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Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 63kb Publisher : 周围来

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使用遗传算法求函数的极小值的一个例子,使用遗传算法求函数的极小值的一个例子-the use of genetic algorithms to find the minimum value function of an example, the use of genetic algorithms to find the minimum value function of an example
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : J.K.Wang

本文的题目是基于分形和遗传算法的人脸识别方法,对有限人群提出一种采用分形特征和遗传聚类的识别方法: 将图像分成很多小区域, 分别计算各个区域的分形特征, 以充分利用图像二维信息 同一个模式有多个样本, 通过遗传算法进行聚类以得到最优解实现不变性识别. 最后采用ORL 人脸图像库的一组图像对比了新方法、本征脸法和自联想神经网络方法, 结果表明该方法的识别率, 与本征脸法相似, 比自联想神经网络高.-The title of this article is based on fractal and genetic algorithms for face recognition method, a crowd of limited use of fractal characteristics and the identification of genetic clustering methods: the image is divided into many small regions, each region were calculated fractal characteristics, to take full advantage of two-dimensional image information with a model for a number of samples, through the genetic clustering algorithm in order to obtain the optimal solution to achieve invariant recognition. Finally, using ORL face image database of a group of image contrast of the new methods, eigenface law and auto-associative neural network methods, results show that the method of recognition rate, with the eigenface method is similar to auto-associative neural network than high.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 372kb Publisher : 阳关

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小波神经网络的源程序: 1.构造的非线性函数: 位于nninit_test.m 2.直接用WNN逼近非线性:Wnn_test.m, (内部调用小波函数) 3.遗传算法优化后逼近 :GA_Wnn_test.m (内部调用遗传算法的,初始化,适应度,解码函数)-genetic algorithm optimization WNN source : 1. Construction of the nonlinear function : nninit_test.m at 2. WNN directly with nonlinear approximation : Wnn_test.m. (internal called wavelet function) 3. Genetic Algorithm optimization approach : GA_Wnn_test.m (internal called genetic algorithms, initialize, fitness and decoding functions) -Wavelet neural network source code: 1. Construction of the nonlinear function: at nninit_test.m 2. Wnn the direct use of nonlinear approximation: Wnn_test.m, (internal call wavelet function) 3. Genetic algorithm optimized approximation: GA_Wnn_test. m (internal call genetic algorithms, initialization, fitness, decoding function)-genetic algorithm optimization WNN source: 1. Construction of the nonlinear function: nninit_test.m at 2. WNN directly with nonlinear approximation: Wnn_test.m. ( internal called wavelet function) 3. Genetic Algorithm optimization approach: GA_Wnn_test.m (internal called genetic algorithms, initialize, fitness and decoding functions)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : lanhucx

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利用遗传算法优化BP神经网络 即用遗传算法代替BP网络中的训练函数-The use of genetic algorithm to optimize BP neural network using genetic algorithms in place of BP network training function
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : zhouye

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利用遗传算法,上线车辆路径的优化。采用了matlab编程,对于初学遗传算法,和matlab的用户,是很适用的-The use of genetic algorithms, on-line vehicle routing optimization. Use of matlab programming, genetic algorithm for the beginner, and matlab users, is very applicable
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : xulei

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在matlab环境下,利用遗传算法解决非线性分类问题-In the matlab environment, the use of genetic algorithms to solve nonlinear classification problems
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 王渝

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微粒群算法[PSO ] 是由Kennedy 和Eberhart等于1995 年开发的一种演化计算技术, 来源于对鸟群捕食过程的模拟。PSO同遗传算法类似,是一种基于叠代的优化工具,但与遗传算法使用遗传操作子进行优化不同,利用群体中各个体之间的“协作”与“竞争”关系,根据自身及其竞争者的飞行经验,调整自己的行为。同遗传算法比较,PSO的优势在于简单容易实现并且没有许多参数需要调整。目前已广泛应用于函数优化,神经网络训练,模糊系统控制以及其他遗传算法的应用领域。-Particle Swarm Optimization [PSO] are equal by Kennedy and Eberhart in 1995 developed an evolutionary computing technology, from preying on the birds of the simulation process. PSO with genetic algorithm is similar to an iterative optimization-based tool, but the use of genetic algorithms and genetic manipulation of different sub-optimize the use of groups between the various entities within the " collaboration" and " competitive" relationship, according to themselves and their competition the flying experience, adjust their behavior. Comparison with genetic algorithms, PSO has the advantage of being simple and easy and did not realize the need to adjust the parameters much. Has been widely applied to function optimization, neural network training, fuzzy system control, as well as other genetic algorithm applications.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 863kb Publisher : wzy

详细介绍了MATLAB遗传算法工具箱及在工程方面的应用,有了这本书,可以很方便地使用遗传算法解决问题了-Detailed MATLAB genetic algorithm toolbox and its application in engineering, with this book, it is easy to use genetic algorithms to solve the problem of
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9.25mb Publisher : 朱健华

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利用遗传算法中的gaopt函数求解函数最优化问题-The use of genetic algorithms in function gaopt function optimization problem solving
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : Alice Wang

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在matlab环境下,采用二进制的编码方式,利用遗传算法,对数学问题进行研究。-In the matlab environment, the use of binary encoding, the use of genetic algorithms, to undertake a study of mathematics.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : Alice Wang

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遗传算法的PID调节 题目:已知 ,利用GA 寻优PID参数,其中K=1,T=2, ,二进制/实数编码,位数不限,M,Pc,Pm自选,性能指标 ,Q=100为仿真计算步长。-PID regulation of genetic algorithms Title: known, the use of PID parameters of GA optimization, in which K = 1, T = 2,, binary/real-coded, not limited to the median, M, Pc, Pm-on-demand, performance indicators, Q = 100 step for the simulation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2kb Publisher : qiqi

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利用典型的遗传算法程序求解函数或者实际问题最优解-Typical procedures for the use of genetic algorithms to solve practical problems in the function or the optimal solution
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13kb Publisher : 周晟

The aim of this book is to furnish some theoretical concepts and to sketch a general framework for computational intelligence paradigms such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, and swarm intelligence. The book includes a large number of intelligent computing methodologies and algorithms employed in computational intelligence research. The book also offers a set of solved programming examples related to computational intelligence paradigms using MATLAB software. Additionally, such examples can be repeated under the same conditions, using different data sets. Researchers, academicians, and students in computational intelligence can use this book to verify their ideas related to evolution dynamics, self-organization, natural and artificial morphogenesis, emergent collective behaviors, swarm intelligence, evolutionary strategies, genetic programming, and evolution of social behaviors.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.74mb Publisher : Umar

This thesis aims to clearly describe the cognitive radio and its components and operations. Moreover, it aims on describing the expected outcome from the most common techniques that are proposed for use in cognitive radios. In addition, it describes the basic principles of game theory and some simple game models that can be used to analyze the efficiency of the optimization algorithms. Furthermore, it investigates the use of load balancing algorithm and genetic algorithm in optimizing the decision making operation in cognitive radios. Matlab software simulations were carried out and the results show the promising benefit of using those two algorithms along with game theory in optimizing the dynamic spectrum allocation process.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 380kb Publisher : hachem

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基于遗传算法的车间布局优化MATLAB源码 车间布局优化是将加工设备、物料输送设备、工作单元和通道走廊等布置物体合理地放置在一个有限的生产车间内的过程。车间布局优化模型是一个含有较为复杂约束的非线性连续优化模型,可以使用遗传算法进行优化。 -Layout based on genetic algorithms optimization MATLAB Optimization is the source plant processing equipment, material handling equipment, work unit and channel corridors reasonable layout objects placed in a limited course of the production workshop. Optimization Model is a workshop with more complex nonlinear continuous constrained optimization model, you can use the genetic algorithm optimization.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : jack

在传统图像识别中的模板匹配技术面临着计算量大,存储量大的缺点,因此提出了基于遗传算法的图像识别的方法。本文提出了传统的基于遗传算法和normxcorr2结合的方法,对图像进行离散化,然后把图像识别问题变成一系列的离散点组合优化问题,再利用遗传算法对种群优化的性能,对各个控制点组合优化,让控制点与模板进行匹配,寻出最优解。最后通过实验验证遗传算法在图像识别的优点。-In the traditional image recognition in the face template matching calculation capacity, storage capacity shortcomings, the proposed genetic algorithm based on image recognition method. In this paper, based on genetic algorithms and the traditional method of combining normxcorr2, the image discretization, then the image recognition problem into a series of discrete points of combinatorial optimization problems, and then use genetic algorithm to optimize the performance of the population, a combination of all control points optimized, so that the control points and template matching to find the optimal solution. Finally, experimental verification of the genetic algorithm through the image recognition advantages.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 120kb Publisher : 谢宗华

使用遗传算法在自由空间下对机器人进行全局路径规划 matlab软件-The use of genetic algorithms in the free space of the robot global path planning matlab software
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 16kb Publisher : ls

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matlab中常用编程,包括归一化、fisher判别、遗传算法等一些常用程序的源代码,并且包括一些相关的例子,方便学习使用-matlab commonly used in programming, including normalization, fisher discriminant, genetic algorithms some common source code and includes some relevant examples, easy to learn to use
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.63mb Publisher : 尤佳

用遗传算法做的图象融合,这是MATLAB源程序,希望对需要的人提供帮助!-The use of genetic algorithms in image fusion, this is the MATLAB source, hope to provide help to people in need!
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 146kb Publisher : agsxr!854
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