中包括645 ·delphi下控制USB的代码,非常不错, ·此系统完成了单向复费率电能表的抄 ·usb hid 控件 ·用delphi写的杀毒软件的源程序,我 ·远程虚拟拨号程序,通过PPTP协议建 ·在网上很多SPCOMM组件下载安装后都 ·遗传模拟退火算法通用源程序 给定 联系站长 · 版权投诉 · 网站修改建议 © 2004-2010 湘ICP备07000446 Word Delphi写的Micro delphi_word VCL 115 关闭
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 242kb Publisher : gongaimin

有关USB library的描述,主要针对libusb源码,描述库API的功能及使用方法-For USB library description, the main source for libusb to describe the function of libraries and how to use API
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 104kb Publisher : Andy

人脸识别正确率97.18 ,1秒内完成。 能够在复杂的光线和背景下依然正确工作,并支持多张人脸在一个画面上的检测,识别,验证。戴眼镜和黑色人种也能检测和识别。能从多角度检测到人脸。 并带人鼻,嘴,眼镜,人脸左右边界的定位功能。 本软件仅限用于可见光(如室内光,日光灯,节能灯,白炽灯),并要求用户主动配合采模板,主动配合识别.最好有USB摄像头 -阳光人脸识别开发包(SDK)兼容性信息 1.人脸识别SDK平台:Windows,源码虽用VC编写,但未用GDI及第三方图库,故可易于移值到LINUX。 2.人脸识别SDK界面:SunLightFace.DLL,标准Windows API调用,附详细说明书。 3.人脸识别SDK支持语言。VC,VB,Delphi,C#。 (Delphi在调用函数时,传参和接收输出要做转换,可用VC做一个dll来测试Delphi传入的参数显出来是否正确。) 4.人脸识别SDK版本分类:主动识别可见光版(即本网页所介绍),被动识别可见光版,主动识别红外版。 5.作者能为SDK客户提供除SDK技术支持以外的人脸识别软件二次开发技术支持。 6.(主动识别可见光版)在添加正上方节能灯光源及加入镜头滤光片,并配以低照度高画质的摄像头时,将取得最佳效果
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 惠存

这是带源码安装版,有源码,有注册号,完美支持 Delphi 10.2 Tokyo,nrComm Lib 是在由Deepsoftware开发类别 Miscellaneous Shareware 软件。(nrComm Lib provides some tools for performing the serial communications tasks in Delphi/CBuilder development. It has ready solutions for many communication tasks and supports working with different types of devices: * RS232, serial ports (native and virtual), USB2RS232 adapters etc.; * Telephone API (TAPI) devices (data and voice modems); * Text to speech conversion with voice modem output; * direct access to LPT port; * barcode readers; * Bluetooth connections and devices; * GSM (sms send receive, access to phonebook etc.); * ZModem, Kermit file transfer protocol; * HID (Human Interface Devices) devices; * Terminal control with VT100 support; * USB - device detection, WinUSB or lightweight nrUsb.SYS installation, I/O operations; * ready solution for implementation any data packet protocol TnrDataProcessor component * 32bit and 64bit are full support. All needed drivers are signed and can be installed on x64 Windows;)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20.92mb Publisher : kongkongkong

Asp.Net + WebAPI + MVC4.0 based on Knockout technology, using EasyUI as the development of UI display, Knockout is mainly responsible for front-end interactive logic, combined with jQuery Ajax to submit data request, the new enterprise Invoicing management system source code sharing, C#.Net ERP easyUI mvc4 project program code, B/S framework, using web easy UI development framework the website, completely open source without any encryption, can be used directly or two times the development of, MVC architecture development ( + web + easyUI MVC API)232423wss
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 612kb Publisher : java-nick
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